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[cvc5.git] / src / util / sexpr.cpp
1 /********************* */
2 /*! \file sexpr.cpp
3 ** \verbatim
4 ** Top contributors (to current version):
5 ** Tim King, Morgan Deters, Andrew Reynolds
6 ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7 ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8 ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9 ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10 ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11 **
12 ** \brief Simple representation of S-expressions
13 **
14 ** Simple representation of S-expressions.
15 **
16 ** SExprs have their own language specific printing procedures. The reason for
17 ** this being implemented on SExpr and not on the Printer class is that the
18 ** Printer class lives in libcvc4. It has to currently as it prints fairly
19 ** complicated objects, like Model, which in turn uses SmtEngine pointers.
20 ** However, SExprs need to be printed by Statistics. To get the output
21 ** consistent with the previous version, the printing of SExprs in different
22 ** languages is handled in the SExpr class and the libexpr library.
23 **/
25 #include "util/sexpr.h"
27 #include <iostream>
28 #include <sstream>
29 #include <vector>
31 #include "base/check.h"
32 #include "options/set_language.h"
33 #include "util/ostream_util.h"
34 #include "util/smt2_quote_string.h"
36 namespace CVC4 {
38 const int PrettySExprs::s_iosIndex = std::ios_base::xalloc();
40 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, PrettySExprs ps) {
41 ps.applyPrettySExprs(out);
42 return out;
43 }
45 SExpr::~SExpr() {
46 if (d_children != NULL) {
47 delete d_children;
48 d_children = NULL;
49 }
50 Assert(d_children == NULL);
51 }
53 SExpr& SExpr::operator=(const SExpr& other) {
54 d_sexprType = other.d_sexprType;
55 d_integerValue = other.d_integerValue;
56 d_rationalValue = other.d_rationalValue;
57 d_stringValue = other.d_stringValue;
59 if (d_children == NULL && other.d_children == NULL) {
60 // Do nothing.
61 } else if (d_children == NULL) {
62 d_children = new SExprVector(*other.d_children);
63 } else if (other.d_children == NULL) {
64 delete d_children;
65 d_children = NULL;
66 } else {
67 (*d_children) = other.getChildren();
68 }
69 Assert(isAtom() == other.isAtom());
70 Assert((d_children == NULL) == isAtom());
71 return *this;
72 }
74 SExpr::SExpr()
75 : d_sexprType(SEXPR_STRING),
76 d_integerValue(0),
77 d_rationalValue(0),
78 d_stringValue(""),
79 d_children(NULL) {}
81 SExpr::SExpr(const SExpr& other)
82 : d_sexprType(other.d_sexprType),
83 d_integerValue(other.d_integerValue),
84 d_rationalValue(other.d_rationalValue),
85 d_stringValue(other.d_stringValue),
86 d_children(NULL) {
87 d_children =
88 (other.d_children == NULL) ? NULL : new SExprVector(*other.d_children);
89 // d_children being NULL is equivalent to the node being an atom.
90 Assert((d_children == NULL) == isAtom());
91 }
93 SExpr::SExpr(const CVC4::Integer& value)
94 : d_sexprType(SEXPR_INTEGER),
95 d_integerValue(value),
96 d_rationalValue(0),
97 d_stringValue(""),
98 d_children(NULL) {}
100 SExpr::SExpr(int value)
101 : d_sexprType(SEXPR_INTEGER),
102 d_integerValue(value),
103 d_rationalValue(0),
104 d_stringValue(""),
105 d_children(NULL) {}
107 SExpr::SExpr(long int value)
108 : d_sexprType(SEXPR_INTEGER),
109 d_integerValue(value),
110 d_rationalValue(0),
111 d_stringValue(""),
112 d_children(NULL) {}
114 SExpr::SExpr(unsigned int value)
115 : d_sexprType(SEXPR_INTEGER),
116 d_integerValue(value),
117 d_rationalValue(0),
118 d_stringValue(""),
119 d_children(NULL) {}
121 SExpr::SExpr(unsigned long int value)
122 : d_sexprType(SEXPR_INTEGER),
123 d_integerValue(value),
124 d_rationalValue(0),
125 d_stringValue(""),
126 d_children(NULL) {}
128 SExpr::SExpr(const CVC4::Rational& value)
129 : d_sexprType(SEXPR_RATIONAL),
130 d_integerValue(0),
131 d_rationalValue(value),
132 d_stringValue(""),
133 d_children(NULL) {}
135 SExpr::SExpr(const std::string& value)
136 : d_sexprType(SEXPR_STRING),
137 d_integerValue(0),
138 d_rationalValue(0),
139 d_stringValue(value),
140 d_children(NULL) {}
142 /**
143 * This constructs a string expression from a const char* value.
