Integrate central equality engine approach into theory engine, add option and regress...
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / theory.h
1 /******************************************************************************
2 * Top contributors (to current version):
3 * Andrew Reynolds, Morgan Deters, Dejan Jovanovic
4 *
5 * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
6 *
7 * Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 * All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 * directory for licensing information.
11 * ****************************************************************************
12 *
13 * Base of the theory interface.
14 */
16 #include "cvc5_private.h"
18 #ifndef CVC5__THEORY__THEORY_H
19 #define CVC5__THEORY__THEORY_H
21 #include <iosfwd>
22 #include <set>
23 #include <string>
24 #include <unordered_set>
26 #include "context/cdlist.h"
27 #include "context/cdo.h"
28 #include "context/context.h"
29 #include "expr/node.h"
30 #include "options/theory_options.h"
31 #include "proof/trust_node.h"
32 #include "theory/assertion.h"
33 #include "theory/care_graph.h"
34 #include "theory/logic_info.h"
35 #include "theory/skolem_lemma.h"
36 #include "theory/theory_id.h"
37 #include "theory/valuation.h"
38 #include "util/statistics_stats.h"
40 namespace cvc5 {
42 class ProofNodeManager;
43 class TheoryEngine;
44 class ProofRuleChecker;
46 namespace theory {
48 class DecisionManager;
49 struct EeSetupInfo;
50 class OutputChannel;
51 class QuantifiersEngine;
52 class TheoryInferenceManager;
53 class TheoryModel;
54 class TheoryRewriter;
55 class TheoryState;
56 class TrustSubstitutionMap;
58 namespace eq {
59 class EqualityEngine;
60 } // namespace eq
62 /**
63 * Base class for T-solvers. Abstract DPLL(T).
64 *
65 * This is essentially an interface class. The TheoryEngine has
66 * pointers to Theory. Note that only one specific Theory type (e.g.,
67 * TheoryUF) can exist per NodeManager, because of how the
68 * RegisteredAttr works. (If you need multiple instances of the same
69 * theory, you'll have to write a multiplexed theory that dispatches
70 * all calls to them.)
71 *
72 * NOTE: A Theory has a special way of being initialized. The owner of a Theory
73 * is either:
74 *
75 * (A) Using Theory as a standalone object, not associated with a TheoryEngine.
76 * In this case, simply call the public initialization method
77 * (Theory::finishInitStandalone).
78 *
79 * (B) TheoryEngine, which determines how the Theory acts in accordance with
80 * its theory combination policy. We require the following steps in order:
81 * (B.1) Get information about whether the theory wishes to use an equality
82 * eninge, and more specifically which equality engine notifications the Theory
83 * would like to be notified of (Theory::needsEqualityEngine).
84 * (B.2) Set the equality engine of the theory (Theory::setEqualityEngine),
85 * which we refer to as the "official equality engine" of this Theory. The
86 * equality engine passed to the theory must respect the contract(s) specified
87 * by the equality engine setup information (EeSetupInfo) returned in the
88 * previous step.
89 * (B.3) Set the other required utilities including setQuantifiersEngine and
90 * setDecisionManager.
91 * (B.4) Call the private initialization method (Theory::finishInit).
92 *
93 * Initialization of the second form happens during TheoryEngine::finishInit,
94 * after the quantifiers engine and model objects have been set up.
95 */
96 class Theory {
97 friend class ::cvc5::TheoryEngine;
99 private:
100 // Disallow default construction, copy, assignment.
101 Theory() = delete;
102 Theory(const Theory&) = delete;
103 Theory& operator=(const Theory&) = delete;
105 /** An integer identifying the type of the theory. */
106 TheoryId d_id;
108 /** The SAT search context for the Theory. */
109 context::Context* d_satContext;
111 /** The user level assertion context for the Theory. */
112 context::UserContext* d_userContext;
114 /** Information about the logic we're operating within. */
115 const LogicInfo& d_logicInfo;
117 /**
118 * The assertFact() queue.
