Integrate central equality engine approach into theory engine, add option and regress...
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / theory_engine.cpp
1 /******************************************************************************
2 * Top contributors (to current version):
3 * Andrew Reynolds, Dejan Jovanovic, Morgan Deters
4 *
5 * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
6 *
7 * Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 * All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 * directory for licensing information.
11 * ****************************************************************************
12 *
13 * The theory engine.
14 */
16 #include "theory/theory_engine.h"
18 #include <sstream>
20 #include "base/map_util.h"
21 #include "decision/decision_engine.h"
22 #include "expr/attribute.h"
23 #include "expr/node_builder.h"
24 #include "expr/node_visitor.h"
25 #include "options/quantifiers_options.h"
26 #include "options/smt_options.h"
27 #include "options/theory_options.h"
28 #include "printer/printer.h"
29 #include "proof/lazy_proof.h"
30 #include "proof/proof_checker.h"
31 #include "proof/proof_ensure_closed.h"
32 #include "prop/prop_engine.h"
33 #include "smt/dump.h"
34 #include "smt/env.h"
35 #include "smt/logic_exception.h"
36 #include "smt/output_manager.h"
37 #include "theory/combination_care_graph.h"
38 #include "theory/decision_manager.h"
39 #include "theory/quantifiers/first_order_model.h"
40 #include "theory/quantifiers_engine.h"
41 #include "theory/relevance_manager.h"
42 #include "theory/rewriter.h"
43 #include "theory/shared_solver.h"
44 #include "theory/theory.h"
45 #include "theory/theory_engine_proof_generator.h"
46 #include "theory/theory_id.h"
47 #include "theory/theory_model.h"
48 #include "theory/theory_traits.h"
49 #include "theory/uf/equality_engine.h"
50 #include "util/resource_manager.h"
52 using namespace std;
54 using namespace cvc5::theory;
56 namespace cvc5 {
58 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
60 namespace theory {
62 /**
63 * IMPORTANT: The order of the theories is important. For example, strings
64 * depends on arith, quantifiers needs to come as the very last.
65 * Do not change this order.
66 */
68 #define CVC5_FOR_EACH_THEORY \
83 } // namespace theory
85 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
87 inline void flattenAnd(Node n, std::vector<TNode>& out){
88 Assert(n.getKind() == kind::AND);
89 for(Node::iterator i=n.begin(), i_end=n.end(); i != i_end; ++i){
90 Node curr = *i;
91 if(curr.getKind() == kind::AND){
92 flattenAnd(curr, out);
93 }else{
94 out.push_back(curr);
95 }
96 }
97 }
99 inline Node flattenAnd(Node n){
100 std::vector<TNode> out;
101 flattenAnd(n, out);
102 return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::AND, out);
103 }
105 /**
106 * Compute the string for a given theory id. In this module, we use
107 * THEORY_SAT_SOLVER as an id, which is not a normal id but maps to
108 * THEORY_LAST. Thus, we need our own string conversion here.
109 *
110 * @param id The theory id
111 * @return The string corresponding to the theory id
112 */
113 std::string getTheoryString(theory::TheoryId id)
114 {
115 if (id == theory::THEORY_SAT_SOLVER)
116 {
117 return "THEORY_SAT_SOLVER";
118 }
119 else
120 {
121 std::stringstream ss;
122 ss << id;
123 return ss.str();
124 }
125 }
127 void TheoryEngine::finishInit()
128 {
129 Trace("theory") << "Begin TheoryEngine::finishInit" << std::endl;
130 // NOTE: This seems to be required since
131 // theory::TheoryTraits<THEORY>::isParametric cannot be accessed without
132 // using the CVC5_FOR_EACH_THEORY_STATEMENT macro. -AJR
133 std::vector<theory::Theory*> paraTheories;
136 #endif
138 if (theory::TheoryTraits<THEORY>::isParametric \
139 && d_logicInfo.isTheoryEnabled(THEORY)) \
140 { \
141 paraTheories.push_back(theoryOf(THEORY)); \
142 }
143 // Collect the parametric theories, which are given to the theory combination
144 // manager below
147 // Initialize the theory combination architecture
148 if (options::tcMode() == options::TcMode::CARE_GRAPH)
149 {
150 d_tc.reset(new CombinationCareGraph(*this, d_env, paraTheories, d_pnm));
151 }
152 else
153 {
154 Unimplemented() << "TheoryEngine::finishInit: theory combination mode "
155 << options::tcMode() << " not supported";
156 }
157 // create the relevance filter if any option requires it
158 if (options::relevanceFilter())
159 {
160 d_relManager.reset(
161 new RelevanceManager(d_env.getUserContext(), theory::Valuation(this)));
162 }
164 // initialize the quantifiers engine
165 if (d_logicInfo.isQuantified())
166 {
167 // get the quantifiers engine, which is initialized by the quantifiers
168 // theory
169 d_quantEngine = d_theoryTable[THEORY_QUANTIFIERS]->getQuantifiersEngine();
170 Assert(d_quantEngine != nullptr);
171 }
172 // finish initializing the quantifiers engine, which must come before
173 // initializing theory combination, since quantifiers engine may have a
174 // special model builder object
175 if (d_logicInfo.isQuantified())
176 {
177 d_quantEngine->finishInit(this);
178 }
179 // initialize the theory combination manager, which decides and allocates the
180 // equality engines to use for all theories.
181 d_tc->finishInit();
182 // get pointer to the shared solver
183 d_sharedSolver = d_tc->getSharedSolver();
185 // finish initializing the theories by linking them with the appropriate
186 // utilities and then calling their finishInit method.
187 for(TheoryId theoryId = theory::THEORY_FIRST; theoryId != theory::THEORY_LAST; ++ theoryId) {
188 Theory* t = d_theoryTable[theoryId];
189 if (t == nullptr)
190 {
191 continue;
192 }
193 // setup the pointers to the utilities
194 const EeTheoryInfo* eeti = d_tc->getEeTheoryInfo(theoryId);
195 Assert(eeti != nullptr);
196 // the theory's official equality engine is the one specified by the
197 // equality engine manager
198 t->setEqualityEngine(eeti->d_usedEe);
199 // set the quantifiers engine
200 t->setQuantifiersEngine(d_quantEngine);
201 // set the decision manager for the theory
202 t->setDecisionManager(d_decManager.get());
203 // finish initializing the theory
204 t->finishInit();
205 }
206 Trace("theory") << "End TheoryEngine::finishInit" << std::endl;
207 }
209 ProofNodeManager* TheoryEngine::getProofNodeManager() const { return d_pnm; }
211 context::Context* TheoryEngine::getSatContext() const
212 {
213 return d_env.getContext();
214 }
216 context::UserContext* TheoryEngine::getUserContext() const
217 {
218 return d_env.getUserContext();
219 }
221 TheoryEngine::TheoryEngine(Env& env,
222 OutputManager& outMgr,
223 ProofNodeManager* pnm)
224 : d_propEngine(nullptr),
225 d_env(env),
226 d_logicInfo(env.getLogicInfo()),
227 d_outMgr(outMgr),
228 d_pnm(pnm),
229 d_lazyProof(d_pnm != nullptr
230 ? new LazyCDProof(d_pnm,
231 nullptr,
232 d_env.getUserContext(),
233 "TheoryEngine::LazyCDProof")
234 : nullptr),
235 d_tepg(new TheoryEngineProofGenerator(d_pnm, d_env.getUserContext())),
236 d_tc(nullptr),
237 d_sharedSolver(nullptr),
238 d_quantEngine(nullptr),
239 d_decManager(new DecisionManager(d_env.getUserContext())),
240 d_relManager(nullptr),
241 d_eager_model_building(false),
242 d_inConflict(d_env.getContext(), false),
243 d_inSatMode(false),
244 d_hasShutDown(false),
245 d_incomplete(d_env.getContext(), false),
246 d_incompleteTheory(d_env.getContext(), THEORY_BUILTIN),
247 d_incompleteId(d_env.getContext(), IncompleteId::UNKNOWN),
248 d_propagationMap(d_env.getContext()),
249 d_propagationMapTimestamp(d_env.getContext(), 0),
250 d_propagatedLiterals(d_env.getContext()),
251 d_propagatedLiteralsIndex(d_env.getContext(), 0),
252 d_atomRequests(d_env.getContext()),
253 d_combineTheoriesTime(smtStatisticsRegistry().registerTimer(
254 "TheoryEngine::combineTheoriesTime")),
255 d_true(),
256 d_false(),
257 d_interrupted(false),
258 d_inPreregister(false),
259 d_factsAsserted(d_env.getContext(), false),
260 d_attr_handle()
261 {
262 for(TheoryId theoryId = theory::THEORY_FIRST; theoryId != theory::THEORY_LAST;
263 ++ theoryId)
264 {
265 d_theoryTable[theoryId] = NULL;
266 d_theoryOut[theoryId] = NULL;
267 }
269 if (options::sortInference())
270 {
271 d_sortInfer.reset(new SortInference);
272 }
274 d_true = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst<bool>(true);
275 d_false = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst<bool>(false);
276 }
278 TheoryEngine::~TheoryEngine() {
279 Assert(d_hasShutDown);
281 for(TheoryId theoryId = theory::THEORY_FIRST; theoryId != theory::THEORY_LAST; ++ theoryId) {
282 if(d_theoryTable[theoryId] != NULL) {
283 delete d_theoryTable[theoryId];
284 delete d_theoryOut[theoryId];
285 }
286 }
287 }
289 void TheoryEngine::interrupt() { d_interrupted = true; }
290 void TheoryEngine::preRegister(TNode preprocessed) {
291 Debug("theory") << "TheoryEngine::preRegister( " << preprocessed << ")"
292 << std::endl;
293 d_preregisterQueue.push(preprocessed);
295 if (!d_inPreregister) {
296 // We're in pre-register
297 d_inPreregister = true;
299 // Process the pre-registration queue
300 while (!d_preregisterQueue.empty()) {
301 // Get the next atom to pre-register
302 preprocessed = d_preregisterQueue.front();
303 d_preregisterQueue.pop();
305 // the atom should not have free variables
306 Debug("theory") << "TheoryEngine::preRegister: " << preprocessed
307 << std::endl;
308 Assert(!expr::hasFreeVar(preprocessed));
309 // should not have witness
310 Assert(!expr::hasSubtermKind(kind::WITNESS, preprocessed));
312 // pre-register with the shared solver, which handles
313 // calling prepregister on individual theories, adding shared terms,
314 // and setting up equalities to propagate in the shared term database.
