[cvc5.git] / src / theory / strings / theory_strings.cpp
1 /******************************************************************************
2 * Top contributors (to current version):
3 * Andrew Reynolds, Andres Noetzli, Tianyi Liang
4 *
5 * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
6 *
7 * Copyright (c) 2009-2022 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 * All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 * directory for licensing information.
11 * ****************************************************************************
12 *
13 * Implementation of the theory of strings.
14 */
16 #include "theory/strings/theory_strings.h"
18 #include "expr/attribute.h"
19 #include "expr/bound_var_manager.h"
20 #include "expr/kind.h"
21 #include "expr/sequence.h"
22 #include "options/smt_options.h"
23 #include "options/strings_options.h"
24 #include "options/theory_options.h"
25 #include "smt/logic_exception.h"
26 #include "theory/decision_manager.h"
27 #include "theory/ext_theory.h"
28 #include "theory/rewriter.h"
29 #include "theory/strings/theory_strings_utils.h"
30 #include "theory/strings/type_enumerator.h"
31 #include "theory/strings/word.h"
32 #include "theory/theory_model.h"
33 #include "theory/valuation.h"
35 using namespace std;
36 using namespace cvc5::context;
37 using namespace cvc5::internal::kind;
39 namespace cvc5::internal {
40 namespace theory {
41 namespace strings {
43 /**
44 * Attribute used for making unique (bound variables) which correspond to
45 * unique element values used in sequence models. See use in collectModelValues
46 * below.
47 */
48 struct SeqModelVarAttributeId
49 {
50 };
51 using SeqModelVarAttribute = expr::Attribute<SeqModelVarAttributeId, Node>;
53 TheoryStrings::TheoryStrings(Env& env, OutputChannel& out, Valuation valuation)
54 : Theory(THEORY_STRINGS, env, out, valuation),
55 d_notify(*this),
56 d_statistics(),
57 d_state(env, d_valuation),
58 d_termReg(env, *this, d_state, d_statistics, d_pnm),
59 d_rewriter(env.getRewriter(),
60 &d_statistics.d_rewrites,
61 d_termReg.getAlphabetCardinality()),
62 d_eagerSolver(options().strings.stringEagerSolver
63 ? new EagerSolver(env, d_state, d_termReg)
64 : nullptr),
65 d_extTheoryCb(),
66 d_im(env, *this, d_state, d_termReg, d_extTheory, d_statistics),
67 d_extTheory(env, d_extTheoryCb, d_im),
68 // the checker depends on the cardinality of the alphabet
69 d_checker(d_termReg.getAlphabetCardinality()),
70 d_bsolver(env, d_state, d_im, d_termReg),
71 d_csolver(env, d_state, d_im, d_termReg, d_bsolver),
72 d_esolver(env,
73 d_state,
74 d_im,
75 d_termReg,
76 d_rewriter,
77 d_bsolver,
78 d_csolver,
79 d_extTheory,
80 d_statistics),
81 d_asolver(
82 env, d_state, d_im, d_termReg, d_csolver, d_esolver, d_extTheory),
83 d_rsolver(
84 env, d_state, d_im, d_termReg, d_csolver, d_esolver, d_statistics),
85 d_regexp_elim(
86 options().strings.regExpElim == options::RegExpElimMode::AGG,
87 d_pnm,
88 userContext()),
89 d_stringsFmf(env, valuation, d_termReg),
90 d_strat(d_env),
91 d_absModelCounter(0),
92 d_cpacb(*this)
93 {
94 d_termReg.finishInit(&d_im);
96 d_zero = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConstInt(Rational(0));
97 d_one = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConstInt(Rational(1));
98 d_neg_one = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConstInt(Rational(-1));
99 d_true = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( true );
100 d_false = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( false );
102 // set up the extended function callback
103 d_extTheoryCb.d_esolver = &d_esolver;
105 // use the state object as the official theory state
106 d_theoryState = &d_state;
107 // use the inference manager as the official inference manager
108 d_inferManager = &d_im;
109 }
111 TheoryStrings::~TheoryStrings() {
113 }
115 TheoryRewriter* TheoryStrings::getTheoryRewriter() { return &d_rewriter; }
117 ProofRuleChecker* TheoryStrings::getProofChecker() { return &d_checker; }
119 bool TheoryStrings::needsEqualityEngine(EeSetupInfo& esi)
120 {
121 esi.d_notify = &d_notify;
122 esi.d_name = "theory::strings::ee";
123 esi.d_notifyNewClass = true;
124 esi.d_notifyMerge = true;
125 esi.d_notifyDisequal = true;
126 return true;
127 }
129 void TheoryStrings::finishInit()
130 {
131 Assert(d_equalityEngine != nullptr);
133 // witness is used to eliminate str.from_code
134 d_valuation.setUnevaluatedKind(WITNESS);
136 bool eagerEval = options().strings.stringEagerEval;
137 // The kinds we are treating as function application in congruence
138 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::STRING_LENGTH, eagerEval);
139 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::STRING_CONCAT, eagerEval);
140 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::STRING_IN_REGEXP, eagerEval);
141 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::STRING_TO_CODE, eagerEval);
142 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::SEQ_UNIT, eagerEval);
143 // `seq.nth` is not always defined, and so we do not evaluate it eagerly.
144 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::SEQ_NTH, false);
145 // extended functions
146 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::STRING_CONTAINS, eagerEval);
147 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::STRING_LEQ, eagerEval);
148 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::STRING_SUBSTR, eagerEval);
149 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::STRING_UPDATE, eagerEval);
150 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::STRING_ITOS, eagerEval);
151 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::STRING_STOI, eagerEval);
152 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::STRING_INDEXOF, eagerEval);
153 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::STRING_INDEXOF_RE, eagerEval);
154 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::STRING_REPLACE, eagerEval);
155 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::STRING_REPLACE_ALL, eagerEval);
156 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::STRING_REPLACE_RE, eagerEval);
157 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::STRING_REPLACE_RE_ALL, eagerEval);
158 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::STRING_REPLACE_ALL, eagerEval);
159 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::STRING_TO_LOWER, eagerEval);
160 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::STRING_TO_UPPER, eagerEval);
161 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::STRING_REV, eagerEval);
163 // memberships are not relevant for model building
164 d_valuation.setIrrelevantKind(kind::STRING_IN_REGEXP);
165 }
167 std::string TheoryStrings::identify() const
168 {
169 return std::string("TheoryStrings");
170 }
172 bool TheoryStrings::propagateLit(TNode literal)
173 {
174 return d_im.propagateLit(literal);
175 }
177 TrustNode TheoryStrings::explain(TNode literal)
178 {
179 Trace("strings-explain") << "explain called on " << literal << std::endl;
180 return d_im.explainLit(literal);
181 }
183 void TheoryStrings::presolve() {
184 Trace("strings-presolve")
185 << "TheoryStrings::Presolving : get fmf options "
186 << (options().strings.stringFMF ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
187 d_strat.initializeStrategy();
189 // if strings fmf is enabled, register the strategy
190 if (options().strings.stringFMF)
191 {
192 d_stringsFmf.presolve();
193 // This strategy is local to a check-sat call, since we refresh the strategy
194 // on every call to presolve.
