[cvc5.git] / src / theory / strings / skolem_cache.cpp
1 /******************************************************************************
2 * Top contributors (to current version):
3 * Andrew Reynolds, Andres Noetzli, Yoni Zohar
4 *
5 * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
6 *
7 * Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 * All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 * directory for licensing information.
11 * ****************************************************************************
12 *
13 * Implementation of a cache of skolems for theory of strings.
14 */
16 #include "theory/strings/skolem_cache.h"
18 #include "expr/attribute.h"
19 #include "expr/bound_var_manager.h"
20 #include "expr/skolem_manager.h"
21 #include "theory/rewriter.h"
22 #include "theory/strings/arith_entail.h"
23 #include "theory/strings/theory_strings_utils.h"
24 #include "theory/strings/word.h"
25 #include "util/rational.h"
27 using namespace cvc5::kind;
29 namespace cvc5 {
30 namespace theory {
31 namespace strings {
33 /**
34 * A bound variable corresponding to the universally quantified integer
35 * variable used to range over the valid positions in a string, used
36 * for axiomatizing the behavior of some term.
37 */
38 struct IndexVarAttributeId
39 {
40 };
41 typedef expr::Attribute<IndexVarAttributeId, Node> IndexVarAttribute;
43 /**
44 * A bound variable corresponding to the universally quantified integer
45 * variable used to range over the valid lengths of a string, used for
46 * axiomatizing the behavior of some term.
47 */
48 struct LengthVarAttributeId
49 {
50 };
51 typedef expr::Attribute<LengthVarAttributeId, Node> LengthVarAttribute;
53 SkolemCache::SkolemCache(bool useOpts) : d_useOpts(useOpts)
54 {
55 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
56 d_strType = nm->stringType();
57 d_zero = nm->mkConst(Rational(0));
58 }
60 Node SkolemCache::mkSkolemCached(Node a, Node b, SkolemId id, const char* c)
61 {
62 return mkTypedSkolemCached(d_strType, a, b, id, c);
63 }
65 Node SkolemCache::mkSkolemCached(Node a, SkolemId id, const char* c)
66 {
67 return mkSkolemCached(a, Node::null(), id, c);
68 }
70 Node SkolemCache::mkTypedSkolemCached(
71 TypeNode tn, Node a, Node b, SkolemId id, const char* c)
72 {
73 Trace("skolem-cache") << "mkTypedSkolemCached start: (" << id << ", " << a
74 << ", " << b << ")" << std::endl;
75 SkolemId idOrig = id;
76 // do not rewrite beforehand if we are not using optimizations, this is so
77 // that the proof checker does not depend on the rewriter.
78 if (d_useOpts)
79 {
80 a = a.isNull() ? a : Rewriter::rewrite(a);
81 b = b.isNull() ? b : Rewriter::rewrite(b);
82 }
83 std::tie(id, a, b) = normalizeStringSkolem(id, a, b);
85 // optimization: if we aren't asking for the purification skolem for constant
86 // a, and the skolem is equivalent to a, then we just return a.
87 if (d_useOpts && idOrig != SK_PURIFY && id == SK_PURIFY && a.isConst())
88 {
89 Trace("skolem-cache") << "...optimization: return constant " << a
90 << std::endl;
91 return a;
92 }
94 std::map<SkolemId, Node>::iterator it = d_skolemCache[a][b].find(id);
95 if (it != d_skolemCache[a][b].end())
96 {
97 Trace("skolem-cache") << "...return existing " << it->second << std::endl;
98 // already cached
99 return it->second;
100 }
102 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
103 SkolemManager* sm = nm->getSkolemManager();
104 Node sk;
105 switch (id)
106 {
107 // exists k. k = a
108 case SK_PURIFY:
109 {
110 // for sequences of Booleans, we may purify Boolean terms, in which case
111 // they must be Boolean term variables.