315 Assert(d_sharedSolver != nullptr);
316 d_sharedSolver->preRegister(preprocessed);
317 }
319 // Leaving pre-register
320 d_inPreregister = false;
321 }
322 }
324 void TheoryEngine::printAssertions(const char* tag) {
325 if (Trace.isOn(tag)) {
327 for (TheoryId theoryId = THEORY_FIRST; theoryId < THEORY_LAST; ++theoryId) {
328 Theory* theory = d_theoryTable[theoryId];
329 if (theory && d_logicInfo.isTheoryEnabled(theoryId)) {
330 Trace(tag) << "--------------------------------------------" << endl;
331 Trace(tag) << "Assertions of " << theory->getId() << ": " << endl;
332 {
333 context::CDList<Assertion>::const_iterator it = theory->facts_begin(),
334 it_end =
335 theory->facts_end();
336 for (unsigned i = 0; it != it_end; ++it, ++i)
337 {
338 if ((*it).d_isPreregistered)
339 {
340 Trace(tag) << "[" << i << "]: ";
341 }
342 else
343 {
344 Trace(tag) << "(" << i << "): ";
345 }
346 Trace(tag) << (*it).d_assertion << endl;
347 }
348 }
350 if (d_logicInfo.isSharingEnabled()) {
351 Trace(tag) << "Shared terms of " << theory->getId() << ": " << endl;
352 context::CDList<TNode>::const_iterator it = theory->shared_terms_begin(), it_end = theory->shared_terms_end();
353 for (unsigned i = 0; it != it_end; ++ it, ++i) {
354 Trace(tag) << "[" << i << "]: " << (*it) << endl;
355 }
356 }
357 }
358 }
359 }
360 }
362 void TheoryEngine::dumpAssertions(const char* tag) {
363 if (Dump.isOn(tag)) {
364 const Printer& printer = d_outMgr.getPrinter();
365 std::ostream& out = d_outMgr.getDumpOut();
366 printer.toStreamCmdComment(out, "Starting completeness check");
367 for (TheoryId theoryId = THEORY_FIRST; theoryId < THEORY_LAST; ++theoryId) {
368 Theory* theory = d_theoryTable[theoryId];
369 if (theory && d_logicInfo.isTheoryEnabled(theoryId)) {
370 printer.toStreamCmdComment(out, "Completeness check");
371 printer.toStreamCmdPush(out);
373 // Dump the shared terms
374 if (d_logicInfo.isSharingEnabled()) {
375 printer.toStreamCmdComment(out, "Shared terms");
376 context::CDList<TNode>::const_iterator it = theory->shared_terms_begin(), it_end = theory->shared_terms_end();
377 for (unsigned i = 0; it != it_end; ++ it, ++i) {
378 stringstream ss;
379 ss << (*it);
380 printer.toStreamCmdComment(out, ss.str());
381 }
382 }
384 // Dump the assertions
385 printer.toStreamCmdComment(out, "Assertions");
386 context::CDList<Assertion>::const_iterator it = theory->facts_begin(), it_end = theory->facts_end();
387 for (; it != it_end; ++ it) {
388 // Get the assertion
389 Node assertionNode = (*it).d_assertion;
390 // Purify all the terms
392 if ((*it).d_isPreregistered)
393 {
394 printer.toStreamCmdComment(out, "Preregistered");
395 }
396 else
397 {
398 printer.toStreamCmdComment(out, "Shared assertion");
399 }
400 printer.toStreamCmdAssert(out, assertionNode);
401 }
402 printer.toStreamCmdCheckSat(out);
404 printer.toStreamCmdPop(out);
405 }
406 }
407 }
408 }
410 /**
411 * Check all (currently-active) theories for conflicts.
412 * @param effort the effort level to use
413 */
414 void TheoryEngine::check(Theory::Effort effort) {
415 // spendResource();
417 // Reset the interrupt flag
418 d_interrupted = false;
422 #endif
424 if (theory::TheoryTraits<THEORY>::hasCheck \
425 && d_logicInfo.isTheoryEnabled(THEORY)) \
426 { \
427 theoryOf(THEORY)->check(effort); \
428 if (d_inConflict) \
429 { \
430 Debug("conflict") << THEORY << " in conflict. " << std::endl; \
431 break; \
432 } \
433 }
435 // Do the checking
436 try {
438 // Mark the output channel unused (if this is FULL_EFFORT, and nothing
439 // is done by the theories, no additional check will be needed)
440 d_outputChannelUsed = false;
442 // Mark the lemmas flag (no lemmas added)
443 d_lemmasAdded = false;
445 Debug("theory") << "TheoryEngine::check(" << effort << "): d_factsAsserted = " << (d_factsAsserted ? "true" : "false") << endl;
447 // If in full effort, we have a fake new assertion just to jumpstart the checking
448 if (Theory::fullEffort(effort)) {
449 d_factsAsserted = true;
450 // Reset round for the relevance manager, which notice only sets a flag
451 // to indicate that its information must be recomputed.
452 if (d_relManager != nullptr)
453 {
454 d_relManager->resetRound();
455 }
456 d_tc->resetRound();
457 }
459 // Check until done
460 while (d_factsAsserted && !d_inConflict && !d_lemmasAdded) {
462 Debug("theory") << "TheoryEngine::check(" << effort << "): running check" << endl;
464 Trace("theory::assertions") << endl;
465 if (Trace.isOn("theory::assertions")) {
466 printAssertions("theory::assertions");
467 }
469 if(Theory::fullEffort(effort)) {
470 Trace("theory::assertions::fulleffort") << endl;
471 if (Trace.isOn("theory::assertions::fulleffort")) {
472 printAssertions("theory::assertions::fulleffort");
473 }
474 }
476 // Note that we've discharged all the facts
477 d_factsAsserted = false;
479 // Do the checking
482 Debug("theory") << "TheoryEngine::check(" << effort << "): running propagation after the initial check" << endl;
484 // We are still satisfiable, propagate as much as possible
485 propagate(effort);
487 // We do combination if all has been processed and we are in fullcheck
488 if (Theory::fullEffort(effort) && d_logicInfo.isSharingEnabled()
489 && !d_factsAsserted && !needCheck() && !d_inConflict)
490 {
491 // Do the combination
492 Debug("theory") << "TheoryEngine::check(" << effort << "): running combination" << endl;
493 {
494 TimerStat::CodeTimer combineTheoriesTimer(d_combineTheoriesTime);
495 d_tc->combineTheories();
496 }
497 if(d_logicInfo.isQuantified()){
498 d_quantEngine->notifyCombineTheories();
499 }
500 }
501 }
503 // Must consult quantifiers theory for last call to ensure sat, or otherwise add a lemma
504 if( Theory::fullEffort(effort) && ! d_inConflict && ! needCheck() ) {
505 Trace("theory::assertions-model") << endl;
506 if (Trace.isOn("theory::assertions-model")) {
507 printAssertions("theory::assertions-model");
508 }
509 // reset the model in the combination engine
510 d_tc->resetModel();
511 //checks for theories requiring the model go at last call
512 for (TheoryId theoryId = THEORY_FIRST; theoryId < THEORY_LAST; ++theoryId) {
513 if( theoryId!=THEORY_QUANTIFIERS ){
514 Theory* theory = d_theoryTable[theoryId];
515 if (theory && d_logicInfo.isTheoryEnabled(theoryId)) {
516 if( theory->needsCheckLastEffort() ){
517 if (!d_tc->buildModel())
518 {
519 break;
520 }
521 theory->check(Theory::EFFORT_LAST_CALL);
522 }
523 }
524 }
525 }
526 if (!d_inConflict)
527 {
528 if(d_logicInfo.isQuantified()) {
529 // quantifiers engine must check at last call effort
530 d_quantEngine->check(Theory::EFFORT_LAST_CALL);
531 }
532 }
533 if (!d_inConflict && !needCheck())
534 {
535 // If d_eager_model_building is false, then we only mark that we
536 // are in "SAT mode". We build the model later only if the user asks
537 // for it via getBuiltModel.
