FloatingPoint: Separate out symFPU glue code. (#5492)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / theory_preprocessor.cpp
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file theory_preprocessor.cpp
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds, Morgan Deters, Dejan Jovanovic
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief The theory preprocessor
13 **/
15 #include "theory/theory_preprocessor.h"
17 #include "expr/lazy_proof.h"
18 #include "expr/skolem_manager.h"
19 #include "theory/logic_info.h"
20 #include "theory/rewriter.h"
21 #include "theory/theory_engine.h"
23 using namespace std;
25 namespace CVC4 {
26 namespace theory {
28 TheoryPreprocessor::TheoryPreprocessor(TheoryEngine& engine,
29 RemoveTermFormulas& tfr,
30 context::UserContext* userContext,
31 ProofNodeManager* pnm)
32 : d_engine(engine),
33 d_logicInfo(engine.getLogicInfo()),
34 d_ppCache(userContext),
35 d_tfr(tfr),
36 d_tpg(pnm ? new TConvProofGenerator(
37 pnm,
38 userContext,
39 TConvPolicy::FIXPOINT,
40 TConvCachePolicy::NEVER,
41 "TheoryPreprocessor::preprocess_rewrite",
42 &d_iqtc)
43 : nullptr),
44 d_tspg(nullptr),
45 d_tpgRew(pnm ? new TConvProofGenerator(pnm,
46 userContext,
47 TConvPolicy::FIXPOINT,
48 TConvCachePolicy::NEVER,
49 "TheoryPreprocessor::rewrite")
50 : nullptr),
51 d_tspgNoPp(nullptr),
52 d_lp(pnm ? new LazyCDProof(pnm,
53 nullptr,
54 userContext,
55 "TheoryPreprocessor::LazyCDProof")
56 : nullptr)
57 {
58 if (isProofEnabled())
59 {
60 // Make the main term conversion sequence generator, which tracks up to
61 // three conversions made in succession:
62 // (1) theory preprocessing+rewriting
63 // (2) term formula removal
64 // (3) rewriting
65 // Steps (1) and (3) use a common term conversion generator.
66 std::vector<ProofGenerator*> ts;
67 ts.push_back(d_tpg.get());
68 ts.push_back(d_tfr.getTConvProofGenerator());
69 ts.push_back(d_tpg.get());
70 d_tspg.reset(new TConvSeqProofGenerator(
71 pnm, ts, userContext, "TheoryPreprocessor::sequence"));
72 // Make the "no preprocess" term conversion sequence generator, which
73 // applies only steps (2) and (3), where notice (3) must use the
74 // "pure rewrite" term conversion (d_tpgRew).
75 std::vector<ProofGenerator*> tsNoPp;
76 tsNoPp.push_back(d_tfr.getTConvProofGenerator());
77 tsNoPp.push_back(d_tpgRew.get());
78 d_tspgNoPp.reset(new TConvSeqProofGenerator(
79 pnm, tsNoPp, userContext, "TheoryPreprocessor::sequence_no_pp"));
80 }
81 }
83 TheoryPreprocessor::~TheoryPreprocessor() {}
85 TrustNode TheoryPreprocessor::preprocess(TNode node,
86 std::vector<TrustNode>& newLemmas,
87 std::vector<Node>& newSkolems,
88 bool doTheoryPreprocess)
89 {
90 // In this method, all rewriting steps of node are stored in d_tpg.
92 Trace("tpp-debug") << "TheoryPreprocessor::preprocess: start " << node
93 << ", doTheoryPreprocess=" << doTheoryPreprocess
94 << std::endl;
95 // Run theory preprocessing, maybe
96 Node ppNode = node;
97 if (doTheoryPreprocess)
98 {
99 // run theory preprocessing
100 TrustNode tpp = theoryPreprocess(node);
101 ppNode = tpp.getNode();
102 }
104 // Remove the ITEs
105 TrustNode ttfr = d_tfr.run(ppNode, newLemmas, newSkolems, false);
106 Node rtfNode = ttfr.getNode();
108 if (Debug.isOn("lemma-ites"))
109 {
110 Debug("lemma-ites") << "removed ITEs from lemma: " << ttfr.getNode()
111 << endl;
112 Debug("lemma-ites") << " + now have the following " << newLemmas.size()
113 << " lemma(s):" << endl;
114 for (size_t i = 0, lsize = newLemmas.size(); i <= lsize; ++i)
115 {
116 Debug("lemma-ites") << " + " << newLemmas[i].getNode() << endl;
117 }
118 Debug("lemma-ites") << endl;
119 }
120 // Rewrite the main node, we rewrite and store the proof step, if necessary,
121 // in d_tpg, which maintains the fact that d_tpg can prove the rewrite.
