ICP-based solver for nonlinear arithmetic (#5017)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / theory_inference_manager.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file theory_inference_manager.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief An inference manager for Theory
13 **/
15 #include "cvc4_private.h"
20 #include <memory>
22 #include "context/cdhashset.h"
23 #include "expr/node.h"
24 #include "theory/output_channel.h"
25 #include "theory/theory_state.h"
26 #include "theory/trust_node.h"
27 #include "theory/uf/proof_equality_engine.h"
29 namespace CVC4 {
31 class ProofNodeManager;
33 namespace theory {
35 class Theory;
36 namespace eq {
37 class EqualityEngine;
38 }
40 /**
41 * The base class for inference manager. An inference manager is a wrapper
42 * around the output channel and the official equality engine of a Theory.
43 * It is used for ensuring that the equality engine and output channel
44 * are used properly. This includes the following invariants:
45 *
46 * (1) The state tracks conflicts.
47 * In particular, TheoryState::isInConflict returns true whenever we have
48 * called OutputChannel::conflict in the current context, which we enforce
49 * by always setting d_state.notifyInConflict at the same time we send
50 * conflicts on the output channel.
51 *
52 * (2) The theory is notified of (internal) facts.
53 * In particular, Theory::preNotifyFact and Theory::notifyFact are called
54 * (with isInternal = true) whenever we assert internal facts using
55 * assertFactInernal below, mirroring what is done for facts from the fact
56 * queue (where isInternal = false).
57 *
58 * (3) The proof equality engine is used whenever proofs are enabled (when
59 * the proof node manager provided to this class is non-null). Notice this
60 * class automatically will construct a proof equality engine during
61 * setEqualityEngine, and use it for handling variants of assertInternalFact
62 * below that involve proofs.
63 */
64 class TheoryInferenceManager
65 {
66 typedef context::CDHashSet<Node, NodeHashFunction> NodeSet;
68 public:
69 /**
70 * Constructor, note that state should be the official state of theory t.
71 */
72 TheoryInferenceManager(Theory& t, TheoryState& state, ProofNodeManager* pnm);
73 virtual ~TheoryInferenceManager() {}
74 /**
75 * Set equality engine, ee is a pointer to the official equality engine
76 * of theory.
77 */
78 void setEqualityEngine(eq::EqualityEngine* ee);
79 /**
80 * Are proofs enabled in this inference manager? Returns true if the proof
81 * node manager pnm provided to the constructor of this class was non-null.
82 */
83 bool isProofEnabled() const;
84 /**
85 * Reset, which resets counters regarding the number of added lemmas and
86 * internal facts. This method should be manually called by the theory at
87 * the appropriate time for the purpose of tracking the usage of this
88 * inference manager.
89 *
90 * For example, some theories implement an internal checking loop that
91 * repeats while new facts are added. The theory should call reset at the
92 * beginning of this loop and repeat its strategy while hasAddedFact is true.
93 */
94 void reset();
95 /**
96 * Returns true if we are in conflict, or if we have sent a lemma or fact
97 * since the last call to reset.
98 */
99 bool hasSent() const;
100 /** Get the underlying proof equality engine */
101 eq::ProofEqEngine* getProofEqEngine();
102 //--------------------------------------- propagations
103 /**
104 * T-propagate literal lit, possibly encountered by equality engine,
105 * returns false if we are in conflict.
106 *
107 * Note that this is the preferred method to call on
108 * EqualityEngineNotify::eqNotifyTriggerPredicate and
109 * EqualityEngineNotify::eqNotifyTriggerTermEquality.
110 */
111 bool propagateLit(TNode lit);
112 /**
113 * Return an explanation for the literal represented by parameter lit
114 * (which was previously propagated by this theory). By default, this
115 * returns the explanation given by the official equality engine of the
116 * Theory, if it exists.
117 */
118 virtual TrustNode explainLit(TNode lit);
119 //--------------------------------------- conflicts
120 /**
121 * Raise conflict, called when constants a and b merge. Sends the conflict
122 * on the output channel corresponding to the equality engine's explanation
123 * of (= a b). The proof equality engine (if it exists) will be used as the
124 * proof generator.
