Improved string performance, thanks to Peter's benchmarks.
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / strings / theory_strings.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file theory_strings.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Original author: Tianyi Liang
5 ** Major contributors: Andrew Reynolds
6 ** Minor contributors (to current version): Martin Brain <>, Morgan Deters
7 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
8 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2014 New York University and The University of Iowa
9 ** See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing
10 ** information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Theory of strings
13 **
14 ** Theory of strings.
15 **/
17 #include "cvc4_private.h"
22 #include "theory/theory.h"
23 #include "theory/uf/equality_engine.h"
24 #include "theory/strings/theory_strings_preprocess.h"
25 #include "theory/strings/regexp_operation.h"
27 #include "context/cdchunk_list.h"
28 #include "context/cdhashset.h"
30 #include <climits>
32 namespace CVC4 {
33 namespace theory {
34 namespace strings {
36 /**
37 * Decision procedure for strings.
38 *
39 */
41 class TheoryStrings : public Theory {
42 typedef context::CDChunkList<Node> NodeList;
43 typedef context::CDHashMap<Node, NodeList*, NodeHashFunction> NodeListMap;
44 typedef context::CDHashMap<Node, bool, NodeHashFunction> NodeBoolMap;
45 typedef context::CDHashMap<Node, int, NodeHashFunction> NodeIntMap;
46 typedef context::CDHashMap<Node, Node, NodeHashFunction> NodeNodeMap;
47 typedef context::CDHashSet<Node, NodeHashFunction> NodeSet;
49 public:
50 TheoryStrings(context::Context* c, context::UserContext* u, OutputChannel& out, Valuation valuation, const LogicInfo& logicInfo);
51 ~TheoryStrings();
53 void setMasterEqualityEngine(eq::EqualityEngine* eq);
55 std::string identify() const { return std::string("TheoryStrings"); }
57 public:
58 void propagate(Effort e);
59 bool propagate(TNode literal);
60 void explain( TNode literal, std::vector<TNode>& assumptions );
61 Node explain( TNode literal );
64 // NotifyClass for equality engine
65 class NotifyClass : public eq::EqualityEngineNotify {
66 TheoryStrings& d_str;
67 public:
68 NotifyClass(TheoryStrings& t_str): d_str(t_str) {}
69 bool eqNotifyTriggerEquality(TNode equality, bool value) {
70 Debug("strings") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyTriggerEquality(" << equality << ", " << (value ? "true" : "false" )<< ")" << std::endl;
71 if (value) {
72 return d_str.propagate(equality);
73 } else {
74 // We use only literal triggers so taking not is safe
75 return d_str.propagate(equality.notNode());
76 }
77 }
78 bool eqNotifyTriggerPredicate(TNode predicate, bool value) {
79 Debug("strings") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyTriggerPredicate(" << predicate << ", " << (value ? "true" : "false") << ")" << std::endl;
80 if (value) {
81 return d_str.propagate(predicate);
82 } else {
83 return d_str.propagate(predicate.notNode());
84 }
85 }
86 bool eqNotifyTriggerTermEquality(TheoryId tag, TNode t1, TNode t2, bool value) {
87 Debug("strings") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyTriggerTermMerge(" << tag << ", " << t1 << ", " << t2 << ")" << std::endl;
88 if (value) {
89 return d_str.propagate(t1.eqNode(t2));
90 } else {
91 return d_str.propagate(t1.eqNode(t2).notNode());
92 }
93 }
94 void eqNotifyConstantTermMerge(TNode t1, TNode t2) {
95 Debug("strings") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyConstantTermMerge(" << t1 << ", " << t2 << ")" << std::endl;
96 d_str.conflict(t1, t2);
97 }
98 void eqNotifyNewClass(TNode t) {
99 Debug("strings") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyNewClass(" << t << std::endl;
100 d_str.eqNotifyNewClass(t);
101 }
102 void eqNotifyPreMerge(TNode t1, TNode t2) {
103 Debug("strings") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyPreMerge(" << t1 << ", " << t2 << std::endl;
104 d_str.eqNotifyPreMerge(t1, t2);
105 }
106 void eqNotifyPostMerge(TNode t1, TNode t2) {
107 Debug("strings") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyPostMerge(" << t1 << ", " << t2 << std::endl;
108 d_str.eqNotifyPostMerge(t1, t2);
109 }
110 void eqNotifyDisequal(TNode t1, TNode t2, TNode reason) {
111 Debug("strings") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyDisequal(" << t1 << ", " << t2 << ", " << reason << std::endl;
112 d_str.eqNotifyDisequal(t1, t2, reason);
113 }
114 };/* class TheoryStrings::NotifyClass */
116 private:
117 /**
118 * Function symbol used to implement uninterpreted undefined string
119 * semantics. Needed to deal with partial charat/substr function.
