FloatingPoint: Separate out symFPU glue code. (#5492)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / theory_inference_manager.cpp
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file theory_inference_manager.cpp
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds, Mathias Preiner, Gereon Kremer
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief An inference manager for Theory
13 **/
15 #include "theory/theory_inference_manager.h"
17 #include "theory/theory.h"
18 #include "theory/uf/equality_engine.h"
20 using namespace CVC4::kind;
22 namespace CVC4 {
23 namespace theory {
25 TheoryInferenceManager::TheoryInferenceManager(Theory& t,
26 TheoryState& state,
27 ProofNodeManager* pnm)
28 : d_theory(t),
29 d_theoryState(state),
30 d_out(t.getOutputChannel()),
31 d_ee(nullptr),
32 d_pnm(pnm),
33 d_keep(t.getSatContext()),
34 d_lemmasSent(t.getUserContext()),
35 d_numConflicts(0),
36 d_numCurrentLemmas(0),
37 d_numCurrentFacts(0)
38 {
39 }
41 void TheoryInferenceManager::setEqualityEngine(eq::EqualityEngine* ee)
42 {
43 d_ee = ee;
44 // if proofs are enabled, also make a proof equality engine to wrap ee
45 if (d_pnm != nullptr)
46 {
47 d_pfee.reset(new eq::ProofEqEngine(d_theoryState.getSatContext(),
48 d_theoryState.getUserContext(),
49 *d_ee,
50 d_pnm));
51 }
52 }
54 bool TheoryInferenceManager::isProofEnabled() const { return d_pnm != nullptr; }
56 void TheoryInferenceManager::reset()
57 {
58 d_numConflicts = 0;
59 d_numCurrentLemmas = 0;
60 d_numCurrentFacts = 0;
61 }
63 bool TheoryInferenceManager::hasSent() const
64 {
65 return d_theoryState.isInConflict() || d_numCurrentLemmas > 0
66 || d_numCurrentFacts > 0;
67 }
69 eq::ProofEqEngine* TheoryInferenceManager::getProofEqEngine()
70 {
71 return d_pfee.get();
72 }
74 void TheoryInferenceManager::conflictEqConstantMerge(TNode a, TNode b)
75 {
76 if (!d_theoryState.isInConflict())
77 {
78 TrustNode tconf = explainConflictEqConstantMerge(a, b);
79 d_theoryState.notifyInConflict();
80 d_out.trustedConflict(tconf);
81 }
82 }
84 void TheoryInferenceManager::conflict(TNode conf)
85 {
86 if (!d_theoryState.isInConflict())
87 {
88 d_theoryState.notifyInConflict();
89 d_out.conflict(conf);
90 ++d_numConflicts;
91 }
92 }
94 void TheoryInferenceManager::trustedConflict(TrustNode tconf)
95 {
96 if (!d_theoryState.isInConflict())
97 {
98 d_theoryState.notifyInConflict();
99 d_out.trustedConflict(tconf);
100 }
101 }
103 void TheoryInferenceManager::conflictExp(PfRule id,
104 const std::vector<Node>& exp,
105 const std::vector<Node>& args)
106 {
107 if (!d_theoryState.isInConflict())
108 {
109 // make the trust node
110 TrustNode tconf = mkConflictExp(id, exp, args);
111 // send it on the output channel
112 trustedConflict(tconf);
113 }
114 }
116 TrustNode TheoryInferenceManager::mkConflictExp(PfRule id,
117 const std::vector<Node>& exp,
118 const std::vector<Node>& args)
119 {
120 if (d_pfee != nullptr)
121 {
122 // use proof equality engine to construct the trust node
123 return d_pfee->assertConflict(id, exp, args);
124 }
125 // version without proofs
126 Node conf = mkExplainPartial(exp, {});
127 return TrustNode::mkTrustConflict(conf, nullptr);
128 }
130 void TheoryInferenceManager::conflictExp(const std::vector<Node>& exp,
131 ProofGenerator* pg)
132 {
133 if (!d_theoryState.isInConflict())
134 {
135 // make the trust node
136 TrustNode tconf = mkConflictExp(exp, pg);
137 // send it on the output channel
138 trustedConflict(tconf);
139 }
140 }
142 TrustNode TheoryInferenceManager::mkConflictExp(const std::vector<Node>& exp,
143 ProofGenerator* pg)
144 {
145 if (d_pfee != nullptr)
146 {
147 Assert(pg != nullptr);
148 // use proof equality engine to construct the trust node
149 return d_pfee->assertConflict(exp, pg);
150 }
151 // version without proofs
152 Node conf = mkExplainPartial(exp, {});
153 return TrustNode::mkTrustConflict(conf, nullptr);
154 }
156 bool TheoryInferenceManager::propagateLit(TNode lit)
157 {
158 // If already in conflict, no more propagation
159 if (d_theoryState.isInConflict())
160 {
161 return false;
162 }
163 // Propagate out
164 bool ok = d_out.propagate(lit);
165 if (!ok)
166 {
167 d_theoryState.notifyInConflict();
168 }
169 return ok;
170 }
172 TrustNode TheoryInferenceManager::explainLit(TNode lit)
173 {
174 if (d_pfee != nullptr)
175 {
176 return d_pfee->explain(lit);
177 }
178 if (d_ee != nullptr)
179 {
180 Node exp = d_ee->mkExplainLit(lit);
181 return TrustNode::mkTrustPropExp(lit, exp, nullptr);
182 }
183 Unimplemented() << "Inference manager for " << d_theory.getId()
184 << " was asked to explain a propagation but doesn't have an "
185 "equality engine or implement the "
