# Installing Coriolis2 TODO: include tasyagle ## debootstrap First set up an schroot debootstrap jail with debian 10. These instructions are based on information taken from here: In advance, on the host system, edit /etc/fstab and add mount points: (edit: personally I prefer using mount --bind points. however if doing that then after a reboot the chroot will lose the bind mountpoints and the commands need to be re-run, without which the chroot is unusable) /dev /home/chroot/coriolis/dev none bind 0 0 /dev/pts /home/chroot/coriolis/dev/pts none bind 0 0 /proc /home/chroot/coriolis/proc none bind 0 0 /sys /home/chroot/coriolis/sys none bind 0 0 /tmp /home/chroot/coriolis/tmp none bind 0 0 Then run these commands: sudo bash apt-get install debootstrap schroot mkdir /opt/chroot/coriolis /usr/sbin/debootstrap buster !$ http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian mount /home/chroot/coriolis/dev mount /home/chroot/coriolis/dev/pts mount /home/chroot/coriolis/proc mount /home/chroot/coriolis/sys mount /home/chroot/coriolis/tmp echo "coriolis2" > /home/chroot/coriolis/etc/debian_chroot To do some preparation (users): chroot /home/chroot/coriolis2 /bin/bash adduser {yourpreferredusername} It is best to make the username the same as the first user that was added during the *main* (non-chroot) debian install, so that uid 1000 matches between both main and chroot. You can check this by looking at /etc/passwd as root, or by typing "id". lkcl@fizzy:~$ id uid=1000(lkcl) gid=1000(lkcl) groups=1000(lkcl),5(tty),.... Alternatively, /etc/passwd and /etc/group may be mount-bound as well as /home however if you later forget you did this and decide to delete the chroot, you will delete the entire /home of your main system, as well as /etc/passwd. You may wish to follow some of the other things such as configuring apt, locales and keyboard, from the above-linked debian-admin HOWTO. bootloader, kernel, ssh access, are unnecessary. Do run "apt clean" to clear out /var/cache/apt/archives in the chroot. ## schroot Create an schroot file section for the coriolis chroot by editing /etc/schroot/schroot.conf: [coriolis] description=Debian Buster for Coriolis directory=/home/chroot/coriolis groups=sbuild-security,lkcl,users Now as an *ordinary* user - not as root - you may type: lkcl@fizzy:~$ schroot -c coriolis and, due to the contents of /etc/debian\_chroot, and that you were in fact logged in as uid 1000 and did in fact add a user to the chroot as uid 1000, the prompt should become: (coriolis2)lkcl@fizzy:~$ If however you need to run as root, then from outside the chroot, as *root*, you run this: lkcl@fizzy:~# schroot -c coriolis and you will see this as a result: (coriolis2)lkcl@fizzy:~# ## coriolis2 These are nominally taken from however there are errors in the original at the moment. Do not try qt5, it will not work. In ~/.bash\_profile add the following so that builds (rebuilds) if you need them will be quicker, and you can run the GUI from the chroot: export PATH=/usr/lib/ccache:"$PATH" export DISPLAY=:0.0 Second (or at a new terminal / xterm), log in as root on the host (not the chroot) then do schroot -c coriolis to get to be root in the chroot (or, you can install sudo in the chroot and then do "sudo bash" in the chroot). Then run the following commands, as root, *in* the chroot: apt-get update apt-get install -y automake binutils-dev bison build-essential \ ccache clang cmake doxygen dvipng flex gcc git graphviz \ imagemagick libboost-all-dev libboost-python-dev libbz2-dev \ libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev libmotif-dev libreadline-dev \ libqwt-dev libtool libx11-dev libxaw7-dev libxml2-dev \ libxpm-dev libxt-dev python3.7 python3-jinja2 python3-pip \ python3-setuptools python-dev python-qt4 python-sphinx \ qt4-dev-tools rapidjson-dev tcl tcl-dev tcl-tclreadline \ texlive texlive-fonts-extra texlive-lang-french \ texlive-latex-extra texlive-pictures xfig yosys zlib1g-dev Then, as the ordinary (non-root) user in the schroot: mkdir -p ~/coriolis-2.x/src cd ~/coriolis-2.x/src git clone https://gitlab.lip6.fr/vlsi-eda/coriolis.git cd coriolis git checkout devel ./bootstrap/ccb.py --project=coriolis --make="-j$(nproc) install" To set up the coriolis2 environment, run this: eval `~/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/bootstrap/coriolisEnv.py` For convenience that may be placed in a file and "sourced", to avoid having to look this page up every time echo "`~/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/bootstrap/coriolisEnv.py`" > \ ~/coriolisenv source ~/coriolisenv ## Testing coriolis2 To run the graphical editor go to the bin directory cd ~/coriolis-2.x/Linux.MyARCH/Release.Shared/install/bin ./cgt Then run the following commands from the menubar Tutorials / Run Demo (Python Flavour) If the following window appears you have an error. [[!img chicken.png ]] click on the chicken several times If you have the following, congratulations: [[!img demo_cell.png ]] # Upgrading to latest yosys in the chroot yosys in debian may not be enough to work with nmigen, therefore it's probably a good idea to upgrade. As root, in the chroot, run the following: apt-get update apt-get build-dep yosys apt-get install clang apt-get remove yosys This will remove debian/buster yosys however getting the build dependencies is quick and easy enough. As the ordinary user, the following instructions can be followed () cd ~ git clone https://github.com/cliffordwolf/yosys.git cd yosys make config-clang make -j$(nproc) As root, run: make install ## Check out alliance Adapted from In the chroot, as the ordinary schroot user, in ~/.bash\_profile