122 Node retNode = rewriteWithProof(rtfNode);
124 if (Trace.isOn("tpp-debug"))
125 {
126 if (node != ppNode)
127 {
128 Trace("tpp-debug") << "after preprocessing : " << ppNode << std::endl;
129 }
130 if (rtfNode != ppNode)
131 {
132 Trace("tpp-debug") << "after rtf : " << rtfNode << std::endl;
133 }
134 if (retNode != rtfNode)
135 {
136 Trace("tpp-debug") << "after rewriting : " << retNode << std::endl;
137 }
138 Trace("tpp-debug") << "TheoryPreprocessor::preprocess: finish" << std::endl;
139 }
140 if (node == retNode)
141 {
142 // no change
143 Assert(newLemmas.empty());
144 return TrustNode::null();
145 }
147 // Now, sequence the conversion steps if proofs are enabled.
148 TrustNode tret;
149 if (isProofEnabled())
150 {
151 std::vector<Node> cterms;
152 cterms.push_back(node);
153 if (doTheoryPreprocess)
154 {
155 cterms.push_back(ppNode);
156 }
157 cterms.push_back(rtfNode);
158 cterms.push_back(retNode);
159 // We have that:
160 // node -> ppNode via preprocessing + rewriting (if doTheoryPreprocess)
161 // ppNode -> rtfNode via term formula removal
162 // rtfNode -> retNode via rewriting
163 if (!doTheoryPreprocess)
164 {
165 // If preprocessing is not performed, we cannot use the main sequence
166 // generator, instead we use d_tspgNoPp.
167 // We register the top-level rewrite in the pure rewrite term converter.
168 d_tpgRew->addRewriteStep(
169 rtfNode, retNode, PfRule::REWRITE, {}, {rtfNode});
170 // Now get the trust node from the sequence generator
171 tret = d_tspgNoPp->mkTrustRewriteSequence(cterms);
172 }
173 else
174 {
175 // we wil use the sequence generator
176 tret = d_tspg->mkTrustRewriteSequence(cterms);
177 }
178 tret.debugCheckClosed("tpp-debug", "TheoryPreprocessor::lemma_ret");
179 }
180 else
181 {
182 tret = TrustNode::mkTrustRewrite(node, retNode, nullptr);
183 }
185 // now, rewrite the lemmas
186 Trace("tpp-debug") << "TheoryPreprocessor::preprocess: process lemmas"
187 << std::endl;
188 for (size_t i = 0, lsize = newLemmas.size(); i < lsize; ++i)
189 {
190 // get the trust node to process
191 TrustNode trn = newLemmas[i];
192 trn.debugCheckClosed(
193 "tpp-debug", "TheoryPreprocessor::lemma_new_initial", false);
194 Assert(trn.getKind() == TrustNodeKind::LEMMA);
195 Node assertion = trn.getNode();
196 // rewrite, which is independent of d_tpg, since additional lemmas
197 // are justified separately.