119 *
120 * These can not be TNodes as some atoms (such as equalities) are sent
121 * across theories without being stored in a global map.
122 */
123 context::CDList<Assertion> d_facts;
125 /** Index into the head of the facts list */
126 context::CDO<unsigned> d_factsHead;
128 /** Indices for splitting on the shared terms. */
129 context::CDO<unsigned> d_sharedTermsIndex;
131 /** The care graph the theory will use during combination. */
132 CareGraph* d_careGraph;
134 /** Pointer to the decision manager. */
135 DecisionManager* d_decManager;
137 protected:
138 /** Name of this theory instance. Along with the TheoryId this should provide
139 * an unique string identifier for each instance of a Theory class. We need
140 * this to ensure unique statistics names over multiple theory instances. */
141 std::string d_instanceName;
143 // === STATISTICS ===
144 /** time spent in check calls */
145 TimerStat d_checkTime;
146 /** time spent in theory combination */
147 TimerStat d_computeCareGraphTime;
149 /**
150 * The only method to add suff to the care graph.
151 */
152 void addCarePair(TNode t1, TNode t2);
154 /**
155 * The function should compute the care graph over the shared terms.
156 * The default function returns all the pairs among the shared variables.
157 */
158 virtual void computeCareGraph();
160 /**
161 * A list of shared terms that the theory has.
162 */
163 context::CDList<TNode> d_sharedTerms;
165 /**
166 * Construct a Theory.
167 *
168 * The pair <id, instance> is assumed to uniquely identify this Theory
169 * w.r.t. the SmtEngine.
170 */
171 Theory(TheoryId id,
172 context::Context* satContext,
173 context::UserContext* userContext,
174 OutputChannel& out,
175 Valuation valuation,
176 const LogicInfo& logicInfo,
177 ProofNodeManager* pnm,
178 std::string instance = ""); // taking : No default.
180 /**
181 * This is called at shutdown time by the TheoryEngine, just before
182 * destruction. It is important because there are destruction
183 * ordering issues between PropEngine and Theory (based on what
184 * hard-links to Nodes are outstanding). As the fact queue might be
185 * nonempty, we ensure here that it's clear. If you overload this,
186 * you must make an explicit call here to this->Theory::shutdown()
187 * too.
188 */
189 virtual void shutdown() { }
191 /**
192 * The output channel for the Theory.
193 */
194 OutputChannel* d_out;
196 /**
197 * The valuation proxy for the Theory to communicate back with the
198 * theory engine (and other theories).
199 */
200 Valuation d_valuation;
201 /**
202 * Pointer to the official equality engine of this theory, which is owned by
203 * the equality engine manager of TheoryEngine.
204 */
205 eq::EqualityEngine* d_equalityEngine;
206 /**
207 * The official equality engine, if we allocated it.
208 */
209 std::unique_ptr<eq::EqualityEngine> d_allocEqualityEngine;
210 /**
211 * The theory state, which contains contexts, valuation, and equality engine.
212 * Notice the theory is responsible for memory management of this class.
213 */
214 TheoryState* d_theoryState;
215 /**
216 * The theory inference manager. This is a wrapper around the equality
217 * engine and the output channel. It ensures that the output channel and
218 * the equality engine are used properly.
219 */
220 TheoryInferenceManager* d_inferManager;
222 /**
223 * Pointer to the quantifiers engine (or NULL, if quantifiers are not
224 * supported or not enabled). Not owned by the theory.
225 */
226 QuantifiersEngine* d_quantEngine;
228 /** Pointer to proof node manager */
229 ProofNodeManager* d_pnm;
230 /**
231 * Are proofs enabled?
232 *
233 * They are considered enabled if the ProofNodeManager is non-null.
234 */
235 bool proofsEnabled() const;
237 /**
238 * Returns the next assertion in the assertFact() queue.
239 *
240 * @return the next assertion in the assertFact() queue
241 */
242 inline Assertion get();
244 const LogicInfo& getLogicInfo() const {
245 return d_logicInfo;
246 }
248 /**
249 * Set separation logic heap. This is called when the location and data
250 * types for separation logic are determined. This should be called at
251 * most once, before solving.