125 *
126 * Note that this is the preferred method to call on
127 * EqualityEngineNotify::eqNotifyConstantTermMerge.
128 */
129 void conflictEqConstantMerge(TNode a, TNode b);
130 /**
131 * Raise conflict conf (of any form), without proofs. This method should
132 * only be called if there is not yet proof support in the given theory.
133 */
134 void conflict(TNode conf);
135 /**
136 * Raise trusted conflict tconf (of any form) where a proof generator has
137 * been provided (as part of the trust node) in a custom way.
138 */
139 void trustedConflict(TrustNode tconf);
140 /**
141 * Explain and send conflict from contradictory facts. This method is called
142 * when the proof rule id with premises exp and arguments args concludes
143 * false. This method sends a trusted conflict corresponding to the official
144 * equality engine's explanation of literals in exp, with the proof equality
145 * engine as the proof generator (if it exists).
146 */
147 void conflictExp(PfRule id,
148 const std::vector<Node>& exp,
149 const std::vector<Node>& args);
150 /**
151 * Make the trust node corresponding to the conflict of the above form. It is
152 * the responsibility of the caller to subsequently call trustedConflict with
153 * the returned trust node.
154 */
155 TrustNode mkConflictExp(PfRule id,
156 const std::vector<Node>& exp,
157 const std::vector<Node>& args);
158 /**
159 * Explain and send conflict from contradictory facts. This method is called
160 * when proof generator pg has a proof of false from free assumptions exp.
161 * This method sends a trusted conflict corresponding to the official
162 * equality engine's explanation of literals in exp, with the proof equality
163 * engine as the proof generator (if it exists), where pg provides the
164 * final step(s) of this proof during this call.
165 */
166 void conflictExp(const std::vector<Node>& exp, ProofGenerator* pg);
167 /**
168 * Make the trust node corresponding to the conflict of the above form. It is
169 * the responsibility of the caller to subsequently call trustedConflict with
170 * the returned trust node.
171 */
172 TrustNode mkConflictExp(const std::vector<Node>& exp, ProofGenerator* pg);
173 //--------------------------------------- lemmas
174 /**
175 * Send (trusted) lemma lem with property p on the output channel.
176 *
177 * @param tlem The trust node containing the lemma and its proof generator.
178 * @param p The property of the lemma
179 * @param doCache If true, we send the lemma only if it has not already been
180 * cached (see cacheLemma), and add it to the cache during this call.
181 * @return true if the lemma was sent on the output channel.
182 */
183 bool trustedLemma(const TrustNode& tlem,
184 LemmaProperty p = LemmaProperty::NONE,
185 bool doCache = true);
186 /**
187 * Send lemma lem with property p on the output channel. Same as above, with
188 * a node instead of a trust node.
189 */
190 bool lemma(TNode lem,
191 LemmaProperty p = LemmaProperty::NONE,
192 bool doCache = true);
193 /**
194 * Explained lemma. This should be called when
195 * ( exp => conc )
196 * is a valid theory lemma. This method adds a lemma where part of exp
197 * is replaced by its explanation according to the official equality engine
198 * of the theory.
199 *
200 * In particular, this method adds a lemma on the output channel of the form
201 * ( ^_{e in exp \ noExplain} EXPLAIN(e) ^ noExplain ) => conc
202 * where EXPLAIN(e) returns the explanation of literal e according to the
203 * official equality engine of the theory. Note that noExplain is the *subset*
204 * of exp that should not be explained.
205 *
206 * @param conc The conclusion of the lemma
207 * @param id The proof rule concluding conc
208 * @param exp The set of (all) literals that imply conc
209 * @param noExplain The subset of exp that should not be explained by the
210 * equality engine
211 * @param args The arguments to the proof step concluding conc
212 * @param p The property of the lemma
213 * @param doCache Whether to check and add the lemma to the cache
214 * @return true if the lemma was sent on the output channel.
215 */
216 bool lemmaExp(Node conc,
217 PfRule id,
218 const std::vector<Node>& exp,
219 const std::vector<Node>& noExplain,
220 const std::vector<Node>& args,
221 LemmaProperty p = LemmaProperty::NONE,
222 bool doCache = true);
223 /**
224 * Make the trust node for the above method. It is responsibility of the
225 * caller to subsequently call trustedLemma with the returned trust node.