198 Node rewritten = Rewriter::rewrite(assertion);
199 if (assertion != rewritten)
200 {
201 if (isProofEnabled())
202 {
203 Assert(d_lp != nullptr);
204 // store in the lazy proof
205 d_lp->addLazyStep(assertion,
206 trn.getGenerator(),
208 true,
209 "TheoryPreprocessor::rewrite_lemma_new");
210 d_lp->addStep(rewritten,
212 {assertion},
213 {rewritten});
214 }
215 newLemmas[i] = TrustNode::mkTrustLemma(rewritten, d_lp.get());
216 }
217 Assert(!isProofEnabled() || newLemmas[i].getGenerator() != nullptr);
218 newLemmas[i].debugCheckClosed("tpp-debug", "TheoryPreprocessor::lemma_new");
219 }
220 Trace("tpp-debug") << "Preprocessed: " << node << " " << retNode << std::endl;
221 return tret;
222 }
224 struct preprocess_stack_element
225 {
226 TNode node;
227 bool children_added;
228 preprocess_stack_element(TNode n) : node(n), children_added(false) {}
229 };
231 TrustNode TheoryPreprocessor::theoryPreprocess(TNode assertion)
232 {
233 Trace("theory::preprocess")
234 << "TheoryPreprocessor::theoryPreprocess(" << assertion << ")" << endl;
235 // spendResource();
237 // Do a topological sort of the subexpressions and substitute them
238 vector<preprocess_stack_element> toVisit;
239 toVisit.push_back(assertion);
241 while (!toVisit.empty())
242 {
243 // The current node we are processing
244 preprocess_stack_element& stackHead = toVisit.back();
245 TNode current = stackHead.node;
247 Trace("theory::preprocess-debug")
248 << "TheoryPreprocessor::theoryPreprocess(" << assertion
249 << "): processing " << current << endl;
251 // If node already in the cache we're done, pop from the stack
252 NodeMap::iterator find = d_ppCache.find(current);
253 if (find != d_ppCache.end())
254 {
255 toVisit.pop_back();
256 continue;
257 }
259 if (!d_logicInfo.isTheoryEnabled(Theory::theoryOf(current))
260 && Theory::theoryOf(current) != THEORY_SAT_SOLVER)
261 {
262 stringstream ss;
263 ss << "The logic was specified as " << d_logicInfo.getLogicString()
264 << ", which doesn't include " << Theory::theoryOf(current)
265 << ", but got a preprocessing-time fact for that theory." << endl
266 << "The fact:" << endl
267 << current;
268 throw LogicException(ss.str());
269 }
271 // If this is an atom, we preprocess its terms with the theory ppRewriter
272 if (Theory::theoryOf(current) != THEORY_BOOL)
273 {
274 Node ppRewritten = ppTheoryRewrite(current);
275 d_ppCache[current] = ppRewritten;
276 Assert(Rewriter::rewrite(d_ppCache[current].get())
277 == d_ppCache[current].get());
278 continue;
279 }
281 // Not yet substituted, so process
282 if (stackHead.children_added)
283 {
284 // Children have been processed, so substitute
285 NodeBuilder<> builder(current.getKind());
286 if (current.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::PARAMETERIZED)
287 {
288 builder << current.getOperator();
289 }
290 for (unsigned i = 0; i < current.getNumChildren(); ++i)
291 {
292 Assert(d_ppCache.find(current[i]) != d_ppCache.end());
293 builder << d_ppCache[current[i]].get();
294 }
295 // Mark the substitution and continue
296 Node result = builder;
297 if (result != current)
298 {
299 result = rewriteWithProof(result);
300 }
301 Trace("theory::preprocess-debug")
302 << "TheoryPreprocessor::theoryPreprocess(" << assertion
303 << "): setting " << current << " -> " << result << endl;
304 d_ppCache[current] = result;
305 toVisit.pop_back();
306 }
307 else
308 {
309 // Mark that we have added the children if any
310 if (current.getNumChildren() > 0)
311 {
312 stackHead.children_added = true;
313 // We need to add the children
314 for (TNode::iterator child_it = current.begin();
315 child_it != current.end();
316 ++child_it)
317 {
318 TNode childNode = *child_it;
319 NodeMap::iterator childFind = d_ppCache.find(childNode);
