Prepare theory of sets for dynamic allocation of equality engine (#4868)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / sets / solver_state.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file solver_state.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds, Mudathir Mohamed
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Sets state object
13 **/
15 #include "cvc4_private.h"
20 #include <map>
21 #include <vector>
23 #include "context/cdhashset.h"
24 #include "theory/sets/skolem_cache.h"
25 #include "theory/uf/equality_engine.h"
27 namespace CVC4 {
28 namespace theory {
29 namespace sets {
31 class TheorySetsPrivate;
33 /** Sets state
34 *
35 * The purpose of this class is to:
36 * (1) Maintain information concerning the current set of assertions during a
37 * full effort check,
38 * (2) Maintain a database of commonly used terms.
39 *
40 * During a full effort check, the solver for theory of sets should call:
41 * reset; ( registerEqc | registerTerm )*
42 * to initialize the information in this class regarding full effort checks.
43 * Other query calls are then valid for the remainder of the full effort check.
44 */
45 class SolverState
46 {
47 typedef context::CDHashMap<Node, Node, NodeHashFunction> NodeMap;
49 public:
50 SolverState(TheorySetsPrivate& p,
51 context::Context* c,
52 context::UserContext* u);
53 /**
54 * Finish initialize, there ee is a pointer to the official equality engine
55 * of theory of strings.
56 */
57 void finishInit(eq::EqualityEngine* ee);
58 //-------------------------------- initialize per check
59 /** reset, clears the data structures maintained by this class. */
60 void reset();
61 /** register equivalence class whose type is tn */
62 void registerEqc(TypeNode tn, Node r);
63 /** register term n of type tnn in the equivalence class of r */
64 void registerTerm(Node r, TypeNode tnn, Node n);
65 //-------------------------------- end initialize per check
66 /** Are we currently in conflict? */
67 bool isInConflict() const { return d_conflict; }
68 /**
69 * Indicate that we are in conflict, without a conflict clause. This is
70 * called, for instance, when we have propagated a conflicting literal.
71 */
72 void setConflict();
73 /** Set conf is a conflict node to be sent on the output channel. */
74 void setConflict(Node conf);
75 /**
76 * Get the representative of a in the equality engine of this class, or a
77 * itself if it is not registered as a term.
78 */
79 Node getRepresentative(Node a) const;
80 /** Is a registered as a term in the equality engine of this class? */
81 bool hasTerm(Node a) const;
82 /** Is a=b according to equality reasoning in the current context? */
83 bool areEqual(Node a, Node b) const;
84 /** Is a!=b according to equality reasoning in the current context? */
85 bool areDisequal(Node a, Node b) const;
86 /** get equality engine */
87 eq::EqualityEngine* getEqualityEngine() const;
88 /** add equality to explanation
89 *
90 * This adds a = b to exp if a and b are syntactically disequal. The equality
91 * a = b should hold in the current context.
92 */
93 void addEqualityToExp(Node a, Node b, std::vector<Node>& exp) const;
94 /** Is formula n entailed to have polarity pol in the current context? */
95 bool isEntailed(Node n, bool pol) const;
96 /**
97 * Is the disequality between sets s and t entailed in the current context?
98 */
99 bool isSetDisequalityEntailed(Node s, Node t) const;
100 /**
101 * Get the equivalence class of the empty set of type tn, or null if it does
102 * not exist as a term in the current context.
103 */
104 Node getEmptySetEqClass(TypeNode tn) const;
105 /**
106 * Get the equivalence class of the universe set of type tn, or null if it
107 * does not exist as a term in the current context.
108 */
109 Node getUnivSetEqClass(TypeNode tn) const;
110 /**
111 * Get the singleton set in the equivalence class of representative r if it
112 * exists, or null if none exists.
113 */
114 Node getSingletonEqClass(Node r) const;
115 /** get binary operator term (modulo equality)
116 *
117 * This method returns a non-null node n if and only if a term n that is
118 * congruent to <k>(r1,r2) exists in the current context.
119 */
120 Node getBinaryOpTerm(Kind k, Node r1, Node r2) const;
121 /**
122 * Returns a term that is congruent to n in the current context.
123 *
124 * To ensure that inferences and processing is not redundant,
125 * this class computes congruence over all terms that exist in the current
126 * context. If a set of terms f( t1 ), ... f( tn ) are pairwise congruent
127 * (call this a "congruence class"), it selects one of these terms as a
128 * representative. All other terms return the representative term from
129 * its congruence class.