538 d_inSatMode = true;
539 if (d_eager_model_building)
540 {
541 d_tc->buildModel();
542 }
543 }
544 }
546 Debug("theory") << "TheoryEngine::check(" << effort << "): done, we are " << (d_inConflict ? "unsat" : "sat") << (d_lemmasAdded ? " with new lemmas" : " with no new lemmas");
547 Debug("theory") << ", need check = " << (needCheck() ? "YES" : "NO") << endl;
549 if( Theory::fullEffort(effort) && !d_inConflict && !needCheck()) {
550 // Do post-processing of model from the theories (e.g. used for THEORY_SEP
551 // to construct heap model)
552 d_tc->postProcessModel(d_incomplete.get());
553 }
554 } catch(const theory::Interrupted&) {
555 Trace("theory") << "TheoryEngine::check() => interrupted" << endl;
556 }
557 // If fulleffort, check all theories
558 if(Dump.isOn("theory::fullcheck") && Theory::fullEffort(effort)) {
559 if (!d_inConflict && !needCheck()) {
560 dumpAssertions("theory::fullcheck");
561 }
562 }
563 }
565 void TheoryEngine::propagate(Theory::Effort effort)
566 {
567 // Reset the interrupt flag
568 d_interrupted = false;
570 // Definition of the statement that is to be run by every theory
573 #endif
575 if (theory::TheoryTraits<THEORY>::hasPropagate \
576 && d_logicInfo.isTheoryEnabled(THEORY)) \
577 { \
578 theoryOf(THEORY)->propagate(effort); \
579 }
581 // Reset the interrupt flag
582 d_interrupted = false;
584 // Propagate for each theory using the statement above
586 }
588 Node TheoryEngine::getNextDecisionRequest()
589 {
590 return d_decManager->getNextDecisionRequest();
591 }
593 bool TheoryEngine::properConflict(TNode conflict) const {
594 bool value;
595 if (conflict.getKind() == kind::AND) {
596 for (unsigned i = 0; i < conflict.getNumChildren(); ++ i) {
597 if (! getPropEngine()->hasValue(conflict[i], value)) {
598 Debug("properConflict") << "Bad conflict is due to unassigned atom: "
599 << conflict[i] << endl;
600 return false;
601 }
602 if (! value) {
603 Debug("properConflict") << "Bad conflict is due to false atom: "
604 << conflict[i] << endl;
605 return false;
606 }
607 if (conflict[i] != Rewriter::rewrite(conflict[i])) {
608 Debug("properConflict") << "Bad conflict is due to atom not in normal form: "
609 << conflict[i] << " vs " << Rewriter::rewrite(conflict[i]) << endl;
610 return false;
611 }
612 }
613 } else {
614 if (! getPropEngine()->hasValue(conflict, value)) {
615 Debug("properConflict") << "Bad conflict is due to unassigned atom: "
616 << conflict << endl;
617 return false;
618 }
619 if(! value) {
620 Debug("properConflict") << "Bad conflict is due to false atom: "
621 << conflict << endl;
622 return false;
623 }
624 if (conflict != Rewriter::rewrite(conflict)) {
625 Debug("properConflict") << "Bad conflict is due to atom not in normal form: "
626 << conflict << " vs " << Rewriter::rewrite(conflict) << endl;
627 return false;
628 }
629 }
630 return true;
631 }
633 TheoryModel* TheoryEngine::getModel()
634 {
635 Assert(d_tc != nullptr);
636 TheoryModel* m = d_tc->getModel();
637 Assert(m != nullptr);
638 return m;
639 }
641 TheoryModel* TheoryEngine::getBuiltModel()
642 {
643 Assert(d_tc != nullptr);
644 // If this method was called, we should be in SAT mode, and produceModels
645 // should be true.
646 AlwaysAssert(options::produceModels());
647 if (!d_inSatMode)
648 {
649 // not available, perhaps due to interuption.
650 return nullptr;
651 }
652 // must build model at this point
653 if (!d_tc->buildModel())
654 {
655 return nullptr;
656 }
657 return d_tc->getModel();
658 }
660 bool TheoryEngine::buildModel()
661 {
662 Assert(d_tc != nullptr);
663 return d_tc->buildModel();
664 }
666 bool TheoryEngine::presolve() {
667 // Reset the interrupt flag
668 d_interrupted = false;
670 // Reset the decision manager. This clears its decision strategies that are
671 // no longer valid in this user context.
672 d_decManager->presolve();
674 try {
675 // Definition of the statement that is to be run by every theory
678 #endif
680 if (theory::TheoryTraits<THEORY>::hasPresolve) \
681 { \
682 theoryOf(THEORY)->presolve(); \
683 if (d_inConflict) \
684 { \
685 return true; \
686 } \
687 }
689 // Presolve for each theory using the statement above
691 } catch(const theory::Interrupted&) {
692 Trace("theory") << "TheoryEngine::presolve() => interrupted" << endl;
693 }
694 // return whether we have a conflict
695 return false;
696 }/* TheoryEngine::presolve() */
698 void TheoryEngine::postsolve() {
699 // no longer in SAT mode
700 d_inSatMode = false;
701 // Reset the interrupt flag
702 d_interrupted = false;
703 bool CVC5_UNUSED wasInConflict = d_inConflict;
705 try {
706 // Definition of the statement that is to be run by every theory
709 #endif
711 if (theory::TheoryTraits<THEORY>::hasPostsolve) \
712 { \
713 theoryOf(THEORY)->postsolve(); \
714 Assert(!d_inConflict || wasInConflict) \
715 << "conflict raised during postsolve()"; \
716 }
718 // Postsolve for each theory using the statement above
720 } catch(const theory::Interrupted&) {
721 Trace("theory") << "TheoryEngine::postsolve() => interrupted" << endl;
722 }
723 }/* TheoryEngine::postsolve() */
726 void TheoryEngine::notifyRestart() {
727 // Reset the interrupt flag
728 d_interrupted = false;
730 // Definition of the statement that is to be run by every theory
733 #endif
735 if (theory::TheoryTraits<THEORY>::hasNotifyRestart \
736 && d_logicInfo.isTheoryEnabled(THEORY)) \
737 { \
738 theoryOf(THEORY)->notifyRestart(); \
739 }
741 // notify each theory using the statement above
743 }
745 void TheoryEngine::ppStaticLearn(TNode in, NodeBuilder& learned)
746 {
747 // Reset the interrupt flag
748 d_interrupted = false;
750 // Definition of the statement that is to be run by every theory
753 #endif
755 if (theory::TheoryTraits<THEORY>::hasPpStaticLearn) \
756 { \
757 theoryOf(THEORY)->ppStaticLearn(in, learned); \
758 }
760 // static learning for each theory using the statement above
762 }
764 bool TheoryEngine::isRelevant(Node lit) const
765 {
766 if (d_relManager != nullptr)
767 {
768 return d_relManager->isRelevant(lit);
769 }
770 // otherwise must assume its relevant
771 return true;
772 }
774 void TheoryEngine::shutdown() {
775 // Set this first; if a Theory shutdown() throws an exception,
776 // at least the destruction of the TheoryEngine won't confound
777 // matters.