186 "TheoryInferenceManager::explainLit interface!";
187 }
189 TrustNode TheoryInferenceManager::explainConflictEqConstantMerge(TNode a,
190 TNode b)
191 {
192 Node lit = a.eqNode(b);
193 if (d_pfee != nullptr)
194 {
195 return d_pfee->assertConflict(lit);
196 }
197 if (d_ee != nullptr)
198 {
199 Node conf = d_ee->mkExplainLit(lit);
200 return TrustNode::mkTrustConflict(conf, nullptr);
201 }
202 Unimplemented() << "Inference manager for " << d_theory.getId()
203 << " mkTrustedConflictEqConstantMerge";
204 }
206 bool TheoryInferenceManager::lemma(TNode lem, LemmaProperty p, bool doCache)
207 {
208 TrustNode tlem = TrustNode::mkTrustLemma(lem, nullptr);
209 return trustedLemma(tlem, p, doCache);
210 }
212 bool TheoryInferenceManager::trustedLemma(const TrustNode& tlem,
213 LemmaProperty p,
214 bool doCache)
215 {
216 if (doCache)
217 {
218 if (!cacheLemma(tlem.getNode(), p))
219 {
220 return false;
221 }
222 }
223 d_numCurrentLemmas++;
224 d_out.trustedLemma(tlem, p);
225 return true;
226 }
228 bool TheoryInferenceManager::lemmaExp(Node conc,
229 PfRule id,
230 const std::vector<Node>& exp,
231 const std::vector<Node>& noExplain,
232 const std::vector<Node>& args,
233 LemmaProperty p,
234 bool doCache)
235 {
236 // make the trust node
237 TrustNode trn = mkLemmaExp(conc, id, exp, noExplain, args);
238 // send it on the output channel
239 return trustedLemma(trn, p, doCache);
240 }
242 TrustNode TheoryInferenceManager::mkLemmaExp(Node conc,
243 PfRule id,
244 const std::vector<Node>& exp,
245 const std::vector<Node>& noExplain,
246 const std::vector<Node>& args)
247 {
248 if (d_pfee != nullptr)
249 {
250 // make the trust node from the proof equality engine
251 return d_pfee->assertLemma(conc, id, exp, noExplain, args);
252 }
253 // otherwise, not using proofs, explain and make trust node
254 Node ant = mkExplainPartial(exp, noExplain);
255 Node lem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::IMPLIES, ant, conc);
256 return TrustNode::mkTrustLemma(lem, nullptr);
257 }
259 bool TheoryInferenceManager::lemmaExp(Node conc,
260 const std::vector<Node>& exp,
261 const std::vector<Node>& noExplain,
262 ProofGenerator* pg,
263 LemmaProperty p,
264 bool doCache)
265 {
266 // make the trust node
267 TrustNode trn = mkLemmaExp(conc, exp, noExplain, pg);
268 // send it on the output channel
269 return trustedLemma(trn, p, doCache);
270 }
272 TrustNode TheoryInferenceManager::mkLemmaExp(Node conc,
273 const std::vector<Node>& exp,
274 const std::vector<Node>& noExplain,
275 ProofGenerator* pg)
276 {
277 if (d_pfee != nullptr)
278 {
279 // make the trust node from the proof equality engine
280 return d_pfee->assertLemma(conc, exp, noExplain, pg);
281 }
282 // otherwise, not using proofs, explain and make trust node
283 Node ant = mkExplainPartial(exp, noExplain);
284 Node lem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::IMPLIES, ant, conc);
285 return TrustNode::mkTrustLemma(lem, nullptr);
286 }
288 bool TheoryInferenceManager::hasCachedLemma(TNode lem, LemmaProperty p)
289 {
290 return d_lemmasSent.find(lem) != d_lemmasSent.end();
291 }
293 uint32_t TheoryInferenceManager::numSentLemmas() const
294 {
295 return d_numCurrentLemmas;
296 }
298 bool TheoryInferenceManager::hasSentLemma() const
299 {
300 return d_numCurrentLemmas != 0;
301 }
303 bool TheoryInferenceManager::assertInternalFact(TNode atom, bool pol, TNode exp)
304 {
305 return processInternalFact(atom, pol, PfRule::UNKNOWN, {exp}, {}, nullptr);
306 }
308 bool TheoryInferenceManager::assertInternalFact(TNode atom,
309 bool pol,
310 PfRule id,
311 const std::vector<Node>& exp,
312 const std::vector<Node>& args)
313 {
314 Assert(id != PfRule::UNKNOWN);
315 return processInternalFact(atom, pol, id, exp, args, nullptr);
316 }
318 bool TheoryInferenceManager::assertInternalFact(TNode atom,
319 bool pol,
320 const std::vector<Node>& exp,
321 ProofGenerator* pg)
322 {
323 Assert(pg != nullptr);
324 return processInternalFact(atom, pol, PfRule::ASSUME, exp, {}, pg);
325 }
327 bool TheoryInferenceManager::processInternalFact(TNode atom,
328 bool pol,
329 PfRule id,
330 const std::vector<Node>& exp,
331 const std::vector<Node>& args,
332 ProofGenerator* pg)
333 {
334 // make the node corresponding to the explanation
335 Node expn = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkAnd(exp);
336 // call the pre-notify fact method with preReg = false, isInternal = true
337 if (d_theory.preNotifyFact(atom, pol, expn, false, true))
338 {
339 // Handled in a theory-specific way that doesn't require equality engine,
340 // notice we return true, indicating that the fact was processed.