112 int flags = a.getType().isBoolean() ? NodeManager::SKOLEM_BOOL_TERM_VAR
113 : NodeManager::SKOLEM_DEFAULT;
114 sk = sm->mkPurifySkolem(a, c, "string purify skolem", flags);
115 }
116 break;
117 // these are eliminated by normalizeStringSkolem
118 case SK_ID_V_SPT:
119 case SK_ID_V_SPT_REV:
120 case SK_ID_VC_SPT:
121 case SK_ID_VC_SPT_REV:
123 case SK_ID_C_SPT:
124 case SK_ID_C_SPT_REV:
125 case SK_ID_DC_SPT:
126 case SK_ID_DC_SPT_REM:
127 case SK_ID_DEQ_X:
128 case SK_ID_DEQ_Y:
129 case SK_FIRST_CTN_PRE:
130 case SK_PREFIX:
131 case SK_SUFFIX_REM:
132 Unhandled() << "Expected to eliminate Skolem ID " << id << std::endl;
133 break;
134 case SK_NUM_OCCUR:
135 case SK_OCCUR_INDEX:
136 default:
137 {
138 Notice() << "Don't know how to handle Skolem ID " << id << std::endl;
139 Node v = nm->mkBoundVar(tn);
140 Node cond = nm->mkConst(true);
141 sk = sm->mkSkolem(v, cond, c, "string skolem");
142 }
143 break;
144 }
145 Trace("skolem-cache") << "...returned " << sk << std::endl;
146 d_allSkolems.insert(sk);
147 d_skolemCache[a][b][id] = sk;
148 return sk;
149 }
150 Node SkolemCache::mkTypedSkolemCached(TypeNode tn,
151 Node a,
152 SkolemId id,
153 const char* c)
154 {
155 return mkTypedSkolemCached(tn, a, Node::null(), id, c);
156 }
158 Node SkolemCache::mkSkolemSeqNth(TypeNode seqType, const char* c)
159 {
160 // Note this method is static and does not rely on any local caching.
161 // It is used by expand definitions and by (dynamic) reductions, thus
162 // it is centrally located here.
163 Assert(seqType.isSequence());
164 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
165 SkolemManager* sm = nm->getSkolemManager();
166 std::vector<TypeNode> argTypes;
167 argTypes.push_back(seqType);
168 argTypes.push_back(nm->integerType());
169 TypeNode elemType = seqType.getSequenceElementType();
170 TypeNode ufType = nm->mkFunctionType(argTypes, elemType);
171 return sm->mkSkolemFunction(SkolemFunId::SEQ_NTH_OOB, ufType);
172 }
174 Node SkolemCache::mkSkolem(const char* c)
175 {
176 // TODO: eliminate this
177 SkolemManager* sm = NodeManager::currentNM()->getSkolemManager();
178 Node n = sm->mkDummySkolem(c, d_strType, "string skolem");
179 d_allSkolems.insert(n);
180 return n;
181 }
183 bool SkolemCache::isSkolem(Node n) const
184 {
185 return d_allSkolems.find(n) != d_allSkolems.end();
186 }
188 std::tuple<SkolemCache::SkolemId, Node, Node>
189 SkolemCache::normalizeStringSkolem(SkolemId id, Node a, Node b)
190 {
192 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
194 // eliminate in terms of prefix/suffix_rem
195 if (id == SK_FIRST_CTN_POST)
196 {
197 // SK_FIRST_CTN_POST(x, y) --->
198 // SK_SUFFIX_REM(x, (+ (str.len SK_FIRST_CTN_PRE(x, y)) (str.len y)))
199 id = SK_SUFFIX_REM;
200 Node pre = mkSkolemCached(a, b, SK_FIRST_CTN_PRE, "pre");
201 b = nm->mkNode(
202 PLUS, nm->mkNode(STRING_LENGTH, pre), nm->mkNode(STRING_LENGTH, b));
203 }
204 else if (id == SK_ID_V_SPT || id == SK_ID_C_SPT)
205 {
206 // SK_ID_*_SPT(x, y) ---> SK_SUFFIX_REM(x, (str.len y))
207 id = SK_SUFFIX_REM;
208 b = nm->mkNode(STRING_LENGTH, b);
209 }
210 else if (id == SK_ID_V_SPT_REV || id == SK_ID_C_SPT_REV)
211 {
212 // SK_ID_*_SPT_REV(x, y) ---> SK_PREFIX(x, (- (str.len x) (str.len y)))
213 id = SK_PREFIX;
