Move first order model for full model check to own file (#5918)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / theory_model.cpp
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file theory_model.cpp
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds, Clark Barrett, Morgan Deters
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Implementation of model class
13 **/
14 #include "theory/theory_model.h"
16 #include "expr/node_algorithm.h"
17 #include "options/quantifiers_options.h"
18 #include "options/smt_options.h"
19 #include "options/theory_options.h"
20 #include "options/uf_options.h"
21 #include "smt/smt_engine.h"
23 using namespace std;
24 using namespace CVC4::kind;
25 using namespace CVC4::context;
27 namespace CVC4 {
28 namespace theory {
30 TheoryModel::TheoryModel(context::Context* c,
31 std::string name,
32 bool enableFuncModels)
33 : d_name(name),
34 d_substitutions(c, false),
35 d_equalityEngine(nullptr),
36 d_using_model_core(false),
37 d_enableFuncModels(enableFuncModels)
38 {
39 // must use function models when ufHo is enabled
40 Assert(d_enableFuncModels || !options::ufHo());
41 d_true = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( true );
42 d_false = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( false );
43 }
45 TheoryModel::~TheoryModel() {}
47 void TheoryModel::finishInit(eq::EqualityEngine* ee)
48 {
49 Assert(ee != nullptr);
50 d_equalityEngine = ee;
51 // The kinds we are treating as function application in congruence
52 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::APPLY_UF, false, options::ufHo());
53 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::HO_APPLY);
54 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::SELECT);
55 // d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::STORE);
56 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR);
57 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::APPLY_SELECTOR_TOTAL);
58 d_equalityEngine->addFunctionKind(kind::APPLY_TESTER);
59 // do not interpret APPLY_UF if we are not assigning function values
60 if (!d_enableFuncModels)
61 {
62 setSemiEvaluatedKind(kind::APPLY_UF);
63 }
64 // Equal and not terms are not relevant terms. In other words, asserted
65 // equalities and negations of predicates (as terms) do not need to be sent
66 // to the model. Regardless, theories should send information to the model
67 // that ensures that all assertions are satisfied.
68 setIrrelevantKind(EQUAL);
69 setIrrelevantKind(NOT);
70 }
72 void TheoryModel::reset(){
73 d_modelCache.clear();
74 d_comment_str.clear();
75 d_sep_heap = Node::null();
76 d_sep_nil_eq = Node::null();
77 d_approximations.clear();
78 d_approx_list.clear();
79 d_reps.clear();
80 d_assignExcSet.clear();
81 d_aesMaster.clear();
82 d_aesSlaves.clear();
83 d_rep_set.clear();
84 d_uf_terms.clear();
85 d_ho_uf_terms.clear();
86 d_uf_models.clear();
87 d_using_model_core = false;
88 d_model_core.clear();
89 }
91 void TheoryModel::getComments(std::ostream& out) const {
92 Trace("model-builder") << "get comments..." << std::endl;
93 out << d_comment_str.str();
94 }
96 void TheoryModel::setHeapModel( Node h, Node neq ) {
97 d_sep_heap = h;
98 d_sep_nil_eq = neq;
99 }
101 bool TheoryModel::getHeapModel(Node& h, Node& neq) const
102 {
103 if (d_sep_heap.isNull() || d_sep_nil_eq.isNull())
104 {
105 return false;
106 }
107 h = d_sep_heap;
108 neq = d_sep_nil_eq;
109 return true;
110 }
112 bool TheoryModel::hasApproximations() const { return !d_approx_list.empty(); }
114 std::vector<std::pair<Node, Node> > TheoryModel::getApproximations() const
115 {
116 return d_approx_list;
117 }
119 std::vector<Node> TheoryModel::getDomainElements(TypeNode tn) const
120 {
121 // must be an uninterpreted sort
122 Assert(tn.isSort());
123 std::vector<Node> elements;
124 const std::vector<Node>* type_refs = d_rep_set.getTypeRepsOrNull(tn);
125 if (type_refs == nullptr || type_refs->empty())
126 {
127 // This is called when t is a sort that does not occur in this model.
