Generalize more string-specific functions (#4152)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / strings / base_solver.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file base_solver.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Base solver for term indexing and constant inference for the
13 ** theory of strings.
14 **/
16 #include "cvc4_private.h"
21 #include "context/cdhashset.h"
22 #include "context/cdlist.h"
23 #include "theory/strings/infer_info.h"
24 #include "theory/strings/inference_manager.h"
25 #include "theory/strings/normal_form.h"
26 #include "theory/strings/skolem_cache.h"
27 #include "theory/strings/solver_state.h"
29 namespace CVC4 {
30 namespace theory {
31 namespace strings {
33 /** The base solver for the theory of strings
34 *
35 * This implements techniques for inferring when terms are congruent in the
36 * current context, and techniques for inferring when equivalence classes
37 * are equivalent to constants.
38 */
39 class BaseSolver
40 {
41 using NodeSet = context::CDHashSet<Node, NodeHashFunction>;
43 public:
44 BaseSolver(context::Context* c,
45 context::UserContext* u,
46 SolverState& s,
47 InferenceManager& im);
48 ~BaseSolver();
50 //-----------------------inference steps
51 /** check initial
52 *
53 * This function initializes term indices for each strings function symbol.
54 * One key aspect of this construction is that concat terms are indexed by
55 * their list of non-empty components. For example, if x = "" is an equality
56 * asserted in this SAT context, then y ++ x ++ z may be indexed by (y,z).
57 * This method may infer various facts while building these term indices, for
58 * instance, based on congruence. An example would be inferring:
59 * y ++ x ++ z = y ++ z
60 * if both terms are registered in this SAT context.
61 *
62 * This function should be called as a first step of any strategy.
63 */
64 void checkInit();
65 /** check constant equivalence classes
66 *
67 * This function infers whether CONCAT terms can be simplified to constants.
68 * For example, if x = "a" and y = "b" are equalities in the current SAT
69 * context, then we may infer x ++ "c" ++ y is equivalent to "acb". In this
70 * case, we infer the fact x ++ "c" ++ y = "acb".
71 */
72 void checkConstantEquivalenceClasses();
73 /** check cardinality
74 *
75 * This function checks whether a cardinality inference needs to be applied
76 * to a set of equivalence classes. For details, see Step 5 of the proof
77 * procedure from Liang et al, CAV 2014.
78 */
79 void checkCardinality();
80 //-----------------------end inference steps
82 //-----------------------query functions
83 /**
84 * Is n congruent to another term in the current context that has not been
85 * marked congruent? If so, we can ignore n.
86 *
87 * Note this and the functions in this block below are valid during a full
88 * effort check after a call to checkInit.
89 */
90 bool isCongruent(Node n);
91 /**
92 * Get the constant that the equivalence class eqc is entailed to be equal
93 * to, or null if none exist.
94 */
95 Node getConstantEqc(Node eqc);
96 /**
97 * Same as above, where the explanation for n = c is added to exp if c is
98 * the (non-null) return value of this function, where n is a term in the
99 * equivalence class of eqc.
100 */
101 Node explainConstantEqc(Node n, Node eqc, std::vector<Node>& exp);
102 /**
103 * Get the set of equivalence classes of type string.
104 */
105 const std::vector<Node>& getStringEqc() const;
106 //-----------------------end query functions
108 private:
109 /**
110 * A term index that considers terms modulo flattening and constant merging
111 * for concatenation terms.
112 */
113 class TermIndex
114 {
115 public:
116 /** Add n to this trie
117 *
118 * A term is indexed by flattening arguments of concatenation terms,
119 * and replacing them by (non-empty) constants when possible, for example
120 * if n is (str.++ x y z) and x = "abc" and y = "" are asserted, then n is
121 * indexed by ("abc", z).
122 *
123 * index: the child of n we are currently processing,
124 * s : reference to solver state,
125 * er : the representative of the empty equivalence class.
126 *
127 * We store the vector of terms that n was indexed by in the vector c.
128 */
129 Node add(TNode n,
130 unsigned index,
131 const SolverState& s,
132 Node er,
133 std::vector<Node>& c);
134 /** Clear this trie */
135 void clear() { d_children.clear(); }
136 /** The data at this node of the trie */
137 Node d_data;
138 /** The children of this node of the trie */
139 std::map<TNode, TermIndex> d_children;
140 };
141 /**
142 * This method is called as we are traversing the term index ti, where vecc
143 * accumulates the list of constants in the path to ti. If ti has a non-null
144 * data n, then we have inferred that d_data is equivalent to the
145 * constant specified by vecc.
146 */
147 void checkConstantEquivalenceClasses(TermIndex* ti, std::vector<Node>& vecc);
148 /** The solver state object */
149 SolverState& d_state;
150 /** The (custom) output channel of the theory of strings */
151 InferenceManager& d_im;
152 /** Commonly used constants */
153 Node d_emptyString;
154 Node d_false;
155 /**
156 * A congruence class is a set of terms f( t1 ), ..., f( tn ) where
157 * t1 = ... = tn. Congruence classes are important since all but
158 * one of the above terms (the representative of the congruence class)
159 * can be ignored by the solver.
160 *
161 * This set contains a set of nodes that are not representatives of their
162 * congruence class. This set is used to skip reasoning about terms in
163 * various inference schemas implemnted by this class.
164 */
165 NodeSet d_congruent;
166 /**
167 * The following three vectors are used for tracking constants that each
168 * equivalence class is entailed to be equal to.
169 * - The map d_eqcToConst maps (representatives) r of equivalence classes to
170 * the constant that that equivalence class is entailed to be equal to,
171 * - The term d_eqcToConstBase[r] is the term in the equivalence class r
172 * that is entailed to be equal to the constant d_eqcToConst[r],
173 * - The term d_eqcToConstExp[r] is the explanation of why
174 * d_eqcToConstBase[r] is equal to d_eqcToConst[r].
175 *
176 * For example, consider the equivalence class { r, x++"a"++y, x++z }, and
177 * assume x = "" and y = "bb" in the current context. We have that
178 * d_eqcToConst[r] = "abb",
179 * d_eqcToConstBase[r] = x++"a"++y
180 * d_eqcToConstExp[r] = ( x = "" AND y = "bb" )
181 *
182 * This information is computed during checkInit and is used during various
183 * inference schemas for deriving inferences.
184 */
185 std::map<Node, Node> d_eqcToConst;
186 std::map<Node, Node> d_eqcToConstBase;
187 std::map<Node, Node> d_eqcToConstExp;
188 /** The list of equivalence classes of type string */
189 std::vector<Node> d_stringsEqc;
190 /** A term index for each function kind */
191 std::map<Kind, TermIndex> d_termIndex;
192 /** the cardinality of the alphabet */
193 uint32_t d_cardSize;
194 }; /* class BaseSolver */
196 } // namespace strings
197 } // namespace theory
198 } // namespace CVC4