# Simple-V Spike emulator ####1. Set RISCV and PATH variables RISCV will be the location where riscv-tools will place all created executables into when building. RISCV must also be appended to the PATH to allow the usage of the created executables without specifying RISCV. > example dev script (riscvdev.sh): > export RISCV="$HOME/src/riscv" > export PATH="$PATH:$RISCV/bin" ####2. Install riscv-tools: riscv-tools is needed to perform a variety of actions such as: compiling a program to work with a spike simulator, simulate the kernel running on spike, and more! > 1. Clone the riscv-tools repository * git clone https://github.com/riscv/riscv-tools > 2. Follow the instructions found in the README.md * Note: Be sure to be inside the riscv-tools directory when executing the instructions found there > 3. Run the riscv-tests within riscv-tools to verify installation * Navigate to riscv-tests/isa inside riscv-tools and execute the following: * make * make run > 4. Make a cache of the current installation somewhere * When all else fails you will not have to run the build script again. Just be sure it is not in the same directory as the current installation. When the tests a stream of text will be output to the terminal, however, this is normal. Both commands must complete without error and errors will stop the execution of either command. ####3. Clone and check out Simple-V riscv-isa-sim: This is a repository used by libre and contains an augmented version of the spike simulator . Do not clone these inside riscv-tools! > 1. Clone Simple-V riscv-isa-sim * git clone https://git.libre-riscv.org/git/riscv-isa-sim.git >2. Checkout the correct branch * cd riscv-isa-sim * git branch sv origin/sv * git checkout sv ####4. Compile and Install Simple-V riscv-isa-sim: In order for the spike libraries to use the Simple-V version of the simulator the cloned repository must be compiled and installed to the toolchain. >1. Navigate into the recently cloned riscv-isa-sim directory * cd riscv-isa-sim >2. Create a build directory inside riscv-isa-sim * cd riscv-isa-sim * mkdir build >3. Compile riscv-isa-sim * cd build * ../configure --prefix=$RISCV --with-fesvr=$RISCV * make >3. Install riscv-isa-sim * make install ####5. Clone Simple-V riscv-tests: This repository is used by libre and contains an augmented versions of the tests found in riscv-tools. Do not clone these inside riscv-tools! >1. Clone the Simple-V version of riscv-tests * git clone https://git.libre-riscv.org/git/riscv-tests.git >2. Checkout the correct branch * cd riscv-tests * git branch sv origin/sv * git checkout sv >3. Update internal repository * git submodule update --init --recursive ####6. Compile and Run Simple-V riscv-tests: These tests verify that everything was both generated and installed properly. >1. Navigate to riscv-tests/isa >2. Compile riscv-tests * make >3. Run riscv-tests * make run To run the sv unit tests (requires $RISCV to be set correctly i think, or at least riscv32/64-unknown-elf-gcc to be in the path) * $ cd riscv-tests * $ cd isa * $ make * $ make run To override the fact that spike loads libspike\_main.so and other dynamic libraries from /usr/local/lib (or other location in the path): $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd` $ ./spike pk ./a.out