778 d_hasShutDown = true;
780 // Shutdown all the theories
781 for(TheoryId theoryId = theory::THEORY_FIRST; theoryId < theory::THEORY_LAST; ++theoryId) {
782 if(d_theoryTable[theoryId]) {
783 theoryOf(theoryId)->shutdown();
784 }
785 }
786 }
788 theory::Theory::PPAssertStatus TheoryEngine::solve(
789 TrustNode tliteral, TrustSubstitutionMap& substitutionOut)
790 {
791 // Reset the interrupt flag
792 d_interrupted = false;
794 TNode literal = tliteral.getNode();
795 TNode atom = literal.getKind() == kind::NOT ? literal[0] : literal;
796 Trace("theory::solve") << "TheoryEngine::solve(" << literal << "): solving with " << theoryOf(atom)->getId() << endl;
798 if(! d_logicInfo.isTheoryEnabled(Theory::theoryOf(atom)) &&
799 Theory::theoryOf(atom) != THEORY_SAT_SOLVER) {
800 stringstream ss;
801 ss << "The logic was specified as " << d_logicInfo.getLogicString()
802 << ", which doesn't include " << Theory::theoryOf(atom)
803 << ", but got a preprocessing-time fact for that theory." << endl
804 << "The fact:" << endl
805 << literal;
806 throw LogicException(ss.str());
807 }
809 Theory::PPAssertStatus solveStatus =
810 theoryOf(atom)->ppAssert(tliteral, substitutionOut);
811 Trace("theory::solve") << "TheoryEngine::solve(" << literal << ") => " << solveStatus << endl;
812 return solveStatus;
813 }
815 TrustNode TheoryEngine::ppRewriteEquality(TNode eq)
816 {
817 Assert(eq.getKind() == kind::EQUAL);
818 std::vector<SkolemLemma> lems;
819 TrustNode trn = theoryOf(eq)->ppRewrite(eq, lems);
820 // should never introduce a skolem to eliminate an equality
821 Assert(lems.empty());
822 return trn;
823 }
825 void TheoryEngine::notifyPreprocessedAssertions(
826 const std::vector<Node>& assertions) {
827 // call all the theories
828 for (TheoryId theoryId = theory::THEORY_FIRST; theoryId < theory::THEORY_LAST;
829 ++theoryId) {
830 if (d_theoryTable[theoryId]) {
831 theoryOf(theoryId)->ppNotifyAssertions(assertions);
832 }
833 }
834 if (d_relManager != nullptr)
835 {
836 d_relManager->notifyPreprocessedAssertions(assertions);
837 }
838 }
840 bool TheoryEngine::markPropagation(TNode assertion, TNode originalAssertion, theory::TheoryId toTheoryId, theory::TheoryId fromTheoryId) {
841 // What and where we are asserting
842 NodeTheoryPair toAssert(assertion, toTheoryId, d_propagationMapTimestamp);
843 // What and where it came from
844 NodeTheoryPair toExplain(originalAssertion, fromTheoryId, d_propagationMapTimestamp);
846 // See if the theory already got this literal
847 PropagationMap::const_iterator find = d_propagationMap.find(toAssert);
848 if (find != d_propagationMap.end()) {
849 // The theory already knows this
850 Trace("theory::assertToTheory") << "TheoryEngine::markPropagation(): already there" << endl;
851 return false;
852 }
854 Trace("theory::assertToTheory") << "TheoryEngine::markPropagation(): marking [" << d_propagationMapTimestamp << "] " << assertion << ", " << toTheoryId << " from " << originalAssertion << ", " << fromTheoryId << endl;
856 // Mark the propagation
857 d_propagationMap[toAssert] = toExplain;
858 d_propagationMapTimestamp = d_propagationMapTimestamp + 1;
860 return true;
861 }
864 void TheoryEngine::assertToTheory(TNode assertion, TNode originalAssertion, theory::TheoryId toTheoryId, theory::TheoryId fromTheoryId) {
865 Trace("theory::assertToTheory") << "TheoryEngine::assertToTheory(" << assertion << ", " << originalAssertion << "," << toTheoryId << ", " << fromTheoryId << ")" << endl;
867 Assert(toTheoryId != fromTheoryId);
868 if(toTheoryId != THEORY_SAT_SOLVER &&
869 ! d_logicInfo.isTheoryEnabled(toTheoryId)) {
870 stringstream ss;
871 ss << "The logic was specified as " << d_logicInfo.getLogicString()
872 << ", which doesn't include " << toTheoryId
873 << ", but got an asserted fact to that theory." << endl
874 << "The fact:" << endl
875 << assertion;
876 throw LogicException(ss.str());
877 }
879 if (d_inConflict) {
880 return;
881 }
883 // If sharing is disabled, things are easy
884 if (!d_logicInfo.isSharingEnabled()) {
885 Assert(assertion == originalAssertion);
886 if (fromTheoryId == THEORY_SAT_SOLVER) {
887 // Send to the apropriate theory
888 theory::Theory* toTheory = theoryOf(toTheoryId);
889 // We assert it, and we know it's preregistereed
890 toTheory->assertFact(assertion, true);
891 // Mark that we have more information
892 d_factsAsserted = true;
893 } else {
894 Assert(toTheoryId == THEORY_SAT_SOLVER);
895 // Check for propositional conflict
896 bool value;
897 if (d_propEngine->hasValue(assertion, value)) {
898 if (!value) {
899 Trace("theory::propagate") << "TheoryEngine::assertToTheory(" << assertion << ", " << toTheoryId << ", " << fromTheoryId << "): conflict (no sharing)" << endl;
900 Trace("dtview::conflict")
901 << ":THEORY-CONFLICT: " << assertion << std::endl;
902 markInConflict();
903 } else {
904 return;
905 }
906 }
907 d_propagatedLiterals.push_back(assertion);
908 }
909 return;
910 }
912 // determine the actual theory that will process/explain the fact, which is
913 // THEORY_BUILTIN if the theory uses the central equality engine
914 TheoryId toTheoryIdProp = (Theory::expUsingCentralEqualityEngine(toTheoryId))
916 : toTheoryId;
917 // If sending to the shared solver, it's also simple
918 if (toTheoryId == THEORY_BUILTIN) {
919 if (markPropagation(
920 assertion, originalAssertion, toTheoryIdProp, fromTheoryId))
921 {
922 // assert to the shared solver
923 bool polarity = assertion.getKind() != kind::NOT;
924 TNode atom = polarity ? assertion : assertion[0];
925 d_sharedSolver->assertShared(atom, polarity, assertion);
926 }
927 return;
928 }
930 // Things from the SAT solver are already normalized, so they go
931 // directly to the apropriate theory
932 if (fromTheoryId == THEORY_SAT_SOLVER) {
933 // We know that this is normalized, so just send it off to the theory
934 if (markPropagation(
935 assertion, originalAssertion, toTheoryIdProp, fromTheoryId))
936 {
937 // Is it preregistered
938 bool preregistered = d_propEngine->isSatLiteral(assertion) && Theory::theoryOf(assertion) == toTheoryId;
939 // We assert it
940 theoryOf(toTheoryId)->assertFact(assertion, preregistered);
941 // Mark that we have more information
942 d_factsAsserted = true;
943 }
944 return;
945 }
947 // Propagations to the SAT solver are just enqueued for pickup by
948 // the SAT solver later
949 if (toTheoryId == THEORY_SAT_SOLVER) {
950 Assert(toTheoryIdProp == toTheoryId);
951 if (markPropagation(assertion, originalAssertion, toTheoryId, fromTheoryId)) {
952 // Enqueue for propagation to the SAT solver
953 d_propagatedLiterals.push_back(assertion);
954 // Check for propositional conflicts
955 bool value;
956 if (d_propEngine->hasValue(assertion, value) && !value) {
957 Trace("theory::propagate")
958 << "TheoryEngine::assertToTheory(" << assertion << ", "
959 << toTheoryId << ", " << fromTheoryId << "): conflict (sharing)"
960 << endl;
961 Trace("dtview::conflict")
962 << ":THEORY-CONFLICT: " << assertion << std::endl;
963 markInConflict();
964 }
965 }
966 return;
967 }
969 Assert(assertion.getKind() == kind::EQUAL
970 || (assertion.getKind() == kind::NOT
971 && assertion[0].getKind() == kind::EQUAL));
973 // Normalize
974 Node normalizedLiteral = Rewriter::rewrite(assertion);
976 // See if it rewrites false directly -> conflict
977 if (normalizedLiteral.isConst()) {
978 if (!normalizedLiteral.getConst<bool>()) {
979 // Mark the propagation for explanations
980 if (markPropagation(normalizedLiteral,
981 originalAssertion,
982 toTheoryIdProp,
983 fromTheoryId))
984 {
985 // special case, trust node has no proof generator
986 TrustNode trnn = TrustNode::mkTrustConflict(normalizedLiteral);
987 // Get the explanation (conflict will figure out where it came from)
988 conflict(trnn, toTheoryId);
989 } else {
990 Unreachable();
991 }
992 return;
993 }
994 }
996 // Try and assert (note that we assert the non-normalized one)
997 if (markPropagation(
998 assertion, originalAssertion, toTheoryIdProp, fromTheoryId))
999 {
1000 // Check if has been pre-registered with the theory
1001 bool preregistered = d_propEngine->isSatLiteral(assertion) && Theory::theoryOf(assertion) == toTheoryId;
1002 // Assert away
1003 theoryOf(toTheoryId)->assertFact(assertion, preregistered);
1004 d_factsAsserted = true;
1005 }
1007 return;
1008 }
1010 void TheoryEngine::assertFact(TNode literal)
1011 {
1012 Trace("theory") << "TheoryEngine::assertFact(" << literal << ")" << endl;
1014 // spendResource();
1016 // If we're in conflict, nothing to do
1017 if (d_inConflict) {
1018 return;
1019 }
1021 // Get the atom
1022 bool polarity = literal.getKind() != kind::NOT;
1023 TNode atom = polarity ? literal : literal[0];
1025 if (d_logicInfo.isSharingEnabled()) {
1026 // If any shared terms, it's time to do sharing work
1027 d_sharedSolver->preNotifySharedFact(atom);
1029 // If it's an equality, assert it to the shared term manager, even though the terms are not
1030 // yet shared. As the terms become shared later, the shared terms manager will then add them
1031 // to the assert the equality to the interested theories
1032 if (atom.getKind() == kind::EQUAL) {
1033 // Assert it to the the owning theory
1034 assertToTheory(literal, literal, /* to */ Theory::theoryOf(atom), /* from */ THEORY_SAT_SOLVER);
1035 // Shared terms manager will assert to interested theories directly, as
1036 // the terms become shared
1037 assertToTheory(literal, literal, /* to */ THEORY_BUILTIN, /* from */ THEORY_SAT_SOLVER);
