Cleanup in transcendental solver, add ApproximationBounds struct. (#5945)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / quantifiers_engine.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file quantifiers_engine.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds, Morgan Deters, Haniel Barbosa
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Theory instantiator, Instantiation Engine classes
13 **/
15 #include "cvc4_private.h"
20 #include <map>
21 #include <unordered_map>
23 #include "context/cdhashset.h"
24 #include "context/cdlist.h"
25 #include "expr/attribute.h"
26 #include "theory/quantifiers/ematching/trigger_trie.h"
27 #include "theory/quantifiers/equality_query.h"
28 #include "theory/quantifiers/first_order_model.h"
29 #include "theory/quantifiers/fmf/model_builder.h"
30 #include "theory/quantifiers/instantiate.h"
31 #include "theory/quantifiers/quant_module.h"
32 #include "theory/quantifiers/quant_util.h"
33 #include "theory/quantifiers/quantifiers_attributes.h"
34 #include "theory/quantifiers/quantifiers_inference_manager.h"
35 #include "theory/quantifiers/quantifiers_state.h"
36 #include "theory/quantifiers/skolemize.h"
37 #include "theory/quantifiers/sygus/term_database_sygus.h"
38 #include "theory/quantifiers/term_database.h"
39 #include "theory/quantifiers/term_enumeration.h"
40 #include "theory/quantifiers/term_util.h"
41 #include "util/statistics_registry.h"
43 namespace CVC4 {
45 class TheoryEngine;
47 namespace theory {
49 class DecisionManager;
51 namespace quantifiers {
52 class QuantifiersModules;
53 }
55 // TODO: organize this more/review this, github issue #1163
56 class QuantifiersEngine {
57 friend class ::CVC4::TheoryEngine;
58 typedef context::CDHashMap< Node, bool, NodeHashFunction > BoolMap;
59 typedef context::CDList<Node> NodeList;
60 typedef context::CDList<bool> BoolList;
61 typedef context::CDHashSet<Node, NodeHashFunction> NodeSet;
63 public:
64 QuantifiersEngine(quantifiers::QuantifiersState& qstate,
65 quantifiers::QuantifiersInferenceManager& qim,
66 ProofNodeManager* pnm);
67 ~QuantifiersEngine();
68 //---------------------- external interface
69 /** get theory engine */
70 TheoryEngine* getTheoryEngine() const;
71 /** Get the decision manager */
72 DecisionManager* getDecisionManager();
73 /** get default output channel for the quantifiers engine */
74 OutputChannel& getOutputChannel();
75 /** get default valuation for the quantifiers engine */
76 Valuation& getValuation();
77 /** The quantifiers state object */
78 quantifiers::QuantifiersState& getState();
79 /** The quantifiers inference manager */
80 quantifiers::QuantifiersInferenceManager& getInferenceManager();
81 /** The quantifiers registry */
82 quantifiers::QuantifiersRegistry& getQuantifiersRegistry();
83 //---------------------- end external interface
84 //---------------------- utilities
85 /** get the model builder */
86 quantifiers::QModelBuilder* getModelBuilder() const;
87 /** get model */
88 quantifiers::FirstOrderModel* getModel() const;
89 /** get term database */
90 quantifiers::TermDb* getTermDatabase() const;
91 /** get term database sygus */
92 quantifiers::TermDbSygus* getTermDatabaseSygus() const;
93 /** get quantifiers attributes */
94 quantifiers::QuantAttributes* getQuantAttributes() const;
95 /** get instantiate utility */
96 quantifiers::Instantiate* getInstantiate() const;
97 /** get skolemize utility */
98 quantifiers::Skolemize* getSkolemize() const;
99 /** get term enumeration utility */
100 quantifiers::TermEnumeration* getTermEnumeration() const;
101 /** get trigger database */
102 inst::TriggerTrie* getTriggerDatabase() const;
103 //---------------------- end utilities
104 private:
105 //---------------------- private initialization
106 /**
107 * Finish initialize, which passes pointers to the objects that quantifiers
108 * engine needs but were not available when it was created. This is
109 * called after theories have been created but before they have finished
110 * initialization.
111 *
112 * @param te The theory engine
113 * @param dm The decision manager of the theory engine
114 */
115 void finishInit(TheoryEngine* te, DecisionManager* dm);
116 //---------------------- end private initialization
117 public:
118 /** does variable v of quantified formula q have a finite bound? */
119 bool isFiniteBound(Node q, Node v) const;
120 /** get bound var type
121 *
122 * This returns the type of bound that was inferred for variable v of
123 * quantified formula q.
