# Dynamic SIMD Library Funded by NLnet EU Grants Links * RFC for nmigen integration (this document) * top level SIMD * m.If/Switch * Limited Cat * Formal proof of PartitionedSignal * Formal proof of PartitionedSignal nmigen interaction * Partition-context-sensitive length adjustment * continuation and completion of Type II (DSL) astraction, for completing PartitionedSIMD. # Proposal Summary The proposal is two-fold, and targetted at the two distinct types of nmigen language constructs: * Type 1 low-level AST. implemented as nmigen.hdl.ast classes: Value, Cat, Repl, Mux, Switch etc. * Type 2 high-level DSL. Implemented as Module in nmigen.hdl.dsl The Type 1 AST low-level proposed modifications mirror and extend the existing long-established python `operator` module interoperability, which nmigen *already leverages* by providing `Value.__add__` and other operator overrides. * To extend nmigen "Type 1 (ast.*)" low-level language constructs in the Value class with `Value.__Cat__`, `Value.__Switch__`, `Value.__Repl__` etc. * To rename existing old - `ast.Cat` to new `ast._InternalCat`, - `ast.Repl` to `ast._InternalRepl` - etc. * In an identical conceptual fashion, just as python `operator.add(x,y)` redirects to `x.__add__(y)`, to add a new `ast.Cat(x..)` which redirects to `x.__Cat__(...)` etc. * To add `Value.__Cat__` etc which call the now-renamed `ast._InternalCat` * To allow all of the new underscore variants to be overridden without limitation, restriction, or restraint, via UserValue (and ValueCastable) The second set of changes is targetted at Type 2 dsl.Module, to complete the 98% abstraction from Type 1 to a 100% level * To add a new parameter to `dsl.Module`'s constructor, `_astTypeFn`, which is the AST class type-casting function to be used for "casting" of m.If and m.Elif condition tests, and for m.Switch's value. * To replace the two (2) calls to `Value.cast()` in `dsl.Module` with `self._astTypefn()` No further modifications beyond that are strictly necessary. With `dsl.Module` already being extremely close to 100% abstracted with respect to Type 1 AST constructs, Liskov Substitution Principle in combination with UserValue (later, ValueCastable) combine to provide extremely powerful and flexible augmentation and capabilities in nmigen, far beyond its original intended design parameters. The benefits due to the abstraction extend 100% cleanly to other use-cases (Partitioned Dynamic SIMD is just the first). Other nmigen developers may leverage contextual overriding of the AST constructs in full OO fashion, yet the high-level dsl.Module language concepts remain true to their intended characteristics and behaviour and need neither duplication nor alteration. Typical use-cases are, just as is the driving force behind PartitionedSignal, the sharing at the gate level of arithmetic primitives that would otherwise require costly duplication in a final product, or be too complex or costly to develop without such abstraction at the higher Type 2 (dsl.Module) level. Examples include an ALU that may dynamically at runtime switch between Complex (imaginary) arithmetic and Real (scalar) arithmetic, whilst *through the same datapath* automatically sharing the arithmetic logic gates between the two abstract concepts. Given that 64 bit multipliers are 12,000 to 15,000 gates the savings can be enormous. PartitionedSignal is the first concrete third-party example that inspired the completion of the abstraction of dsl.Module from ast.* # Rationale / Introduction The Dynamic Partitioned SIMD Signal is effectively a parallelisation of nmigen's Signal. It is expected to work transparently as if it was a nmigen Signal, in every way, as a full peer of a nmigen Signal, with no requirement on the part of the developer to even know that it is performing parallel dynamically-partitioned operations. All standard nmigen language constructs are both expected and required to behave exactly as they do for scalar Signals. nmigen 32-bit Signal: a : .... .... .... .... (32 bits, illustrated as 4x8) Dynamically-partitioned 32-bit Signal subdivided into four 8-bit sections, by 3 partition bits: partition: P P P (3 bits) a : .... .... .... .... (32 bits, illustrated as 4x8) exp-a : ....P....P....P.... (32+3 bits, P=0 if no partition) Each partitioned section shall act as an independent Signal where the **partitioning is dynamic at runtime** and may subdivide the above example into all 8 possible combinations of the 3 Partition bits: exp-a : ....0....0....0.... 1x 32-bit exp-a : ....0....0....1.... 1x 24-bit plus 1x 8-bit exp-a : ....0....1....0.... 2x 16-bit ... ... exp-a : ....1....1....0.... 2x 8-bit, 1x 16-bit exp-a : ....1....1....1.... 