120 */
121 Node d_ufSubstr;
123 // Constants
124 Node d_emptyString;
125 Node d_emptyRegexp;
126 Node d_true;
127 Node d_false;
128 Node d_zero;
129 Node d_one;
130 CVC4::Rational RMAXINT;
131 unsigned d_card_size;
132 // Options
133 bool d_opt_fmf;
134 bool d_opt_regexp_gcd;
135 // Helper functions
136 Node getRepresentative( Node t );
137 bool hasTerm( Node a );
138 bool areEqual( Node a, Node b );
139 bool areDisequal( Node a, Node b );
140 Node getLengthTerm( Node t );
141 Node getLength( Node t );
143 private:
144 /** The notify class */
145 NotifyClass d_notify;
146 /** Equaltity engine */
147 eq::EqualityEngine d_equalityEngine;
148 /** Are we in conflict */
149 context::CDO<bool> d_conflict;
150 //list of pairs of nodes to merge
151 std::map< Node, Node > d_pending_exp;
152 std::vector< Node > d_pending;
153 std::vector< Node > d_lemma_cache;
154 std::map< Node, bool > d_pending_req_phase;
155 /** inferences */
156 NodeList d_infer;
157 NodeList d_infer_exp;
158 /** normal forms */
159 std::map< Node, Node > d_normal_forms_base;
160 std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > d_normal_forms;
161 std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > d_normal_forms_exp;
162 //map of pairs of terms that have the same normal form
163 NodeListMap d_nf_pairs;
164 void addNormalFormPair( Node n1, Node n2 );
165 bool isNormalFormPair( Node n1, Node n2 );
166 bool isNormalFormPair2( Node n1, Node n2 );
167 // loop ant
168 NodeSet d_loop_antec;
169 NodeSet d_length_intro_vars;
170 // preReg cache
171 NodeSet d_registed_terms_cache;
172 // term cache
173 std::vector< Node > d_terms_cache;
174 void collectTerm( Node n );
175 void appendTermLemma();
177 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
179 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
180 public:
181 void collectModelInfo(TheoryModel* m, bool fullModel);
183 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
185 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
186 public:
187 void presolve();
188 void shutdown() { }
190 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
192 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
193 private:
194 void addSharedTerm(TNode n);
195 EqualityStatus getEqualityStatus(TNode a, TNode b);
197 private:
198 class EqcInfo {
199 public:
200 EqcInfo( context::Context* c );
201 ~EqcInfo(){}
202 //constant in this eqc
203 context::CDO< Node > d_const_term;
204 context::CDO< Node > d_length_term;
205 context::CDO< unsigned > d_cardinality_lem_k;
206 // 1 = added length lemma
207 context::CDO< Node > d_normalized_length;
208 };
209 /** map from representatives to information necessary for equivalence classes */
210 std::map< Node, EqcInfo* > d_eqc_info;
211 EqcInfo * getOrMakeEqcInfo( Node eqc, bool doMake = true );
212 //maintain which concat terms have the length lemma instantiated
213 NodeNodeMap d_length_inst;
214 private:
215 void mergeCstVec(std::vector< Node > &vec_strings);
216 bool getNormalForms(Node &eqc, std::vector< Node > & visited, std::vector< Node > & nf,
217 std::vector< std::vector< Node > > &normal_forms,
218 std::vector< std::vector< Node > > &normal_forms_exp,
219 std::vector< Node > &normal_form_src);
220 bool detectLoop(std::vector< std::vector< Node > > &normal_forms,
221 int i, int j, int index_i, int index_j,
222 int &loop_in_i, int &loop_in_j);
