Tuesday end-of-day commit.
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / theory.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file theory.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Original author: mdeters
5 ** Major contributors: dejan
6 ** Minor contributors (to current version): taking, barrett
7 ** This file is part of the CVC4 prototype.
8 ** Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 The Analysis of Computer Systems Group (ACSys)
9 ** Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
10 ** New York University
11 ** See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing
12 ** information.\endverbatim
13 **
14 ** \brief Base of the theory interface.
15 **
16 ** Base of the theory interface.
17 **/
19 #include "cvc4_private.h"
21 #ifndef __CVC4__THEORY__THEORY_H
22 #define __CVC4__THEORY__THEORY_H
24 #include "expr/node.h"
25 #include "expr/attribute.h"
26 #include "theory/valuation.h"
27 #include "theory/output_channel.h"
28 #include "context/context.h"
29 #include "context/cdlist.h"
30 #include "context/cdo.h"
31 #include "util/options.h"
33 #include <string>
34 #include <iostream>
36 namespace CVC4 {
38 class TheoryEngine;
40 namespace theory {
42 /** Tag for the "newFact()-has-been-called-in-this-context" flag on Nodes */
43 struct AssertedAttrTag {};
44 /** The "newFact()-has-been-called-in-this-context" flag on Nodes */
45 typedef CVC4::expr::CDAttribute<AssertedAttrTag, bool> Asserted;
47 /**
48 * Base class for T-solvers. Abstract DPLL(T).
49 *
50 * This is essentially an interface class. The TheoryEngine has
51 * pointers to Theory. Note that only one specific Theory type (e.g.,
52 * TheoryUF) can exist per NodeManager, because of how the
53 * RegisteredAttr works. (If you need multiple instances of the same
54 * theory, you'll have to write a multiplexed theory that dispatches
55 * all calls to them.)
56 */
57 class Theory {
58 private:
60 friend class ::CVC4::TheoryEngine;
62 // Disallow default construction, copy, assignment.
63 Theory() CVC4_UNUSED;
64 Theory(const Theory&) CVC4_UNUSED;
65 Theory& operator=(const Theory&) CVC4_UNUSED;
67 /**
68 * A unique integer identifying the theory
69 */
70 TheoryId d_id;
72 /**
73 * The context for the Theory.
74 */
75 context::Context* d_context;
77 /**
78 * The assertFact() queue.
79 *
80 * These can not be TNodes as some atoms (such as equalities) are sent
81 * across theories without being stored in a global map.
82 */
83 context::CDList<Node> d_facts;
85 /** Index into the head of the facts list */
86 context::CDO<unsigned> d_factsHead;
88 protected:
90 /**
91 * Construct a Theory.
92 */
93 Theory(TheoryId id, context::Context* ctxt, OutputChannel& out, Valuation valuation) throw() :
94 d_id(id),
95 d_context(ctxt),
96 d_facts(ctxt),
97 d_factsHead(ctxt, 0),
98 d_out(&out),
99 d_valuation(valuation) {
100 }
102 /**
103 * This is called at shutdown time by the TheoryEngine, just before
104 * destruction. It is important because there are destruction
105 * ordering issues between PropEngine and Theory (based on what
106 * hard-links to Nodes are outstanding). As the fact queue might be
107 * nonempty, we ensure here that it's clear. If you overload this,
108 * you must make an explicit call here to this->Theory::shutdown()
109 * too.
110 */
111 virtual void shutdown() { }
113 /**
114 * The output channel for the Theory.
115 */
116 OutputChannel* d_out;
118 /**
119 * The valuation proxy for the Theory to communicate back with the
120 * theory engine (and other theories).
121 */
122 Valuation d_valuation;
124 /**
125 * Returns the next atom in the assertFact() queue. Guarantees that
126 * registerTerm() has been called on the theory specific subterms.
127 *
128 * @return the next atom in the assertFact() queue.
129 */
130 TNode get() {
131 Assert( !done(), "Theory::get() called with assertion queue empty!" );
132 TNode fact = d_facts[d_factsHead];
133 d_factsHead = d_factsHead + 1;
134 Debug("theory") << "Theory::get() => " << fact
135 << "(" << d_facts.size() << " left)" << std::endl;
136 d_out->newFact(fact);
137 return fact;
138 }
140 /**
141 * Provides access to the facts queue, primarily intended for theory
142 * debugging purposes.
143 *
144 * @return the iterator to the beginning of the fact queue
145 */
146 context::CDList<Node>::const_iterator facts_begin() const {
147 return d_facts.begin();
148 }
150 /**
151 * Provides access to the facts queue, primarily intended for theory
152 * debugging purposes.
