[[!template id=note text="""[!] *mepy: Working in progress* [!]""" ]] # A really quick intro to git ## How does working with git looks like * You download a directory with project files in it * Modify some files, add others * Upload your work so other can take advantage of it In git you do this by: * *Cloning* a repository (aka downloading stuff) * *Committing* your local changes (aka you "take note" of what you did. e.g. modified some files, added new files, deleted some files and so on) * *Pushing* your work online (aka uploading online) ## Cloning (optional) `cd ` + somewhere in your disk `git clone ` + repo url ## Making changes *// You know what to do* ## Committing `git add` + files you want to "take note" of. E.g. `git add test.png` will take note of the “test.png" file for when you will want to commit your work. (Committing your work is like saving in a videogame. When you are good with what you have done, you save the stage of the adventure). When committing you are required to add a comment to your "save file" (commit). Like ~~"I added the test.png file"~~. Ahah, I was kidding. Remember: > the git message is for WHY you did what you did. > > not what ACTION was done on what file. ## Pushing When you are done committing all your stuff, you want to share it with other. So you push on the remote repository (directory). So you just `git push`. ### Notes 1 Pay attention to: * what you modify in the repository * what files you add to your commit * when pushing, what are you actually pushing ### Notes 2 When doing `git commit` best thing to do is to add ` -m ""` Like this: `git commit -m "added test.png"`. If you omit the -m option, a text editor will appear to let you insert a commit message. Sometimes is useful to let git open the editor. e.g. for long comments or comments with quotes in it. If `vim` editor opens (you get stuck into something you do not know how to exit from), remember: * type `i` to "insert text". * when you are doing typing some text, press the esc key on the keyboard * if you want to save the comment/text, press `w` (means "write") * to quit, press `q` You are done. To quit without saving/writing: `q!` (e.g. you want to exit)