341 return true;
342 }
343 Assert(d_ee != nullptr);
344 Trace("infer-manager") << "TheoryInferenceManager::assertInternalFact: "
345 << expn << std::endl;
346 d_numCurrentFacts++;
347 // Now, assert the fact. How to do so depends on whether proofs are enabled.
348 // If no proof production, or no proof rule was given
349 bool ret = false;
350 if (d_pfee == nullptr || id == PfRule::UNKNOWN)
351 {
352 if (atom.getKind() == kind::EQUAL)
353 {
354 ret = d_ee->assertEquality(atom, pol, expn);
355 }
356 else
357 {
358 ret = d_ee->assertPredicate(atom, pol, expn);
359 }
360 // Must reference count the equality and its explanation, which is not done
361 // by the equality engine. Notice that we do *not* need to do this for
362 // external assertions, which enter as facts in theory check. This is also
363 // not done if we are asserting to the proof equality engine, which does
364 // this caching itself within ProofEqEngine::assertFact.
365 d_keep.insert(atom);
366 d_keep.insert(expn);
367 }
368 else
369 {
370 // Note that we reconstruct the original literal lit here, since both the
371 // original literal is needed for bookkeeping proofs. It is possible to
372 // optimize this so that a few less nodes are created, but at the cost
373 // of a more verbose interface to proof equality engine.
374 Node lit = pol ? Node(atom) : atom.notNode();
375 if (pg != nullptr)
376 {
377 // use the proof generator interface
378 ret = d_pfee->assertFact(lit, expn, pg);
379 }
380 else
381 {
382 // use the explict proof step interface
383 ret = d_pfee->assertFact(lit, id, expn, args);
384 }
385 }
386 // call the notify fact method with isInternal = true
387 d_theory.notifyFact(atom, pol, expn, true);
388 Trace("infer-manager")
389 << "TheoryInferenceManager::finished assertInternalFact" << std::endl;
390 return ret;
391 }
393 void TheoryInferenceManager::explain(TNode n, std::vector<TNode>& assumptions)
394 {
395 if (n.getKind() == kind::AND)
396 {
397 for (const Node& nc : n)
398 {
399 d_ee->explainLit(nc, assumptions);
400 }
401 }
402 else
403 {
404 d_ee->explainLit(n, assumptions);
405 }
406 }
408 Node TheoryInferenceManager::mkExplain(TNode n)
409 {
410 std::vector<TNode> assumptions;
411 explain(n, assumptions);
412 return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkAnd(assumptions);
413 }
415 Node TheoryInferenceManager::mkExplainPartial(
416 const std::vector<Node>& exp, const std::vector<Node>& noExplain)
417 {
418 std::vector<TNode> assumps;
419 for (const Node& e : exp)
420 {
421 if (std::find(noExplain.begin(), noExplain.end(), e) != noExplain.end())
422 {
423 if (std::find(assumps.begin(), assumps.end(), e) == assumps.end())
424 {
425 // a non-explained literal
426 assumps.push_back(e);
427 }
428 continue;
429 }
430 // otherwise, explain it
431 explain(e, assumps);
432 }
433 return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkAnd(assumps);
434 }
436 uint32_t TheoryInferenceManager::numSentFacts() const
437 {
438 return d_numCurrentFacts;
439 }
441 bool TheoryInferenceManager::hasSentFact() const
442 {
443 return d_numCurrentFacts != 0;
444 }
446 bool TheoryInferenceManager::cacheLemma(TNode lem, LemmaProperty p)
447 {
448 if (d_lemmasSent.find(lem) != d_lemmasSent.end())
449 {
450 return false;
451 }
452 d_lemmasSent.insert(lem);
453 return true;
454 }
456 void TheoryInferenceManager::requirePhase(TNode n, bool pol)
457 {
458 return d_out.requirePhase(n, pol);
459 }
461 void TheoryInferenceManager::spendResource(ResourceManager::Resource r)
462 {
463 d_out.spendResource(r);
464 }
466 void TheoryInferenceManager::safePoint(ResourceManager::Resource r)
467 {
468 d_out.safePoint(r);
469 }
471 void TheoryInferenceManager::setIncomplete() { d_out.setIncomplete(); }
473 } // namespace theory
474 } // namespace CVC4