153 *
154 * @return the iterator to the end of the fact queue
155 */
156 context::CDList<Node>::const_iterator facts_end() const {
157 return d_facts.end();
158 }
160 public:
162 static inline TheoryId theoryOf(TypeNode typeNode) {
163 if (typeNode.getKind() == kind::TYPE_CONSTANT) {
164 return typeConstantToTheoryId(typeNode.getConst<TypeConstant>());
165 } else {
166 return kindToTheoryId(typeNode.getKind());
167 }
168 }
170 /**
171 * Returns the theory responsible for the node.
172 */
173 static inline TheoryId theoryOf(TNode node) {
174 if (node.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::VARIABLE || node.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::CONSTANT) {
175 // Constants, variables, 0-ary constructors
176 return theoryOf(node.getType());
177 } else {
178 // Regular nodes
179 return kindToTheoryId(node.getKind());
180 }
181 }
183 /**
184 * Checks if the node is a leaf node of this theory
185 */
186 inline bool isLeaf(TNode node) const {
187 return node.getNumChildren() == 0 || theoryOf(node) != d_id;
188 }
190 /**
191 * Checks if the node is a leaf node of a theory.
192 */
193 inline static bool isLeafOf(TNode node, TheoryId theoryId) {
194 return node.getNumChildren() == 0 || theoryOf(node) != theoryId;
195 }
197 /**
198 * Returns true if the assertFact queue is empty
199 */
200 bool done() throw() {
201 return d_factsHead == d_facts.size();
202 }
204 /**
205 * Destructs a Theory. This implementation does nothing, but we
206 * need a virtual destructor for safety in case subclasses have a
207 * destructor.
208 */
209 virtual ~Theory() {
210 }
212 /**
213 * Subclasses of Theory may add additional efforts. DO NOT CHECK
214 * equality with one of these values (e.g. if STANDARD xxx) but
215 * rather use range checks (or use the helper functions below).
216 * Normally we call QUICK_CHECK or STANDARD; at the leaves we call
217 * with MAX_EFFORT.
218 */
219 enum Effort {
220 MIN_EFFORT = 0,
221 QUICK_CHECK = 10,
222 STANDARD = 50,
223 FULL_EFFORT = 100
224 };/* enum Effort */
226 // simple, useful predicates for effort values
227 static inline bool minEffortOnly(Effort e) CVC4_CONST_FUNCTION
228 { return e == MIN_EFFORT; }
229 static inline bool quickCheckOrMore(Effort e) CVC4_CONST_FUNCTION
230 { return e >= QUICK_CHECK; }
231 static inline bool quickCheckOnly(Effort e) CVC4_CONST_FUNCTION
232 { return e >= QUICK_CHECK && e < STANDARD; }
233 static inline bool standardEffortOrMore(Effort e) CVC4_CONST_FUNCTION
234 { return e >= STANDARD; }
235 static inline bool standardEffortOnly(Effort e) CVC4_CONST_FUNCTION
236 { return e >= STANDARD && e < FULL_EFFORT; }
237 static inline bool fullEffort(Effort e) CVC4_CONST_FUNCTION
238 { return e >= FULL_EFFORT; }
240 /**
241 * Get the id for this Theory.
242 */
243 TheoryId getId() const {
244 return d_id;
245 }
247 /**
248 * Get the context associated to this Theory.
249 */
250 context::Context* getContext() const {
251 return d_context;
252 }
254 /**
255 * Set the output channel associated to this theory.
256 */
257 void setOutputChannel(OutputChannel& out) {
258 d_out = &out;
259 }
261 /**
262 * Get the output channel associated to this theory.
263 */
264 OutputChannel& getOutputChannel() {
265 return *d_out;
266 }
268 /**
269 * Pre-register a term. Done one time for a Node, ever.
270 */
271 virtual void preRegisterTerm(TNode) { }
273 /**
274 * Register a term.
275 *
276 * When get() is called to get the next thing off the theory queue,
277 * setup() is called on its subterms (in TheoryEngine). Then setup()
278 * is called on this node.
279 *
280 * This is done in a "context escape" -- that is, at context level 0.
281 * setup() MUST NOT MODIFY context-dependent objects that it hasn't
282 * itself just created.
283 */
284 virtual void registerTerm(TNode) { }
286 /**
287 * Assert a fact in the current context.