130 */
131 Node getCongruent(Node n) const;
132 /**
133 * This method returns true if n is not the representative of its congruence
134 * class.
135 */
136 bool isCongruent(Node n) const;
138 /** Get the list of all equivalence classes of set terms */
139 const std::vector<Node>& getSetsEqClasses() const { return d_set_eqc; }
140 /** Get the list of all equivalence classes of set terms that have element
141 * type t */
142 const std::vector<Node> getSetsEqClasses(const TypeNode& t) const;
144 /**
145 * Get the list of non-variable sets that exists in the equivalence class
146 * whose representative is r.
147 */
148 const std::vector<Node>& getNonVariableSets(Node r) const;
149 /**
150 * Get a variable set in the equivalence class with representative r, or null
151 * if none exist.
152 */
153 Node getVariableSet(Node r) const;
154 /** Get comprehension sets in equivalence class with representative r */
155 const std::vector<Node>& getComprehensionSets(Node r) const;
156 /** Get (positive) members of the set equivalence class r
157 *
158 * The members are return as a map, which maps members to their explanation.
159 * For example, if x = y, (member 5 y), (member 6 x), then getMembers(x)
160 * returns the map [ 5 -> (member 5 y), 6 -> (member 6 x)].
161 */
162 const std::map<Node, Node>& getMembers(Node r) const;
163 /** Get negative members of the set equivalence class r, similar to above */
164 const std::map<Node, Node>& getNegativeMembers(Node r) const;
165 /** Is the (positive) members list of set equivalence class r non-empty? */
166 bool hasMembers(Node r) const;
167 /** Get binary operator index
168 *
169 * This returns a mapping from binary operator kinds (INTERSECT, SETMINUS,
170 * UNION) to index of terms of that kind. Each kind k maps to a map whose
171 * entries are of the form [r1 -> r2 -> t], where t is a term in the current
172 * context, and t is of the form <k>(t1,t2) where t1=r1 and t2=r2 hold in the
173 * current context. The term t is the representative of its congruence class.
174 */
175 const std::map<Kind, std::map<Node, std::map<Node, Node> > >&
176 getBinaryOpIndex() const;
177 /** get operator list
178 *
179 * This returns a mapping from set kinds to a list of terms of that kind
180 * that exist in the current context. Each of the terms in the range of this
181 * map is a representative of its congruence class.
182 */
183 const std::map<Kind, std::vector<Node> >& getOperatorList() const;
184 /** Get the list of all comprehension sets in the current context */
185 const std::vector<Node>& getComprehensionSets() const;
187 // --------------------------------------- commonly used terms
188 /** Get type constraint skolem
189 *
190 * The sets theory solver outputs equality lemmas of the form:
191 * n = d_tc_skolem[n][tn]
192 * where the type of d_tc_skolem[n][tn] is tn, and the type
193 * of n is not a subtype of tn. This is required to handle benchmarks like
194 * test/regress/regress0/sets/sets-of-sets-subtypes.smt2
195 * where for s : (Set Int) and t : (Set Real), we have that
196 * ( s = t ^ y in t ) implies ( exists k : Int. y = k )
197 * The type constraint Skolem for (y, Int) is the skolemization of k above.
198 */
199 Node getTypeConstraintSkolem(Node n, TypeNode tn);
200 /** get the proxy variable for set n
201 *
202 * Proxy variables are used to communicate information that otherwise would
203 * not be possible due to rewriting. For example, the literal
204 * card( singleton( 0 ) ) = 1
205 * is rewritten to true. Instead, to communicate this fact (e.g. to other
206 * theories), we require introducing a proxy variable x for singleton( 0 ).
207 * Then:
208 * card( x ) = 1 ^ x = singleton( 0 )
209 * communicates the equivalent of the above literal.
210 */
211 Node getProxy(Node n);
212 /** Get the empty set of type tn */
213 Node getEmptySet(TypeNode tn);
214 /** Get the universe set of type tn if it exists or create a new one */
215 Node getUnivSet(TypeNode tn);
216 /**
217 * Get the skolem cache of this theory, which manages a database of introduced
218 * skolem variables used for various inferences.
