Set incomplete if not applying ho extensionality (#6281)
[cvc5.git] / src / util / bin_heap.h
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file bin_heap.h
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Tim King, Morgan Deters, Mathias Preiner
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief An implementation of a binary heap
13 **
14 ** An implementation of a binary heap.
15 ** Attempts to roughly follow the contract of Boost's d_ary_heap.
16 ** (
17 ** Also attempts to generalize ext/pd_bs/priority_queue.
18 ** (
19 **/
21 #include "cvc4_private.h"
23 #ifndef CVC4__BIN_HEAP_H
24 #define CVC4__BIN_HEAP_H
26 #include <limits>
27 #include <functional>
29 #include "base/check.h"
30 #include "base/exception.h"
32 namespace cvc5 {
34 /**
35 * BinaryHeap that orders its elements greatest-first (i.e., in the opposite
36 * direction of the provided comparator). Update of elements is permitted
37 * via handles, which are not invalidated by mutation (pushes and pops etc.).
38 * Handles are invalidted when their element is no longer a member of the
39 * heap. Iteration over elements is supported but iteration is unsorted and
40 * iterators are immutable.
41 */
42 template <class Elem, class CmpFcn = std::less<Elem> >
43 class BinaryHeap {
44 private:
45 typedef Elem T;
46 struct HElement;
48 typedef std::vector<HElement*> ElementVector;
50 struct HElement {
51 HElement(size_t pos, const T& elem): d_pos(pos), d_elem(elem) {}
52 size_t d_pos;
53 T d_elem;
54 };/* struct HElement */
56 /** A 0 indexed binary heap. */
57 ElementVector d_heap;
59 /** The comparator. */
60 CmpFcn d_cmp;
62 // disallow copy and assignment
63 BinaryHeap(const BinaryHeap&) = delete;
64 BinaryHeap& operator=(const BinaryHeap&) = delete;
66 public:
67 BinaryHeap(const CmpFcn& c = CmpFcn())
68 : d_heap()
69 , d_cmp(c)
70 {}
72 ~BinaryHeap(){
73 clear();
74 }
76 class handle {
77 private:
78 HElement* d_pointer;
79 handle(HElement* p) : d_pointer(p){}
80 friend class BinaryHeap;
81 public:
82 handle() : d_pointer(NULL) {}
83 const T& operator*() const {
84 Assert(d_pointer != NULL);
85 return d_pointer->d_elem;
86 }
88 bool operator==(const handle& h) const {
89 return d_pointer == h.d_pointer;
90 }
92 bool operator!=(const handle& h) const {
93 return d_pointer != h.d_pointer;
94 }
96 }; /* BinaryHeap<>::handle */
98 class const_iterator : public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, Elem> {
99 private:
100 typename ElementVector::const_iterator d_iter;
101 friend class BinaryHeap;
102 const_iterator(const typename ElementVector::const_iterator& iter)
103 : d_iter(iter)
104 {}
105 public:
106 const_iterator(){}
107 inline bool operator==(const const_iterator& ci) const{
108 return d_iter == ci.d_iter;
109 }
110 inline bool operator!=(const const_iterator& ci) const{
111 return d_iter != ci.d_iter;
112 }
113 inline const_iterator& operator++(){
114 ++d_iter;
115 return *this;
116 }
117 inline const_iterator operator++(int){
118 const_iterator i = *this;
119 ++d_iter;
120 return i;
121 }
122 inline const T& operator*() const{
123 const HElement* he = *d_iter;
124 return he->d_elem;
125 }
127 };/* BinaryHeap<>::const_iterator */
129 typedef const_iterator iterator;
131 inline size_t size() const { return d_heap.size(); }
132 inline bool empty() const { return d_heap.empty(); }
134 inline const_iterator begin() const {
135 return const_iterator(d_heap.begin());
136 }
138 inline const_iterator end() const {
139 return const_iterator(d_heap.end());
140 }
142 void clear(){
143 typename ElementVector::iterator i=d_heap.begin(), iend=d_heap.end();
144 for(; i!=iend; ++i){
145 HElement* he = *i;
146 delete he;
147 }
148 d_heap.clear();
149 }
151 void swap(BinaryHeap& heap){
152 std::swap(d_heap, heap.d_heap);
153 std::swap(d_cmp, heap.d_cmp);
154 }
156 handle push(const T& toAdded){
157 Assert(size() < MAX_SIZE);
158 HElement* he = new HElement(size(), toAdded);
159 d_heap.push_back(he);
160 up_heap(he);
161 return handle(he);
162 }
164 void erase(handle h){
165 Assert(!empty());
166 Assert(debugHandle(h));
168 HElement* he = h.d_pointer;
169 size_t pos = he->d_pos;
170 if(pos == root()){
171 // the top element can be efficiently removed by pop
172 pop();
173 }else if(pos == last()){
174 // the last element can be safely removed
175 d_heap.pop_back();
176 delete he;
177 }else{
178 // This corresponds to
179 // 1) swapping the elements at pos with the element at last:
180 // 2) deleting the new last element
181 // 3) updating the position of the new element at pos
182 swapIndices(pos, last());
183 d_heap.pop_back();
184 delete he;
185 update(handle(d_heap[pos]));
186 }
187 }
189 void pop(){
190 Assert(!empty());
191 swapIndices(root(), last());
192 HElement* b = d_heap.back();
193 d_heap.pop_back();
194 delete b;
196 if(!empty()){
197 down_heap(d_heap.front());
198 }
199 }
201 const T& top() const {
202 Assert(!empty());
203 return (d_heap.front())->d_elem;
204 }
206 private:
207 void update(handle h){
208 Assert(!empty());
209 Assert(debugHandle(h));
211 // The relationship between h and its parent, left and right has become unknown.
