(proof-new) Miscelleneous fixes from proof-new (#5714)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / trust_substitutions.cpp
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file trust_substitutions.cpp
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds, Gereon Kremer
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Trust substitutions
13 **/
15 #include "theory/trust_substitutions.h"
17 #include "theory/rewriter.h"
19 namespace CVC4 {
20 namespace theory {
22 TrustSubstitutionMap::TrustSubstitutionMap(context::Context* c,
23 ProofNodeManager* pnm,
24 std::string name,
25 PfRule trustId,
26 MethodId ids)
27 : d_ctx(c),
28 d_subs(c),
29 d_pnm(pnm),
30 d_tsubs(c),
31 d_tspb(pnm ? new TheoryProofStepBuffer(pnm->getChecker()) : nullptr),
32 d_subsPg(
33 pnm ? new LazyCDProof(pnm, nullptr, c, "TrustSubstitutionMap::subsPg")
34 : nullptr),
35 d_applyPg(pnm ? new LazyCDProof(
36 pnm, nullptr, c, "TrustSubstitutionMap::applyPg")
37 : nullptr),
38 d_helperPf(pnm, c),
39 d_currentSubs(c),
40 d_name(name),
41 d_trustId(trustId),
42 d_ids(ids)
43 {
44 }
46 void TrustSubstitutionMap::addSubstitution(TNode x, TNode t, ProofGenerator* pg)
47 {
48 Trace("trust-subs") << "TrustSubstitutionMap::addSubstitution: add " << x
49 << " -> " << t << std::endl;
50 d_subs.addSubstitution(x, t);
51 if (isProofEnabled())
52 {
53 TrustNode tnl = TrustNode::mkTrustRewrite(x, t, pg);
54 d_tsubs.push_back(tnl);
55 // current substitution node is no longer valid.
56 d_currentSubs = Node::null();
57 // add to lazy proof
58 d_subsPg->addLazyStep(tnl.getProven(), pg, d_trustId);
59 }
60 }
62 void TrustSubstitutionMap::addSubstitution(TNode x,
63 TNode t,
64 PfRule id,
65 const std::vector<Node>& args)
66 {
67 if (!isProofEnabled())
68 {
69 addSubstitution(x, t, nullptr);
70 return;
71 }
72 LazyCDProof* stepPg = d_helperPf.allocateProof(nullptr, d_ctx);
73 Node eq = x.eqNode(t);
74 stepPg->addStep(eq, id, {}, args);
75 addSubstitution(x, t, stepPg);
76 }
78 ProofGenerator* TrustSubstitutionMap::addSubstitutionSolved(TNode x,
79 TNode t,
80 TrustNode tn)
81 {
82 Trace("trust-subs") << "TrustSubstitutionMap::addSubstitutionSolved: add "
83 << x << " -> " << t << " from " << tn.getProven()
84 << std::endl;
85 if (!isProofEnabled() || tn.getGenerator() == nullptr)
86 {
87 // no generator or not proof enabled, nothing to do
88 addSubstitution(x, t, nullptr);
89 Trace("trust-subs") << "...no proof" << std::endl;
90 return nullptr;
91 }
92 Node eq = x.eqNode(t);
93 Node proven = tn.getProven();
94 // notice that this checks syntactic equality, not CDProof::isSame since
95 // tn.getGenerator() is not necessarily robust to symmetry.
96 if (eq == proven)
97 {
98 // no rewrite required, just use the generator
99 addSubstitution(x, t, tn.getGenerator());
100 Trace("trust-subs") << "...use generator directly" << std::endl;
101 return tn.getGenerator();
102 }
103 LazyCDProof* solvePg = d_helperPf.allocateProof(nullptr, d_ctx);
104 // Try to transform tn.getProven() to (= x t) here, if necessary
105 if (!d_tspb->applyPredTransform(proven, eq, {}))
106 {
107 // failed to rewrite
108 addSubstitution(x, t, nullptr);
109 Trace("trust-subs") << "...failed to rewrite" << std::endl;
110 return nullptr;
111 }
112 Trace("trust-subs") << "...successful rewrite" << std::endl;
113 solvePg->addSteps(*d_tspb.get());
114 d_tspb->clear();
115 // link the given generator
116 solvePg->addLazyStep(proven, tn.getGenerator());
117 addSubstitution(x, t, solvePg);
118 return solvePg;
119 }
121 void TrustSubstitutionMap::addSubstitutions(TrustSubstitutionMap& t)
122 {
123 if (!isProofEnabled())
124 {
125 // just use the basic utility
126 d_subs.addSubstitutions(t.get());
127 return;
128 }
129 // call addSubstitution above in sequence
130 for (const TrustNode& tns : t.d_tsubs)
131 {
132 Node proven = tns.getProven();
133 addSubstitution(proven[0], proven[1], tns.getGenerator());
134 }
135 }
137 TrustNode TrustSubstitutionMap::apply(Node n, bool doRewrite)
138 {