4x 8-bit A simple example, a "min" function: # declare x, y and out as 16-bit scalar Signals x = Signal(16) y = Signal(16) out = Signal(16) # compare x against y and set output accordingly with m.If(x < y): comb += out.eq(x) with m.Else(): comb += out.eq(y) This is very straightforward and obvious, that the 16-bit output is the lesser of the x and y inputs. We require the exact same obviousness and under no circumstances any change of any kind to any nmigen language construct: # a mask of length 3 indicates a desire to partition Signals at # 3 points into 4 equally-spaced SIMD "partitions". mask = Signal(3) with mask: # x y and out are all 16-bit so are subdivided at: # | mask[0] mask[1] mask[3] | # | 0-3 | 4-7 | 8-11 | 12-15 | x = PartitionedSignal(16) # identical except for mask y = PartitionedSignal(16) # identical except for mask out = PartitionedSignal(16) # identical except for mask # all code here is required to be absolutely identical to the # scalar case, and identical in nmigen language behaviour in # every way. no changes to the nmigen language or its use # are permitted with m.If(x < y): # exactly comb += out.eq(x) # the with m.Else(): # same comb += out.eq(y) # code The purpose of PartitionedSignal is therefore to provide full 100% transparent SIMD run-time dynamic behaviour as far as end-usage is concerned. The alternative is absolutely awful and completely unacceptable for both maintenance cost and development cost. Even the most basic HDL is literally an order of magnitude larger: # declare x, y and out as 16-bit scalar Signals x = Signal(16) y = Signal(16) out = Signal(16) # start an absolutely awful unmaintainable duplication of # SIMD behaviour. with m.If(mask == 0b111): # 1x 16-bit # compare x against y and set output accordingly with m.If(x < y): comb += out.eq(x) with m.Else(): comb += out.eq(y) with m.ElIf(mask == 0b101): # 2x 8-bit for i in range(2): xh = x[i*8:(i+1)*8] yh = y[i*8:(i+1)*8] outh = out[i*8:(i+1)*8] # compare halves of x against halves y and set # halves of output accordingly with m.If(xh < yh): comb += outh.eq(xh) with m.Else(): comb += outh.eq(yh) with m.ElIf(mask == 0b000): # 4x 4-bit .... with m.ElIf(mask == 0b100): # 1x 8-bit followed by 2x 4-bit .... with m.ElIf(....) .... with m.ElIf(....) .... with m.ElIf(....) .... # Overview To save hugely on gate count the normal practice of having separate scalar ALUs and separate SIMD ALUs is not followed. Instead a suite of "partition points" identical in fashion to the Aspex Microelectronics ASP (Array-String-Architecture) architecture is deployed. These "breaks" may be set at runtime at any time. Basic principle: when all partition gates are open the ALU is subdivided into isolated and independent 8 bit SIMD ALUs. Whenever any one gate is opened, the relevant 8 bit "part-results" are chained together in a downstream cascade to create 16 bit, 32 bit, 64 bit and 128 bit compound results. # Type 1 (AST) nmigen constructs nmigen's `ast.Value` already provides operator overloads for arithmetic operations such that natural standard python syntax `(a+b)` may be used. This proposal extends that concept naturally to allow further contextual overrides of the remaining nmigen Type 1 AST constructs: Cat, Repl, Mux, Switch, Part etc. Instead of these being defined exclusively as global functions which cannot comprehend Object-Oriented context, Cat, Switch and Mux etc are redefined to behave as analogues of the python `operator` module. `nmigen.hdl.ast.Mux(sel,val2,val1)` therefore calls `sel.__Mux__(val2,val1)` and so on. As an example of a fully-functioning use of this enhancement, pages below describe the basic features of each and track the relevant bugreports. These features here are the building blocks which lie behind PartitionedSignal, which in turn provides "Type 1 (ast.*)" nmigen language constructs in the form described above. * [[dynamic_simd/simdscope]] a Context Manager which allows signals to look like nmigen Signal * [[dynamic_simd/shape]] a derivative of ast.Shape with partition info * [[dynamic_simd/assign]] nmigen eq (ast.Assign) * [[dynamic_simd/cat]] nmigen ast.Cat * [[dynamic_simd/repl]] nmigen ast.Repl * [[dynamic_simd/eq]] aka `__eq__` not to be confused with nmigen eq * [[dynamic_simd/gt]] aka `__gt__` in python operator terms * [[dynamic_simd/add]] * [[dynamic_simd/mul]] * [[dynamic_simd/shift]] * [[dynamic_simd/logicops]] Horizontal reduction: some all xor bool * [[dynamic_simd/slice]] nmigen ast.Slice # Integration with nmigen: "Type 2" (dsl.Module) Dynamic partitioning of signals is not enough on its own. Normal nmigen programs involve conditional decisions, that means if statements and switch statements. With the PartitionedSignal class, basic operations such as `x + y` are functional, producing results 1x64 bit, or 2x32 or 4x16 or 8x8 or anywhere in between, but what about control and decisions? Here is the "normal" way in which SIMD decisions are performed: if partitions == 1x64 with m.If(x > y): do something elif partitions == 2x32: with m.If(x[0:31] > y[0:31]): do something on 1st half elif ... elif ... # many more lines of repeated laborious hand written # SIMD nonsense all exactly the same except for the # for loop and sizes. Clearly this is a total unmaintainable nightmare of worthless crud which, if continued throughout a large project with 40,000 lines of code when written without SIMD, would completely destroy all chances of that project being successful by turning 40,000 lines into 400,000 lines of unreadable spaghetti. A much more intelligent approach is needed. What we actually want is: with m.If(x > y): # do a partitioned compare here do something dynamic here where *behind the scenes* the above laborious for-loops (conceptually) are created, hidden, looking to all intents and purposes that this is exactly like any other nmigen Signal. This means one of two things: 1. that nmigen needs to "understand" the partitioning, in a Type 2 construct (m.If, m.Else and m.Switch), at the bare minimum. 