226 */
227 TrustNode mkLemmaExp(Node conc,
228 PfRule id,
229 const std::vector<Node>& exp,
230 const std::vector<Node>& noExplain,
231 const std::vector<Node>& args);
232 /**
233 * Same as above, but where pg can provide a proof of conc from free
234 * assumptions in exp. This sends a trusted lemma on the output channel where
235 * the proof equality engine is the proof generator. The generator pg
236 * is asked to provide the final step(s) of this proof during this call.
237 *
238 * @param conc The conclusion of the lemma
239 * @param exp The set of (all) literals that imply conc
240 * @param noExplain The subset of exp that should not be explained by the
241 * equality engine
242 * @param pg If non-null, the proof generator who can provide a proof of conc.
243 * @param p The property of the lemma
244 * @param doCache Whether to check and add the lemma to the cache
245 * @return true if the lemma was sent on the output channel.
246 */
247 bool lemmaExp(Node conc,
248 const std::vector<Node>& exp,
249 const std::vector<Node>& noExplain,
250 ProofGenerator* pg = nullptr,
251 LemmaProperty p = LemmaProperty::NONE,
252 bool doCache = true);
253 /**
254 * Make the trust node for the above method. It is responsibility of the
255 * caller to subsequently call trustedLemma with the returned trust node.
256 */
257 TrustNode mkLemmaExp(Node conc,
258 const std::vector<Node>& exp,
259 const std::vector<Node>& noExplain,
260 ProofGenerator* pg = nullptr);
261 /**
262 * Has this inference manager cached and sent the given lemma (in this user
263 * context)? This method can be overridden by the particular manager. If not,
264 * this returns true if lem is in the cache d_lemmasSent maintained by this
265 * class. Notice that the default cache in this base class is not dependent
266 * on the lemma property.
267 */
268 virtual bool hasCachedLemma(TNode lem, LemmaProperty p);
269 /** The number of lemmas we have sent since the last call to reset */
270 uint32_t numSentLemmas() const;
271 /** Have we added a lemma since the last call to reset? */
272 bool hasSentLemma() const;
273 //--------------------------------------- internal facts
274 /**
275 * Assert internal fact. This is recommended method for asserting "internal"
276 * facts into the equality engine of the theory. In particular, this method
277 * should be used for anything the theory infers that is not sent on the
278 * output channel as a propagation or lemma. This method ensures that the
279 * Theory's preNotifyFact and notifyFact method have been called with
280 * isInternal = true.
281 *
282 * @param atom The atom of the fact to assert
283 * @param pol Its polarity
284 * @param exp Its explanation, i.e. ( exp => (~) atom ) is valid.
285 * @return true if the fact was processed, i.e. it was asserted to the
286 * equality engine or preNotifyFact returned true.
287 */
288 bool assertInternalFact(TNode atom, bool pol, TNode exp);
289 /**
290 * Assert internal fact, with a proof step justification. Notice that if
291 * proofs are not enabled in this inference manager, then this asserts
292 * a fact to the equality engine in the normal way.
293 *
294 * @param atom The atom of the fact to assert
295 * @param pol Its polarity
296 * @param id The proof rule identifier of the proof step
297 * @param exp Its explanation, interpreted as a conjunction
298 * @param args The arguments of the proof step
299 * @return true if the fact was processed, i.e. it was asserted to the
300 * equality engine or preNotifyFact returned true.
301 */
302 bool assertInternalFact(TNode atom,
303 bool pol,
304 PfRule id,
305 const std::vector<Node>& exp,
306 const std::vector<Node>& args);
307 /**
308 * Assert internal fact, with a proof generator justification. Same as above,
309 * but with a proof generator instead of an explicit step.
310 *
311 * @param atom The atom of the fact to assert
312 * @param pol Its polarity
313 * @param exp Its explanation, interpreted as a conjunction
314 * @param pg The proof generator for this step. If non-null, pg must be able
315 * to provide a proof concluding (~) atom from free asumptions in exp in
316 * the remainder of the current SAT context.
317 * @return true if the fact was processed, i.e. it was asserted to the
318 * equality engine or preNotifyFact returned true.