128 // Sorts are always interpreted as non-empty, thus we add a single element.
129 elements.push_back(tn.mkGroundTerm());
130 return elements;
131 }
132 return *type_refs;
133 }
135 Node TheoryModel::getValue(TNode n) const
136 {
137 //apply substitutions
138 Node nn = d_substitutions.apply(n);
139 Debug("model-getvalue-debug") << "[model-getvalue] getValue : substitute " << n << " to " << nn << std::endl;
140 //get value in model
141 nn = getModelValue(nn);
142 if (nn.isNull()) return nn;
143 if(options::condenseFunctionValues() || nn.getKind() != kind::LAMBDA) {
144 //normalize
145 nn = Rewriter::rewrite(nn);
146 }
147 Debug("model-getvalue") << "[model-getvalue] getValue( " << n << " ): " << std::endl
148 << "[model-getvalue] returning " << nn << std::endl;
149 return nn;
150 }
152 bool TheoryModel::isModelCoreSymbol(Node s) const
153 {
154 if (!d_using_model_core)
155 {
156 return true;
157 }
158 Assert(s.isVar() && s.getKind() != BOUND_VARIABLE);
159 return d_model_core.find(s) != d_model_core.end();
160 }
162 Cardinality TheoryModel::getCardinality(TypeNode tn) const
163 {
164 //for now, we only handle cardinalities for uninterpreted sorts
165 if (!tn.isSort())
166 {
167 Debug("model-getvalue-debug")
168 << "Get cardinality other sort, unknown." << std::endl;
169 return Cardinality( CardinalityUnknown() );
170 }
171 if (d_rep_set.hasType(tn))
172 {
173 Debug("model-getvalue-debug")
174 << "Get cardinality sort, #rep : "
175 << d_rep_set.getNumRepresentatives(tn) << std::endl;
176 return Cardinality(d_rep_set.getNumRepresentatives(tn));
177 }
178 Debug("model-getvalue-debug")
179 << "Get cardinality sort, unconstrained, return 1." << std::endl;
180 return Cardinality(1);
181 }
183 Node TheoryModel::getModelValue(TNode n) const
184 {
185 std::unordered_map<Node, Node, NodeHashFunction>::iterator it = d_modelCache.find(n);
186 if (it != d_modelCache.end()) {
187 return (*it).second;
188 }
189 Debug("model-getvalue-debug") << "Get model value " << n << " ... ";
190 Debug("model-getvalue-debug") << d_equalityEngine->hasTerm(n) << std::endl;
191 Kind nk = n.getKind();
192 if (n.isConst() || nk == BOUND_VARIABLE)
193 {
194 d_modelCache[n] = n;
195 return n;
196 }
198 Node ret = n;
199 NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
201 // if it is an evaluated kind, compute model values for children and evaluate
202 if (n.getNumChildren() > 0
203 && d_unevaluated_kinds.find(nk) == d_unevaluated_kinds.end()
204 && d_semi_evaluated_kinds.find(nk) == d_semi_evaluated_kinds.end())
205 {
206 Debug("model-getvalue-debug")
207 << "Get model value children " << n << std::endl;
208 std::vector<Node> children;
209 if (n.getKind() == APPLY_UF)
210 {
211 Node op = getModelValue(n.getOperator());
212 Debug("model-getvalue-debug") << " operator : " << op << std::endl;
213 children.push_back(op);
214 }
215 else if (n.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::PARAMETERIZED)
216 {
217 children.push_back(n.getOperator());
218 }
219 // evaluate the children
220 for (unsigned i = 0, nchild = n.getNumChildren(); i < nchild; ++i)
221 {
222 ret = getModelValue(n[i]);
223 Debug("model-getvalue-debug")
224 << " " << n << "[" << i << "] is " << ret << std::endl;
225 children.push_back(ret);
226 }
227 ret = nm->mkNode(n.getKind(), children);
228 Debug("model-getvalue-debug") << "ret (pre-rewrite): " << ret << std::endl;
229 ret = Rewriter::rewrite(ret);
230 Debug("model-getvalue-debug") << "ret (post-rewrite): " << ret << std::endl;
231 // special cases
232 if (ret.getKind() == kind::CARDINALITY_CONSTRAINT)
233 {
234 Debug("model-getvalue-debug")
235 << "get cardinality constraint " << ret[0].getType() << std::endl;
236 ret = nm->mkConst(getCardinality(ret[0].getType()).getFiniteCardinality()
237 <= ret[1].getConst<Rational>().getNumerator());
238 }
239 else if (ret.getKind() == kind::CARDINALITY_VALUE)
240 {
241 Debug("model-getvalue-debug")
242 << "get cardinality value " << ret[0].getType() << std::endl;
243 ret = nm->mkConst(
244 Rational(getCardinality(ret[0].getType()).getFiniteCardinality()));
245 }
246 d_modelCache[n] = ret;
247 return ret;
248 }
249 // it might be approximate
250 std::map<Node, Node>::const_iterator ita = d_approximations.find(n);
251 if (ita != d_approximations.end())
252 {
253 // If the value of n is approximate based on predicate P(n), we return
254 // witness z. P(z).
