Rename namespace CVC5 to cvc5. (#6258)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / quantifiers / sygus / sygus_module.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file sygus_module.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds, Mathias Preiner, Andres Noetzli
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief sygus_module
13 **/
15 #include "cvc4_private.h"
20 #include <vector>
22 #include "expr/node.h"
24 namespace cvc5 {
25 namespace theory {
26 namespace quantifiers {
28 class SynthConjecture;
29 class TermDbSygus;
30 class QuantifiersInferenceManager;
32 /** SygusModule
33 *
34 * This is the base class of sygus modules, owned by SynthConjecture. The
35 * purpose of this class is to, when applicable, suggest candidate solutions for
36 * SynthConjecture to test.
37 *
38 * In more detail, an instance of the conjecture class (SynthConjecture) creates
39 * the negated deep embedding form of the synthesis conjecture. In the
40 * following, assume this is:
41 * forall d. exists x. P( d, x )
42 * where d are of sygus datatype type. The "base instantiation" of this
43 * conjecture (see SynthConjecture::d_base_inst) is the formula:
44 * exists y. P( k, y )
45 * where k are the "candidate" variables for the conjecture.
46 *
47 * Modules implement an initialize function, which determines whether the module
48 * will take responsibility for the given conjecture.
49 */
50 class SygusModule
51 {
52 public:
53 SygusModule(QuantifiersInferenceManager& qim,
54 TermDbSygus* tds,
55 SynthConjecture* p);
56 virtual ~SygusModule() {}
57 /** initialize
58 *
59 * This function initializes the module for solving the given conjecture. This
60 * typically involves registering enumerators (for constructing terms) via
61 * calls to TermDbSygus::registerEnumerator.
62 *
63 * This function returns true if this module will take responsibility for
64 * constructing candidates for the given conjecture.
65 *
66 * conj is the synthesis conjecture (prior to deep-embedding).
67 *
68 * n is the "base instantiation" of the deep-embedding version of the
69 * synthesis conjecture under candidates (see SynthConjecture::d_base_inst).
70 *
71 * This function may add lemmas to the argument lemmas, which should be
72 * sent out on the output channel of quantifiers by the caller.
73 */
74 virtual bool initialize(Node conj,
75 Node n,
76 const std::vector<Node>& candidates,
77 std::vector<Node>& lemmas) = 0;
78 /** get term list
79 *
80 * This gets the list of terms that will appear as arguments to a subsequent
81 * call to constructCandidates.
82 */
83 virtual void getTermList(const std::vector<Node>& candidates,
84 std::vector<Node>& terms) = 0;
85 /** allow partial model
86 *
87 * This method returns true if this module does not require that all
88 * terms returned by getTermList have "proper" model values when calling
89 * constructCandidates. A term may have a model value that is not proper
90 * if is excluded by symmetry breaking, e.g. x+0 is not proper. All model
91 * values that are not proper are replaced by "null" when calling
92 * constructCandidates.
93 */
94 virtual bool allowPartialModel() { return false; }
95 /** construct candidate
96 *
97 * This function takes as input:
98 * terms : (a subset of) the terms returned by a call to getTermList,
99 * term_values : the current model values of terms,
100 * candidates : the list of candidates.
101 *
102 * In particular, notice that terms do not include inactive enumerators,
103 * thus if inactive enumerators were added to getTermList, then the terms
104 * list passed to this call will be a (strict) subset of that list.
105 *
106 * If this function returns true, it adds to candidate_values a list of terms
107 * of the same length and type as candidates that are candidate solutions
108 * to the synthesis conjecture in question. This candidate { v } will then be
109 * tested by testing the (un)satisfiablity of P( v, cex ) for fresh cex by the
110 * caller.
111 *
112 * This function may also add lemmas to lems, which are sent out as lemmas
113 * on the output channel of quantifiers by the caller. For an example of
114 * such lemmas, see SygusPbe::constructCandidates.
115 *
116 * This function may return false if it does not have a candidate it wants
117 * to test on this iteration. In this case, lems should be non-empty.
118 */
119 virtual bool constructCandidates(const std::vector<Node>& terms,
120 const std::vector<Node>& term_values,
121 const std::vector<Node>& candidates,
122 std::vector<Node>& candidate_values,
123 std::vector<Node>& lems) = 0;
124 /** register refinement lemma
125 *
126 * Assume this module, on a previous call to constructCandidates, added the
127 * value { v } to candidate_values for candidates = { k }. This function is
128 * called if the base instantiation of the synthesis conjecture has a model
129 * under this substitution. In particular, in the above example, this function
130 * is called when the refinement lemma P( v, cex ) has a model M. In calls to
131 * this function, the argument vars is cex and lem is P( k, cex^M ).
132 *
133 * This function may also add lemmas to lems, which are sent out as lemmas
134 * on the output channel of quantifiers by the caller. For an example of
135 * such lemmas, see Cegis::registerRefinementLemma.
136 */
137 virtual void registerRefinementLemma(const std::vector<Node>& vars,
138 Node lem,
139 std::vector<Node>& lems)
140 {
141 }
142 /**
143 * Are we trying to repair constants in candidate solutions?
144 * If we return true for usingRepairConst is true, then this module has
145 * attmepted to repair any solutions returned by constructCandidates.
146 */
147 virtual bool usingRepairConst() { return false; }
149 protected:
150 /** Reference to the quantifiers inference manager */
151 QuantifiersInferenceManager& d_qim;
152 /** sygus term database of d_qe */
153 TermDbSygus* d_tds;
154 /** reference to the parent conjecture */
155 SynthConjecture* d_parent;
156 };
158 } // namespace quantifiers
159 } // namespace theory
160 } // namespace cvc5