195 d_im.getDecisionManager()->registerStrategy(
197 d_stringsFmf.getDecisionStrategy(),
198 DecisionManager::STRAT_SCOPE_LOCAL_SOLVE);
199 }
200 Trace("strings-presolve") << "Finished presolve" << std::endl;
201 }
203 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
205 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
207 bool TheoryStrings::collectModelValues(TheoryModel* m,
208 const std::set<Node>& termSet)
209 {
210 if (TraceIsOn("strings-debug-model"))
211 {
212 Trace("strings-debug-model")
213 << "TheoryStrings::collectModelValues" << std::endl;
214 Trace("strings-debug-model") << "Equivalence classes are:" << std::endl;
215 Trace("strings-debug-model") << debugPrintStringsEqc() << std::endl;
216 Trace("strings-debug-model") << "Extended functions are:" << std::endl;
217 Trace("strings-debug-model") << d_esolver.debugPrintModel() << std::endl;
218 }
219 Trace("strings-model") << "TheoryStrings::collectModelValues" << std::endl;
220 // Collects representatives by types and orders sequence types by how nested
221 // they are
222 std::map<TypeNode, std::unordered_set<Node>> repSet;
223 std::unordered_set<TypeNode> toProcess;
224 // Generate model
225 // get the relevant string equivalence classes
226 for (const Node& s : termSet)
227 {
228 TypeNode tn = s.getType();
229 if (tn.isStringLike())
230 {
231 Node r = d_state.getRepresentative(s);
232 repSet[tn].insert(r);
233 toProcess.insert(tn);
234 }
235 }
237 while (!toProcess.empty())
238 {
239 // Pick one of the remaining types to collect model values for
240 TypeNode tn = *toProcess.begin();
241 if (!collectModelInfoType(tn, toProcess, repSet, m))
242 {
243 return false;
244 }
245 }
247 return true;
248 }
250 /**
251 * Object to sort by the value of pairs in the write model returned by the
252 * sequences array solver.
253 */
254 struct SortSeqIndex
255 {
256 SortSeqIndex() {}
257 /** the comparison */
258 bool operator()(const std::pair<Node, Node>& i,
259 const std::pair<Node, Node>& j)
260 {
261 Assert(i.first.isConst() && i.first.getType().isInteger()
262 && j.first.isConst() && j.first.getType().isInteger());
263 Assert(i.first != j.first);
264 return i.first.getConst<Rational>() < j.first.getConst<Rational>();
265 }
266 };
268 bool TheoryStrings::collectModelInfoType(
269 TypeNode tn,
270 std::unordered_set<TypeNode>& toProcess,
271 const std::map<TypeNode, std::unordered_set<Node> >& repSet,
272 TheoryModel* m)
273 {
274 // Make sure that the model values for the element type of sequences are
275 // computed first
276 if (tn.isSequence() && tn.getSequenceElementType().isSequence())
277 {
278 TypeNode tnElem = tn.getSequenceElementType();
279 if (toProcess.find(tnElem) != toProcess.end()
280 && !collectModelInfoType(tnElem, toProcess, repSet, m))
281 {
282 return false;
283 }
284 }
285 toProcess.erase(tn);
287 SEnumLenSet sels;
288 // get partition of strings of equal lengths for the representatives of the
289 // current type
290 std::map<TypeNode, std::vector<std::vector<Node> > > colT;
291 std::map<TypeNode, std::vector<Node> > ltsT;
292 const std::vector<Node> repVec(repSet.at(tn).begin(), repSet.at(tn).end());
293 d_state.separateByLength(repVec, colT, ltsT);
294 const std::vector<std::vector<Node> >& col = colT[tn];
295 const std::vector<Node>& lts = ltsT[tn];
296 // indices in col that have lengths that are too big to represent
297 std::unordered_set<size_t> oobIndices;
299 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
300 std::map< Node, Node > processed;
301 //step 1 : get all values for known lengths
302 std::vector< Node > lts_values;
303 std::map<std::size_t, Node> values_used;
304 std::vector<Node> len_splits;
305 for (size_t i = 0, csize = col.size(); i < csize; i++)
306 {
307 Trace("strings-model") << "Checking length for { " << col[i];
308 Trace("strings-model") << " } (length is " << lts[i] << ")" << std::endl;
309 Node len_value;
310 if( lts[i].isConst() ) {
311 len_value = lts[i];
312 }
313 else if (!lts[i].isNull())
314 {
315 // get the model value for lts[i]
316 len_value = d_valuation.getModelValue(lts[i]);
317 }
318 if (len_value.isNull())
319 {
320 lts_values.push_back(Node::null());
321 }
322 else if (len_value.getConst<Rational>() > options().strings.stringsModelMaxLength)
323 {
324 // note that we give a warning instead of throwing logic exception if we
325 // cannot construct the string, these are then assigned witness terms
326 // below
327 warning() << "The model was computed to have strings of length "
328 << len_value << ". Based on the current value of option --strings-model-max-len, we only allow strings up to length "
329 << options().strings.stringsModelMaxLength << std::endl;
330 oobIndices.insert(i);
331 lts_values.push_back(len_value);
332 }
333 else
334 {
335 std::size_t lvalue =
336 len_value.getConst<Rational>().getNumerator().toUnsignedInt();
337 auto itvu = values_used.find(lvalue);
338 if (itvu == values_used.end())
339 {
340 values_used[lvalue] = lts[i];
341 }
342 else
343 {
344 len_splits.push_back(lts[i].eqNode(itvu->second));
345 }
346 lts_values.push_back(len_value);
347 }
348 }
349 ////step 2 : assign arbitrary values for unknown lengths?