212 // But it is assumed that parent <= left, and parent <= right still hold.
213 // Figure out whether to up_heap or down_heap.
215 Assert(!empty());
216 HElement* he = h.d_pointer;
218 size_t pos = he->d_pos;
219 if(pos == root()){
220 // no parent
221 down_heap(he);
222 }else{
223 size_t par = parent(pos);
224 HElement* at_parent = d_heap[par];
225 if(gt(he->d_elem, at_parent->d_elem)){
226 // he > parent
227 up_heap(he);
228 }else{
229 down_heap(he);
230 }
231 }
232 }
234 public:
235 void update(handle h, const T& val){
236 Assert(!empty());
237 Assert(debugHandle(h));
238 h.d_pointer->d_elem = val;
239 update(h);
240 }
242 /** (std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()-2)/2; */
243 static const size_t MAX_SIZE;
245 private:
246 inline bool gt(const T& a, const T& b) const{
247 // cmp acts like an operator<
248 return d_cmp(b, a);
249 }
251 inline bool lt(const T& a, const T& b) const{
252 return d_cmp(a, b);
253 }
255 inline static size_t parent(size_t p){
256 Assert(p != root());
257 return (p-1)/2;
258 }
259 inline static size_t right(size_t p){ return 2*p+2; }
260 inline static size_t left(size_t p){ return 2*p+1; }
261 inline static size_t root(){ return 0; }
262 inline size_t last() const{
263 Assert(!empty());
264 return size() - 1;
265 }
267 inline void swapIndices(size_t i, size_t j){
268 HElement* at_i = d_heap[i];
269 HElement* at_j = d_heap[j];
270 swap(i,j,at_i,at_j);
271 }
273 inline void swapPointers(HElement* at_i, HElement* at_j){
274 // still works if at_i == at_j
275 size_t i = at_i->d_pos;
276 size_t j = at_j->d_pos;
277 swap(i,j,at_i,at_j);
278 }
280 inline void swap(size_t i, size_t j, HElement* at_i, HElement* at_j){
281 // still works if i == j
282 Assert(i == at_i->d_pos);
283 Assert(j == at_j->d_pos);
284 d_heap[i] = at_j;
285 d_heap[j] = at_i;
286 at_i->d_pos = j;
287 at_j->d_pos = i;
288 }
290 void up_heap(HElement* he){
291 const size_t& curr = he->d_pos;
292 // The value of curr changes implicitly during swap operations.
293 while(curr != root()){
294 // he->d_elem > parent
295 size_t par = parent(curr);
296 HElement* at_parent = d_heap[par];
297 if(gt(he->d_elem, at_parent->d_elem)){
298 swap(curr, par, he, at_parent);
299 }else{
300 break;
301 }
302 }
303 }
305 void down_heap(HElement* he){
306 const size_t& curr = he->d_pos;
307 // The value of curr changes implicitly during swap operations.
308 size_t N = size();
309 size_t r, l;
311 while((r = right(curr)) < N){
312 l = left(curr);
314 // if at_left == at_right, favor left
315 HElement* at_left = d_heap[l];
316 HElement* at_right = d_heap[r];
317 if(lt(he->d_elem, at_left->d_elem)){
318 // he < at_left
319 if(lt(at_left->d_elem, at_right->d_elem)){
320 // he < at_left < at_right
321 swap(curr, r, he, at_right);
322 }else{
323 // he < at_left
324 // at_right <= at_left
325 swap(curr, l, he, at_left);
326 }
327 }else{
328 // at_left <= he
329 if(lt(he->d_elem, at_right->d_elem)){
330 // at_left <= he < at_right
331 swap(curr, r, he, at_right);
332 }else{
333 // at_left <= he
334 // at_right <= he
335 break;
336 }
337 }
338 }
339 l = left(curr);
340 if(r >= N && l < N){
341 // there is a left but not a right
342 HElement* at_left = d_heap[l];
343 if(lt(he->d_elem, at_left->d_elem)){
344 // he < at_left
345 swap(curr, l, he, at_left);
346 }
347 }
348 }
350 bool debugHandle(handle h) const{
351 HElement* he = h.d_pointer;
352 if( he == NULL ){
353 return true;
354 }else if(he->d_pos >= size()){
355 return false;
356 }else{
357 return he == d_heap[he->d_pos];
358 }
359 }
361 }; /* class BinaryHeap<> */
363 template <class Elem, class CmpFcn>
364 const size_t BinaryHeap<Elem,CmpFcn>::MAX_SIZE = (std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()-2)/2;
366 } // namespace cvc5
368 #endif /* CVC4__BIN_HEAP_H */