319 */
320 bool assertInternalFact(TNode atom,
321 bool pol,
322 const std::vector<Node>& exp,
323 ProofGenerator* pg);
324 /** The number of internal facts we have added since the last call to reset */
325 uint32_t numSentFacts() const;
326 /** Have we added a internal fact since the last call to reset? */
327 bool hasSentFact() const;
328 //--------------------------------------- phase requirements
329 /**
330 * Set that literal n has SAT phase requirement pol, that is, it should be
331 * decided with polarity pol, for details see OutputChannel::requirePhase.
332 */
333 void requirePhase(TNode n, bool pol);
335 /**
336 * Forward to OutputChannel::spendResource() to spend resources.
337 */
338 void spendResource(ResourceManager::Resource r);
340 /**
341 * Forward to OutputChannel::safePoint() to spend resources.
342 */
343 void safePoint(ResourceManager::Resource r);
344 /**
345 * Notification from a theory that it realizes it is incomplete at
346 * this context level.
347 */
348 void setIncomplete();
350 protected:
351 /**
352 * Process internal fact. This is a common helper method for the
353 * assertInternalFact variants above. Returns true if the fact was processed.
354 */
355 bool processInternalFact(TNode atom,
356 bool pol,
357 PfRule id,
358 const std::vector<Node>& exp,
359 const std::vector<Node>& args,
360 ProofGenerator* pg);
361 /**
362 * Explain conflict from constants merging in the equality engine. This
363 * method is called by conflictEqConstantMerge. By default, it returns
364 * the explanation of the official equality engine of the theory, if it
365 * exists.
366 */
367 virtual TrustNode explainConflictEqConstantMerge(TNode a, TNode b);
368 /**
369 * Explain formula n (which is possibly a conjunction with no nested
370 * conjunctions), add its explanation to assumptions.
371 */
372 void explain(TNode n, std::vector<TNode>& assumptions);
373 /**
374 * Explain formula n (which is possibly a conjunction with no nested
375 * conjunctions), return the explanation as a conjunction.
376 */
377 Node mkExplain(TNode n);
378 /**
379 * Explain the set of formulas in exp using the official equality engine of
380 * the theory. We ask the equality engine to explain literals in exp
381 * that do not occur in noExplain, and return unchanged those that occur in
382 * noExplain. Note the vector noExplain should be a subset of exp.
383 */
384 Node mkExplainPartial(const std::vector<Node>& exp,
385 const std::vector<Node>& noExplain);
386 /**
387 * Cache that lemma lem is being sent with property p. Return true if it
388 * did not already exist in the cache maintained by this class. If this
389 * method is not overridden, then we use the d_lemmasSent cache maintained
390 * by this class, which notice is not dependent on lemma property. If
391 * the lemma property should be taken into account, the manager should
392 * override this method to take the lemma property into account as needed.
393 */
394 virtual bool cacheLemma(TNode lem, LemmaProperty p);
395 /** The theory object */
396 Theory& d_theory;
397 /** Reference to the state of theory */
398 TheoryState& d_theoryState;
399 /** Reference to the output channel of the theory */
400 OutputChannel& d_out;
401 /** Pointer to equality engine of the theory. */
402 eq::EqualityEngine* d_ee;
403 /** A proof equality engine */
404 std::unique_ptr<eq::ProofEqEngine> d_pfee;
405 /** The proof node manager of the theory */
406 ProofNodeManager* d_pnm;
407 /**
408 * The keep set of this class. This set is maintained to ensure that
409 * facts and their explanations are ref-counted. Since facts and their
410 * explanations are SAT-context-dependent, this set is also
411 * SAT-context-dependent.
412 */
413 NodeSet d_keep;
414 /**
415 * A cache of all lemmas sent, which is a user-context-dependent set of
416 * nodes. Notice that this cache does not depedent on lemma property.
417 */
418 NodeSet d_lemmasSent;
419 /** The number of conflicts sent since the last call to reset. */
420 uint32_t d_numConflicts;
421 /** The number of lemmas sent since the last call to reset. */
422 uint32_t d_numCurrentLemmas;
423 /** The number of internal facts added since the last call to reset. */
424 uint32_t d_numCurrentFacts;
425 };
427 } // namespace theory
428 } // namespace CVC4