350 // confirmed by calculus invariant, see paper
351 Trace("strings-model") << "Assign to equivalence classes..." << std::endl;
352 std::map<Node, Node> pure_eq_assign;
353 // if we are using the sequences array solver, get the connected sequences
354 const std::map<Node, Node>* conSeq = nullptr;
355 std::map<Node, Node>::const_iterator itcs;
356 if (options().strings.seqArray != options::SeqArrayMode::NONE)
357 {
358 conSeq = &d_asolver.getConnectedSequences();
359 }
360 //step 3 : assign values to equivalence classes that are pure variables
361 for (size_t i = 0, csize = col.size(); i < csize; i++)
362 {
363 bool wasOob = (oobIndices.find(i) != oobIndices.end());
364 std::vector< Node > pure_eq;
365 Node lenValue = lts_values[i];
366 Trace("strings-model") << "Considering (" << col[i].size()
367 << ") equivalence classes for length " << lenValue
368 << std::endl;
369 for (const Node& eqc : col[i])
370 {
371 Trace("strings-model") << "- eqc: " << eqc << std::endl;
372 //check if col[i][j] has only variables
373 if (eqc.isConst())
374 {
375 processed[eqc] = eqc;
376 // Make sure that constants are asserted to the theory model that we
377 // are building. It is possible that new constants were introduced by
378 // the eager evaluation in the equality engine. These terms are missing
379 // in the term set and, as a result, are skipped when the equality
380 // engine is asserted to the theory model.
381 m->getEqualityEngine()->addTerm(eqc);
383 // For sequences constants, also add the elements (expanding elements
384 // as necessary)
385 if (eqc.getType().isSequence())
386 {
387 const std::vector<Node> elems = eqc.getConst<Sequence>().getVec();
388 std::vector<TNode> visit(elems.begin(), elems.end());
389 for (size_t j = 0; j < visit.size(); j++)
390 {
391 Node se = visit[j];
392 Assert(se.isConst());
393 if (se.getType().isSequence())
394 {
395 const std::vector<Node> selems = se.getConst<Sequence>().getVec();
396 visit.insert(visit.end(), selems.begin(), selems.end());
397 }
398 m->getEqualityEngine()->addTerm(se);
399 }
400 }
402 Trace("strings-model") << "-> constant" << std::endl;
403 continue;
404 }
405 NormalForm& nfe = d_csolver.getNormalForm(eqc);
406 if (nfe.d_nf.size() != 1)
407 {
408 // will be assigned via a concatenation of normal form eqc
409 continue;
410 }
411 // check if the length is too big to represent
412 if (wasOob)
413 {
414 processed[eqc] = eqc;
415 Assert(!lenValue.isNull() && lenValue.isConst());
416 // make the abstract value (witness ((x String)) (= (str.len x)
417 // lenValue))
418 Node w = utils::mkAbstractStringValueForLength(
419 eqc, lenValue, d_absModelCounter);
420 d_absModelCounter++;
421 Trace("strings-model")
422 << "-> length out of bounds, assign abstract " << w << std::endl;
423 if (!m->assertEquality(eqc, w, true))
424 {
425 Unreachable() << "TheoryStrings::collectModelInfoType: Inconsistent "
426 "abstract equality"
427 << std::endl;
428 return false;
429 }
430 continue;
431 }
432 // ensure we have decided on length value at this point
433 if (lenValue.isNull())
434 {
435 // start with length two (other lengths have special precendence)
436 size_t lvalue = 2;
437 while (values_used.find(lvalue) != values_used.end())
438 {
439 lvalue++;
440 }
441 Trace("strings-model")
442 << "*** Decide to make length of " << lvalue << std::endl;
443 lenValue = nm->mkConstInt(Rational(lvalue));
444 values_used[lvalue] = Node::null();
445 }
446 // is it an equivalence class with a seq.unit term?
447 Node assignedValue;
448 if (nfe.d_nf[0].getKind() == SEQ_UNIT)
449 {
450 Node argVal;
451 if (nfe.d_nf[0][0].getType().isStringLike())
452 {
453 // By this point, we should have assigned model values for the
454 // elements of this sequence type because of the check in the
455 // beginning of this method
456 argVal = m->getRepresentative(nfe.d_nf[0][0]);
457 }
458 else
459 {
460 // Otherwise, we use the term itself. We cannot get the model
461 // value of this term, since it might not be available yet, as
462 // it may belong to a theory that has not built its model yet.
463 // Hence, we assign a (non-constant) skeleton (seq.unit argVal).
464 argVal = nfe.d_nf[0][0];
465 }
466 Assert(!argVal.isNull()) << "No value for " << nfe.d_nf[0][0];
467 assignedValue = rewrite(
468 nm->mkSeqUnit(eqc.getType().getSequenceElementType(), argVal));
469 Trace("strings-model")
470 << "-> assign via seq.unit: " << assignedValue << std::endl;
471 }
472 else if (d_termReg.hasStringCode() && lenValue == d_one)
473 {
474 // It has a code and the length of these equivalence classes are one.
475 // Note this code is solely for strings, not sequences.