223 bool processLoop(std::vector< Node > &antec,
224 std::vector< std::vector< Node > > &normal_forms,
225 std::vector< Node > &normal_form_src,
226 int i, int j, int loop_n_index, int other_n_index,
227 int loop_index, int index, int other_index);
228 bool processNEqc(std::vector< std::vector< Node > > &normal_forms,
229 std::vector< std::vector< Node > > &normal_forms_exp,
230 std::vector< Node > &normal_form_src);
231 bool processReverseNEq(std::vector< std::vector< Node > > &normal_forms,
232 std::vector< Node > &normal_form_src, std::vector< Node > &curr_exp, unsigned i, unsigned j );
233 bool processSimpleNEq( std::vector< std::vector< Node > > &normal_forms,
234 std::vector< Node > &normal_form_src, std::vector< Node > &curr_exp, unsigned i, unsigned j,
235 unsigned& index_i, unsigned& index_j, bool isRev );
236 bool normalizeEquivalenceClass( Node n, std::vector< Node > & visited, std::vector< Node > & nf, std::vector< Node > & nf_exp );
237 bool processDeq( Node n1, Node n2 );
238 int processReverseDeq( std::vector< Node >& nfi, std::vector< Node >& nfj, Node ni, Node nj );
239 int processSimpleDeq( std::vector< Node >& nfi, std::vector< Node >& nfj, Node ni, Node nj, unsigned& index, bool isRev );
240 //bool unrollStar( Node atom );
241 Node mkRegExpAntec(Node atom, Node ant);
243 //bool checkSimple();
244 bool checkNormalForms();
245 void checkDeqNF();
246 bool checkLengthsEqc();
247 bool checkCardinality();
248 bool checkInductiveEquations();
249 //check membership constraints
250 Node normalizeRegexp(Node r);
251 bool normalizePosMemberships(std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > &memb_with_exps);
252 bool applyRConsume( CVC4::String &s, Node &r);
253 Node applyRSplit(Node s1, Node s2, Node r);
254 bool applyRLen(std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > &XinR_with_exps);
255 bool checkMembershipsWithoutLength(
256 std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > &memb_with_exps,
257 std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > &XinR_with_exps);
258 bool checkMemberships();
259 //temp
260 bool checkMemberships2();
261 bool checkPDerivative(Node x, Node r, Node atom, bool &addedLemma,
262 std::vector< Node > &processed, std::vector< Node > &cprocessed,
263 std::vector< Node > &nf_exp);
264 bool checkContains();
265 bool checkPosContains();
266 bool checkNegContains();
268 public:
269 void preRegisterTerm(TNode n);
270 Node expandDefinition(LogicRequest &logicRequest, Node n);
271 void check(Effort e);
273 /** Conflict when merging two constants */
274 void conflict(TNode a, TNode b);
275 /** called when a new equivalence class is created */
276 void eqNotifyNewClass(TNode t);
277 /** called when two equivalence classes will merge */
278 void eqNotifyPreMerge(TNode t1, TNode t2);
279 /** called when two equivalence classes have merged */
280 void eqNotifyPostMerge(TNode t1, TNode t2);
281 /** called when two equivalence classes are made disequal */
282 void eqNotifyDisequal(TNode t1, TNode t2, TNode reason);
283 protected:
284 /** compute care graph */
285 void computeCareGraph();
287 //do pending merges
288 void assertPendingFact(Node fact, Node exp);
289 void doPendingFacts();
290 void doPendingLemmas();
292 //register term
293 bool registerTerm( Node n );
294 //send lemma
295 void sendLemma( Node ant, Node conc, const char * c );