124 */
125 BoundVarType getBoundVarType(Node q, Node v) const;
126 /**
127 * Get the indices of bound variables, in the order they should be processed
128 * in a RepSetIterator.
129 *
130 * For details, see BoundedIntegers::getBoundVarIndices.
131 */
132 void getBoundVarIndices(Node q, std::vector<unsigned>& indices) const;
133 /**
134 * Get bound elements
135 *
136 * This gets the (finite) enumeration of the range of variable v of quantified
137 * formula q and adds it into the vector elements in the context of the
138 * iteration being performed by rsi. It returns true if it could successfully
139 * determine this range.
140 *
141 * For details, see BoundedIntegers::getBoundElements.
142 */
143 bool getBoundElements(RepSetIterator* rsi,
144 bool initial,
145 Node q,
146 Node v,
147 std::vector<Node>& elements) const;
149 public:
150 /** presolve */
151 void presolve();
152 /** notify preprocessed assertion */
153 void ppNotifyAssertions(const std::vector<Node>& assertions);
154 /** check at level */
155 void check( Theory::Effort e );
156 /** notify that theories were combined */
157 void notifyCombineTheories();
158 /** preRegister quantifier
159 *
160 * This function is called after registerQuantifier for quantified formulas
161 * that are pre-registered to the quantifiers theory.
162 */
163 void preRegisterQuantifier(Node q);
164 /** assert universal quantifier */
165 void assertQuantifier( Node q, bool pol );
166 private:
167 /** (context-indepentent) register quantifier internal
168 *
169 * This is called when a quantified formula q is pre-registered to the
170 * quantifiers theory, and updates the modules in this class with
171 * context-independent information about how to handle q. This includes basic
172 * information such as which module owns q.
173 */
174 void registerQuantifierInternal(Node q);
175 /** reduceQuantifier, return true if reduced */
176 bool reduceQuantifier(Node q);
178 public:
179 /** mark relevant quantified formula, this will indicate it should be checked
180 * before the others */
181 void markRelevant(Node q);
182 /** add term to database */
183 void addTermToDatabase(Node n, bool withinQuant = false);
184 /** notification when master equality engine is updated */
185 void eqNotifyNewClass(TNode t);
186 /** get internal representative
187 *
188 * Choose a term that is equivalent to a in the current context that is the
189 * best term for instantiating the index^th variable of quantified formula q.
190 * If no legal term can be found, we return null. This can occur if:
191 * - a's type is not a subtype of the type of the index^th variable of q,
192 * - a is in an equivalent class with all terms that are restricted not to
193 * appear in instantiations of q, e.g. INST_CONSTANT terms for counterexample
194 * guided instantiation.
195 */
196 Node getInternalRepresentative(Node a, Node q, int index);
197 /**
198 * Get quantifiers name, which returns a variable corresponding to the name of
199 * quantified formula q if q has a name, or otherwise returns q itself.
200 */
201 Node getNameForQuant(Node q) const;
202 /**
203 * Get name for quantified formula. Returns true if q has a name or if req
204 * is false. Sets name to the result of the above method.
205 */
206 bool getNameForQuant(Node q, Node& name, bool req = true) const;
208 public:
209 //----------user interface for instantiations (see quantifiers/instantiate.h)
210 /** print solution for synthesis conjectures */
211 void printSynthSolution(std::ostream& out);
212 /** get list of quantified formulas that were instantiated */
213 void getInstantiatedQuantifiedFormulas(std::vector<Node>& qs);
214 /** get instantiation term vectors */
215 void getInstantiationTermVectors(Node q,
216 std::vector<std::vector<Node> >& tvecs);
217 void getInstantiationTermVectors(
218 std::map<Node, std::vector<std::vector<Node> > >& insts);
219 /**
220 * Get skolemization vectors, where for each quantified formula that was
221 * skolemized, this is the list of skolems that were used to witness the
222 * negation of that quantified formula.
223 */
224 void getSkolemTermVectors(std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> >& sks) const;
226 /** get synth solutions
227 *
228 * This method returns true if there is a synthesis solution available. This
229 * is the case if the last call to check satisfiability originated in a
230 * check-synth call, and the synthesis engine module of this class
231 * successfully found a solution for all active synthesis conjectures.