144 * This cannot be removed in order to support SExpr("foo").
145 * Given the other constructors this SExpr("foo") converts to bool.
146 * instead of SExpr(string("foo")).
147 */
148 SExpr::SExpr(const char* value)
149 : d_sexprType(SEXPR_STRING),
150 d_integerValue(0),
151 d_rationalValue(0),
152 d_stringValue(value),
153 d_children(NULL) {}
155 SExpr::SExpr(bool value)
156 : d_sexprType(SEXPR_KEYWORD),
157 d_integerValue(0),
158 d_rationalValue(0),
159 d_stringValue(value ? "true" : "false"),
160 d_children(NULL) {}
162 SExpr::SExpr(const Keyword& value)
163 : d_sexprType(SEXPR_KEYWORD),
164 d_integerValue(0),
165 d_rationalValue(0),
166 d_stringValue(value.getString()),
167 d_children(NULL) {}
169 SExpr::SExpr(const std::vector<SExpr>& children)
170 : d_sexprType(SEXPR_NOT_ATOM),
171 d_integerValue(0),
172 d_rationalValue(0),
173 d_stringValue(""),
174 d_children(new SExprVector(children)) {}
176 std::string SExpr::toString() const {
177 std::stringstream ss;
178 ss << (*this);
179 return ss.str();
180 }
182 /** Is this S-expression an atom? */
183 bool SExpr::isAtom() const { return d_sexprType != SEXPR_NOT_ATOM; }
185 /** Is this S-expression an integer? */
186 bool SExpr::isInteger() const { return d_sexprType == SEXPR_INTEGER; }
188 /** Is this S-expression a rational? */
189 bool SExpr::isRational() const { return d_sexprType == SEXPR_RATIONAL; }
191 /** Is this S-expression a string? */
192 bool SExpr::isString() const { return d_sexprType == SEXPR_STRING; }
194 /** Is this S-expression a keyword? */
195 bool SExpr::isKeyword() const { return d_sexprType == SEXPR_KEYWORD; }
197 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const SExpr& sexpr) {
198 SExpr::toStream(out, sexpr);
199 return out;
200 }
202 void SExpr::toStream(std::ostream& out, const SExpr& sexpr) {
203 toStream(out, sexpr, language::SetLanguage::getLanguage(out));
204 }
206 void SExpr::toStream(std::ostream& out, const SExpr& sexpr,
207 OutputLanguage language) {
208 const int indent = PrettySExprs::getPrettySExprs(out) ? 2 : 0;
209 toStream(out, sexpr, language, indent);
210 }
212 void SExpr::toStream(std::ostream& out, const SExpr& sexpr,
213 OutputLanguage language, int indent) {
214 if (sexpr.isKeyword() && languageQuotesKeywords(language)) {
215 out << quoteSymbol(sexpr.getValue());
216 } else {
217 toStreamRec(out, sexpr, language, indent);
218 }
219 }
221 void SExpr::toStreamRec(std::ostream& out, const SExpr& sexpr,
222 OutputLanguage language, int indent) {
223 StreamFormatScope scope(out);
225 if (sexpr.isInteger()) {
226 out << sexpr.getIntegerValue();
227 } else if (sexpr.isRational()) {
228 const double approximation = sexpr.getRationalValue().getDouble();
229 out << std::fixed << approximation;
230 } else if (sexpr.isKeyword()) {
231 out << sexpr.getValue();
232 } else if (sexpr.isString()) {
233 std::string s = sexpr.getValue();
234 // escape backslash and quote
235 for (size_t i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) {
236 if (s[i] == '"') {
237 s.replace(i, 1, "\\\"");
238 ++i;
239 } else if (s[i] == '\\') {
240 s.replace(i, 1, "\\\\");
241 ++i;
242 }
243 }
244 out << "\"" << s << "\"";
245 } else {
246 const std::vector<SExpr>& kids = sexpr.getChildren();
247 out << (indent > 0 && kids.size() > 1 ? "( " : "(");
248 bool first = true;
249 for (std::vector<SExpr>::const_iterator i = kids.begin(); i != kids.end();
250 ++i) {
251 if (first) {
252 first = false;
253 } else {
254 if (indent > 0) {
255 out << "\n" << std::string(indent, ' ');
256 } else {
257 out << ' ';
258 }
259 }