476 EqcInfo* eip = d_state.getOrMakeEqcInfo(eqc, false);
477 if (eip && !eip->d_codeTerm.get().isNull())
478 {
479 // its value must be equal to its code
480 Node ct = nm->mkNode(kind::STRING_TO_CODE, eip->d_codeTerm.get());
481 Node ctv = d_valuation.getModelValue(ct);
482 unsigned cvalue =
483 ctv.getConst<Rational>().getNumerator().toUnsignedInt();
484 Trace("strings-model") << "(code: " << cvalue << ") ";
485 std::vector<unsigned> vec;
486 vec.push_back(cvalue);
487 assignedValue = nm->mkConst(String(vec));
488 Trace("strings-model")
489 << "-> assign via str.code: " << assignedValue << std::endl;
490 }
491 }
492 else if (options().strings.seqArray != options::SeqArrayMode::NONE)
493 {
494 TypeNode etype = eqc.getType().getSequenceElementType();
495 // determine skeleton based on the write model, if it exists
496 const std::map<Node, Node>& writeModel = d_asolver.getWriteModel(eqc);
497 Trace("strings-model")
498 << "write model size " << writeModel.size() << std::endl;
499 if (!writeModel.empty())
500 {
501 Trace("strings-model")
502 << "Write model for " << tn << " is:" << std::endl;
503 std::vector<std::pair<Node, Node>> writes;
504 std::unordered_set<Node> usedWrites;
505 for (const std::pair<const Node, Node>& w : writeModel)
506 {
507 Trace("strings-model")
508 << " " << w.first << " -> " << w.second << std::endl;
509 Node ivalue = d_valuation.getModelValue(w.first);
510 Assert(ivalue.isConst() && ivalue.getType().isInteger());
511 // ignore if out of bounds
512 Rational irat = ivalue.getConst<Rational>();
513 if (irat.sgn() == -1 || irat >= lenValue.getConst<Rational>())
514 {
515 continue;
516 }
517 if (usedWrites.find(ivalue) != usedWrites.end())
518 {
519 continue;
520 }
521 usedWrites.insert(ivalue);
522 Node wsunit = nm->mkSeqUnit(etype, w.second);
523 writes.emplace_back(ivalue, wsunit);
524 }
525 // sort based on index value
526 SortSeqIndex ssi;
527 std::sort(writes.begin(), writes.end(), ssi);
528 std::vector<Node> cc;
529 uint32_t currIndex = 0;
530 for (size_t w = 0, wsize = writes.size(); w <= wsize; w++)
531 {
532 uint32_t nextIndex;
533 if (w == writes.size())
534 {
535 nextIndex =
536 lenValue.getConst<Rational>().getNumerator().toUnsignedInt();
537 }
538 else
539 {
540 Node windex = writes[w].first;
541 Assert(windex.getConst<Rational>()
542 <= Rational(String::maxSize()));
543 nextIndex =
544 windex.getConst<Rational>().getNumerator().toUnsignedInt();
545 Assert(nextIndex >= currIndex);
546 }
547 if (nextIndex > currIndex)
548 {
549 // allocate arbitrary value to fill gap
550 Assert(conSeq != nullptr);
551 Node base = eqc;
552 itcs = conSeq->find(eqc);
553 if (itcs != conSeq->end())
554 {
555 base = itcs->second;
556 }
557 // use a skeleton for the gap and not a concrete value, as we
558 // do not know how which values from the element type are
559 // allowable (i.e. unconstrained) to assign to the gap
560 Node cgap = mkSkeletonFromBase(base, currIndex, nextIndex);
561 cc.push_back(cgap);
562 }
563 // then take read
564 if (w < wsize)
565 {
566 cc.push_back(writes[w].second);
567 }
568 currIndex = nextIndex + 1;
569 }
570 assignedValue = utils::mkConcat(cc, tn);
571 Trace("strings-model")
572 << "-> assign via seq.update/nth eqc: " << assignedValue
573 << std::endl;
574 }
575 }
576 if (!assignedValue.isNull())
577 {
578 pure_eq_assign[eqc] = assignedValue;
579 m->getEqualityEngine()->addTerm(assignedValue);
580 }
581 else
582 {
583 Trace("strings-model") << "-> no assignment" << std::endl;
584 }
585 pure_eq.push_back(eqc);
586 }
588 //assign a new length if necessary
589 if( !pure_eq.empty() ){
590 Trace("strings-model") << "Need to assign values of length " << lenValue
591 << " to equivalence classes ";
592 for( unsigned j=0; j<pure_eq.size(); j++ ){
593 Trace("strings-model") << pure_eq[j] << " ";
594 }
595 Trace("strings-model") << std::endl;
597 //use type enumerator
598 Assert(lenValue.getConst<Rational>() <= Rational(String::maxSize()))
599 << "Exceeded UINT32_MAX in string model";
600 uint32_t currLen =
601 lenValue.getConst<Rational>().getNumerator().toUnsignedInt();
602 Trace("strings-model") << "Cardinality of alphabet is "
603 << d_termReg.getAlphabetCardinality() << std::endl;
604 SEnumLen* sel = sels.getEnumerator(currLen, tn);
605 for (const Node& eqc : pure_eq)
606 {
607 Node c;
608 std::map<Node, Node>::iterator itp = pure_eq_assign.find(eqc);
609 if (itp == pure_eq_assign.end())
610 {
611 do
612 {
613 if (sel->isFinished())
614 {
615 // We are in a case where model construction is impossible due to
616 // an insufficient number of constants of a given length.
618 // Consider an integer equivalence class E whose value is assigned
619 // n in the model. Let { S_1, ..., S_m } be the set of string
620 // equivalence classes such that len( x ) is a member of E for
621 // some member x of each class S1, ...,Sm. Since our calculus is
622 // saturated with respect to cardinality inference (see Liang
623 // et al, Figure 6, CAV 2014), we have that m <= A^n, where A is
624 // the cardinality of our alphabet.
626 // Now, consider the case where there exists two integer
627 // equivalence classes E1 and E2 that are assigned n, and moreover
628 // we did not received notification from arithmetic that E1 = E2.
629 // This typically should never happen, but assume in the following
630 // that it does.
632 // Now, it may be the case that there are string equivalence
633 // classes { S_1, ..., S_m1 } whose lengths are in E1,
634 // and classes { S'_1, ..., S'_m2 } whose lengths are in E2, where
635 // m1 + m2 > A^n. In this case, we have insufficient strings to
636 // assign to { S_1, ..., S_m1, S'_1, ..., S'_m2 }. If this
637 // happens, we add a split on len( u1 ) = len( u2 ) for some
638 // len( u1 ) in E1, len( u2 ) in E2. We do this for each pair of
639 // integer equivalence classes that are assigned to the same value
640 // in the model.
641 AlwaysAssert(!len_splits.empty());
642 for (const Node& sl : len_splits)
643 {
644 Node spl = nm->mkNode(OR, sl, sl.negate());
645 d_im.lemma(spl, InferenceId::STRINGS_CMI_SPLIT);
646 Trace("strings-lemma")
647 << "Strings::CollectModelInfoSplit: " << spl << std::endl;
648 }
649 // we added a lemma, so can return here
650 return false;
651 }
652 c = sel->getCurrent();
653 // if we are a sequence with infinite element type
654 if (tn.isSequence()
655 && !d_env.isFiniteType(tn.getSequenceElementType()))
656 {
657 // Make a skeleton instead.