252 *
253 * This currently should be overridden by the separation logic theory only.
254 */
255 virtual void declareSepHeap(TypeNode locT, TypeNode dataT) {}
257 /**
258 * The theory that owns the uninterpreted sort.
259 */
260 static TheoryId s_uninterpretedSortOwner;
262 void printFacts(std::ostream& os) const;
263 void debugPrintFacts() const;
265 /** is legal elimination
266 *
267 * Returns true if x -> val is a legal elimination of variable x. This is
268 * useful for ppAssert, when x = val is an entailed equality. This function
269 * determines whether indeed x can be eliminated from the problem via the
270 * substituion x -> val.
271 *
272 * The following criteria imply that x -> val is *not* a legal elimination:
273 * (1) If x is contained in val,
274 * (2) If the type of val is not a subtype of the type of x,
275 * (3) If val contains an operator that cannot be evaluated, and produceModels
276 * is true. For example, x -> sqrt(2) is not a legal elimination if we
277 * are producing models. This is because we care about the value of x, and
278 * its value must be computed (approximated) by the non-linear solver.
279 */
280 bool isLegalElimination(TNode x, TNode val);
281 //--------------------------------- private initialization
282 /**
283 * Called to set the official equality engine. This should be done by
284 * TheoryEngine only.
285 */
286 void setEqualityEngine(eq::EqualityEngine* ee);
287 /** Called to set the quantifiers engine. */
288 void setQuantifiersEngine(QuantifiersEngine* qe);
289 /** Called to set the decision manager. */
290 void setDecisionManager(DecisionManager* dm);
291 /**
292 * Finish theory initialization. At this point, options and the logic
293 * setting are final, the master equality engine and quantifiers
294 * engine (if any) are initialized, and the official equality engine of this
295 * theory has been assigned. This base class implementation
296 * does nothing. This should be called by TheoryEngine only.
297 */
298 virtual void finishInit() {}
299 //--------------------------------- end private initialization
301 /**
302 * This method is called to notify a theory that the node n should
303 * be considered a "shared term" by this theory. This does anything
304 * theory-specific concerning the fact that n is now marked as a shared
305 * term, which is done in addition to explicitly storing n as a shared
306 * term and adding it as a trigger term in the equality engine of this
307 * class (see addSharedTerm).
308 */
309 virtual void notifySharedTerm(TNode n);
310 /**
311 * Notify in conflict, called when a conflict clause is added to TheoryEngine
312 * by any theory (not necessarily this one). This signals that the theory
313 * should suspend what it is currently doing and wait for backtracking.
314 */
315 virtual void notifyInConflict();
317 public:
318 //--------------------------------- initialization
319 /**
320 * @return The theory rewriter associated with this theory.
321 */
322 virtual TheoryRewriter* getTheoryRewriter() = 0;
323 /**
324 * @return The proof checker associated with this theory.
325 */
326 virtual ProofRuleChecker* getProofChecker() = 0;
327 /**
328 * Returns true if this theory needs an equality engine for checking
329 * satisfiability.
330 *
331 * If this method returns true, then the equality engine manager will
332 * initialize its equality engine field via setEqualityEngine above during
333 * TheoryEngine::finishInit, prior to calling finishInit for this theory.
334 *
335 * Additionally, if this method returns true, then this method is required to
336 * update the argument esi with instructions for initializing and setting up
337 * notifications from its equality engine, which is commonly done with
338 * a notifications class (eq::EqualityEngineNotify).
339 */
340 virtual bool needsEqualityEngine(EeSetupInfo& esi);
341 /**
342 * Finish theory initialization, standalone version. This is used to
343 * initialize this class if it is not associated with a theory engine.
344 * This allocates the official equality engine of this Theory and then
345 * calls the finishInit method above.
346 */
347 void finishInitStandalone();
348 //--------------------------------- end initialization
350 /**
351 * Return the ID of the theory responsible for the given type.