255 Node v = nm->mkBoundVar(n.getType());
256 Node bvl = nm->mkNode(BOUND_VAR_LIST, v);
257 Node answer = nm->mkNode(WITNESS, bvl, ita->second.substitute(n, v));
258 d_modelCache[n] = answer;
259 return answer;
260 }
261 // must rewrite the term at this point
262 ret = Rewriter::rewrite(n);
263 // return the representative of the term in the equality engine, if it exists
264 TypeNode t = ret.getType();
265 bool eeHasTerm;
266 if (!options::ufHo() && (t.isFunction() || t.isPredicate()))
267 {
268 // functions are in the equality engine, but *not* as first-class members
269 // when higher-order is disabled. In this case, we cannot query
270 // representatives for functions since they are "internal" nodes according
271 // to the equality engine despite hasTerm returning true. However, they are
272 // first class members when higher-order is enabled. Hence, the special
273 // case here.
274 eeHasTerm = false;
275 }
276 else
277 {
278 eeHasTerm = d_equalityEngine->hasTerm(ret);
279 }
280 if (eeHasTerm)
281 {
282 Debug("model-getvalue-debug")
283 << "get value from representative " << ret << "..." << std::endl;
284 ret = d_equalityEngine->getRepresentative(ret);
285 Assert(d_reps.find(ret) != d_reps.end());
286 std::map<Node, Node>::const_iterator it2 = d_reps.find(ret);
287 if (it2 != d_reps.end())
288 {
289 ret = it2->second;
290 d_modelCache[n] = ret;
291 return ret;
292 }
293 }
295 // if we are a evaluated or semi-evaluated kind, return an arbitrary value
296 // if we are not in the d_unevaluated_kinds map, we are evaluated
297 if (d_unevaluated_kinds.find(nk) == d_unevaluated_kinds.end())
298 {
299 if (t.isFunction() || t.isPredicate())
300 {
301 if (d_enableFuncModels)
302 {
303 std::map<Node, Node>::const_iterator entry = d_uf_models.find(n);
304 if (entry != d_uf_models.end())
305 {
306 // Existing function
307 ret = entry->second;
308 d_modelCache[n] = ret;
309 return ret;
310 }
311 // Unknown function symbol: return LAMBDA x. c, where c is the first
312 // constant in the enumeration of the range type
313 vector<TypeNode> argTypes = t.getArgTypes();
314 vector<Node> args;
315 for (unsigned i = 0, size = argTypes.size(); i < size; ++i)
316 {
317 args.push_back(nm->mkBoundVar(argTypes[i]));
318 }
319 Node boundVarList = nm->mkNode(kind::BOUND_VAR_LIST, args);
320 TypeEnumerator te(t.getRangeType());
321 ret = nm->mkNode(kind::LAMBDA, boundVarList, *te);
322 }
323 else
324 {
325 // if func models not enabled, throw an error
326 Unreachable();
327 }
328 }
329 else if (!t.isFirstClass())
330 {
331 // this is the class for regular expressions
332 // we simply invoke the rewriter on them
333 ret = Rewriter::rewrite(ret);
334 }
335 else
336 {
337 // Unknown term - return first enumerated value for this type
338 TypeEnumerator te(n.getType());
339 ret = *te;
340 }
341 d_modelCache[n] = ret;
342 return ret;
343 }
345 d_modelCache[n] = n;
346 return n;
347 }
349 /** add substitution */
350 void TheoryModel::addSubstitution( TNode x, TNode t, bool invalidateCache ){
351 if( !d_substitutions.hasSubstitution( x ) ){
352 Debug("model") << "Add substitution in model " << x << " -> " << t << std::endl;
353 d_substitutions.addSubstitution( x, t, invalidateCache );