1039 // Now, let's check for any atom triggers from lemmas
1040 AtomRequests::atom_iterator it = d_atomRequests.getAtomIterator(atom);
1041 while (!it.done()) {
1042 const AtomRequests::Request& request = it.get();
1043 Node toAssert =
1044 polarity ? (Node)request.d_atom : request.d_atom.notNode();
1045 Debug("theory::atoms") << "TheoryEngine::assertFact(" << literal
1046 << "): sending requested " << toAssert << endl;
1047 assertToTheory(
1048 toAssert, literal, request.d_toTheory, THEORY_SAT_SOLVER);
1050 }
1052 } else {
1053 // Not an equality, just assert to the appropriate theory
1054 assertToTheory(literal, literal, /* to */ Theory::theoryOf(atom), /* from */ THEORY_SAT_SOLVER);
1055 }
1056 } else {
1057 // Assert the fact to the appropriate theory directly
1058 assertToTheory(literal, literal, /* to */ Theory::theoryOf(atom), /* from */ THEORY_SAT_SOLVER);
1059 }
1060 }
1062 bool TheoryEngine::propagate(TNode literal, theory::TheoryId theory) {
1063 Debug("theory::propagate")
1064 << "TheoryEngine::propagate(" << literal << ", " << theory << ")" << endl;
1066 Trace("dtview::prop") << std::string(d_env.getContext()->getLevel(), ' ')
1067 << ":THEORY-PROP: " << literal << endl;
1069 // spendResource();
1071 // Get the atom
1072 bool polarity = literal.getKind() != kind::NOT;
1073 TNode atom = polarity ? literal : literal[0];
1075 if (d_logicInfo.isSharingEnabled() && atom.getKind() == kind::EQUAL) {
1076 if (d_propEngine->isSatLiteral(literal)) {
1077 // We propagate SAT literals to SAT
1078 assertToTheory(literal, literal, /* to */ THEORY_SAT_SOLVER, /* from */ theory);
1079 }
1080 if (theory != THEORY_BUILTIN) {
1081 // Assert to the shared terms database
1082 assertToTheory(literal, literal, /* to */ THEORY_BUILTIN, /* from */ theory);
1083 }
1084 } else {
1085 // Just send off to the SAT solver
1086 Assert(d_propEngine->isSatLiteral(literal));
1087 assertToTheory(literal, literal, /* to */ THEORY_SAT_SOLVER, /* from */ theory);
1088 }
1090 return !d_inConflict;
1091 }
1093 const LogicInfo& TheoryEngine::getLogicInfo() const { return d_logicInfo; }
1095 bool TheoryEngine::getSepHeapTypes(TypeNode& locType, TypeNode& dataType) const
1096 {
1097 if (d_sepLocType.isNull())
1098 {
1099 return false;
1100 }
1101 locType = d_sepLocType;
1102 dataType = d_sepDataType;
1103 return true;
1104 }
1106 void TheoryEngine::declareSepHeap(TypeNode locT, TypeNode dataT)
1107 {
1108 Theory* tsep = theoryOf(THEORY_SEP);
1109 if (tsep == nullptr)
1110 {
1111 Assert(false) << "TheoryEngine::declareSepHeap called without the "
1112 "separation logic theory enabled";
1113 return;
1114 }
1116 // Definition of the statement that is to be run by every theory
1119 #endif
1121 theoryOf(THEORY)->declareSepHeap(locT, dataT);
1123 // notify each theory using the statement above
1126 // remember the types we have set
1127 d_sepLocType = locT;
1128 d_sepDataType = dataT;
1129 }
1131 theory::EqualityStatus TheoryEngine::getEqualityStatus(TNode a, TNode b) {
1132 Assert(a.getType().isComparableTo(b.getType()));
1133 return d_sharedSolver->getEqualityStatus(a, b);
1134 }
1136 const std::unordered_set<TNode>& TheoryEngine::getRelevantAssertions(
1137 bool& success)
1138 {
1139 // if we are not in SAT mode, or there is no relevance manager, we fail
1140 if (!d_inSatMode || d_relManager == nullptr)
1141 {
1142 success = false;
1143 return d_emptyRelevantSet;
1144 }
1145 return d_relManager->getRelevantAssertions(success);
1146 }
1148 Node TheoryEngine::getModelValue(TNode var) {
1149 if (var.isConst())
1150 {
1151 // the model value of a constant must be itself
1152 return var;
1153 }
1154 Assert(d_sharedSolver->isShared(var));
1155 return theoryOf(Theory::theoryOf(var.getType()))->getModelValue(var);
1156 }
1158 TrustNode TheoryEngine::getExplanation(TNode node)
1159 {
1160 Debug("theory::explain") << "TheoryEngine::getExplanation(" << node
1161 << "): current propagation index = "
1162 << d_propagationMapTimestamp << endl;
1163 bool polarity = node.getKind() != kind::NOT;
1164 TNode atom = polarity ? node : node[0];
1166 // If we're not in shared mode, explanations are simple
1167 if (!d_logicInfo.isSharingEnabled())
1168 {
1169 Debug("theory::explain")
1170 << "TheoryEngine::getExplanation: sharing is NOT enabled. "
1171 << " Responsible theory is: " << theoryOf(atom)->getId() << std::endl;
1173 TrustNode texplanation = theoryOf(atom)->explain(node);
1174 Node explanation = texplanation.getNode();
1175 Debug("theory::explain") << "TheoryEngine::getExplanation(" << node
1176 << ") => " << explanation << endl;
1177 if (isProofEnabled())
1178 {
1179 texplanation.debugCheckClosed(
1180 "te-proof-exp", "texplanation no share", false);
1181 // check if no generator, if so, add THEORY_LEMMA
1182 if (texplanation.getGenerator() == nullptr)
1183 {
1184 Node proven = texplanation.getProven();
1185 TheoryId tid = theoryOf(atom)->getId();
1186 Node tidn = builtin::BuiltinProofRuleChecker::mkTheoryIdNode(tid);
1187 d_lazyProof->addStep(proven, PfRule::THEORY_LEMMA, {}, {proven, tidn});
1188 texplanation =
1189 TrustNode::mkTrustPropExp(node, explanation, d_lazyProof.get());
1190 }
1191 }
1192 return texplanation;
1193 }
1195 Debug("theory::explain") << "TheoryEngine::getExplanation: sharing IS enabled"
1196 << std::endl;
1198 // Initial thing to explain
1199 NodeTheoryPair toExplain(node, THEORY_SAT_SOLVER, d_propagationMapTimestamp);
1200 Assert(d_propagationMap.find(toExplain) != d_propagationMap.end());
1202 NodeTheoryPair nodeExplainerPair = d_propagationMap[toExplain];
1203 Debug("theory::explain")
1204 << "TheoryEngine::getExplanation: explainer for node "
1205 << nodeExplainerPair.d_node
1206 << " is theory: " << nodeExplainerPair.d_theory << std::endl;
1208 // Create the workplace for explanations
1209 std::vector<NodeTheoryPair> vec{d_propagationMap[toExplain]};
1210 // Process the explanation
1211 TrustNode texplanation = getExplanation(vec);
1212 Debug("theory::explain") << "TheoryEngine::getExplanation(" << node << ") => "
1213 << texplanation.getNode() << endl;
1214 return texplanation;
1215 }
1217 struct AtomsCollect {
1219 std::vector<TNode> d_atoms;
1220 std::unordered_set<TNode> d_visited;
1222 public:
1223 typedef void return_type;
1225 bool alreadyVisited(TNode current, TNode parent) {
1226 // Check if already visited
1227 if (d_visited.find(current) != d_visited.end()) return true;
1228 // Don't visit non-boolean
1229 if (!current.getType().isBoolean()) return true;
1230 // New node
1231 return false;
1232 }
1234 void visit(TNode current, TNode parent) {
1235 if (Theory::theoryOf(current) != theory::THEORY_BOOL) {
1236 d_atoms.push_back(current);
1237 }
1238 d_visited.insert(current);
1239 }
1241 void start(TNode node) {}
1242 void done(TNode node) {}
1244 std::vector<TNode> getAtoms() const {
1245 return d_atoms;
1246 }
1247 };
1249 void TheoryEngine::ensureLemmaAtoms(const std::vector<TNode>& atoms, theory::TheoryId atomsTo) {
1250 for (unsigned i = 0; i < atoms.size(); ++ i) {
1252 // Non-equality atoms are either owned by theory or they don't make sense
1253 if (atoms[i].getKind() != kind::EQUAL) {
1254 continue;
1255 }
1257 // The equality
1258 Node eq = atoms[i];
1259 // Simple normalization to not repeat stuff
1260 if (eq[0] > eq[1]) {
1261 eq = eq[1].eqNode(eq[0]);
1262 }
1264 // Rewrite the equality
1265 Node eqNormalized = Rewriter::rewrite(atoms[i]);
1267 Debug("theory::atoms") << "TheoryEngine::ensureLemmaAtoms(): " << eq
1268 << " with nf " << eqNormalized << endl;
1270 // If the equality is a boolean constant, we send immediately
1271 if (eqNormalized.isConst()) {
1272 if (eqNormalized.getConst<bool>()) {
1273 assertToTheory(eq, eqNormalized, /** to */ atomsTo, /** Sat solver */ theory::THEORY_SAT_SOLVER);
1274 } else {
1275 assertToTheory(eq.notNode(), eqNormalized.notNode(), /** to */ atomsTo, /** Sat solver */ theory::THEORY_SAT_SOLVER);
1276 }
1277 continue;
1278 }else if( eqNormalized.getKind() != kind::EQUAL){
1279 Assert(eqNormalized.getKind() == kind::BOOLEAN_TERM_VARIABLE
1280 || (eqNormalized.getKind() == kind::NOT
1281 && eqNormalized[0].getKind() == kind::BOOLEAN_TERM_VARIABLE));
1282 // this happens for Boolean term equalities V = true that are rewritten to V, we should skip
1283 // TODO : revisit this
1284 continue;
1285 }
1287 // If the normalization did the just flips, keep the flip
1288 if (eqNormalized[0] == eq[1] && eqNormalized[1] == eq[0]) {
1289 eq = eqNormalized;
1290 }
1292 // Check if the equality is already known by the sat solver
1293 if (d_propEngine->isSatLiteral(eqNormalized)) {
1294 bool value;
1295 if (d_propEngine->hasValue(eqNormalized, value)) {
1296 if (value) {
1297 assertToTheory(eq, eqNormalized, atomsTo, theory::THEORY_SAT_SOLVER);
1298 continue;
1299 } else {
1300 assertToTheory(eq.notNode(), eqNormalized.notNode(), atomsTo, theory::THEORY_SAT_SOLVER);
1301 continue;
1302 }
1303 }
1304 }
1306 // If the theory is asking about a different form, or the form is ok but if will go to a different theory
1307 // then we must figure it out
1308 if (eqNormalized != eq || Theory::theoryOf(eq) != atomsTo) {
1309 // If you get eqNormalized, send atoms[i] to atomsTo
1310 d_atomRequests.add(eqNormalized, eq, atomsTo);
1311 }
1312 }
1313 }
1315 void TheoryEngine::lemma(TrustNode tlemma,
1316 theory::LemmaProperty p,
1317 theory::TheoryId atomsTo,
1318 theory::TheoryId from)
1319 {
1320 // For resource-limiting (also does a time check).