352 */
353 static inline TheoryId theoryOf(TypeNode typeNode) {
354 Trace("theory::internal") << "theoryOf(" << typeNode << ")" << std::endl;
355 TheoryId id;
356 if (typeNode.getKind() == kind::TYPE_CONSTANT) {
357 id = typeConstantToTheoryId(typeNode.getConst<TypeConstant>());
358 } else {
359 id = kindToTheoryId(typeNode.getKind());
360 }
361 if (id == THEORY_BUILTIN) {
362 Trace("theory::internal") << "theoryOf(" << typeNode << ") == " << s_uninterpretedSortOwner << std::endl;
363 return s_uninterpretedSortOwner;
364 }
365 return id;
366 }
368 /**
369 * Returns the ID of the theory responsible for the given node.
370 */
371 static TheoryId theoryOf(options::TheoryOfMode mode, TNode node);
373 /**
374 * Returns the ID of the theory responsible for the given node.
375 */
376 static inline TheoryId theoryOf(TNode node) {
377 return theoryOf(options::theoryOfMode(), node);
378 }
380 /**
381 * Set the owner of the uninterpreted sort.
382 */
383 static void setUninterpretedSortOwner(TheoryId theory) {
384 s_uninterpretedSortOwner = theory;
385 }
387 /**
388 * Get the owner of the uninterpreted sort.
389 */
390 static TheoryId getUninterpretedSortOwner() {
391 return s_uninterpretedSortOwner;
392 }
394 /**
395 * Checks if the node is a leaf node of this theory
396 */
397 inline bool isLeaf(TNode node) const {
398 return node.getNumChildren() == 0 || theoryOf(node) != d_id;
399 }
401 /**
402 * Checks if the node is a leaf node of a theory.
403 */
404 inline static bool isLeafOf(TNode node, TheoryId theoryId) {
405 return node.getNumChildren() == 0 || theoryOf(node) != theoryId;
406 }
408 /** Returns true if the assertFact queue is empty*/
409 bool done() const { return d_factsHead == d_facts.size(); }
410 /**
411 * Destructs a Theory.
412 */
413 virtual ~Theory();
415 /**
416 * Subclasses of Theory may add additional efforts. DO NOT CHECK
417 * equality with one of these values (e.g. if STANDARD xxx) but
418 * rather use range checks (or use the helper functions below).
419 * Normally we call QUICK_CHECK or STANDARD; at the leaves we call
420 * with FULL_EFFORT.
421 */
422 enum Effort
423 {
424 /**
425 * Standard effort where theory need not do anything
426 */
428 /**
429 * Full effort requires the theory make sure its assertions are satisfiable
430 * or not
431 */
432 EFFORT_FULL = 100,
433 /**
434 * Last call effort, called after theory combination has completed with
435 * no lemmas and a model is available.
436 */
438 }; /* enum Effort */
440 static inline bool standardEffortOrMore(Effort e) CVC5_CONST_FUNCTION
441 {
442 return e >= EFFORT_STANDARD; }
443 static inline bool standardEffortOnly(Effort e) CVC5_CONST_FUNCTION
444 {
445 return e >= EFFORT_STANDARD && e < EFFORT_FULL; }
446 static inline bool fullEffort(Effort e) CVC5_CONST_FUNCTION
447 {
448 return e == EFFORT_FULL; }
450 /**
451 * Get the id for this Theory.
452 */
453 TheoryId getId() const {
454 return d_id;
455 }
457 /**
458 * Get the SAT context associated to this Theory.
459 */
460 context::Context* getSatContext() const {
461 return d_satContext;
462 }
464 /**
465 * Get the context associated to this Theory.
466 */
467 context::UserContext* getUserContext() const {
468 return d_userContext;
469 }
471 /**
472 * Get the output channel associated to this theory.
473 */
474 OutputChannel& getOutputChannel() {
475 return *d_out;
476 }
478 /**
479 * Get the valuation associated to this theory.
480 */
481 Valuation& getValuation() {
482 return d_valuation;
483 }
485 /** Get the equality engine being used by this theory. */
486 eq::EqualityEngine* getEqualityEngine();
488 /**
489 * Get the quantifiers engine associated to this theory.