658 c = mkSkeletonFor(c);
659 }
660 // increment
661 sel->increment();
662 } while (m->hasTerm(c));
663 }
664 else
665 {
666 c = itp->second;
667 }
668 Trace("strings-model") << "*** Assigned constant " << c << " for "
669 << eqc << std::endl;
670 processed[eqc] = c;
671 if (!m->assertEquality(eqc, c, true))
672 {
673 // this should never happen due to the model soundness argument
674 // for strings
675 Unreachable()
676 << "TheoryStrings::collectModelInfoType: Inconsistent equality"
677 << std::endl;
678 return false;
679 }
680 }
681 }
682 }
683 Trace("strings-model") << "String Model : Pure Assigned." << std::endl;
684 //step 4 : assign constants to all other equivalence classes
685 for (const Node& rn : repVec)
686 {
687 if (processed.find(rn) == processed.end())
688 {
689 NormalForm& nf = d_csolver.getNormalForm(rn);
690 if (TraceIsOn("strings-model"))
691 {
692 Trace("strings-model")
693 << "Construct model for " << rn << " based on normal form ";
694 for (unsigned j = 0, size = nf.d_nf.size(); j < size; j++)
695 {
696 Node n = nf.d_nf[j];
697 if (j > 0)
698 {
699 Trace("strings-model") << " ++ ";
700 }
701 Trace("strings-model") << n;
702 Node r = d_state.getRepresentative(n);
703 if (!r.isConst() && processed.find(r) == processed.end())
704 {
705 Trace("strings-model") << "(UNPROCESSED)";
706 }
707 }
708 }
709 Trace("strings-model") << std::endl;
710 std::vector< Node > nc;
711 for (const Node& n : nf.d_nf)
712 {
713 Node r = d_state.getRepresentative(n);
714 Assert(r.isConst() || processed.find(r) != processed.end());
715 nc.push_back(r.isConst() ? r : processed[r]);
716 }
717 Node cc = d_termReg.mkNConcat(nc, tn);
718 Trace("strings-model")
719 << "*** Determined constant " << cc << " for " << rn << std::endl;
720 processed[rn] = cc;
721 if (!m->assertEquality(rn, cc, true))
722 {
723 // this should never happen due to the model soundness argument
724 // for strings
725 Unreachable() << "TheoryStrings::collectModelInfoType: "
726 "Inconsistent equality (unprocessed eqc)"
727 << std::endl;
728 return false;
729 }
730 else if (!cc.isConst())
731 {
732 // the value may be specified by seq.unit components, ensure this
733 // is marked as the skeleton for constructing values in this class.
734 m->assertSkeleton(cc);
735 }
736 }
737 }
738 //Trace("strings-model") << "String Model : Assigned." << std::endl;
739 Trace("strings-model") << "String Model : Finished." << std::endl;
740 return true;
741 }
743 Node TheoryStrings::mkSkeletonFor(Node c)
744 {
745 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
746 SkolemManager* sm = nm->getSkolemManager();
747 BoundVarManager* bvm = nm->getBoundVarManager();
748 Assert(c.getKind() == CONST_SEQUENCE);
749 const Sequence& sn = c.getConst<Sequence>();
750 const std::vector<Node>& snvec = sn.getVec();
751 std::vector<Node> skChildren;
752 TypeNode etn = c.getType().getSequenceElementType();
753 for (const Node& snv : snvec)
754 {
755 Assert(snv.getType().isSubtypeOf(etn));
756 Node v = bvm->mkBoundVar<SeqModelVarAttribute>(snv, etn);
757 // use a skolem, not a bound variable
758 Node kv = sm->mkPurifySkolem(v, "smv");
759 skChildren.push_back(nm->mkSeqUnit(etn, kv));
760 }
761 return utils::mkConcat(skChildren, c.getType());
762 }
764 Node TheoryStrings::mkSkeletonFromBase(Node r,
765 size_t currIndex,
766 size_t nextIndex)
767 {
768 Assert(!r.isNull());
769 Assert(r.getType().isSequence());
770 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
771 SkolemManager* sm = nm->getSkolemManager();
772 std::vector<Node> cacheVals;
773 cacheVals.push_back(r);
774 std::vector<Node> skChildren;
775 TypeNode etn = r.getType().getSequenceElementType();
776 for (size_t i = currIndex; i < nextIndex; i++)
777 {
778 cacheVals.push_back(nm->mkConst(CONST_RATIONAL, Rational(currIndex)));
779 Node kv = sm->mkSkolemFunction(
780 SkolemFunId::SEQ_MODEL_BASE_ELEMENT, etn, cacheVals);
781 skChildren.push_back(nm->mkSeqUnit(etn, kv));
782 cacheVals.pop_back();
783 }
784 return utils::mkConcat(skChildren, r.getType());
785 }
787 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
789 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
791 void TheoryStrings::preRegisterTerm(TNode n)
792 {
793 Trace("strings-preregister")
794 << "TheoryStrings::preRegisterTerm: " << n << std::endl;
795 d_termReg.preRegisterTerm(n);
796 // Register the term with the extended theory. Notice we do not recurse on
797 // this term here since preRegisterTerm is already called recursively on all
798 // subterms in preregistered literals.
799 d_extTheory.registerTerm(n);
800 }
802 bool TheoryStrings::preNotifyFact(
803 TNode atom, bool pol, TNode fact, bool isPrereg, bool isInternal)
804 {
805 if (atom.getKind() == EQUAL)
806 {
807 // this is only required for internal facts, others are already registered
808 if (isInternal)
809 {
810 // We must ensure these terms are registered. We register eagerly here for
811 // performance reasons. Alternatively, terms could be registered at full
812 // effort in e.g. BaseSolver::init.
813 for (const Node& t : atom)
814 {
815 d_termReg.registerTerm(t, 0);
816 }
817 }
818 // store disequalities between strings that occur as literals
819 if (!pol && atom[0].getType().isStringLike())
820 {
821 d_state.addDisequality(atom[0], atom[1]);
822 }
823 }
824 return false;
825 }
827 void TheoryStrings::notifyFact(TNode atom,
828 bool polarity,
829 TNode fact,
830 bool isInternal)
831 {
832 if (d_eagerSolver)
833 {
834 d_eagerSolver->notifyFact(atom, polarity, fact, isInternal);
835 }
836 // process pending conflicts due to reasoning about endpoints
837 if (!d_state.isInConflict() && d_state.hasPendingConflict())
838 {
839 InferInfo iiPendingConf(InferenceId::UNKNOWN);
840 d_state.getPendingConflict(iiPendingConf);
841 Trace("strings-pending")
842 << "Process pending conflict " << iiPendingConf.d_premises << std::endl;
843 Trace("strings-conflict")
844 << "CONFLICT: Eager : " << iiPendingConf.d_premises << std::endl;
845 ++(d_statistics.d_conflictsEager);
846 // call the inference manager to send the conflict
847 d_im.processConflict(iiPendingConf);
848 return;
849 }
850 Trace("strings-pending-debug") << " Now collect terms" << std::endl;
851 Trace("strings-pending-debug") << " Finished collect terms" << std::endl;
852 }
854 void TheoryStrings::postCheck(Effort e)
855 {
856 d_im.doPendingFacts();
858 Assert(d_strat.isStrategyInit());
859 if (!d_state.isInConflict() && !d_valuation.needCheck()
860 && d_strat.hasStrategyEffort(e))
861 {
862 Trace("strings-check-debug")
863 << "Theory of strings " << e << " effort check " << std::endl;
864 if (TraceIsOn("strings-eqc"))
865 {
866 Trace("strings-eqc") << debugPrintStringsEqc() << std::endl;
867 }
868 ++(d_statistics.d_checkRuns);
869 bool sentLemma = false;
870 bool hadPending = false;
871 Trace("strings-check") << "Full effort check..." << std::endl;
872 do{
873 d_im.reset();
874 ++(d_statistics.d_strategyRuns);
875 Trace("strings-check") << " * Run strategy..." << std::endl;
876 runStrategy(e);
877 // remember if we had pending facts or lemmas
878 hadPending = d_im.hasPending();
879 // Send the facts *and* the lemmas. We send lemmas regardless of whether
880 // we send facts since some lemmas cannot be dropped. Other lemmas are
881 // otherwise avoided by aborting the strategy when a fact is ready.