260 toStreamRec(out, *i, language,
261 indent <= 0 || indent > 2 ? 0 : indent + 2);
262 }
263 if (indent > 0 && kids.size() > 1) {
264 out << '\n';
265 if (indent > 2) {
266 out << std::string(indent - 2, ' ');
267 }
268 }
269 out << ')';
270 }
271 } /* toStreamRec() */
273 bool SExpr::languageQuotesKeywords(OutputLanguage language) {
274 switch (language) {
275 case language::output::LANG_SYGUS_V1:
276 case language::output::LANG_TPTP:
277 return true;
278 case language::output::LANG_AST:
279 case language::output::LANG_CVC3:
280 case language::output::LANG_CVC4:
281 default: return language::isOutputLang_smt2(language);
282 };
283 }
285 std::string SExpr::getValue() const {
286 PrettyCheckArgument(isAtom(), this);
287 switch (d_sexprType) {
289 return d_integerValue.toString();
290 case SEXPR_RATIONAL: {
291 // We choose to represent rationals as decimal strings rather than
292 // "numerator/denominator." Perhaps an additional SEXPR_DECIMAL
293 // could be added if we need both styles, even if it's backed by
294 // the same Rational object.
295 std::stringstream ss;
296 ss << std::fixed << d_rationalValue.getDouble();
297 return ss.str();
298 }
299 case SEXPR_STRING:
301 return d_stringValue;
302 case SEXPR_NOT_ATOM:
303 return std::string();
304 }
305 return std::string();
306 }
308 const CVC4::Integer& SExpr::getIntegerValue() const {
309 PrettyCheckArgument(isInteger(), this);
310 return d_integerValue;
311 }
313 const CVC4::Rational& SExpr::getRationalValue() const {
314 PrettyCheckArgument(isRational(), this);
315 return d_rationalValue;
316 }
318 const std::vector<SExpr>& SExpr::getChildren() const {
319 PrettyCheckArgument(!isAtom(), this);
320 Assert(d_children != NULL);
321 return *d_children;
322 }
324 bool SExpr::operator==(const SExpr& s) const {
325 if (d_sexprType == s.d_sexprType && d_integerValue == s.d_integerValue &&
326 d_rationalValue == s.d_rationalValue &&
327 d_stringValue == s.d_stringValue) {
328 if (d_children == NULL && s.d_children == NULL) {
329 return true;
330 } else if (d_children != NULL && s.d_children != NULL) {
331 return getChildren() == s.getChildren();
332 }
333 }
334 return false;
335 }
337 bool SExpr::operator!=(const SExpr& s) const { return !(*this == s); }
339 SExpr SExpr::parseAtom(const std::string& atom) {
340 if (atom == "true") {
341 return SExpr(true);
342 } else if (atom == "false") {
343 return SExpr(false);
344 } else {
345 try {
346 Integer z(atom);
347 return SExpr(z);
348 } catch (std::invalid_argument&) {
349 // Fall through to the next case
350 }
351 try {
352 Rational q(atom);
353 return SExpr(q);
354 } catch (std::invalid_argument&) {
355 // Fall through to the next case
356 }
357 return SExpr(atom);
358 }
359 }
361 SExpr SExpr::parseListOfAtoms(const std::vector<std::string>& atoms) {
362 std::vector<SExpr> parsedAtoms;
363 typedef std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator const_iterator;
364 for (const_iterator i = atoms.begin(), i_end = atoms.end(); i != i_end; ++i) {
365 parsedAtoms.push_back(parseAtom(*i));
366 }
367 return SExpr(parsedAtoms);
368 }
370 SExpr SExpr::parseListOfListOfAtoms(
371 const std::vector<std::vector<std::string> >& atoms_lists) {
372 std::vector<SExpr> parsedListsOfAtoms;
373 typedef std::vector<std::vector<std::string> >::const_iterator const_iterator;
374 for (const_iterator i = atoms_lists.begin(), i_end = atoms_lists.end();
375 i != i_end; ++i) {
376 parsedListsOfAtoms.push_back(parseListOfAtoms(*i));
377 }
378 return SExpr(parsedListsOfAtoms);
379 }
381 } /* CVC4 namespace */