490 */
491 QuantifiersEngine* getQuantifiersEngine() {
492 return d_quantEngine;
493 }
495 /**
496 * @return The theory state associated with this theory.
497 */
498 TheoryState* getTheoryState() { return d_theoryState; }
500 /**
501 * @return The theory inference manager associated with this theory.
502 */
503 TheoryInferenceManager* getInferenceManager() { return d_inferManager; }
505 /**
506 * Pre-register a term. Done one time for a Node per SAT context level.
507 */
508 virtual void preRegisterTerm(TNode);
510 /**
511 * Assert a fact in the current context.
512 */
513 void assertFact(TNode assertion, bool isPreregistered) {
514 Trace("theory") << "Theory<" << getId() << ">::assertFact["
515 << d_satContext->getLevel() << "](" << assertion << ", "
516 << (isPreregistered ? "true" : "false") << ")" << std::endl;
517 d_facts.push_back(Assertion(assertion, isPreregistered));
518 }
520 /** Add shared term to the theory. */
521 void addSharedTerm(TNode node);
523 /**
524 * Return the current theory care graph. Theories should overload
525 * computeCareGraph to do the actual computation, and use addCarePair to add
526 * pairs to the care graph.
527 */
528 void getCareGraph(CareGraph* careGraph);
530 /**
531 * Return the status of two terms in the current context. Should be
532 * implemented in sub-theories to enable more efficient theory-combination.
533 */
534 virtual EqualityStatus getEqualityStatus(TNode a, TNode b);
536 /**
537 * Return the model value of the give shared term (or null if not available).
538 *
539 * TODO (project #39): this method is likely to become deprecated.
540 */
541 virtual Node getModelValue(TNode var) { return Node::null(); }
543 /** T-propagate new literal assignments in the current context. */
544 virtual void propagate(Effort level = EFFORT_FULL) {}
546 /**
547 * Return an explanation for the literal represented by parameter n
548 * (which was previously propagated by this theory).
549 */
550 virtual TrustNode explain(TNode n)
551 {
552 Unimplemented() << "Theory " << identify()
553 << " propagated a node but doesn't implement the "
554 "Theory::explain() interface!";
555 return TrustNode::null();
556 }
558 //--------------------------------- check
559 /**
560 * Does this theory wish to be called to check at last call effort? This is
561 * the case for any theory that wishes to run when a model is available.
562 */
563 virtual bool needsCheckLastEffort() { return false; }
564 /**
565 * Check the current assignment's consistency.
566 *
567 * An implementation of check() is required to either:
568 * - return a conflict on the output channel,
569 * - be interrupted,
570 * - throw an exception
571 * - or call get() until done() is true.
572 *
573 * The standard method for check consists of a loop that processes the entire
574 * fact queue when preCheck returns false. It makes four theory-specific
575 * callbacks, (preCheck, postCheck, preNotifyFact, notifyFact) as described
576 * below. It asserts each fact to the official equality engine when
577 * preNotifyFact returns false.
578 *
579 * Theories that use this check method must use an official theory
580 * state object (d_theoryState).
581 */
582 void check(Effort level = EFFORT_FULL);
583 /**
584 * Pre-check, called before the fact queue of the theory is processed.
585 * If this method returns false, then the theory will process its fact
586 * queue. If this method returns true, then the theory has indicated
587 * its check method should finish immediately.
588 */
589 virtual bool preCheck(Effort level = EFFORT_FULL);
590 /**
591 * Post-check, called after the fact queue of the theory is processed.
592 */
593 virtual void postCheck(Effort level = EFFORT_FULL);
594 /**
595 * Pre-notify fact, return true if the theory processed it. If this
596 * method returns false, then the atom will be added to the equality engine
597 * of the theory and notifyFact will be called with isInternal=false.
598 *
599 * Theories that implement check but do not use official equality
600 * engines should always return true for this method.