882 d_im.doPending();
883 // Did we successfully send a lemma? Notice that if hasPending = true
884 // and sentLemma = false, then the above call may have:
885 // (1) had no pending lemmas, but successfully processed pending facts,
886 // (2) unsuccessfully processed pending lemmas.
887 // In either case, we repeat the strategy if we are not in conflict.
888 sentLemma = d_im.hasSentLemma();
889 if (TraceIsOn("strings-check"))
890 {
891 Trace("strings-check") << " ...finish run strategy: ";
892 Trace("strings-check") << (hadPending ? "hadPending " : "");
893 Trace("strings-check") << (sentLemma ? "sentLemma " : "");
894 Trace("strings-check") << (d_state.isInConflict() ? "conflict " : "");
895 if (!hadPending && !sentLemma && !d_state.isInConflict())
896 {
897 Trace("strings-check") << "(none)";
898 }
899 Trace("strings-check") << std::endl;
900 }
901 // repeat if we did not add a lemma or conflict, and we had pending
902 // facts or lemmas.
903 } while (!d_state.isInConflict() && !sentLemma && hadPending);
904 }
905 Trace("strings-check") << "Theory of strings, done check : " << e << std::endl;
906 Assert(!d_im.hasPendingFact());
907 Assert(!d_im.hasPendingLemma());
908 }
910 bool TheoryStrings::needsCheckLastEffort() {
911 if (options().strings.stringModelBasedReduction)
912 {
913 bool hasExtf = d_esolver.hasExtendedFunctions();
914 Trace("strings-process")
915 << "needsCheckLastEffort: hasExtf = " << hasExtf << std::endl;
916 return hasExtf;
917 }
918 return false;
919 }
921 /** Conflict when merging two constants */
922 void TheoryStrings::conflict(TNode a, TNode b){
923 if (d_state.isInConflict())
924 {
925 // already in conflict
926 return;
927 }
928 d_im.conflictEqConstantMerge(a, b);
929 Trace("strings-conflict") << "CONFLICT: Eq engine conflict" << std::endl;
930 ++(d_statistics.d_conflictsEqEngine);
931 }
933 void TheoryStrings::eqNotifyNewClass(TNode t){
934 Kind k = t.getKind();
935 if (k == STRING_LENGTH || k == STRING_TO_CODE)
936 {
937 Trace("strings-debug") << "New length eqc : " << t << std::endl;
938 //we care about the length of this string
939 d_termReg.registerTerm(t[0], 1);
941 eq::EqualityEngine* ee = d_state.getEqualityEngine();
942 Node r = ee->getRepresentative(t[0]);
943 EqcInfo* ei = d_state.getOrMakeEqcInfo(r);
944 if (k == STRING_LENGTH)
945 {
946 ei->d_lengthTerm = t;
947 }
948 else
949 {
950 ei->d_codeTerm = t[0];
951 }
952 }
953 if (d_eagerSolver)
954 {
955 d_eagerSolver->eqNotifyNewClass(t);
956 }
957 }
959 void TheoryStrings::eqNotifyMerge(TNode t1, TNode t2)
960 {
961 EqcInfo* e2 = d_state.getOrMakeEqcInfo(t2, false);
962 if (e2 == nullptr)
963 {
964 return;
965 }
966 // always create it if e2 was non-null
967 EqcInfo* e1 = d_state.getOrMakeEqcInfo(t1);
969 if (d_eagerSolver)
970 {
971 d_eagerSolver->eqNotifyMerge(e1, t1, e2, t2);
972 }
974 // add information from e2 to e1
975 if (!e2->d_lengthTerm.get().isNull())
976 {
977 e1->d_lengthTerm.set(e2->d_lengthTerm);
978 }
979 if (!e2->d_codeTerm.get().isNull())
980 {
981 e1->d_codeTerm.set(e2->d_codeTerm);
982 }
983 if (e2->d_cardinalityLemK.get() > e1->d_cardinalityLemK.get())
984 {
985 e1->d_cardinalityLemK.set(e2->d_cardinalityLemK);
986 }
987 if (!e2->d_normalizedLength.get().isNull())
988 {
989 e1->d_normalizedLength.set(e2->d_normalizedLength);
990 }
991 }
993 void TheoryStrings::computeCareGraph(){
994 //computing the care graph here is probably still necessary, due to operators that take non-string arguments TODO: verify
995 Trace("strings-cg") << "TheoryStrings::computeCareGraph(): Build term indices..." << std::endl;
996 // Term index for each (type, operator) pair. We require the operator here
997 // since operators are polymorphic, taking strings/sequences.
