FloatingPoint: Separate out symFPU glue code. (#5492)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / shared_terms_database.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file shared_terms_database.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Dejan Jovanovic, Andrew Reynolds, Mathias Preiner
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** [[ Add lengthier description here ]]
13 ** \todo document this file
14 **/
16 #include "cvc4_private.h"
18 #pragma once
20 #include <unordered_map>
22 #include "context/cdhashset.h"
23 #include "expr/node.h"
24 #include "expr/proof_node_manager.h"
25 #include "theory/ee_setup_info.h"
26 #include "theory/theory_id.h"
27 #include "theory/trust_node.h"
28 #include "theory/uf/equality_engine.h"
29 #include "theory/uf/proof_equality_engine.h"
30 #include "util/statistics_registry.h"
32 namespace CVC4 {
34 class TheoryEngine;
36 class SharedTermsDatabase : public context::ContextNotifyObj {
37 public:
38 /** A container for a list of shared terms */
39 typedef std::vector<TNode> shared_terms_list;
41 /** The iterator to go through the shared terms list */
42 typedef shared_terms_list::const_iterator shared_terms_iterator;
44 private:
45 /** Some statistics */
46 IntStat d_statSharedTerms;
48 // Needs to be a map from Nodes as after a backtrack they might not exist
49 typedef std::unordered_map<Node, shared_terms_list, TNodeHashFunction> SharedTermsMap;
51 /** A map from atoms to a list of shared terms */
52 SharedTermsMap d_atomsToTerms;
54 /** Each time we add a shared term, we add it's parent to this list */
55 std::vector<TNode> d_addedSharedTerms;
57 /** Context-dependent size of the d_addedSharedTerms list */
58 context::CDO<unsigned> d_addedSharedTermsSize;
60 /** A map from atoms and subterms to the theories that use it */
61 typedef context::CDHashMap<std::pair<Node, TNode>,
62 theory::TheoryIdSet,
63 TNodePairHashFunction>
64 SharedTermsTheoriesMap;
65 SharedTermsTheoriesMap d_termsToTheories;
67 /** Map from term to theories that have already been notified about the shared term */
68 typedef context::CDHashMap<TNode, theory::TheoryIdSet, TNodeHashFunction>
69 AlreadyNotifiedMap;
70 AlreadyNotifiedMap d_alreadyNotifiedMap;
72 /** The registered equalities for propagation */
73 typedef context::CDHashSet<Node, NodeHashFunction> RegisteredEqualitiesSet;
74 RegisteredEqualitiesSet d_registeredEqualities;
76 private:
77 /** This method removes all the un-necessary stuff from the maps */
78 void backtrack();
80 // EENotifyClass: template helper class for d_equalityEngine - handles call-backs
81 class EENotifyClass : public theory::eq::EqualityEngineNotify {
82 SharedTermsDatabase& d_sharedTerms;
83 public:
84 EENotifyClass(SharedTermsDatabase& shared): d_sharedTerms(shared) {}
85 bool eqNotifyTriggerPredicate(TNode predicate, bool value) override
86 {
87 Assert(predicate.getKind() == kind::EQUAL);
88 d_sharedTerms.propagateEquality(predicate, value);
89 return true;
90 }
92 bool eqNotifyTriggerTermEquality(theory::TheoryId tag,
93 TNode t1,
94 TNode t2,
95 bool value) override
96 {
97 return d_sharedTerms.propagateSharedEquality(tag, t1, t2, value);
98 }
100 void eqNotifyConstantTermMerge(TNode t1, TNode t2) override
101 {
102 d_sharedTerms.conflict(t1, t2, true);
103 }
105 void eqNotifyNewClass(TNode t) override {}
106 void eqNotifyMerge(TNode t1, TNode t2) override {}
107 void eqNotifyDisequal(TNode t1, TNode t2, TNode reason) override {}
108 };
110 /** The notify class for d_equalityEngine */
111 EENotifyClass d_EENotify;
113 /**
114 * Method called by equalityEngine when a becomes (dis-)equal to b and a and b are shared with
115 * the theory. Returns false if there is a direct conflict (via rewrite for example).
116 */
117 bool propagateSharedEquality(theory::TheoryId theory, TNode a, TNode b, bool value);
119 /**
120 * Called from the equality engine when a trigger equality is deduced.