601 *
602 * @param atom The atom
603 * @param polarity Its polarity
604 * @param fact The original literal that was asserted
605 * @param isPrereg Whether the assertion is preregistered
606 * @param isInternal Whether the origin of the fact was internal. If this
607 * is false, the fact was asserted via the fact queue of the theory.
608 * @return true if the theory completely processed this fact, i.e. it does
609 * not need to assert the fact to its equality engine.
610 */
611 virtual bool preNotifyFact(
612 TNode atom, bool pol, TNode fact, bool isPrereg, bool isInternal);
613 /**
614 * Notify fact, called immediately after the fact was pushed into the
615 * equality engine.
616 *
617 * @param atom The atom
618 * @param polarity Its polarity
619 * @param fact The original literal that was asserted.
620 * @param isInternal Whether the origin of the fact was internal. If this
621 * is false, the fact was asserted via the fact queue of the theory.
622 */
623 virtual void notifyFact(TNode atom, bool pol, TNode fact, bool isInternal);
624 //--------------------------------- end check
626 //--------------------------------- collect model info
627 /**
628 * Get all relevant information in this theory regarding the current
629 * model. This should be called after a call to check( FULL_EFFORT )
630 * for all theories with no conflicts and no lemmas added.
631 *
632 * This method returns true if and only if the equality engine of m is
633 * consistent as a result of this call.
634 *
635 * The standard method for collectModelInfo computes the relevant terms,
636 * asserts the theory's equality engine to the model (if necessary) and
637 * then calls computeModelValues.
638 *
639 * TODO (project #39): this method should be non-virtual, once all theories
640 * conform to the new standard, delete, move to model manager distributed.
641 */
642 virtual bool collectModelInfo(TheoryModel* m, const std::set<Node>& termSet);
643 /**
644 * Compute terms that are not necessarily part of the assertions or
645 * shared terms that should be considered relevant, add them to termSet.
646 */
647 virtual void computeRelevantTerms(std::set<Node>& termSet);
648 /**
649 * Collect model values, after equality information is added to the model.
650 * The argument termSet is the set of relevant terms returned by
651 * computeRelevantTerms.
652 */
653 virtual bool collectModelValues(TheoryModel* m,
654 const std::set<Node>& termSet);
655 /** if theories want to do something with model after building, do it here */
656 virtual void postProcessModel( TheoryModel* m ){ }
657 //--------------------------------- end collect model info
659 //--------------------------------- preprocessing
660 /**
661 * Statically learn from assertion "in," which has been asserted
662 * true at the top level. The theory should only add (via
663 * ::operator<< or ::append()) to the "learned" builder---it should
664 * *never* clear it. It is a conjunction to add to the formula at
665 * the top-level and may contain other theories' contributions.
666 */
667 virtual void ppStaticLearn(TNode in, NodeBuilder& learned) {}
669 enum PPAssertStatus {
670 /** Atom has been solved */
672 /** Atom has not been solved */
674 /** Atom is inconsistent */
676 };
678 /**
679 * Given a literal and its proof generator (encapsulated by trust node tin),
680 * add the solved substitutions to the map, if any. The method should return
681 * true if the literal can be safely removed from the input problem.
682 *
683 * Note that tin has trust node kind LEMMA. Its proof generator should be
684 * taken into account when adding a substitution to outSubstitutions when
685 * proofs are enabled.
686 */
687 virtual PPAssertStatus ppAssert(TrustNode tin,
688 TrustSubstitutionMap& outSubstitutions);
690 /**
691 * Given a term of the theory coming from the input formula or
692 * from a lemma generated during solving, this method can be overridden in a
693 * theory implementation to rewrite the term into an equivalent form.
694 *
695 * This method returns a TrustNode of kind TrustNodeKind::REWRITE, which
696 * carries information about the proof generator for the rewrite, which can
697 * be the null TrustNode if n is unchanged.
698 *
699 * Notice this method is used both in the "theory rewrite equalities"
700 * preprocessing pass, where n is an equality from the input formula,
701 * and in theory preprocessing, where n is a (non-equality) term occurring
702 * in the input or generated in a lemma.
