FloatingPoint: Separate out symFPU glue code. (#5492)
[cvc5.git] / src / theory / trust_substitutions.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file trust_substitutions.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Andrew Reynolds
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Trust substitutions
13 **/
15 #include "cvc4_private.h"
20 #include "context/cdlist.h"
21 #include "context/context.h"
22 #include "expr/lazy_proof.h"
23 #include "expr/proof_node_manager.h"
24 #include "expr/proof_set.h"
25 #include "expr/term_conversion_proof_generator.h"
26 #include "theory/eager_proof_generator.h"
27 #include "theory/substitutions.h"
28 #include "theory/theory_proof_step_buffer.h"
29 #include "theory/trust_node.h"
31 namespace CVC4 {
32 namespace theory {
34 /**
35 * A layer on top of SubstitutionMap that tracks proofs.
36 */
37 class TrustSubstitutionMap
38 {
39 public:
40 TrustSubstitutionMap(context::Context* c,
41 ProofNodeManager* pnm,
42 std::string name = "TrustSubstitutionMap",
43 PfRule trustId = PfRule::TRUST_SUBS_MAP,
44 MethodId ids = MethodId::SB_DEFAULT);
45 /** Gets a reference to the underlying substitution map */
46 SubstitutionMap& get();
47 /**
48 * Add substitution x -> t, where pg can provide a closed proof of (= x t)
49 * in the remainder of this user context.
50 */
51 void addSubstitution(TNode x, TNode t, ProofGenerator* pg = nullptr);
52 /**
53 * Add substitution x -> t from a single proof step with rule id, no children
54 * and arguments args.
55 */
56 void addSubstitution(TNode x,
57 TNode t,
58 PfRule id,
59 const std::vector<Node>& args);
60 /**
61 * Add substitution x -> t, which was derived from the proven field of
62 * trust node tn. In other words, (= x t) is the solved form of
63 * tn.getProven(). This method is a helper function for methods (e.g.
64 * ppAssert) that put literals into solved form. It should be the case
65 * that (= x t) and tn.getProven() can be shown equivalent by rewriting.
66 *
67 * This ensures that we add a substitution with a proof
68 * based on transforming the tn.getProven() to (= x t) if tn has a
69 * non-null proof generator; otherwise if tn has no proof generator
70 * we simply add the substitution.
71 *
72 * @return The proof generator that can prove (= x t).
73 */
74 ProofGenerator* addSubstitutionSolved(TNode x, TNode t, TrustNode tn);
75 /**
76 * Add substitutions from trust substitution map t. This adds all
77 * substitutions from the map t and carries over its information about proofs.
78 */
79 void addSubstitutions(TrustSubstitutionMap& t);
80 /**
81 * Apply substitutions in this class to node n. Returns a trust node
82 * proving n = n*sigma, where the proof generator is provided by this class
83 * (when proofs are enabled).
84 */
85 TrustNode apply(Node n, bool doRewrite = true);
87 private:
88 /** Are proofs enabled? */
89 bool isProofEnabled() const;
90 /**
91 * Get current substitution. This returns a node of the form:
92 * (and (= x1 t1) ... (= xn tn))
93 * where (x1, t1) ... (xn, tn) have been registered via addSubstitution above.
94 * Moreover, it ensures that d_subsPg has a proof of the returned value.
95 */
96 Node getCurrentSubstitution();
97 /** The context used here */
98 context::Context* d_ctx;
99 /** The substitution map */
100 SubstitutionMap d_subs;
101 /** The proof node manager */
102 ProofNodeManager* d_pnm;
103 /** A context-dependent list of trust nodes */
104 context::CDList<TrustNode> d_tsubs;
105 /** Theory proof step buffer */
106 std::unique_ptr<TheoryProofStepBuffer> d_tspb;
107 /** A lazy proof for substitution steps */
108 std::unique_ptr<LazyCDProof> d_subsPg;
109 /** A lazy proof for apply steps */
110 std::unique_ptr<LazyCDProof> d_applyPg;
111 /**
112 * A context-dependent list of LazyCDProof, allocated for internal steps.
113 */
114 CDProofSet<LazyCDProof> d_helperPf;
115 /**
116 * The formula corresponding to the current substitution. This is of the form
117 * (and (= x1 t1) ... (= xn tn))
118 * when the substitution map contains { x1 -> t1, ... xn -> tn }. This field
119 * is updated on demand. When this class applies a substitution to a node,
120 * this formula is computed and recorded as the premise of a
121 * MACRO_SR_EQ_INTRO step.
122 */
123 context::CDO<Node> d_currentSubs;
124 /** Name for debugging */
125 std::string d_name;
126 /**
127 * The placeholder trusted PfRule identifier for calls to addSubstitution
128 * that are not given proof generators.
129 */
130 PfRule d_trustId;
131 /** The method id for which form of substitution to apply */
132 MethodId d_ids;
133 };
135 } // namespace theory
136 } // namespace CVC4