121 */
122 bool propagateEquality(TNode equality, bool polarity);
124 /** Theory engine */
125 TheoryEngine* d_theoryEngine;
127 /** Are we in conflict */
128 context::CDO<bool> d_inConflict;
130 /** Conflicting terms, if any */
131 Node d_conflictLHS, d_conflictRHS;
133 /** Polarity of the conflict */
134 bool d_conflictPolarity;
136 /** Called by the equality engine notify to mark the conflict */
137 void conflict(TNode lhs, TNode rhs, bool polarity) {
138 if (!d_inConflict) {
139 // Only remember it if we're not already in conflict
140 d_inConflict = true;
141 d_conflictLHS = lhs;
142 d_conflictRHS = rhs;
143 d_conflictPolarity = polarity;
144 }
145 }
147 /**
148 * Should be called before any public non-const method in order to
149 * enqueue the conflict to the theory engine.
150 */
151 void checkForConflict();
153 public:
154 /**
155 * @param theoryEngine The parent theory engine
156 * @param context The SAT context
157 * @param userContext The user context
158 * @param pnm The proof node manager to use, which is non-null if proofs
159 * are enabled.
160 */
161 SharedTermsDatabase(TheoryEngine* theoryEngine,
162 context::Context* context,
163 context::UserContext* userContext,
164 ProofNodeManager* pnm);
165 ~SharedTermsDatabase();
167 //-------------------------------------------- initialization
168 /** Called to set the equality engine. */
169 void setEqualityEngine(theory::eq::EqualityEngine* ee);
170 /**
171 * Returns true if we need an equality engine, this has the same contract
172 * as Theory::needsEqualityEngine.
173 */
174 bool needsEqualityEngine(theory::EeSetupInfo& esi);
175 //-------------------------------------------- end initialization
177 /**
178 * Asserts the equality to the shared terms database,
179 */
180 void assertEquality(TNode equality, bool polarity, TNode reason);
182 /**
183 * Return whether the equality is alreday known to the engine
184 */
185 bool isKnown(TNode literal) const;
187 /**
188 * Returns an explanation of the propagation that came from the database.
189 */
190 theory::TrustNode explain(TNode literal) const;
192 /**
193 * Add an equality to propagate.
194 */
195 void addEqualityToPropagate(TNode equality);
197 /**
198 * Add a shared term to the database. The shared term is a subterm of the atom and
199 * should be associated with the given theory.
200 */
201 void addSharedTerm(TNode atom, TNode term, theory::TheoryIdSet theories);
203 /**
204 * Mark that the given theories have been notified of the given shared term.
205 */
206 void markNotified(TNode term, theory::TheoryIdSet theories);
208 /**
209 * Returns true if the atom contains any shared terms, false otherwise.
210 */
211 bool hasSharedTerms(TNode atom) const;
213 /**
214 * Iterator pointing to the first shared term belonging to the given atom.
215 */
216 shared_terms_iterator begin(TNode atom) const;
218 /**
219 * Iterator pointing to the end of the list of shared terms belonging to the given atom.
220 */
221 shared_terms_iterator end(TNode atom) const;
223 /**
224 * Get the theories that share the term in a given atom (and have not yet been notified).
225 */
226 theory::TheoryIdSet getTheoriesToNotify(TNode atom, TNode term) const;
228 /**
229 * Get the theories that share the term and have been notified already.
230 */
231 theory::TheoryIdSet getNotifiedTheories(TNode term) const;
233 /**
234 * Returns true if the term is currently registered as shared with some theory.
235 */
236 bool isShared(TNode term) const {
237 return d_alreadyNotifiedMap.find(term) != d_alreadyNotifiedMap.end();
238 }
240 /**
241 * Returns true if the literal is an (dis-)equality with both sides registered as shared with
242 * some theory.
243 */
244 bool isSharedEquality(TNode literal) const {
245 TNode atom = literal.getKind() == kind::NOT ? literal[0] : literal;
246 return atom.getKind() == kind::EQUAL && isShared(atom[0]) && isShared(atom[1]);
247 }
249 /**
250 * Returns true if the shared terms a and b are known to be equal.
251 */
252 bool areEqual(TNode a, TNode b) const;
254 /**
255 * Retursn true if the shared terms a and b are known to be dis-equal.
256 */
257 bool areDisequal(TNode a, TNode b) const;
259 /**
260 * get equality engine
261 */
262 theory::eq::EqualityEngine* getEqualityEngine();
264 protected:
265 /**
266 * This method gets called on backtracks from the context manager.
267 */
268 void contextNotifyPop() override { backtrack(); }
269 /** The SAT search context. */
270 context::Context* d_satContext;
271 /** The user level assertion context. */
272 context::UserContext* d_userContext;
273 /** Equality engine */
274 theory::eq::EqualityEngine* d_equalityEngine;
275 /** Proof equality engine */
276 std::unique_ptr<theory::eq::ProofEqEngine> d_pfee;
277 /** The proof node manager */
278 ProofNodeManager* d_pnm;
279 };
281 }