1321 // spendResource();
1322 Assert(tlemma.getKind() == TrustNodeKind::LEMMA
1323 || tlemma.getKind() == TrustNodeKind::CONFLICT);
1324 // get the node
1325 Node node = tlemma.getNode();
1326 Node lemma = tlemma.getProven();
1328 Assert(!expr::hasFreeVar(lemma));
1330 // when proofs are enabled, we ensure the trust node has a generator by
1331 // adding a trust step to the lazy proof maintained by this class
1332 if (isProofEnabled())
1333 {
1334 // ensure proof: set THEORY_LEMMA if no generator is provided
1335 if (tlemma.getGenerator() == nullptr)
1336 {
1337 // internal lemmas should have generators
1338 Assert(from != THEORY_LAST);
1339 // add theory lemma step to proof
1340 Node tidn = builtin::BuiltinProofRuleChecker::mkTheoryIdNode(from);
1341 d_lazyProof->addStep(lemma, PfRule::THEORY_LEMMA, {}, {lemma, tidn});
1342 // update the trust node
1343 tlemma = TrustNode::mkTrustLemma(lemma, d_lazyProof.get());
1344 }
1345 // ensure closed
1346 tlemma.debugCheckClosed("te-proof-debug", "TheoryEngine::lemma_initial");
1347 }
1349 // Do we need to check atoms
1350 if (atomsTo != theory::THEORY_LAST) {
1351 Debug("theory::atoms") << "TheoryEngine::lemma(" << node << ", " << atomsTo
1352 << ")" << endl;
1353 AtomsCollect collectAtoms;
1354 NodeVisitor<AtomsCollect>::run(collectAtoms, node);
1355 ensureLemmaAtoms(collectAtoms.getAtoms(), atomsTo);
1356 }
1358 if(Dump.isOn("t-lemmas")) {
1359 // we dump the negation of the lemma, to show validity of the lemma
1360 Node n = lemma.negate();
1361 const Printer& printer = d_outMgr.getPrinter();
1362 std::ostream& out = d_outMgr.getDumpOut();
1363 printer.toStreamCmdComment(out, "theory lemma: expect valid");
1364 printer.toStreamCmdCheckSat(out, n);
1365 }
1367 // assert the lemma
1368 d_propEngine->assertLemma(tlemma, p);
1370 // If specified, we must add this lemma to the set of those that need to be
1371 // justified, where note we pass all auxiliary lemmas in skAsserts as well,
1372 // since these by extension must be justified as well.
1373 if (d_relManager != nullptr && isLemmaPropertyNeedsJustify(p))
1374 {
1375 std::vector<Node> skAsserts;
1376 std::vector<Node> sks;
1377 Node retLemma =
1378 d_propEngine->getPreprocessedTerm(tlemma.getProven(), skAsserts, sks);
1379 d_relManager->notifyPreprocessedAssertion(retLemma);
1380 d_relManager->notifyPreprocessedAssertions(skAsserts);
1381 }
1383 // Mark that we added some lemmas
1384 d_lemmasAdded = true;
1385 }
1387 void TheoryEngine::markInConflict()
1388 {
1391 #endif
1393 theoryOf(THEORY)->notifyInConflict();
1395 d_inConflict = true;
1396 }
1398 void TheoryEngine::conflict(TrustNode tconflict, TheoryId theoryId)
1399 {
1400 Assert(tconflict.getKind() == TrustNodeKind::CONFLICT);
1402 TNode conflict = tconflict.getNode();
1403 Debug("theory::conflict") << "TheoryEngine::conflict(" << conflict << ", "
1404 << theoryId << ")" << endl;
1405 Trace("te-proof-debug") << "Check closed conflict" << std::endl;
1406 // doesn't require proof generator, yet, since THEORY_LEMMA is added below
1407 tconflict.debugCheckClosed(
1408 "te-proof-debug", "TheoryEngine::conflict_initial", false);
1410 Trace("dtview::conflict") << ":THEORY-CONFLICT: " << conflict << std::endl;
1412 // Mark that we are in conflict
1413 markInConflict();
1415 if(Dump.isOn("t-conflicts")) {
1416 const Printer& printer = d_outMgr.getPrinter();
1417 std::ostream& out = d_outMgr.getDumpOut();
1418 printer.toStreamCmdComment(out, "theory conflict: expect unsat");
1419 printer.toStreamCmdCheckSat(out, conflict);
1420 }
1422 // In the multiple-theories case, we need to reconstruct the conflict
1423 if (d_logicInfo.isSharingEnabled()) {
1424 // Create the workplace for explanations
1425 std::vector<NodeTheoryPair> vec;
1426 vec.push_back(
1427 NodeTheoryPair(conflict, theoryId, d_propagationMapTimestamp));
1429 // Process the explanation
1430 TrustNode tncExp = getExplanation(vec);
1431 Trace("te-proof-debug")
1432 << "Check closed conflict explained with sharing" << std::endl;
1433 tncExp.debugCheckClosed("te-proof-debug",
1434 "TheoryEngine::conflict_explained_sharing");
1435 Node fullConflict = tncExp.getNode();
1437 if (isProofEnabled())
1438 {
1439 Trace("te-proof-debug") << "Process conflict: " << conflict << std::endl;
1440 Trace("te-proof-debug") << "Conflict " << tconflict << " from "
1441 << tconflict.identifyGenerator() << std::endl;
1442 Trace("te-proof-debug") << "Explanation " << tncExp << " from "
1443 << tncExp.identifyGenerator() << std::endl;
1444 Assert(d_lazyProof != nullptr);
1445 if (tconflict.getGenerator() != nullptr)
1446 {
1447 d_lazyProof->addLazyStep(tconflict.getProven(),
1448 tconflict.getGenerator());
1449 }
1450 else
1451 {
1452 // add theory lemma step
1453 Node tidn = builtin::BuiltinProofRuleChecker::mkTheoryIdNode(theoryId);
1454 Node conf = tconflict.getProven();
1455 d_lazyProof->addStep(conf, PfRule::THEORY_LEMMA, {}, {conf, tidn});
1456 }
1457 // store the explicit step, which should come from a different
1458 // generator, e.g. d_tepg.
1459 Node proven = tncExp.getProven();
1460 Assert(tncExp.getGenerator() != d_lazyProof.get());
1461 Trace("te-proof-debug") << "add lazy step " << tncExp.identifyGenerator()
1462 << " for " << proven << std::endl;
1463 d_lazyProof->addLazyStep(proven, tncExp.getGenerator());
1464 pfgEnsureClosed(proven,
1465 d_lazyProof.get(),
1466 "te-proof-debug",
1467 "TheoryEngine::conflict_during");
1468 Node fullConflictNeg = fullConflict.notNode();
1469 std::vector<Node> children;
1470 children.push_back(proven);
1471 std::vector<Node> args;
1472 args.push_back(fullConflictNeg);
1473 if (conflict == d_false)
1474 {
1475 AlwaysAssert(proven == fullConflictNeg);
1476 }
1477 else
1478 {
1479 if (fullConflict != conflict)
1480 {
1481 // ------------------------- explained ---------- from theory
1482 // fullConflict => conflict ~conflict
1483 // ------------------------------------------ MACRO_SR_PRED_TRANSFORM
1484 // ~fullConflict
1485 children.push_back(conflict.notNode());
1486 args.push_back(mkMethodId(MethodId::SB_LITERAL));
1487 d_lazyProof->addStep(
1488 fullConflictNeg, PfRule::MACRO_SR_PRED_TRANSFORM, children, args);
1489 }
1490 }
1491 }
1492 // pass the processed trust node
1493 TrustNode tconf =
1494 TrustNode::mkTrustConflict(fullConflict, d_lazyProof.get());
1495 Debug("theory::conflict")
1496 << "TheoryEngine::conflict(" << conflict << ", " << theoryId
1497 << "): full = " << fullConflict << endl;
1498 Assert(properConflict(fullConflict));
1499 Trace("te-proof-debug")
1500 << "Check closed conflict with sharing" << std::endl;
1501 tconf.debugCheckClosed("te-proof-debug", "TheoryEngine::conflict:sharing");
1502 lemma(tconf, LemmaProperty::REMOVABLE);
1503 } else {
1504 // When only one theory, the conflict should need no processing
1505 Assert(properConflict(conflict));
1506 // pass the trust node that was sent from the theory
1507 lemma(tconflict, LemmaProperty::REMOVABLE, THEORY_LAST, theoryId);
1508 }
1509 }
1511 void TheoryEngine::setIncomplete(theory::TheoryId theory,
1512 theory::IncompleteId id)
1513 {
1514 d_incomplete = true;
1515 d_incompleteTheory = theory;
1516 d_incompleteId = id;
1517 }
1519 TrustNode TheoryEngine::getExplanation(
1520 std::vector<NodeTheoryPair>& explanationVector)
1521 {
1522 Assert(explanationVector.size() == 1);
1523 Node conclusion = explanationVector[0].d_node;
1524 // if the theory explains using the central equality engine, we always start
1525 // with THEORY_BUILTIN.