703 *
704 * @param n the node to preprocess-rewrite.
705 * @param lems a set of lemmas that should be added as a consequence of
706 * preprocessing n. These are in the form of "skolem lemmas". For example,
707 * calling this method on (div x n), we return a trust node proving:
708 * (= (div x n) k_div)
709 * for fresh skolem k, and add the skolem lemma for k that indicates that
710 * it is the division of x and n.
711 *
712 * Note that ppRewrite should not return WITNESS terms, since the internal
713 * calculus works in "original forms" and not "witness forms".
714 */
715 virtual TrustNode ppRewrite(TNode n, std::vector<SkolemLemma>& lems)
716 {
717 return TrustNode::null();
718 }
720 /**
721 * Notify preprocessed assertions. Called on new assertions after
722 * preprocessing before they are asserted to theory engine.
723 */
724 virtual void ppNotifyAssertions(const std::vector<Node>& assertions) {}
725 //--------------------------------- end preprocessing
727 /**
728 * A Theory is called with presolve exactly one time per user
729 * check-sat. presolve() is called after preregistration,
730 * rewriting, and Boolean propagation, (other theories'
731 * propagation?), but the notified Theory has not yet had its
732 * check() or propagate() method called. A Theory may empty its
733 * assertFact() queue using get(). A Theory can raise conflicts,
734 * add lemmas, and propagate literals during presolve().
735 *
736 * NOTE: The presolve property must be added to the kinds file for
737 * the theory.
738 */
739 virtual void presolve() { }
741 /**
742 * A Theory is called with postsolve exactly one time per user
743 * check-sat. postsolve() is called after the query has completed
744 * (regardless of whether sat, unsat, or unknown), and after any
745 * model-querying related to the query has been performed.
746 * After this call, the theory will not get another check() or
747 * propagate() call until presolve() is called again. A Theory
748 * cannot raise conflicts, add lemmas, or propagate literals during
749 * postsolve().
750 */
751 virtual void postsolve() { }
753 /**
754 * Notification sent to the theory wheneven the search restarts.
755 * Serves as a good time to do some clean-up work, and you can
756 * assume you're at DL 0 for the purposes of Contexts. This function
757 * should not use the output channel.
758 */
759 virtual void notifyRestart() { }
761 /**
762 * Identify this theory (for debugging, dynamic configuration,
763 * etc..)
764 */
765 virtual std::string identify() const = 0;
767 /** Set user attribute
768 * This function is called when an attribute is set by a user. In SMT-LIBv2 this is done
769 * via the syntax (! n :attr)
770 */
771 virtual void setUserAttribute(const std::string& attr, Node n, std::vector<Node> node_values, std::string str_value) {
772 Unimplemented() << "Theory " << identify()
773 << " doesn't support Theory::setUserAttribute interface";
774 }
776 typedef context::CDList<Assertion>::const_iterator assertions_iterator;
778 /**
779 * Provides access to the facts queue, primarily intended for theory
780 * debugging purposes.
781 *
782 * @return the iterator to the beginning of the fact queue
783 */
784 assertions_iterator facts_begin() const {
785 return d_facts.begin();
786 }
788 /**
789 * Provides access to the facts queue, primarily intended for theory
790 * debugging purposes.
791 *
792 * @return the iterator to the end of the fact queue
793 */
794 assertions_iterator facts_end() const {
795 return d_facts.end();
796 }
797 /**
798 * Whether facts have been asserted to this theory.
799 *
800 * @return true iff facts have been asserted to this theory.
801 */
802 bool hasFacts() { return !d_facts.empty(); }
804 /** Return total number of facts asserted to this theory */
805 size_t numAssertions() {
806 return d_facts.size();
807 }
809 typedef context::CDList<TNode>::const_iterator shared_terms_iterator;
811 /**
812 * Provides access to the shared terms, primarily intended for theory
813 * debugging purposes.
814 *
815 * @return the iterator to the beginning of the shared terms list
816 */
817 shared_terms_iterator shared_terms_begin() const {
818 return d_sharedTerms.begin();
819 }
821 /**
822 * Provides access to the facts queue, primarily intended for theory
823 * debugging purposes.