288 */
289 void assertFact(TNode node) {
290 Debug("theory") << "Theory::assertFact(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
291 d_facts.push_back(node);
292 }
294 /**
295 * This method is called to notify a theory that the node n should
296 * be considered a "shared term" by this theory
297 */
298 virtual void addSharedTerm(TNode n) { }
300 /**
301 * This method is called by the shared term manager when a shared
302 * term lhs which this theory cares about (either because it
303 * received a previous addSharedTerm call with lhs or because it
304 * received a previous notifyEq call with lhs as the second
305 * argument) becomes equal to another shared term rhs. This call
306 * also serves as notice to the theory that the shared term manager
307 * now considers rhs the representative for this equivalence class
308 * of shared terms, so future notifications for this class will be
309 * based on rhs not lhs.
310 */
311 virtual void notifyEq(TNode lhs, TNode rhs) { }
313 /**
314 * Check the current assignment's consistency.
315 *
316 * An implementation of check() is required to either:
317 * - return a conflict on the output channel,
318 * - be interrupted,
319 * - throw an exception
320 * - or call get() until done() is true.
321 */
322 virtual void check(Effort level = FULL_EFFORT) { }
324 /**
325 * T-propagate new literal assignments in the current context.
326 */
327 virtual void propagate(Effort level = FULL_EFFORT) { }
329 /**
330 * Return an explanation for the literal represented by parameter n
331 * (which was previously propagated by this theory). Report
332 * explanations to an output channel.
333 */
334 virtual void explain(TNode n) {
335 Unimplemented("Theory %s propagated a node but doesn't implement the "
336 "Theory::explain() interface!", identify().c_str());
337 }
339 /**
340 * Return the value of a node (typically used after a ). If the
341 * theory supports model generation but has no value for this node,
342 * it should return Node::null(). If the theory doesn't support
343 * model generation at all, or usually would but doesn't in its
344 * current state, it should throw an exception saying so.
345 *
346 * The TheoryEngine is passed in so that you can recursively request
347 * values for the Node's children. This is important because the
348 * TheoryEngine takes care of simple cases (metakind CONSTANT,
349 * Boolean-valued VARIABLES, ...) and can dispatch to other theories
350 * if that's necessary. Only call your own getValue() recursively
351 * if you *know* that you are responsible handle the Node you're
352 * asking for; other theories can use your types, so be careful
353 * here! To be safe, it's best to delegate back to the
354 * TheoryEngine (by way of the Valuation proxy object, which avoids
355 * direct dependence on TheoryEngine).
356 *
357 * Usually, you need to handle at least the two cases of EQUAL and
358 * VARIABLE---EQUAL in case a value of yours is on the LHS of an
359 * EQUAL, and VARIABLE for variables of your types. You also need
360 * to support any operators that can survive your rewriter. You
361 * don't need to handle constants, as they are handled by the
362 * TheoryEngine.
363 *
364 * There are some gotchas here. The user may be requesting the
365 * value of an expression that wasn't part of the satisfiable
366 * assertion, or has been declared since. If you don't have a value
367 * and suspect this situation is the case, return Node::null()
368 * rather than throwing an exception.
369 */
370 virtual Node getValue(TNode n) {
371 Unimplemented("Theory %s doesn't support Theory::getValue interface",
372 identify().c_str());
373 return Node::null();
374 }
376 /**
377 * The theory should only add (via .operator<< or .append()) to the
378 * "learned" builder. It is a conjunction to add to the formula at
379 * the top-level and may contain other theories' contributions.
380 */
381 virtual void staticLearning(TNode in, NodeBuilder<>& learned) { }
383 /**
384 * A Theory is called with presolve exactly one time per user
385 * check-sat. presolve() is called after preregistration,
386 * rewriting, and Boolean propagation, (other theories'
387 * propagation?), but the notified Theory has not yet had its
388 * check() or propagate() method called. A Theory may empty its
389 * assertFact() queue using get(). A Theory can raise conflicts,
390 * add lemmas, and propagate literals during presolve().
391 */
392 virtual void presolve() { }
394 /**
395 * Notification sent to the theory wheneven the search restarts.
396 * Serves as a good time to do some clean-up work, and you can
397 * assume you're at DL 0 for the purposes of Contexts. This function
398 * should not use the output channel.
399 */
400 virtual void notifyRestart() { }
402 /**
403 * Identify this theory (for debugging, dynamic configuration,
404 * etc..)
405 */
406 virtual std::string identify() const = 0;
408 };/* class Theory */
410 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Theory::Effort level);
412 }/* CVC4::theory namespace */
414 inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
415 const CVC4::theory::Theory& theory) {
416 return out << theory.identify();
417 }
419 }/* CVC4 namespace */
421 #endif /* __CVC4__THEORY__THEORY_H */