1526 if (Theory::expUsingCentralEqualityEngine(explanationVector[0].d_theory))
1527 {
1528 explanationVector[0].d_theory = THEORY_BUILTIN;
1529 }
1530 std::shared_ptr<LazyCDProof> lcp;
1531 if (isProofEnabled())
1532 {
1533 Trace("te-proof-exp") << "=== TheoryEngine::getExplanation " << conclusion
1534 << std::endl;
1535 lcp.reset(new LazyCDProof(
1536 d_pnm, nullptr, nullptr, "TheoryEngine::LazyCDProof::getExplanation"));
1537 }
1538 unsigned i = 0; // Index of the current literal we are processing
1540 std::unique_ptr<std::set<Node>> inputAssertions = nullptr;
1541 // the overall explanation
1542 std::set<TNode> exp;
1543 // vector of trust nodes to explain at the end
1544 std::vector<std::pair<TheoryId, TrustNode>> texplains;
1545 // cache of nodes we have already explained by some theory
1546 std::unordered_map<Node, size_t> cache;
1548 while (i < explanationVector.size()) {
1549 // Get the current literal to explain
1550 NodeTheoryPair toExplain = explanationVector[i];
1552 Debug("theory::explain")
1553 << "[i=" << i << "] TheoryEngine::explain(): processing ["
1554 << toExplain.d_timestamp << "] " << toExplain.d_node << " sent from "
1555 << toExplain.d_theory << endl;
1557 if (cache.find(toExplain.d_node) != cache.end()
1558 && cache[toExplain.d_node] < toExplain.d_timestamp)
1559 {
1560 ++i;
1561 continue;
1562 }
1563 cache[toExplain.d_node] = toExplain.d_timestamp;
1565 // If a true constant or a negation of a false constant we can ignore it
1566 if ((toExplain.d_node.isConst() && toExplain.d_node.getConst<bool>())
1567 || (toExplain.d_node.getKind() == kind::NOT
1568 && toExplain.d_node[0].isConst()
1569 && !toExplain.d_node[0].getConst<bool>()))
1570 {
1571 ++ i;
1572 // if we are building a proof
1573 if (lcp != nullptr)
1574 {
1575 Trace("te-proof-exp")
1576 << "- explain " << toExplain.d_node << " trivially..." << std::endl;
1577 // ------------------MACRO_SR_PRED_INTRO
1578 // toExplain.d_node
1579 std::vector<Node> children;
1580 std::vector<Node> args;
1581 args.push_back(toExplain.d_node);
1582 lcp->addStep(
1583 toExplain.d_node, PfRule::MACRO_SR_PRED_INTRO, children, args);
1584 }
1585 continue;
1586 }
1588 // If from the SAT solver, keep it
1589 if (toExplain.d_theory == THEORY_SAT_SOLVER)
1590 {
1591 Debug("theory::explain")
1592 << "\tLiteral came from THEORY_SAT_SOLVER. Keeping it." << endl;
1593 exp.insert(explanationVector[i++].d_node);
1594 // it will be a free assumption in the proof
1595 Trace("te-proof-exp") << "- keep " << toExplain.d_node << std::endl;
1596 continue;
1597 }
1599 // If an and, expand it
1600 if (toExplain.d_node.getKind() == kind::AND)
1601 {
1602 Debug("theory::explain")
1603 << "TheoryEngine::explain(): expanding " << toExplain.d_node
1604 << " got from " << toExplain.d_theory << endl;
1605 size_t nchild = toExplain.d_node.getNumChildren();
1606 for (size_t k = 0; k < nchild; ++k)
1607 {
1608 NodeTheoryPair newExplain(
1609 toExplain.d_node[k], toExplain.d_theory, toExplain.d_timestamp);
1610 explanationVector.push_back(newExplain);
1611 }
1612 if (lcp != nullptr)
1613 {
1614 Trace("te-proof-exp")
1615 << "- AND expand " << toExplain.d_node << std::endl;
1616 // delay explanation, use a dummy trust node
1617 TrustNode tnAndExp = TrustNode::mkTrustPropExp(
1618 toExplain.d_node, toExplain.d_node, nullptr);
1619 texplains.push_back(
1620 std::pair<TheoryId, TrustNode>(THEORY_LAST, tnAndExp));
1621 }
1622 ++ i;
1623 continue;
1624 }
1626 // See if it was sent to the theory by another theory
1627 PropagationMap::const_iterator find = d_propagationMap.find(toExplain);
1628 if (find != d_propagationMap.end()) {
1629 Debug("theory::explain")
1630 << "\tTerm was propagated by another theory (theory = "
1631 << getTheoryString((*find).second.d_theory) << ")" << std::endl;
1632 // There is some propagation, check if its a timely one
1633 if ((*find).second.d_timestamp < toExplain.d_timestamp)
1634 {
1635 Debug("theory::explain")
1636 << "\tRelevant timetsamp, pushing " << (*find).second.d_node
1637 << "to index = " << explanationVector.size() << std::endl;
1638 explanationVector.push_back((*find).second);
1639 ++i;
1641 if (lcp != nullptr)
1642 {
1643 if (!CDProof::isSame(toExplain.d_node, (*find).second.d_node))
1644 {
1645 Trace("te-proof-exp")
1646 << "- t-explained cached: " << toExplain.d_node << " by "
1647 << (*find).second.d_node << std::endl;
1648 // delay explanation, use a dummy trust node that says that
1649 // (*find).second.d_node explains toExplain.d_node.
1650 TrustNode tnRewExp = TrustNode::mkTrustPropExp(
1651 toExplain.d_node, (*find).second.d_node, nullptr);
1652 texplains.push_back(
1653 std::pair<TheoryId, TrustNode>(THEORY_LAST, tnRewExp));
1654 }
1655 }
1656 continue;
1657 }
1658 }
1659 // It was produced by the theory, so ask for an explanation
1660 TrustNode texplanation =
1661 d_sharedSolver->explain(toExplain.d_node, toExplain.d_theory);
1662 if (lcp != nullptr)
1663 {
1664 texplanation.debugCheckClosed("te-proof-exp", "texplanation", false);
1665 Trace("te-proof-exp")
1666 << "- t-explained[" << toExplain.d_theory << "]: " << toExplain.d_node
1667 << " by " << texplanation.getNode() << std::endl;
1668 // should prove the propagation we asked for
1669 Assert(texplanation.getKind() == TrustNodeKind::PROP_EXP
1670 && texplanation.getProven()[1] == toExplain.d_node);
1671 // if not a trivial explanation
1672 if (!CDProof::isSame(texplanation.getNode(), toExplain.d_node))
1673 {
1674 // We add it to the list of theory explanations, to be processed at
1675 // the end of this method. We wait to explain here because it may
1676 // be that a later explanation may preempt the need for proving this
1677 // step. For instance, if the conclusion lit is later added as an
1678 // assumption in the final explanation. This avoids cyclic proofs.
1679 texplains.push_back(
1680 std::pair<TheoryId, TrustNode>(toExplain.d_theory, texplanation));
1681 }
1682 }
1683 Node explanation = texplanation.getNode();
1685 Debug("theory::explain")
1686 << "TheoryEngine::explain(): got explanation " << explanation
1687 << " got from " << toExplain.d_theory << endl;
1688 Assert(explanation != toExplain.d_node)
1689 << "wasn't sent to you, so why are you explaining it trivially, for "
1690 "fact "
1691 << explanation;
1692 // Mark the explanation
1693 NodeTheoryPair newExplain(
1694 explanation, toExplain.d_theory, toExplain.d_timestamp);
1695 explanationVector.push_back(newExplain);
1697 ++ i;
1698 }
1700 // make the explanation node
1701 Node expNode;
1702 if (exp.size() == 0)
1703 {
1704 // Normalize to true
1705 expNode = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst<bool>(true);
1706 }
1707 else if (exp.size() == 1)
1708 {
1709 // All the same, or just one
1710 expNode = *exp.begin();
1711 }
1712 else
1713 {
1714 NodeBuilder conjunction(kind::AND);
1715 std::set<TNode>::const_iterator it = exp.begin();
1716 std::set<TNode>::const_iterator it_end = exp.end();
1717 while (it != it_end)
1718 {
1719 conjunction << *it;
1720 ++it;
1721 }
1722 expNode = conjunction;
1723 }
1724 // if we are building a proof, go back through the explanations and
1725 // build the proof
1726 if (lcp != nullptr)
1727 {
1728 if (Trace.isOn("te-proof-exp"))
1729 {
1730 Trace("te-proof-exp") << "Explanation is:" << std::endl;
1731 for (TNode e : exp)
1732 {
1733 Trace("te-proof-exp") << " " << e << std::endl;
1734 }
1735 Trace("te-proof-exp") << "=== Replay explanations..." << std::endl;
1736 }
1737 // Now, go back and add the necessary steps of theory explanations, i.e.
1738 // add those that prove things that aren't in the final explanation. We
1739 // iterate in reverse order so that most recent steps take priority. This
1740 // avoids cyclic proofs in the lazy proof we are building (lcp).