354 } else {
355 #ifdef CVC4_ASSERTIONS
356 Node oldX = d_substitutions.getSubstitution(x);
357 // check that either the old substitution is the same, or it now maps to the new substitution
358 if(oldX != t && d_substitutions.apply(oldX) != d_substitutions.apply(t)) {
359 InternalError()
360 << "Two incompatible substitutions added to TheoryModel:\n"
361 << "the term: " << x << "\n"
362 << "old mapping: " << d_substitutions.apply(oldX) << "\n"
363 << "new mapping: " << d_substitutions.apply(t);
364 }
365 #endif /* CVC4_ASSERTIONS */
366 }
367 }
369 /** add term */
370 void TheoryModel::addTermInternal(TNode n)
371 {
372 Assert(d_equalityEngine->hasTerm(n));
373 Trace("model-builder-debug2") << "TheoryModel::addTerm : " << n << std::endl;
374 //must collect UF terms
375 if (n.getKind()==APPLY_UF) {
376 Node op = n.getOperator();
377 if( std::find( d_uf_terms[ op ].begin(), d_uf_terms[ op ].end(), n )==d_uf_terms[ op ].end() ){
378 d_uf_terms[ op ].push_back( n );
379 Trace("model-builder-fun") << "Add apply term " << n << std::endl;
380 }
381 }else if( n.getKind()==HO_APPLY ){
382 Node op = n[0];
383 if( std::find( d_ho_uf_terms[ op ].begin(), d_ho_uf_terms[ op ].end(), n )==d_ho_uf_terms[ op ].end() ){
384 d_ho_uf_terms[ op ].push_back( n );
385 Trace("model-builder-fun") << "Add ho apply term " << n << std::endl;
386 }
387 }
388 // all functions must be included, marked as higher-order
389 if( n.getType().isFunction() ){
390 Trace("model-builder-fun") << "Add function variable (without term) " << n << std::endl;
391 if( d_uf_terms.find( n )==d_uf_terms.end() ){
392 d_uf_terms[n].clear();
393 }
394 if( d_ho_uf_terms.find( n )==d_ho_uf_terms.end() ){
395 d_ho_uf_terms[n].clear();
396 }
397 }
398 }
400 /** assert equality */
401 bool TheoryModel::assertEquality(TNode a, TNode b, bool polarity)
402 {
403 Assert(d_equalityEngine->consistent());
404 if (a == b && polarity) {
405 return true;
406 }
407 Trace("model-builder-assertions") << "(assert " << (polarity ? "(= " : "(not (= ") << a << " " << b << (polarity ? "));" : ")));") << endl;
408 d_equalityEngine->assertEquality( a.eqNode(b), polarity, Node::null() );
409 return d_equalityEngine->consistent();
410 }
412 /** assert predicate */
413 bool TheoryModel::assertPredicate(TNode a, bool polarity)
414 {
415 Assert(d_equalityEngine->consistent());
416 if ((a == d_true && polarity) ||
417 (a == d_false && (!polarity))) {
418 return true;
419 }
420 if (a.getKind() == EQUAL) {
421 Trace("model-builder-assertions") << "(assert " << (polarity ? " " : "(not ") << a << (polarity ? ");" : "));") << endl;
422 d_equalityEngine->assertEquality( a, polarity, Node::null() );
423 } else {
424 Trace("model-builder-assertions") << "(assert " << (polarity ? "" : "(not ") << a << (polarity ? ");" : "));") << endl;
425 d_equalityEngine->assertPredicate( a, polarity, Node::null() );
426 }
427 return d_equalityEngine->consistent();
428 }
430 /** assert equality engine */
431 bool TheoryModel::assertEqualityEngine(const eq::EqualityEngine* ee,
432 const std::set<Node>* termSet)
433 {
434 Assert(d_equalityEngine->consistent());
435 eq::EqClassesIterator eqcs_i = eq::EqClassesIterator( ee );