296 void sendInfer( Node eq_exp, Node eq, const char * c );
297 void sendSplit( Node a, Node b, const char * c, bool preq = true );
298 void sendLengthLemma( Node n );
299 /** mkConcat **/
300 inline Node mkConcat( Node n1, Node n2 );
301 inline Node mkConcat( Node n1, Node n2, Node n3 );
302 inline Node mkConcat( const std::vector< Node >& c );
303 //mkSkolem
304 inline Node mkSkolemS(const char * c, int isLenSplit = 0);
305 //inline Node mkSkolemI(const char * c);
306 /** mkExplain **/
307 Node mkExplain( std::vector< Node >& a );
308 Node mkExplain( std::vector< Node >& a, std::vector< Node >& an );
309 /** mkAnd **/
310 Node mkAnd( std::vector< Node >& a );
311 /** get concat vector */
312 void getConcatVec( Node n, std::vector< Node >& c );
314 //get equivalence classes
315 void getEquivalenceClasses( std::vector< Node >& eqcs );
316 //get final normal form
317 void getFinalNormalForm( Node n, std::vector< Node >& nf, std::vector< Node >& exp );
319 //separate into collections with equal length
320 void separateByLength( std::vector< Node >& n, std::vector< std::vector< Node > >& col, std::vector< Node >& lts );
321 void printConcat( std::vector< Node >& n, const char * c );
323 private:
324 Node mkSplitEq( const char * c, const char * info, Node lhs, Node rhs, bool lgtZero );
326 // Special String Functions
327 NodeList d_str_pos_ctn;
328 NodeList d_str_neg_ctn;
329 NodeSet d_neg_ctn_eqlen;
330 NodeSet d_neg_ctn_ulen;
331 NodeSet d_pos_ctn_cached;
332 NodeSet d_neg_ctn_cached;
334 // Symbolic Regular Expression
335 private:
336 // regular expression memberships
337 NodeList d_regexp_memberships;
338 NodeSet d_regexp_ucached;
339 NodeSet d_regexp_ccached;
340 // stored assertions
341 NodeListMap d_pos_memberships;
342 NodeListMap d_neg_memberships;
343 // semi normal forms for symbolic expression
344 std::map< Node, Node > d_nf_regexps;
345 std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > d_nf_regexps_exp;
346 // intersection
347 NodeNodeMap d_inter_cache;
348 NodeIntMap d_inter_index;
349 // processed memberships
350 NodeSet d_processed_memberships;
351 // antecedant for why regexp membership must be true
352 NodeNodeMap d_regexp_ant;
353 // membership length
354 //std::map< Node, bool > d_membership_length;
355 // regular expression operations
356 RegExpOpr d_regexp_opr;
358 CVC4::String getHeadConst( Node x );
359 bool deriveRegExp( Node x, Node r, Node ant );
360 bool addMembershipLength(Node atom);
361 void addMembership(Node assertion);
362 Node getNormalString(Node x, std::vector<Node> &nf_exp);
363 Node getNormalSymRegExp(Node r, std::vector<Node> &nf_exp);
366 // Finite Model Finding
367 private:
368 NodeSet d_input_vars;
369 context::CDO< Node > d_input_var_lsum;
370 context::CDHashMap< int, Node > d_cardinality_lits;
371 context::CDO< int > d_curr_cardinality;
372 public:
373 //for finite model finding
374 Node getNextDecisionRequest();
375 void assertNode( Node lit );
377 public:
378 /** statistics class */
379 class Statistics {
380 public:
381 IntStat d_splits;
382 IntStat d_eq_splits;
383 IntStat d_deq_splits;
384 IntStat d_loop_lemmas;
385 IntStat d_new_skolems;
386 Statistics();
387 ~Statistics();
388 };/* class TheoryStrings::Statistics */
389 Statistics d_statistics;
390 };/* class TheoryStrings */
392 }/* CVC4::theory::strings namespace */
393 }/* CVC4::theory namespace */
394 }/* CVC4 namespace */