1741 for (std::vector<std::pair<TheoryId, TrustNode>>::reverse_iterator
1742 it = texplains.rbegin(),
1743 itEnd = texplains.rend();
1744 it != itEnd;
1745 ++it)
1746 {
1747 TrustNode trn = it->second;
1748 Assert(trn.getKind() == TrustNodeKind::PROP_EXP);
1749 Node proven = trn.getProven();
1750 Assert(proven.getKind() == kind::IMPLIES);
1751 Node tConc = proven[1];
1752 Trace("te-proof-exp") << "- Process " << trn << std::endl;
1753 if (exp.find(tConc) != exp.end())
1754 {
1755 // already added to proof
1756 Trace("te-proof-exp") << "...already added" << std::endl;
1757 continue;
1758 }
1759 Node symTConc = CDProof::getSymmFact(tConc);
1760 if (!symTConc.isNull())
1761 {
1762 if (exp.find(symTConc) != exp.end())
1763 {
1764 // symmetric direction
1765 Trace("te-proof-exp") << "...already added (SYMM)" << std::endl;
1766 continue;
1767 }
1768 }
1769 // remember that we've explained this formula, to avoid cycles in lcp
1770 exp.insert(tConc);
1771 TheoryId ttid = it->first;
1772 Node tExp = proven[0];
1773 if (ttid == THEORY_LAST)
1774 {
1775 if (tConc == tExp)
1776 {
1777 // dummy trust node, do AND expansion
1778 Assert(tConc.getKind() == kind::AND);
1779 // tConc[0] ... tConc[n]
1780 // ---------------------- AND_INTRO
1781 // tConc
1782 std::vector<Node> pfChildren;
1783 pfChildren.insert(pfChildren.end(), tConc.begin(), tConc.end());
1784 lcp->addStep(tConc, PfRule::AND_INTRO, pfChildren, {});
1785 Trace("te-proof-exp") << "...via AND_INTRO" << std::endl;
1786 continue;
1787 }
1788 // otherwise should hold by rewriting
1789 Assert(Rewriter::rewrite(tConc) == Rewriter::rewrite(tExp));
1790 // tExp
1792 // tConc
1793 lcp->addStep(tConc, PfRule::MACRO_SR_PRED_TRANSFORM, {tExp}, {tConc});
1794 Trace("te-proof-exp") << "...via MACRO_SR_PRED_TRANSFORM" << std::endl;
1795 continue;
1796 }
1797 if (tExp == tConc)
1798 {
1799 // trivial
1800 Trace("te-proof-exp") << "...trivial" << std::endl;
1801 continue;
1802 }
1803 // ------------- Via theory
1804 // tExp tExp => tConc
1805 // ---------------------------------MODUS_PONENS
1806 // tConc
1807 if (trn.getGenerator() != nullptr)
1808 {
1809 Trace("te-proof-exp") << "...via theory generator" << std::endl;
1810 lcp->addLazyStep(proven, trn.getGenerator());
1811 }
1812 else
1813 {
1814 Trace("te-proof-exp") << "...via trust THEORY_LEMMA" << std::endl;
1815 // otherwise, trusted theory lemma
1816 Node tidn = builtin::BuiltinProofRuleChecker::mkTheoryIdNode(it->first);
1817 lcp->addStep(proven, PfRule::THEORY_LEMMA, {}, {proven, tidn});
1818 }
1819 std::vector<Node> pfChildren;
1820 pfChildren.push_back(trn.getNode());
1821 pfChildren.push_back(proven);
1822 lcp->addStep(tConc, PfRule::MODUS_PONENS, pfChildren, {});
1823 }
1824 // store in the proof generator
1825 TrustNode trn = d_tepg->mkTrustExplain(conclusion, expNode, lcp);
1826 // return the trust node
1827 return trn;
1828 }
1830 return TrustNode::mkTrustPropExp(conclusion, expNode, nullptr);
1831 }
1833 bool TheoryEngine::isProofEnabled() const { return d_pnm != nullptr; }
1835 void TheoryEngine::setUserAttribute(const std::string& attr,
1836 Node n,
1837 const std::vector<Node>& node_values,
1838 const std::string& str_value)
1839 {
1840 Trace("te-attr") << "set user attribute " << attr << " " << n << endl;
1841 if( d_attr_handle.find( attr )!=d_attr_handle.end() ){
1842 for( size_t i=0; i<d_attr_handle[attr].size(); i++ ){
1843 d_attr_handle[attr][i]->setUserAttribute(attr, n, node_values, str_value);
1844 }
1845 } else {
1846 //unhandled exception?
1847 }
1848 }
1850 void TheoryEngine::handleUserAttribute(const char* attr, Theory* t) {
1851 Trace("te-attr") << "Handle user attribute " << attr << " " << t << endl;
1852 std::string str( attr );
1853 d_attr_handle[ str ].push_back( t );
1854 }
1856 void TheoryEngine::checkTheoryAssertionsWithModel(bool hardFailure) {
1857 for(TheoryId theoryId = THEORY_FIRST; theoryId < THEORY_LAST; ++theoryId) {
1858 Theory* theory = d_theoryTable[theoryId];
1859 if(theory && d_logicInfo.isTheoryEnabled(theoryId)) {
1860 for(context::CDList<Assertion>::const_iterator it = theory->facts_begin(),
1861 it_end = theory->facts_end();
1862 it != it_end;
1863 ++it) {
1864 Node assertion = (*it).d_assertion;
1865 if (!isRelevant(assertion))
1866 {
1867 // not relevant, skip
1868 continue;
1869 }
1870 Node val = d_tc->getModel()->getValue(assertion);
1871 if (val != d_true)
1872 {
1873 std::stringstream ss;
1874 ss << " " << theoryId
1875 << " has an asserted fact that the model doesn't satisfy." << endl
1876 << "The fact: " << assertion << endl
1877 << "Model value: " << val << endl;
1878 if (hardFailure)
1879 {
1880 if (val == d_false)
1881 {
1882 // Always an error if it is false
1883 InternalError() << ss.str();
1884 }
1885 else
1886 {
1887 // Otherwise just a warning. Notice this case may happen for
1888 // assertions with unevaluable operators, e.g. transcendental
1889 // functions. It also may happen for separation logic, where
1890 // check-model support is limited.
1891 Warning() << ss.str();
1892 }
1893 }
1894 }
1895 }
1896 }
1897 }
1898 }
1900 std::pair<bool, Node> TheoryEngine::entailmentCheck(options::TheoryOfMode mode,
1901 TNode lit)
1902 {
1903 TNode atom = (lit.getKind() == kind::NOT) ? lit[0] : lit;
1904 if( atom.getKind()==kind::AND || atom.getKind()==kind::OR || atom.getKind()==kind::IMPLIES ){
1905 //Boolean connective, recurse
1906 std::vector< Node > children;
1907 bool pol = (lit.getKind()!=kind::NOT);
1908 bool is_conjunction = pol==(lit.getKind()==kind::AND);
1909 for( unsigned i=0; i<atom.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
1910 Node ch = atom[i];
1911 if( pol==( lit.getKind()==kind::IMPLIES && i==0 ) ){
1912 ch = atom[i].negate();
1913 }
1914 std::pair<bool, Node> chres = entailmentCheck(mode, ch);
1915 if( chres.first ){
1916 if( !is_conjunction ){
1917 return chres;
1918 }else{
1919 children.push_back( chres.second );
1920 }
1921 }else if( !chres.first && is_conjunction ){
1922 return std::pair<bool, Node>(false, Node::null());
1923 }
1924 }
1925 if( is_conjunction ){
1926 return std::pair<bool, Node>(true, NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::AND, children));
1927 }else{
1928 return std::pair<bool, Node>(false, Node::null());
1929 }
1930 }else if( atom.getKind()==kind::ITE || ( atom.getKind()==kind::EQUAL && atom[0].getType().isBoolean() ) ){
1931 bool pol = (lit.getKind()!=kind::NOT);
1932 for( unsigned r=0; r<2; r++ ){
1933 Node ch = atom[0];
1934 if( r==1 ){
1935 ch = ch.negate();
1936 }
1937 std::pair<bool, Node> chres = entailmentCheck(mode, ch);
1938 if( chres.first ){
1939 Node ch2 = atom[ atom.getKind()==kind::ITE ? r+1 : 1 ];
1940 if( pol==( atom.getKind()==kind::ITE ? true : r==1 ) ){
1941 ch2 = ch2.negate();
1942 }
1943 std::pair<bool, Node> chres2 = entailmentCheck(mode, ch2);
1944 if( chres2.first ){
1945 return std::pair<bool, Node>(true, NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::AND, chres.second, chres2.second));
1946 }else{
1947 break;
1948 }
1949 }
1950 }
1951 return std::pair<bool, Node>(false, Node::null());
1952 }else{
1953 //it is a theory atom
1954 theory::TheoryId tid = theory::Theory::theoryOf(mode, atom);
1955 theory::Theory* th = theoryOf(tid);
1957 Assert(th != NULL);
1958 Trace("theory-engine-entc") << "Entailment check : " << lit << std::endl;
1960 std::pair<bool, Node> chres = th->entailmentCheck(lit);
1961 return chres;
1962 }
1963 }
1965 bool TheoryEngine::isFiniteType(TypeNode tn) const
1966 {
1967 return isCardinalityClassFinite(tn.getCardinalityClass(),
1968 options::finiteModelFind());
1969 }
1971 void TheoryEngine::spendResource(Resource r)
1972 {
1973 d_env.getResourceManager()->spendResource(r);
1974 }
1976 void TheoryEngine::initializeProofChecker(ProofChecker* pc)
1977 {
1978 for (theory::TheoryId id = theory::THEORY_FIRST; id < theory::THEORY_LAST;
1979 ++id)
1980 {
1981 ProofRuleChecker* prc = d_theoryTable[id]->getProofChecker();
1982 if (prc)
1983 {
1984 prc->registerTo(pc);
1985 }
1986 }
1987 }
1989 } // namespace cvc5