436 for (; !eqcs_i.isFinished(); ++eqcs_i) {
437 Node eqc = (*eqcs_i);
438 bool predicate = false;
439 bool predTrue = false;
440 bool predFalse = false;
441 Trace("model-builder-debug") << "...asserting terms in equivalence class " << eqc;
442 if (eqc.getType().isBoolean()) {
443 predicate = true;
444 predTrue = ee->areEqual(eqc, d_true);
445 predFalse = ee->areEqual(eqc, d_false);
446 Trace("model-builder-debug") << ", pred = " << predTrue << "/" << predFalse;
447 }
448 Trace("model-builder-debug") << std::endl;
449 eq::EqClassIterator eqc_i = eq::EqClassIterator(eqc, ee);
450 bool first = true;
451 Node rep;
452 for (; !eqc_i.isFinished(); ++eqc_i) {
453 if (termSet != NULL && termSet->find(*eqc_i) == termSet->end()) {
454 Trace("model-builder-debug") << "...skip node " << (*eqc_i) << " in eqc " << eqc << std::endl;
455 continue;
456 }
457 if (predicate) {
458 if (predTrue || predFalse)
459 {
460 if (!assertPredicate(*eqc_i, predTrue))
461 {
462 return false;
463 }
464 }
465 else {
466 if (first) {
467 rep = (*eqc_i);
468 first = false;
469 }
470 else {
471 Node eq = (*eqc_i).eqNode(rep);
472 Trace("model-builder-assertions")
473 << "(assert " << eq << ");" << std::endl;
474 d_equalityEngine->assertEquality(eq, true, Node::null());
475 if (!d_equalityEngine->consistent())
476 {
477 return false;
478 }
479 }
480 }
481 } else {
482 if (first) {
483 rep = (*eqc_i);
484 //add the term (this is specifically for the case of singleton equivalence classes)
485 if (rep.getType().isFirstClass())
486 {
487 d_equalityEngine->addTerm( rep );
488 Trace("model-builder-debug") << "Add term to ee within assertEqualityEngine: " << rep << std::endl;
489 }
490 first = false;
491 }
492 else {
493 if (!assertEquality(*eqc_i, rep, true))
494 {
495 return false;
496 }
497 }
498 }
499 }
500 }
501 return true;
502 }
504 void TheoryModel::assertSkeleton(TNode n)
505 {
506 Trace("model-builder-reps") << "Assert skeleton : " << n << std::endl;
507 Trace("model-builder-reps") << "...rep eqc is : " << getRepresentative(n)
508 << std::endl;
509 d_reps[ n ] = n;
510 }
512 void TheoryModel::setAssignmentExclusionSet(TNode n,
513 const std::vector<Node>& eset)
514 {
515 // should not be assigned yet
516 Assert(d_assignExcSet.find(n) == d_assignExcSet.end());
517 Trace("model-builder-debug")
518 << "Exclude values of " << n << " : " << eset << std::endl;
519 std::vector<Node>& aes = d_assignExcSet[n];
520 aes.insert(aes.end(), eset.begin(), eset.end());
521 }
523 void TheoryModel::setAssignmentExclusionSetGroup(
524 const std::vector<TNode>& group, const std::vector<Node>& eset)
525 {
526 if (group.empty())
527 {
528 return;
529 }
530 // for efficiency, we store a single copy of eset and set a slave/master
531 // relationship
532 setAssignmentExclusionSet(group[0], eset);
533 std::vector<Node>& gslaves = d_aesSlaves[group[0]];
534 for (unsigned i = 1, gsize = group.size(); i < gsize; ++i)
535 {
536 Node gs = group[i];
537 // set master
538 d_aesMaster[gs] = group[0];
539 // add to slaves
540 gslaves.push_back(gs);
541 }
542 }
544 bool TheoryModel::getAssignmentExclusionSet(TNode n,
545 std::vector<Node>& group,
546 std::vector<Node>& eset)
547 {
548 // does it have a master?