219 */
220 SkolemCache& getSkolemCache() { return d_skCache; }
221 // --------------------------------------- end commonly used terms
222 /** debug print set */
223 void debugPrintSet(Node s, const char* c) const;
225 private:
226 /** constants */
227 Node d_true;
228 Node d_false;
229 /** the empty vector and map */
230 std::vector<Node> d_emptyVec;
231 std::map<Node, Node> d_emptyMap;
232 /** Whether or not we are in conflict. This flag is SAT context dependent. */
233 context::CDO<bool> d_conflict;
234 /** Reference to the parent theory of sets */
235 TheorySetsPrivate& d_parent;
236 /** Pointer to the official equality engine of theory of sets */
237 eq::EqualityEngine* d_ee;
238 /** The list of all equivalence classes of type set in the current context */
239 std::vector<Node> d_set_eqc;
240 /** Maps types to the equivalence class containing empty set of that type */
241 std::map<TypeNode, Node> d_eqc_emptyset;
242 /** Maps types to the equivalence class containing univ set of that type */
243 std::map<TypeNode, Node> d_eqc_univset;
244 /** Maps equivalence classes to a singleton set that exists in it. */
245 std::map<Node, Node> d_eqc_singleton;
246 /** Map from terms to the representative of their congruence class */
247 std::map<Node, Node> d_congruent;
248 /** Map from equivalence classes to the list of non-variable sets in it */
249 std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> > d_nvar_sets;
250 /** Map from equivalence classes to the list of comprehension sets in it */
251 std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> > d_compSets;
252 /** Map from equivalence classes to a variable sets in it */
253 std::map<Node, Node> d_var_set;
254 /** polarity memberships
255 *
256 * d_pol_mems[0] maps equivalence class to their positive membership list
257 * with explanations (see getMembers), d_pol_mems[1] maps equivalence classes
258 * to their negative memberships.
259 */
260 std::map<Node, std::map<Node, Node> > d_pol_mems[2];
261 // --------------------------------------- commonly used terms
262 /** Map from set terms to their proxy variables */
263 NodeMap d_proxy;
264 /** Backwards map of above */
265 NodeMap d_proxy_to_term;
266 /** Cache of type constraint skolems (see getTypeConstraintSkolem) */
267 std::map<Node, std::map<TypeNode, Node> > d_tc_skolem;
268 /** Map from types to empty set of that type */
269 std::map<TypeNode, Node> d_emptyset;
270 /** Map from types to universe set of that type */
271 std::map<TypeNode, Node> d_univset;
272 // --------------------------------------- end commonly used terms
273 // -------------------------------- term indices
274 /** Term index for MEMBER
275 *
276 * A term index maps equivalence class representatives to the representative
277 * of their congruence class.
278 *
279 * For example, the term index for member may contain an entry
280 * [ r1 -> r2 -> (member t1 t2) ] where r1 and r2 are representatives of their
281 * equivalence classes, (member t1 t2) is the representative of its congruence
282 * class, and r1=t1 and r2=t2 hold in the current context.
283 */
284 std::map<Node, std::map<Node, Node> > d_members_index;
285 /** Term index for SINGLETON */
286 std::map<Node, Node> d_singleton_index;
287 /** Indices for the binary kinds INTERSECT, SETMINUS and UNION. */
288 std::map<Kind, std::map<Node, std::map<Node, Node> > > d_bop_index;
289 /** A list of comprehension sets */
290 std::vector<Node> d_allCompSets;
291 // -------------------------------- end term indices
292 std::map<Kind, std::vector<Node> > d_op_list;
293 /** the skolem cache */
294 SkolemCache d_skCache;
295 /** is set disequality entailed internal
296 *
297 * This returns true if disequality between sets a and b is entailed in the
298 * current context. We use an incomplete test based on equality and membership
299 * information.
300 *
301 * re is the representative of the equivalence class of the empty set
302 * whose type is the same as a and b.
303 */
304 bool isSetDisequalityEntailedInternal(Node a, Node b, Node re) const;
305 /**
306 * Get members internal, returns the positive members if i=0, or negative
307 * members if i=1.
308 */
309 const std::map<Node, Node>& getMembersInternal(Node r, unsigned i) const;
310 }; /* class TheorySetsPrivate */
312 } // namespace sets
313 } // namespace theory
314 } // namespace CVC4