2. that nmigen's "Type 2" language constructs be sufficiently abstract that they *pass through* SIMD behaviour entirely to a lower level, *completely intact*. Mathod (1) is an alarmingly large amount of work with severe to catastrophic implications in multiple areas. Method (2) by complete contrast allows the Liskov Substitution Principle to be put to surprisingly elegant effect. If that was possible to achieve then **almost no modifications to nmigen would be required** because dsl.Module is *already* 99% abstracted in terms of the lower-level Type 1 (ast.*) constructs. Analysis of the internals of nmigen shows that m.If, m.Else, m.FSM and m.Switch are all redirected to ast.py `Switch`. Within that ast.Switch function only ast.Mux and other Type 1 (AST) "global" functions similar to python operator are used. The hypothesis is therefore proposed that if `Value.mux` is added in an identical way to how `operator.add` calls `__add__` this may turn out to be all that (or most of what) is needed. A deeper analysis shows that dsl.Module uses explicit Value.cast on its If, Elif, and Switch clauses. Overriding that and allowing a cast to a PartitionedSignal.cast (or, PartitionedBool.cast) would be sufficient to make Type 2 (dsl.Module) nmigen language constructs 100% abstracted from the Type 1 (ast) lower-level ones. m.If and m.Else work by constructing a series of Switch cases, each case test being one of "--1---" or "-----1-" where the binary tests themselves are concatenated together as the "Switch" statement. With switch statements being order-dependent, the first match will succeed which will stop subsequent "Else" or "Elif" statements from being executed. For a parallel variant each partition column may be assumed to be independent. A mask of 3 bits subdivides Signals down into four separate partitions. Therefore what was previously a single-bit binary test is, just like for Partitioned Mux, actually four separate and distinct partition-column-specific single-bit binary tests. Therefore, a Parallel Switch statement is as simple as taking the relevant column of each Switch case and creating one independent Switch per Partition column. Take the following example: mask = Signal(3) # creates four partitions a = PartitionedSignal(mask, 4) # creates a 4-bit partitioned signal b = PartitionedSignal(mask, 4) # likewise c = PartitionedSignal(mask, 32) d = PartitionedSignal(mask, 32) o = PartitionedSignal(mask, 32) with m.If(a): comb += o.eq(c) with m.Elif(b): comb += o.eq(d) If these were ordinary Signals, they would be translated to a Switch where: * if_tests would be Cat(a, b) i.e. a 2 bit quantity * cases would be (quantity 2) "1-" and "-1" in order to match against the first binary test bit of Cat(a, b) and the second, respectively. * the first case would be "1-" to activate `o.eq(c) * the second case would be "-1" to activate o.eq(d) A parallel variant may thus perform a for-loop, creating four **independent** Switches: * take a[0] and b[0] and Cat them together `Cat(a[0], b[0])` * take the output of each case result `o[0].eq[c[0])` and so on * create the first independent Switch * take a[1] and b[1] etc. There are several ways in which the parts of each case, when activated, can be split up: temporary Signals, analysing the AST, or using PartitionedMux. # Alternative implementation concepts Several alternative ideas have been proposed. They are listed here for completeness. The worst offender (use code-duplication) has already been raised. The fundamental common characteristic of all of these ideas, despite their disparate nature, is that absolutely every single one of them assumes that there is explicit action (or hard work) required to be taken. None of them - at all - leverage the fact that nmigen has two different inter-related abstraction levels. * **Explicit Code**. For every ALU, write code (in nmigen 0.3 at the time of writing) which is inherently parallel, rather than duplicated with a series of Switch/Case or an if-elif-elif chain based on what the partition mask is set to. * **Use a low-level class**. Rather than tie in to nmigen, write a class that performs all the equivalent (explicit coded) parallel operations, as close to nmigen Type 1 (AST) constructs as possible. Alternatives to Cat, called SIMDCat, and forego use of Type 2 (dsl.Module) nmigen language