549 std::map<Node, Node>::iterator itm = d_aesMaster.find(n);
550 if (itm != d_aesMaster.end())
551 {
552 return getAssignmentExclusionSet(itm->second, group, eset);
553 }
554 std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> >::iterator ita = d_assignExcSet.find(n);
555 if (ita == d_assignExcSet.end())
556 {
557 return false;
558 }
559 eset.insert(eset.end(), ita->second.begin(), ita->second.end());
560 group.push_back(n);
561 // does it have slaves?
562 ita = d_aesSlaves.find(n);
563 if (ita != d_aesSlaves.end())
564 {
565 group.insert(group.end(), ita->second.begin(), ita->second.end());
566 }
567 return true;
568 }
570 bool TheoryModel::hasAssignmentExclusionSets() const
571 {
572 return !d_assignExcSet.empty();
573 }
575 void TheoryModel::recordApproximation(TNode n, TNode pred)
576 {
577 Trace("model-builder-debug")
578 << "Record approximation : " << n << " satisfies the predicate " << pred
579 << std::endl;
580 Assert(d_approximations.find(n) == d_approximations.end());
581 Assert(pred.getType().isBoolean());
582 d_approximations[n] = pred;
583 d_approx_list.push_back(std::pair<Node, Node>(n, pred));
584 // model cache is invalid
585 d_modelCache.clear();
586 }
587 void TheoryModel::recordApproximation(TNode n, TNode pred, Node witness)
588 {
589 Node predDisj = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(OR, n.eqNode(witness), pred);
590 recordApproximation(n, predDisj);
591 }
592 void TheoryModel::setUsingModelCore()
593 {
594 d_using_model_core = true;
595 d_model_core.clear();
596 }
598 void TheoryModel::recordModelCoreSymbol(Node sym) { d_model_core.insert(sym); }
600 void TheoryModel::setUnevaluatedKind(Kind k) { d_unevaluated_kinds.insert(k); }
602 void TheoryModel::setSemiEvaluatedKind(Kind k)
603 {
604 d_semi_evaluated_kinds.insert(k);
605 }
607 void TheoryModel::setIrrelevantKind(Kind k) { d_irrKinds.insert(k); }
609 const std::set<Kind>& TheoryModel::getIrrelevantKinds() const
610 {
611 return d_irrKinds;
612 }
614 bool TheoryModel::isLegalElimination(TNode x, TNode val)
615 {
616 return !expr::hasSubtermKinds(d_unevaluated_kinds, val);
617 }
619 bool TheoryModel::hasTerm(TNode a)
620 {
621 return d_equalityEngine->hasTerm( a );
622 }
624 Node TheoryModel::getRepresentative(TNode a)
625 {
626 if( d_equalityEngine->hasTerm( a ) ){
627 Node r = d_equalityEngine->getRepresentative( a );
628 if( d_reps.find( r )!=d_reps.end() ){
629 return d_reps[ r ];
630 }else{
631 return r;
632 }
633 }else{
634 return a;
635 }
636 }
638 bool TheoryModel::areEqual(TNode a, TNode b)
639 {
640 if( a==b ){
641 return true;
642 }else if( d_equalityEngine->hasTerm( a ) && d_equalityEngine->hasTerm( b ) ){
643 return d_equalityEngine->areEqual( a, b );
644 }else{
645 return false;
646 }
647 }
649 bool TheoryModel::areDisequal(TNode a, TNode b)
650 {
651 if( d_equalityEngine->hasTerm( a ) && d_equalityEngine->hasTerm( b ) ){
652 return d_equalityEngine->areDisequal( a, b, false );
653 }else{
654 return false;
655 }
656 }
658 bool TheoryModel::areFunctionValuesEnabled() const
659 {
660 return d_enableFuncModels;
661 }
663 void TheoryModel::assignFunctionDefinition( Node f, Node f_def ) {
664 Trace("model-builder") << " Assigning function (" << f << ") to (" << f_def << ")" << endl;
665 Assert(d_uf_models.find(f) == d_uf_models.end());
667 if( options::ufHo() ){
668 //we must rewrite the function value since the definition needs to be a constant value
669 f_def = Rewriter::rewrite( f_def );