214 b = nm->mkNode(
215 MINUS, nm->mkNode(STRING_LENGTH, a), nm->mkNode(STRING_LENGTH, b));
216 }
217 else if (id == SK_ID_VC_SPT)
218 {
219 // SK_ID_VC_SPT(x, y) ---> SK_SUFFIX_REM(x, 1)
220 id = SK_SUFFIX_REM;
221 b = nm->mkConst(Rational(1));
222 }
223 else if (id == SK_ID_VC_SPT_REV)
224 {
225 // SK_ID_VC_SPT_REV(x, y) ---> SK_PREFIX(x, (- (str.len x) 1))
226 id = SK_PREFIX;
227 b = nm->mkNode(
228 MINUS, nm->mkNode(STRING_LENGTH, a), nm->mkConst(Rational(1)));
229 }
230 else if (id == SK_ID_DC_SPT)
231 {
232 // SK_ID_DC_SPT(x, y) ---> SK_PREFIX(x, 1)
233 id = SK_PREFIX;
234 b = nm->mkConst(Rational(1));
235 }
236 else if (id == SK_ID_DC_SPT_REM)
237 {
238 // SK_ID_DC_SPT_REM(x, y) ---> SK_SUFFIX_REM(x, 1)
239 id = SK_SUFFIX_REM;
240 b = nm->mkConst(Rational(1));
241 }
242 else if (id == SK_ID_DEQ_X)
243 {
244 // SK_ID_DEQ_X(x, y) ---> SK_PREFIX(y, (str.len x))
245 id = SK_PREFIX;
246 Node aOld = a;
247 a = b;
248 b = nm->mkNode(STRING_LENGTH, aOld);
249 }
250 else if (id == SK_ID_DEQ_Y)
251 {
252 // SK_ID_DEQ_Y(x, y) ---> SK_PREFIX(x, (str.len y))
253 id = SK_PREFIX;
254 b = nm->mkNode(STRING_LENGTH, b);
255 }
256 else if (id == SK_FIRST_CTN_PRE)
257 {
258 // SK_FIRST_CTN_PRE(x,y) ---> SK_PREFIX(x, indexof(x,y,0))
259 id = SK_PREFIX;
260 b = nm->mkNode(STRING_INDEXOF, a, b, d_zero);
261 }
263 if (id == SK_ID_V_UNIFIED_SPT || id == SK_ID_V_UNIFIED_SPT_REV)
264 {
265 bool isRev = (id == SK_ID_V_UNIFIED_SPT_REV);
266 Node la = nm->mkNode(STRING_LENGTH, a);
267 Node lb = nm->mkNode(STRING_LENGTH, b);
268 Node ta = isRev ? utils::mkPrefix(a, nm->mkNode(MINUS, la, lb))
269 : utils::mkSuffix(a, lb);
270 Node tb = isRev ? utils::mkPrefix(b, nm->mkNode(MINUS, lb, la))
271 : utils::mkSuffix(b, la);
272 id = SK_PURIFY;
273 // SK_ID_V_UNIFIED_SPT(x,y) --->
274 // ite(len(x) >= len(y), substr(x,0,str.len(y)), substr(y,0,str.len(x))
275 a = nm->mkNode(ITE, nm->mkNode(GEQ, la, lb), ta, tb);
276 b = Node::null();
277 }
279 // now, eliminate prefix/suffix_rem in terms of purify
280 if (id == SK_PREFIX)
281 {
282 // SK_PREFIX(x,y) ---> SK_PURIFY(substr(x,0,y))
283 id = SK_PURIFY;
284 a = utils::mkPrefix(a, b);
285 b = Node::null();
286 }
287 else if (id == SK_SUFFIX_REM)
288 {
289 // SK_SUFFIX_REM(x,y) ---> SK_PURIFY(substr(x,y,str.len(x)-y))
290 id = SK_PURIFY;
291 a = utils::mkSuffix(a, b);
292 b = Node::null();
293 }
295 if (d_useOpts)
296 {
297 a = a.isNull() ? a : Rewriter::rewrite(a);
298 b = b.isNull() ? b : Rewriter::rewrite(b);
299 }
300 Trace("skolem-cache") << "normalizeStringSkolem end: (" << id << ", " << a
301 << ", " << b << ")" << std::endl;
302 return std::make_tuple(id, a, b);
303 }
305 Node SkolemCache::mkIndexVar(Node t)
306 {
307 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
308 TypeNode intType = nm->integerType();
309 BoundVarManager* bvm = nm->getBoundVarManager();
310 return bvm->mkBoundVar<IndexVarAttribute>(t, intType);
311 }
313 Node SkolemCache::mkLengthVar(Node t)
314 {
315 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
316 TypeNode intType = nm->integerType();
317 BoundVarManager* bvm = nm->getBoundVarManager();
318 return bvm->mkBoundVar<LengthVarAttribute>(t, intType);
319 }
321 } // namespace strings
322 } // namespace theory
323 } // namespace cvc5