998 std::map<std::pair<TypeNode, Node>, TNodeTrie> index;
999 std::map< Node, unsigned > arity;
1000 const context::CDList<TNode>& fterms = d_termReg.getFunctionTerms();
1001 size_t functionTerms = fterms.size();
1002 for (unsigned i = 0; i < functionTerms; ++ i) {
1003 TNode f1 = fterms[i];
1004 Trace("strings-cg") << "...build for " << f1 << std::endl;
1005 Node op = f1.getOperator();
1006 std::vector< TNode > reps;
1007 bool has_trigger_arg = false;
1008 for( unsigned j=0; j<f1.getNumChildren(); j++ ){
1009 reps.push_back(d_equalityEngine->getRepresentative(f1[j]));
1010 if (d_equalityEngine->isTriggerTerm(f1[j], THEORY_STRINGS))
1011 {
1012 has_trigger_arg = true;
1013 }
1014 }
1015 if( has_trigger_arg ){
1016 TypeNode ft = utils::getOwnerStringType(f1);
1017 std::pair<TypeNode, Node> ikey = std::pair<TypeNode, Node>(ft, op);
1018 index[ikey].addTerm(f1, reps);
1019 arity[op] = reps.size();
1020 }
1021 }
1022 //for each index
1023 for (std::pair<const std::pair<TypeNode, Node>, TNodeTrie>& ti : index)
1024 {
1025 Trace("strings-cg") << "TheoryStrings::computeCareGraph(): Process index "
1026 << ti.first << "..." << std::endl;
1027 Node op = ti.first.second;
1028 nodeTriePathPairProcess(&ti.second, arity[op], d_cpacb);
1029 }
1030 }
1032 void TheoryStrings::checkRegisterTermsPreNormalForm()
1033 {
1034 const std::vector<Node>& seqc = d_bsolver.getStringLikeEqc();
1035 for (const Node& eqc : seqc)
1036 {
1037 eq::EqClassIterator eqc_i = eq::EqClassIterator(eqc, d_equalityEngine);
1038 while (!eqc_i.isFinished())
1039 {
1040 Node n = (*eqc_i);
1041 if (!d_bsolver.isCongruent(n))
1042 {
1043 d_termReg.registerTerm(n, 2);
1044 }
1045 ++eqc_i;
1046 }
1047 }
1048 }
1050 void TheoryStrings::checkCodes()
1051 {
1052 // ensure that lemmas regarding str.code been added for each constant string
1053 // of length one
1054 if (d_termReg.hasStringCode())
1055 {
1056 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
1057 // str.code applied to the code term for each equivalence class that has a
1058 // code term but is not a constant
1059 std::vector<Node> nconst_codes;
1060 // str.code applied to the proxy variables for each equivalence classes that
1061 // are constants of size one
1062 std::vector<Node> const_codes;
1063 const std::vector<Node>& seqc = d_bsolver.getStringLikeEqc();
1064 for (const Node& eqc : seqc)
1065 {
1066 if (!eqc.getType().isString())
1067 {
1068 continue;
1069 }
1071 NormalForm& nfe = d_csolver.getNormalForm(eqc);
1072 if (nfe.d_nf.size() == 1 && nfe.d_nf[0].isConst())
1073 {
1074 Node c = nfe.d_nf[0];
1075 Trace("strings-code-debug") << "Get proxy variable for " << c
1076 << std::endl;
1077 Node cc = nm->mkNode(kind::STRING_TO_CODE, c);
1078 cc = rewrite(cc);
1079 Assert(cc.isConst());
1080 Node cp = d_termReg.ensureProxyVariableFor(c);
1081 Node vc = nm->mkNode(STRING_TO_CODE, cp);
1082 if (!d_state.areEqual(cc, vc))
1083 {
1084 std::vector<Node> emptyVec;
1085 d_im.sendInference(emptyVec, cc.eqNode(vc), InferenceId::STRINGS_CODE_PROXY);
1086 }
1087 const_codes.push_back(vc);
1088 }
1089 else
1090 {
1091 EqcInfo* ei = d_state.getOrMakeEqcInfo(eqc, false);
1092 if (ei && !ei->d_codeTerm.get().isNull())
1093 {
1094 Node vc = nm->mkNode(kind::STRING_TO_CODE, ei->d_codeTerm.get());
1095 nconst_codes.push_back(vc);
1096 }
1097 }
1098 }
1099 if (d_im.hasProcessed())
1100 {
1101 return;
1102 }
1103 // now, ensure that str.code is injective
1104 std::vector<Node> cmps;
1105 cmps.insert(cmps.end(), const_codes.rbegin(), const_codes.rend());
1106 cmps.insert(cmps.end(), nconst_codes.rbegin(), nconst_codes.rend());
1107 for (unsigned i = 0, num_ncc = nconst_codes.size(); i < num_ncc; i++)
1108 {
1109 Node c1 = nconst_codes[i];
1110 cmps.pop_back();
1111 for (const Node& c2 : cmps)
1112 {
1113 Trace("strings-code-debug")
1114 << "Compare codes : " << c1 << " " << c2 << std::endl;
1115 if (!d_state.areDisequal(c1, c2) && !d_state.areEqual(c1, d_neg_one))
1116 {
1117 Node eq_no = c1.eqNode(d_neg_one);
1118 Node deq = c1.eqNode(c2).negate();
1119 Node eqn = c1[0].eqNode(c2[0]);
1120 // str.code(x)==-1 V str.code(x)!=str.code(y) V x==y
1121 Node inj_lem = nm->mkNode(kind::OR, eq_no, deq, eqn);
1122 deq = rewrite(deq);
1123 d_im.addPendingPhaseRequirement(deq, false);
1124 std::vector<Node> emptyVec;
1125 d_im.sendInference(emptyVec, inj_lem, InferenceId::STRINGS_CODE_INJ);
1126 }
1127 }
1128 }
1129 }
1130 }
1132 void TheoryStrings::checkRegisterTermsNormalForms()
1133 {
1134 const std::vector<Node>& seqc = d_bsolver.getStringLikeEqc();
1135 for (const Node& eqc : seqc)
1136 {
1137 NormalForm& nfi = d_csolver.getNormalForm(eqc);
1138 // check if there is a length term for this equivalence class
1139 EqcInfo* ei = d_state.getOrMakeEqcInfo(eqc, false);
1140 Node lt = ei ? ei->d_lengthTerm : Node::null();
1141 if (lt.isNull())
1142 {
1143 Node c = d_termReg.mkNConcat(nfi.d_nf, eqc.getType());
1144 d_termReg.registerTerm(c, 3);
1145 }
1146 }
1147 }
1149 TrustNode TheoryStrings::ppRewrite(TNode atom, std::vector<SkolemLemma>& lems)
1150 {
1151 Trace("strings-ppr") << "TheoryStrings::ppRewrite " << atom << std::endl;
1152 if (atom.getKind() == EQUAL)
1153 {
1154 // always apply aggressive equality rewrites here
1155 Node ret = d_rewriter.rewriteEqualityExt(atom);
1156 if (ret != atom)
1157 {
1158 return TrustNode::mkTrustRewrite(atom, ret, nullptr);
1159 }
1160 }
1161 if (atom.getKind() == STRING_FROM_CODE)
1162 {
1163 // str.from_code(t) ---> ite(0 <= t < |A|, t = str.to_code(k), k = "")
1164 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
1165 SkolemCache* sc = d_termReg.getSkolemCache();
1166 Node k = sc->mkSkolemCached(atom, SkolemCache::SK_PURIFY, "kFromCode");
1167 Node t = atom[0];
1168 Node card = nm->mkConstInt(Rational(d_termReg.getAlphabetCardinality()));
1169 Node cond =
1170 nm->mkNode(AND, nm->mkNode(LEQ, d_zero, t), nm->mkNode(LT, t, card));
1171 Node emp = Word::mkEmptyWord(atom.getType());
1172 Node pred = nm->mkNode(
1173 ITE, cond, t.eqNode(nm->mkNode(STRING_TO_CODE, k)), k.eqNode(emp));
1174 TrustNode tnk = TrustNode::mkTrustLemma(pred);
1175 lems.push_back(SkolemLemma(tnk, k));
1176 return TrustNode::mkTrustRewrite(atom, k, nullptr);
1177 }
1178 TrustNode ret;
1179 Node atomRet = atom;
1180 if (options().strings.regExpElim != options::RegExpElimMode::OFF
1181 && atom.getKind() == STRING_IN_REGEXP)
1182 {
1183 // aggressive elimination of regular expression membership
1184 ret = d_regexp_elim.eliminateTrusted(atomRet);
1185 if (!ret.isNull())
1186 {
1187 Trace("strings-ppr") << " rewrote " << atom << " -> " << ret.getNode()
1188 << " via regular expression elimination."