670 Trace("model-builder-debug")
671 << "Model value (post-rewrite) : " << f_def << std::endl;
672 Assert(f_def.isConst()) << "Non-constant f_def: " << f_def;
673 }
675 // d_uf_models only stores models for variables
676 if( f.isVar() ){
677 d_uf_models[f] = f_def;
678 }
680 if (options::ufHo() && d_equalityEngine->hasTerm(f))
681 {
682 Trace("model-builder-debug") << " ...function is first-class member of equality engine" << std::endl;
683 // assign to representative if higher-order
684 Node r = d_equalityEngine->getRepresentative( f );
685 //always replace the representative, since it is initially assigned to itself
686 Trace("model-builder") << " Assign: Setting function rep " << r << " to " << f_def << endl;
687 d_reps[r] = f_def;
688 // also assign to other assignable functions in the same equivalence class
689 eq::EqClassIterator eqc_i = eq::EqClassIterator(r,d_equalityEngine);
690 while( !eqc_i.isFinished() ) {
691 Node n = *eqc_i;
692 // if an unassigned variable function
693 if( n.isVar() && d_uf_terms.find( n )!=d_uf_terms.end() && !hasAssignedFunctionDefinition( n ) ){
694 d_uf_models[n] = f_def;
695 Trace("model-builder") << " Assigning function (" << n << ") to function definition of " << f << std::endl;
696 }
697 ++eqc_i;
698 }
699 Trace("model-builder-debug") << " ...finished." << std::endl;
700 }
701 }
703 std::vector< Node > TheoryModel::getFunctionsToAssign() {
704 std::vector< Node > funcs_to_assign;
705 std::map< Node, Node > func_to_rep;
707 // collect functions
708 for( std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >::iterator it = d_uf_terms.begin(); it != d_uf_terms.end(); ++it ){
709 Node n = it->first;
710 Assert(!n.isNull());
711 if( !hasAssignedFunctionDefinition( n ) ){
712 Trace("model-builder-fun-debug") << "Look at function : " << n << std::endl;
713 if( options::ufHo() ){
714 // if in higher-order mode, assign function definitions modulo equality
715 Node r = getRepresentative( n );
716 std::map< Node, Node >::iterator itf = func_to_rep.find( r );
717 if( itf==func_to_rep.end() ){
718 func_to_rep[r] = n;
719 funcs_to_assign.push_back( n );
720 Trace("model-builder-fun") << "Make function " << n;
721 Trace("model-builder-fun") << " the assignable function in its equivalence class." << std::endl;
722 }else{
723 // must combine uf terms
724 Trace("model-builder-fun") << "Copy " << it->second.size() << " uf terms";
725 d_uf_terms[itf->second].insert( d_uf_terms[itf->second].end(), it->second.begin(), it->second.end() );
726 std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >::iterator ith = d_ho_uf_terms.find( n );
727 if( ith!=d_ho_uf_terms.end() ){
728 d_ho_uf_terms[itf->second].insert( d_ho_uf_terms[itf->second].end(), ith->second.begin(), ith->second.end() );
729 Trace("model-builder-fun") << " and " << ith->second.size() << " ho uf terms";
730 }
731 Trace("model-builder-fun") << " from " << n << " to its assignable representative function " << itf->second << std::endl;
732 it->second.clear();
733 }
734 }else{
735 Trace("model-builder-fun") << "Function to assign : " << n << std::endl;
736 funcs_to_assign.push_back( n );
737 }
738 }
739 }
741 Trace("model-builder-fun") << "return " << funcs_to_assign.size() << " functions to assign..." << std::endl;
742 return funcs_to_assign;
743 }
745 const std::string& TheoryModel::getName() const { return d_name; }
747 } /* namespace CVC4::theory */
748 } /* namespace CVC4 */