232 *
233 * This method adds entries to sol_map that map functions-to-synthesize with
234 * their solutions, for all active conjectures. This should be called
235 * immediately after the solver answers unsat for sygus input.
236 *
237 * For details on what is added to sol_map, see
238 * SynthConjecture::getSynthSolutions.
239 */
240 bool getSynthSolutions(std::map<Node, std::map<Node, Node> >& sol_map);
242 //----------end user interface for instantiations
244 /** statistics class */
245 class Statistics
246 {
247 public:
248 TimerStat d_time;
249 TimerStat d_qcf_time;
250 TimerStat d_ematching_time;
251 IntStat d_num_quant;
252 IntStat d_instantiation_rounds;
253 IntStat d_instantiation_rounds_lc;
254 IntStat d_triggers;
255 IntStat d_simple_triggers;
256 IntStat d_multi_triggers;
257 IntStat d_multi_trigger_instantiations;
258 IntStat d_red_alpha_equiv;
259 IntStat d_instantiations_user_patterns;
260 IntStat d_instantiations_auto_gen;
261 IntStat d_instantiations_guess;
262 IntStat d_instantiations_qcf;
263 IntStat d_instantiations_qcf_prop;
264 IntStat d_instantiations_fmf_exh;
265 IntStat d_instantiations_fmf_mbqi;
266 IntStat d_instantiations_cbqi;
267 IntStat d_instantiations_rr;
268 Statistics();
269 ~Statistics();
270 };/* class QuantifiersEngine::Statistics */
271 Statistics d_statistics;
273 private:
274 /** The quantifiers state object */
275 quantifiers::QuantifiersState& d_qstate;
276 /** The quantifiers inference manager */
277 quantifiers::QuantifiersInferenceManager& d_qim;
278 /** Pointer to theory engine object */
279 TheoryEngine* d_te;
280 /** Reference to the decision manager of the theory engine */
281 DecisionManager* d_decManager;
282 /** vector of utilities for quantifiers */
283 std::vector<QuantifiersUtil*> d_util;
284 /** vector of modules for quantifiers */
285 std::vector<QuantifiersModule*> d_modules;
286 //------------- quantifiers utilities
287 /** The quantifiers registry */
288 quantifiers::QuantifiersRegistry d_qreg;
289 /** all triggers will be stored in this trie */
290 std::unique_ptr<inst::TriggerTrie> d_tr_trie;
291 /** extended model object */
292 std::unique_ptr<quantifiers::FirstOrderModel> d_model;
293 /** model builder */
294 std::unique_ptr<quantifiers::QModelBuilder> d_builder;
295 /** term database */
296 std::unique_ptr<quantifiers::TermDb> d_term_db;
297 /** equality query class */
298 std::unique_ptr<quantifiers::EqualityQueryQuantifiersEngine> d_eq_query;
299 /** sygus term database */
300 std::unique_ptr<quantifiers::TermDbSygus> d_sygus_tdb;
301 /** quantifiers attributes */
302 std::unique_ptr<quantifiers::QuantAttributes> d_quant_attr;
303 /** instantiate utility */
304 std::unique_ptr<quantifiers::Instantiate> d_instantiate;
305 /** skolemize utility */
306 std::unique_ptr<quantifiers::Skolemize> d_skolemize;
307 /** term enumeration utility */
308 std::unique_ptr<quantifiers::TermEnumeration> d_term_enum;
309 //------------- end quantifiers utilities
310 /**
311 * The modules utility, which contains all of the quantifiers modules.
312 */
313 std::unique_ptr<quantifiers::QuantifiersModules> d_qmodules;
314 //------------- end temporary information during check
315 private:
316 /** list of all quantifiers seen */
317 std::map<Node, bool> d_quants;
318 /** quantifiers pre-registered */
319 NodeSet d_quants_prereg;
320 /** quantifiers reduced */
321 BoolMap d_quants_red;
322 std::map<Node, Node> d_quants_red_lem;
323 /** has presolve been called */
324 context::CDO<bool> d_presolve;
325 /** presolve cache */
326 NodeSet d_presolve_in;
327 NodeList d_presolve_cache;
328 };/* class QuantifiersEngine */
330 }/* CVC4::theory namespace */
331 }/* CVC4 namespace */