139 Trace("trust-subs") << "TrustSubstitutionMap::addSubstitution: apply " << n
140 << std::endl;
141 Node ns = d_subs.apply(n);
142 Trace("trust-subs") << "...subs " << ns << std::endl;
143 // rewrite if indicated
144 if (doRewrite)
145 {
146 ns = Rewriter::rewrite(ns);
147 Trace("trust-subs") << "...rewrite " << ns << std::endl;
148 }
149 if (n == ns)
150 {
151 // no change
152 return TrustNode::null();
153 }
154 if (!isProofEnabled())
155 {
156 // no proofs, use null generator
157 return TrustNode::mkTrustRewrite(n, ns, nullptr);
158 }
159 Node cs = getCurrentSubstitution();
160 Trace("trust-subs")
161 << "TrustSubstitutionMap::addSubstitution: current substitution is " << cs
162 << std::endl;
163 // Easy case: if n is in the domain of the substitution, maybe it is already
164 // a proof in the substitution proof generator. This is moreover required
165 // to avoid cyclic proofs below. For example, if { x -> 5 } is a substitution,
166 // and we are asked to transform x, resulting in 5, we hence must provide
167 // a proof of (= x 5) based on the substitution. However, it must be the
168 // case that (= x 5) is a proven fact of the substitution generator. Hence
169 // we avoid a proof that looks like:
170 // ---------- from d_subsPg
171 // (= x 5)
172 // ---------- MACRO_SR_EQ_INTRO{x}
173 // (= x 5)
174 // by taking the premise proof directly.
175 Node eq = n.eqNode(ns);
176 if (d_subsPg->hasStep(eq) || d_subsPg->hasGenerator(eq))
177 {
178 return TrustNode::mkTrustRewrite(n, ns, d_subsPg.get());
179 }
180 Assert(eq != cs);
181 std::vector<Node> pfChildren;
182 if (!cs.isConst())
183 {
184 // note we will get more proof reuse if we do not special case AND here.
185 if (cs.getKind() == kind::AND)
186 {
187 for (const Node& csc : cs)
188 {
189 pfChildren.push_back(csc);
190 // connect substitution generator into apply generator
191 d_applyPg->addLazyStep(csc, d_subsPg.get());
192 }
193 }
194 else
195 {
196 pfChildren.push_back(cs);
197 // connect substitution generator into apply generator
198 d_applyPg->addLazyStep(cs, d_subsPg.get());
199 }
200 }
201 if (!d_tspb->applyEqIntro(n, ns, pfChildren, d_ids))
202 {
203 // if we fail for any reason, we must use a trusted step instead
204 d_tspb->addStep(PfRule::TRUST_SUBS_MAP, pfChildren, {eq}, eq);
205 }
206 // ------- ------- from external proof generators
207 // x1 = t1 ... xn = tn
208 // ----------------------- AND_INTRO
209 // ...
210 // --------- MACRO_SR_EQ_INTRO (or TRUST_SUBS_MAP if we failed above)
211 // n == ns
212 // add it to the apply proof generator.
213 //
214 // Notice that we use a single child to MACRO_SR_EQ_INTRO here. This is an
215 // optimization motivated by the fact that n may be large and reused many
216 // time. For instance, if this class is being used to track substitutions
217 // derived during non-clausal simplification during preprocessing, it is
218 // a fixed (possibly) large substitution applied to many terms. Having
219 // a single child saves us from creating many proofs with n children, where
220 // notice this proof is reused.
221 d_applyPg->addSteps(*d_tspb.get());
222 d_tspb->clear();
223 return TrustNode::mkTrustRewrite(n, ns, d_applyPg.get());
224 }
226 SubstitutionMap& TrustSubstitutionMap::get() { return d_subs; }
228 bool TrustSubstitutionMap::isProofEnabled() const
229 {
230 return d_subsPg != nullptr;
231 }
233 Node TrustSubstitutionMap::getCurrentSubstitution()
234 {
235 Assert(isProofEnabled());
236 if (!d_currentSubs.get().isNull())
237 {
238 return d_currentSubs;
239 }
240 std::vector<Node> csubsChildren;
241 for (const TrustNode& tns : d_tsubs)
242 {
243 csubsChildren.push_back(tns.getProven());
244 }
245 std::reverse(csubsChildren.begin(),csubsChildren.end());
246 d_currentSubs = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkAnd(csubsChildren);
247 if (d_currentSubs.get().getKind() == kind::AND)
248 {
249 d_subsPg->addStep(d_currentSubs, PfRule::AND_INTRO, csubsChildren, {});
250 }
251 return d_currentSubs;
252 }
254 } // namespace theory
255 } // namespace CVC4