320 if (childFind == d_ppCache.end())
321 {
322 toVisit.push_back(childNode);
323 }
324 }
325 }
326 else
327 {
328 // No children, so we're done
329 Trace("theory::preprocess-debug")
330 << "SubstitutionMap::internalSubstitute(" << assertion
331 << "): setting " << current << " -> " << current << endl;
332 d_ppCache[current] = current;
333 toVisit.pop_back();
334 }
335 }
336 }
337 // Return the substituted version
338 Node res = d_ppCache[assertion];
339 return TrustNode::mkTrustRewrite(assertion, res, d_tpg.get());
340 }
342 // Recursively traverse a term and call the theory rewriter on its sub-terms
343 Node TheoryPreprocessor::ppTheoryRewrite(TNode term)
344 {
345 NodeMap::iterator find = d_ppCache.find(term);
346 if (find != d_ppCache.end())
347 {
348 return (*find).second;
349 }
350 unsigned nc = term.getNumChildren();
351 if (nc == 0)
352 {
353 return preprocessWithProof(term);
354 }
355 Trace("theory-pp") << "ppTheoryRewrite { " << term << endl;
357 Node newTerm = term;
358 // do not rewrite inside quantifiers
359 if (!term.isClosure())
360 {
361 NodeBuilder<> newNode(term.getKind());
362 if (term.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::PARAMETERIZED)
363 {
364 newNode << term.getOperator();
365 }
366 unsigned i;
367 for (i = 0; i < nc; ++i)
368 {
369 newNode << ppTheoryRewrite(term[i]);
370 }
371 newTerm = Node(newNode);
372 }
373 newTerm = rewriteWithProof(newTerm);
374 newTerm = preprocessWithProof(newTerm);
375 d_ppCache[term] = newTerm;
376 Trace("theory-pp") << "ppTheoryRewrite returning " << newTerm << "}" << endl;
377 return newTerm;
378 }
380 Node TheoryPreprocessor::rewriteWithProof(Node term)
381 {
382 Node termr = Rewriter::rewrite(term);
383 // store rewrite step if tracking proofs and it rewrites
384 if (isProofEnabled())
385 {
386 // may rewrite the same term more than once, thus check hasRewriteStep
387 if (termr != term)
388 {
389 Trace("tpp-debug") << "TheoryPreprocessor: addRewriteStep (rewriting) "
390 << term << " -> " << termr << std::endl;
391 // always use term context hash 0 (default)
392 d_tpg->addRewriteStep(term, termr, PfRule::REWRITE, {}, {term});
393 }
394 }
395 return termr;
396 }
398 Node TheoryPreprocessor::preprocessWithProof(Node term)
399 {
400 // Important that it is in rewritten form, to ensure that the rewrite steps
401 // recorded in d_tpg are functional. In other words, there should not
402 // be steps from the same term to multiple rewritten forms, which would be
403 // the case if we registered a preprocessing step for a non-rewritten term.
404 Assert(term == Rewriter::rewrite(term));
405 // call ppRewrite for the given theory
406 TrustNode trn = d_engine.theoryOf(term)->ppRewrite(term);
407 if (trn.isNull())
408 {
409 // no change, return original term
410 return term;
411 }
412 Node termr = trn.getNode();
413 Assert(term != termr);
414 if (isProofEnabled())
415 {
416 if (trn.getGenerator() != nullptr)
417 {
418 Trace("tpp-debug") << "TheoryPreprocessor: addRewriteStep (generator) "
419 << term << " -> " << termr << std::endl;
420 trn.debugCheckClosed("tpp-debug",
421 "TheoryPreprocessor::preprocessWithProof");
422 // always use term context hash 0 (default)
423 d_tpg->addRewriteStep(
424 term, termr, trn.getGenerator(), PfRule::ASSUME, true);
425 }
426 else
427 {
428 Trace("tpp-debug") << "TheoryPreprocessor: addRewriteStep (trusted) "
429 << term << " -> " << termr << std::endl;
430 // small step trust
431 d_tpg->addRewriteStep(
432 term, termr, PfRule::THEORY_PREPROCESS, {}, {term.eqNode(termr)});
433 }
434 }
435 termr = rewriteWithProof(termr);
436 return ppTheoryRewrite(termr);
437 }
439 bool TheoryPreprocessor::isProofEnabled() const { return d_tpg != nullptr; }
441 } // namespace theory
442 } // namespace CVC4