add the following so that builds (rebuilds, if you need them) will be quicker: export PATH=/usr/lib/ccache:"$PATH" In the chroot, as the ordinary schroot user: mkdir -p alliance/build alliance/install cd ~/alliance git clone https://gitlab.lip6.fr/vlsi-eda/alliance.git mv alliance/alliance/src alliance rm -rf alliance/alliance cd alliance/src ./autostuff cd ~/alliance/build export ALLIANCE_TOP=$HOME/alliance/install export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${ALLIANCE_TOP}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${ALLIANCE_TOP}/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} ../alliance/src/configure --prefix=$ALLIANCE_TOP --enable-alc-shared make -j1 install The three exports are best added to ~/.bash_profile for later convenience # Tutorials and checks Install alliance-check-toolkit in the chroot: * * See coriolis-2.x/Linux.x86_64/Release.Shared/install/share/doc/coriolis2/en/html/main/PythonTutorial/index.html Run the following (if not done already): source ~/coriolisenv Git clone alliance-check-toolkit: git clone https://gitlab.lip6.fr/vlsi-eda/alliance-check-toolkit.git You must create a configuration for your user in alliance-check-toolkit to define where the various tools are installed: touch alliance-check-toolkit/etc/mk/users.d/user-$USERNAME.mk cat <>alliance-check-toolkit/etc/mk/users.d/user-$USERNAME.mk export CORIOLIS_TOP=/home/$USERNAME/coriolis-2.x/Linux.x86_64/Release.Shared/install export ALLIANCE_TOP=/home/$USERNAME/alliance/install export CHECK_TOOLKIT=/home/$USERNAME/alliance-check-toolkit export YOSYS_TOP=/home/$USERNAME/yosys EOF You can try the ARM in alliance-check-toolkit: cd alliance-check-toolkit/benchs/ARM/cmos/ make lvx This should take about five minutes. It's symbolic, but should be a configuration compatible with 180nm. To actually see the results: make cgt Then: Select File -> Open Cell or press CTRL + o Enter as the cell name (without the single quotation marks): 'arm_chip_cts_r' As a very rough approximation, you can say that one lambda equals 180nm. It depends on the zoom level and of the fact that you ask to see the inside of the cells. To actually see the transistors: Tools -> Controller -> Filter Tab -> check "Process Terminal Cells" You can also tweak the layer display by selecting: Tools -> Controller -> Layers & Go You can quicly hide/show the Controller with: CTRL+I The up-to-date documentation is supplied directly in the Coriolis repository: coriolis/documentation/output/index.html The links toward the doxygen doc will be invalid a this point, but everything else works. After installation, it is put in: coriolis-2.x/Linux.x86_64/Release.Shared/install/share/doc/coriolis2/en/html/index.html ## More Information from Jean-Paul There is a WIP documentation website for Alliance/Coriolis at . There are also very cursory informations about installing Alliance here: https://www-soc.lip6.fr/en/team-cian/softwares/alliance/ You also have a third repository for various blocks/chip/examples here: https://gitlab.lip6.fr/jpc/alliance-check-toolkit (with a basic doc under "doc/"...) # Clone "soclayout" repository and place and route a layout experiment In order to do the physical layout of the logical netlists generated by yosys we use coriolis and alliace installed above by doing the following (using experiment9 as an example): $ cd ~/src $ git clone https://git.libre-soc.org/git/soclayout.git $ cd soclayout/ $ git submodule update --init --recursive $ find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/'lkcl'/'"$USER"'/g' {} \; $ ./mksym.sh $ cd experiments9 $ ./mksym.sh $ yosys yosys> read_ilang test_issuer.il yosys> heirarchy -check -top test_issuer yosys> synth -top test_issuer yosys> dfflibmap -liberty /home/USERNAME/alliance/install/cells/sxlib/sxlib.lib yosys> abc -liberty /home/USERNAME/alliance/install/cells/sxlib/sxlib.lib yosys> clean yosys> write_blif test_issuer.blif yosys> exit $ make pinmux $ make layout (will take between 20min and 2 hours depending on your hardware) $ make view A window should open with with contents that look like this (pretty isn't it?) [[!img 180nm_Oct2020/2020-07-03_11-04.png size="825x" ]] # Issues running from (e.g.) archlinux as host and debian as a chroot You may run into difficulties firing up GUI applications from the chroot. Try installing Xnest which you should do in the *host* system. Also remember to install a "basic" window manager (twm, fvwm2) On the *host*, run Xnest and a window manager: Xnest :1 -ac & twm -display :1 & Then, in the chroot, change DISPLAY environment variable (permanently in ~/.bash_profile if desired) export DISPLAY=:1.0 Then, in the chroot, follow the cgt instructions above, or use "make view" in any of the soclayout experiments or alliance-check-toolkit bench tests # Libre-SOC 180nm ASIC reproducible build Follow these instructions to build the ls180 GDS-II files * clone the dev-env-setup repository * run the coriolis2-chroot script as root * drop into the schroot * navigate to the soclayout/experiments9 directory * run the ./build_full_4k_sram.sh script * run "make view" to see the results. The FreePDK45 Chips4Makers FlexLib variant is slightly different, in that it builds GDS-II rather than Alliance Symbolic and so requires klayout to view the GDS-II. Luckily, we have a build script for klayout, also in dev-env-setup. Please check these scripts before running them. **This is your responsibility**. Also as explained in the [[HDL_workflow]] the standard OS for reproducible builds is debian/10. It is just about possible to use ubuntu to run the debootstrap chroot setup but it is not recommended. ``` ```