constructs entirely. * **Wrapper classes**. A dsl.Module wrapper class which duplicates the entirety of the dsl.Module functionality with "redirection" functions and a dsl.Module instance as a member variable. In the rare instances where the function is different it is expected to provide a replacement rather than call the dsl.Module variant. * **Replacement for dsl.Module**. This idea is to implement a full total replacement for dsl.Module, called dsl.SIMDModule (or other). * **Monkey-patching dsl.Module**. This idea intrusively modifies dsl.Module with external functions. * **Compilers / Macros**. On the basis that if this was VHDL or Verilog one technique for creating SIMD variants of the required code would be to use macro substitution or crude compilers to autogenerate the dynamic SIMD from VHDL / Verilog templates, why not do exactly the same thing. Design a SIMD HDL language, write python in that, and have it output python source code with nmigen HDL. All of these ideas, unfortunately, are extremely costly in many different ways: 1. Any overrides of any kind give a catastrophically fatal impression that the high-level language behaviour might in some tiny way be different, purely because of the very *existence* of an override class. This in turn, if prevalent and commonly used, would quickly be seen as a rather nasty indirect unspoken implication that nmigen itself was badly designed, so much so that its users were forced to engage in "unauthorised overrides" in order to achieve what they want and need. 2. Proponents of such override mechanisms (and there have been many) fundamentally misunderstand the distinction between Type 1 (AST) low-level and Type 2 (dsl.Module) high-level nmigen language constructs, and miss the fact that dsl.Module (Type 2) is 100% implemented *in* AST (Type 2) constructs. 3. Wrapper classes are a maintenance nightmare. Unless included in the library itself, any update to the library being wrapped is a huge risk of breaking the wrapper. Long-term this is completely unsustainable. Likewise monkey-patching. 4. Wrapper classes introduce huge performance degradation. Every function requires one additional function call. Every object instantiated requires both the wrapper class to be instantiated and the object being wrapped, every single time. A single wrapper class is never enough: the entire class hierarchy, everything that is ever instantiated by a "wrapped" class instance, also requires wrapping. This quickly gets completely out of hand and diverts developer time into a nightmare time-sink that has actively harmful consequences *even once completed*. Memory requirements double; performance degrades. Both are unacceptable. 5. "Explicit coding" is actually more costly even than for-loop code duplication. It is "The Right Thing (tm)" in order to achieve optimal gate-level design but requires hyper-aware and hyper-intelligent developers, whom, if ever lost, take knowledge of the internal workings of ultra-complex code with them. 6. "Low-level classes" have in fact already been implemented: over a dozen modules utilised and combined behind PartitionedSignal exist and are already in use. PartitionedMux was one of the very first SIMD-aware "Type 1" AST operators written. The problem is that it's nowhere near enough. Conversion of 100,000 lines of readable nmigen HDL using Type 2 (m.If/Elif) high-level constructs to **not** use those constructs and return to AST Mux, Cat, and so on is a completely unreasonable expectation. 7. "Replacements for dsl.Module" aside from coming with the catastrophic implication that they provide alternative behaviour from dsl.Module are a heavy maintenance burden. Not only that but there is the risk that, unless actually included *in* nmigen, the underlying AST modules that they use might change, or be deprecated, or have bugs fixed which break the replacement. 8. "Compilers". It is very well known that any python program that outputs another python program as an ASCII output may then immediately read that ASCII output from within the very program that created it, `eval` it, and then execute it. That being the case, you might as well skip the output to ASCII and the eval part, and create classes that dynamically and directly instantiate the desired target behaviour. This saves months of effort but is a common mistake, frequently made. 9. "Lost In Translation". ("Out of sight, out of mind" being translated to Russian then English by a Diplomat's translator famously returned the phrase, "Invisible lunatic"). Any compiler risks losing information in between translations, making debugging harder, and finding mistakes particularly difficult. With nmigen already being a Language Translator, adding an extra layer seems extremely unwise. And, worse, again relies on nmigen remaining stable, indefinitely. Bottom line is that all the alternatives are really quite harmful, costly, and unmaintainable, and in some cases actively damage nmigen's reputation as a stable, useful and powerful HDL.