824 *
825 * @return the iterator to the end of the shared terms list
826 */
827 shared_terms_iterator shared_terms_end() const {
828 return d_sharedTerms.end();
829 }
832 /**
833 * This is a utility function for constructing a copy of the currently shared terms
834 * in a queriable form. As this is
835 */
836 std::unordered_set<TNode> currentlySharedTerms() const;
838 /**
839 * This allows the theory to be queried for whether a literal, lit, is
840 * entailed by the theory. This returns a pair of a Boolean and a node E.
841 *
842 * If the Boolean is true, then E is a formula that entails lit and E is propositionally
843 * entailed by the assertions to the theory.
844 *
845 * If the Boolean is false, it is "unknown" if lit is entailed and E may be
846 * any node.
847 *
848 * The literal lit is either an atom a or (not a), which must belong to the theory:
849 * There is some TheoryOfMode m s.t. Theory::theoryOf(m, a) == this->getId().
850 *
851 * There are NO assumptions that a or the subterms of a have been
852 * preprocessed in any form. This includes ppRewrite, rewriting,
853 * preregistering, registering, definition expansion or ITE removal!
854 *
855 * Theories are free to limit the amount of effort they use and so may
856 * always opt to return "unknown". Both "unknown" and "not entailed",
857 * may return for E a non-boolean Node (e.g. Node::null()). (There is no explicit output
858 * for the negation of lit is entailed.)
859 *
860 * If lit is theory valid, the return result may be the Boolean constant
861 * true for E.
862 *
863 * If lit is entailed by multiple assertions on the theory's getFact()
864 * queue, a_1, a_2, ... and a_k, this may return E=(and a_1 a_2 ... a_k) or
865 * another theory entailed explanation E=(and (and a_1 a_2) (and a3 a_4) ... a_k)
866 *
867 * If lit is entailed by a single assertion on the theory's getFact()
868 * queue, say a, this may return E=a.
869 *
870 * The theory may always return false!
871 *
872 * Theories may not touch their output stream during an entailment check.
873 *
874 * @param lit a literal belonging to the theory.
875 * @return a pair <b,E> s.t. if b is true, then a formula E such that
876 * E |= lit in the theory.
877 */
878 virtual std::pair<bool, Node> entailmentCheck(TNode lit);
880 /** Return true if this theory uses central equality engine */
881 bool usesCentralEqualityEngine() const;
882 /** uses central equality engine (static) */
883 static bool usesCentralEqualityEngine(TheoryId id);
884 /** Explains/propagates via central equality engine only */
885 static bool expUsingCentralEqualityEngine(TheoryId id);
886 };/* class Theory */
888 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, theory::Theory::Effort level);
891 inline theory::Assertion Theory::get() {
892 Assert(!done()) << "Theory::get() called with assertion queue empty!";
894 // Get the assertion
895 Assertion fact = d_facts[d_factsHead];
896 d_factsHead = d_factsHead + 1;
898 Trace("theory") << "Theory::get() => " << fact << " (" << d_facts.size() - d_factsHead << " left)" << std::endl;
900 return fact;
901 }
903 inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
904 const cvc5::theory::Theory& theory)
905 {
906 return out << theory.identify();
907 }
909 inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, theory::Theory::PPAssertStatus status) {
910 switch (status) {
911 case theory::Theory::PP_ASSERT_STATUS_SOLVED:
912 out << "SOLVE_STATUS_SOLVED"; break;
913 case theory::Theory::PP_ASSERT_STATUS_UNSOLVED:
914 out << "SOLVE_STATUS_UNSOLVED"; break;
915 case theory::Theory::PP_ASSERT_STATUS_CONFLICT:
916 out << "SOLVE_STATUS_CONFLICT"; break;
917 default:
918 Unhandled();
919 }
920 return out;
921 }
923 } // namespace theory
924 } // namespace cvc5
926 #endif /* CVC5__THEORY__THEORY_H */