1189 << std::endl;
1190 atomRet = ret.getNode();
1191 }
1192 }
1193 return ret;
1194 }
1196 /** run the given inference step */
1197 void TheoryStrings::runInferStep(InferStep s, int effort)
1198 {
1199 Trace("strings-process") << "Run " << s;
1200 if (effort > 0)
1201 {
1202 Trace("strings-process") << ", effort = " << effort;
1203 }
1204 Trace("strings-process") << "..." << std::endl;
1205 switch (s)
1206 {
1207 case CHECK_INIT: d_bsolver.checkInit(); break;
1208 case CHECK_CONST_EQC: d_bsolver.checkConstantEquivalenceClasses(); break;
1209 case CHECK_EXTF_EVAL: d_esolver.checkExtfEval(effort); break;
1210 case CHECK_CYCLES: d_csolver.checkCycles(); break;
1211 case CHECK_FLAT_FORMS: d_csolver.checkFlatForms(); break;
1212 case CHECK_REGISTER_TERMS_PRE_NF: checkRegisterTermsPreNormalForm(); break;
1213 case CHECK_NORMAL_FORMS_EQ: d_csolver.checkNormalFormsEq(); break;
1214 case CHECK_NORMAL_FORMS_DEQ: d_csolver.checkNormalFormsDeq(); break;
1215 case CHECK_CODES: checkCodes(); break;
1216 case CHECK_LENGTH_EQC: d_csolver.checkLengthsEqc(); break;
1217 case CHECK_SEQUENCES_ARRAY_CONCAT: d_asolver.checkArrayConcat(); break;
1218 case CHECK_SEQUENCES_ARRAY: d_asolver.checkArray(); break;
1219 case CHECK_SEQUENCES_ARRAY_EAGER: d_asolver.checkArrayEager(); break;
1220 case CHECK_REGISTER_TERMS_NF: checkRegisterTermsNormalForms(); break;
1221 case CHECK_EXTF_REDUCTION: d_esolver.checkExtfReductions(effort); break;
1222 case CHECK_MEMBERSHIP: d_rsolver.checkMemberships(effort); break;
1223 case CHECK_CARDINALITY: d_bsolver.checkCardinality(); break;
1224 default: Unreachable(); break;
1225 }
1226 Trace("strings-process") << "Done " << s
1227 << ", addedFact = " << d_im.hasPendingFact()
1228 << ", addedLemma = " << d_im.hasPendingLemma()
1229 << ", conflict = " << d_state.isInConflict()
1230 << std::endl;
1231 }
1233 void TheoryStrings::runStrategy(Theory::Effort e)
1234 {
1235 std::vector<std::pair<InferStep, int> >::iterator it = d_strat.stepBegin(e);
1236 std::vector<std::pair<InferStep, int> >::iterator stepEnd =
1237 d_strat.stepEnd(e);
1239 Trace("strings-process") << "----check, next round---" << std::endl;
1240 while (it != stepEnd)
1241 {
1242 InferStep curr = it->first;
1243 if (curr == BREAK)
1244 {
1245 if (d_im.hasProcessed())
1246 {
1247 break;
1248 }
1249 }
1250 else
1251 {
1252 runInferStep(curr, it->second);
1253 if (d_state.isInConflict())
1254 {
1255 break;
1256 }
1257 }
1258 ++it;
1259 }
1260 Trace("strings-process") << "----finished round---" << std::endl;
1261 }
1263 std::string TheoryStrings::debugPrintStringsEqc()
1264 {
1265 std::stringstream ss;
1266 for (unsigned t = 0; t < 2; t++)
1267 {
1268 eq::EqClassesIterator eqcs2_i = eq::EqClassesIterator(d_equalityEngine);
1269 ss << (t == 0 ? "STRINGS:" : "OTHER:") << std::endl;
1270 while (!eqcs2_i.isFinished())
1271 {
1272 Node eqc = (*eqcs2_i);
1273 bool print = (t == 0 && eqc.getType().isStringLike())
1274 || (t == 1 && !eqc.getType().isStringLike());
1275 if (print)
1276 {
1277 eq::EqClassIterator eqc2_i = eq::EqClassIterator(eqc, d_equalityEngine);
1278 ss << "Eqc( " << eqc << " ) : { ";
1279 while (!eqc2_i.isFinished())
1280 {
1281 if ((*eqc2_i) != eqc && (*eqc2_i).getKind() != kind::EQUAL)
1282 {
1283 ss << (*eqc2_i) << " ";
1284 }
1285 ++eqc2_i;
1286 }
1287 ss << " } " << std::endl;
1288 EqcInfo* ei = d_state.getOrMakeEqcInfo(eqc, false);
1289 if (ei)
1290 {
1291 Trace("strings-eqc-debug")
1292 << "* Length term : " << ei->d_lengthTerm.get() << std::endl;
1293 Trace("strings-eqc-debug")
1294 << "* Cardinality lemma k : " << ei->d_cardinalityLemK.get()
1295 << std::endl;
1296 Trace("strings-eqc-debug")
1297 << "* Normalization length lemma : "
1298 << ei->d_normalizedLength.get() << std::endl;
1299 }
1300 }
1301 ++eqcs2_i;
1302 }
1303 ss << std::endl;
1304 }
1305 ss << std::endl;
1306 return ss.str();
1307 }
1309 } // namespace strings
1310 } // namespace theory
1311 } // namespace cvc5::internal