# Tutorial for setting up Microwatt chroot and running simulations Useful Links (External): * * * * [Verilator docs, commands](https://verilator.org/guide/latest/exe_verilator.html) * [Verilator runtime command documentation](https://verilator.org/guide/latest/exe_sim.html) * Tutorials for how to work with verilator: [part1](https://www.itsembedded.com/dhd/verilator_1/), [part2](https://www.itsembedded.com/dhd/verilator_2/) Useful links (Libre-SOC): * Libre-SOC page covering our workflow: [[HDL_workflow]] * Devscripts Libre-SOC page: [[devscripts]] * Original Microwatt Libre-SOC page: [[microwatt]] * [Libre-SOC Microwatt repo branch](https://git.libre-soc.org/?p=microwatt.git;a=tree;hb=refs/heads/verilator_trace) * [Libre-SOC devscripts repo](https://git.libre-soc.org/?p=dev-env-setup.git;a=tree) Other Tutorials (Libre-SOC): * First steps for working with PowerISA instructions Libre-SOC page: [[/docs/firststeps]] ## Video Tutorial [43min tutorial](https://youtu.be/02LCl3ang8g) was made and uploaded to Youtube, covering some of the material you'll find on this page. ## Development environment scripts If you haven't already, clone Libre-SOC's development environment setup scripts. These are bash scripts, and greatly simplify the time it takes to create a: - Stable environment - With all software and libraries at specific versions (which are known to work). These attributes are absolutely critical, and no support will be provided, unless you use these scripts to setup a development environment. This helps us fix any bugs in the scripts, and make sure everyone runs on the same page. $ git clone https://git.libre-soc.org/git/dev-env-setup.git Do *look through* the [code](https://git.libre-soc.org/?p=dev-env-setup.git;a=tree) before running any of those scripts. They may be confusing, however after reading a few you'll start to become more familiar with them. It is expected for you to use Debian, we mostly use 11 (Bullseye) for the host OS, while all the chroots run Debian 10 (Buster). ## Setting up chroot Scripts we will be using for the setup are: * `mk-deb-chroot`, `cp-scripts-to-chroot` for chroot setup * `install-hdl-apt-reqs`, `verilator-install`, `hdl-tools-yosys` for working with Microwatt (*Current limitation for `mk-deb-chroot`, is that you must be the first user on the host machine, having user ID 1000.*) Commands to run in terminal to setup a new chroot environment for microwatt simulations. $ cd dev-env-setup $ sudo bash # ./mk-deb-chroot microwatt # ./cp-scripts-to-chroot microwatt # exit $ schroot -c microwatt (microwatt):$ cd dev-env-setup (microwatt):$ sudo bash (microwatt):# ./install-hdl-apt-reqs (microwatt):# ./verilator-install (microwatt):# ./hdl-tools-yosys (microwatt):# exit (microwatt):$ cd ~/src/ (microwatt):$ git clone https://git.libre-soc.org/git/microwatt.git (microwatt):$ cd microwatt (microwatt):$ git checkout verilator_trace Make sure verilator binaries in $PATH: (microwatt):$ export PATH=/usr/local/verilator/bin:$PATH (microwatt):$ export GHDLSYNTH=ghdl (GHDLSYNTH needs to be redefined because the Makefile has default `ghdl.so`, but somewhere else '.so' gets appended. You may see the following error if you don't redefine: `ERROR: Can't load module ./ghdl.so':/usr/local/bin/../share/yosys/plugins/**ghdl.so.so**`) [IRC](https://libre-soc.org/irclog/%23libre-soc.2023-01-25.log.html#t2023-01-25T11:10:47) ## Compiling the verilator sim for Microwatt * [Libre-SOC Microwatt repo branch, Makefile](https://git.libre-soc.org/?p=microwatt.git;a=blob;f=Makefile;hb=refs/heads/verilator_trace) Verilator creates a fairly fast simulation by converting the HDL design to C++, and then compiling a binary which the user runs. To compile the verilator simulation, first set verilator as the target for the makefile: (microwatt):$ export FPGA_TARGET=verilator Before compiling, you can change the `THREADS` variable in the makefile, which will allow the compiled verilator simulation binary to use more than 1 thread (*make sure to check how many CPU threads you have before changing this!*) To compile the verilator simulation binary, call make with the `microwatt-verilator` rule. (microwatt):$ make microwatt-verilator ## Compiling hello world code We need some code to actually run on the core, so start with the 'hello world'. Instructions assume you're still in the microwatt directory. (microwatt):$ cd hello_world (microwatt):$ make A `hello_world.bin` should be generated (the final binary to be loaded), as well as an [.elf file](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executable_and_Linkable_Format), and .hex (representing the binary data as hex text strings). To view the symbol table (useful to see where various sections of the binary begin): (microwatt):$ powerpc64le-linux-gnu-objdump -h hello_world.elf (microwatt):$ powerpc64le-linux-gnu-objdump -x hello_world.elf `-h` shows just the section headers, `-x` shows all headers. And to view the disassembly (great for learning about the PowerISA instructions, and for associating the binary hex with actual instructions), you can view the automatically generated `hello_world.as` file. Command to generate the disassembly: (microwatt):$ powerpc64le-linux-gnu-objdump -D hello_world.elf For more information about `objdump` (common utility, not just for PowerISA), see the manual pages. (microwatt):$ man powerpc64le-linux-gnu-objdump The binary is ready to go, now it can be loaded into the simulation. ## Simulation ### Command line args To find out the `microwatt-verilator` arguments, you can check with `-h` arg: (microwatt):$ ./microwatt-verilator -h Some of the arguments are explained in further sections. ### Running Run the `microwatt-verilator` binary, with `hello_world/hello_world.bin` as an argument: (microwatt):$ time ./microwatt-verilator hello_world/hello_world.bin `time` is a utility you can use to measure how long it takes to run the sim. A pretty ASCII art of a lightbulb should be printed, and then the user can type any characters, which will be echoed back. To end the simulation press Ctrl+C. If no characters are appearing after about 20 seconds, stop the simulation, as there might be other issues. Single-threaded verilator sim binary, on a 2nd gen intel i5 (sandybridge) takes 53 seconds to print the ASCII lightbulb. On another dev's machine, ASUS KGPE D16, this takes just over a minute. (*You'll find that uart printout is one of the longer parts of the simulation in general.*) ## Analysing results after simulation The following files will be generated during the sim: - `bram.dump` - Shows the PC address and instruction being executed. If the sim hangs without any printing, view this file, as the processor may have hit an exception etc. Grows in size as the sim runs. - `bram.snapshot.[NUMBER]`, `verilator.save.[NUMBER]` - Snapshot files of the contents of bram and verilator model respectively. Can be used to resume the simulation. The number on the end corresponds to the tick time (i.e. `bram.snapshot.1999990`/`verilator.save.1999990`). First the verilator model is loaded, and then the bram contents are loaded. See lines `#65-108` and `#189-195` of the [microwatt-verilator.cpp file](https://git.libre-soc.org/?p=microwatt.git;a=blob;f=verilator/microwatt-verilator.cpp;h=a226393f6ba74d5e3e1ffdb729d731d2311d53ad;hb=refs/heads/verilator_trace). Pass the tick number on the end of the filename with the '-s' flag: (microwatt):$ ./microwatt-verilator hello_world/hello_world.bin -s 1999990 You'll get a message like this: loading hello_world/hello_world.bin at 0x0 size 0x1888 loading bram.snapshot.1999990 at 0x0 size 0x10000000 restored at 1999990 These snapshots are generated at intervals of every 2,000,000 ticks. - `microwatt-verilator.vcd` - GTKWave waveform file, allowing you to look at processor signals and transitions during simulation. Pass `-d` flag to `microwatt-verilator` binary: (microwatt):$ ./microwatt-verilator hello_world/hello_world.bin -d **NOTE**: Trace dumping will generate a large VCD file (about 6GB for the hello world example)! If you want GTKWave to load it faster, convert to fst first: (microwatt):$ vcd2fst --vcdname=microwatt-verilator.vcd --fstname=microwatt-verilator.fst (microwatt):$ gtkwave microwatt-verilator.fst Fst files are orders-of-magnitude smaller (about 20MB vs 6GB), but are specific to the GTKWave tool. ## Micropython The Microwatt repo comes with a pre-compiled [micropython binary](https://git.libre-soc.org/?p=microwatt.git;a=tree;f=micropython;h=18fa078c8145bdaa75667a0ab04eb0b261245665;hb=refs/heads/verilator_trace) (version 1.12), which you can try out after confirming 'hello world' works. Bear in mind, not all features of python will be available. Such as floating-point numbers. For micropython to work, you'll need to increase the RAM size in the makefile. Go to the microwatt-verilator makefile, and comment out the following lines: MEMORY_SIZE=8192 RAM_INIT_FILE=hello_world/hello_world.hex And uncomment the following: MEMORY_SIZE=393216 RAM_INIT_FILE=micropython/firmware.hex This will increase the RAM size from 8KiB to 384KiB. The `RAM_INIT_FILE` in these examples isn't doing anything, however good practice to follow. Clean up generated files, and recompile: (microwatt):$ make clean (microwatt):$ make microwatt-verilator Once the binary has been built, run the same way as before, but point to the micropython firmware binary: (microwatt):$ microwatt-verilator micropython/firmware.bin On the same system as above, with 1 thread, it took 49 seconds to get to the micropython shell. ## Verilator runtime commands A few examples: # Show the version of verilator being used (microwatt):$ ./microwatt-verilator +verilator+version ## Building `microwatt-verilator` using the Libre-SOC core In the Makefile, you need to set `EXTERNAL_CORE` to true, and copy the generated core from soc repo to microwatt. *(If you use a separate chroot to generate Libre-SOC cores, then you'll need to copy from that chroot to microwatt chroot from host.* cd /path/to/soc make microwatt_external_core cp external_core_top.v /path/to/microwatt Then compile verilator sim binary as before: cd ~/src/microwatt/ export FPGA_TARGET=verilator export GHDLSYNTH=ghdl make microwatt-verilator ## Running Linux kernel To run Linux on Microwatt, you'll need two binaries: - The `sdram_init.bin`, which is easy to compile (no additional software required). - The `dtbImage.microwatt` device tree Linux kernel. This can be compiled (see below), or a copy can be downloaded from: . Like with the micropython example, you'll need to increase the RAM size in the makefile, and recompile the microwatt-verilator binary. Uncomment the following: MEMORY_SIZE=536870912 Which will change the RAM size to 512KiB. As there is no `dtbImage.microwatt.hex`, you can leave `RAM_INIT_FILE` unchanged. ### Building the kernel - TODO: *(Please don't build the kernel yourself, until you've tested with the existing kernel linked above!)* On a POWER9 there is no need to install gcc-powerpc64le-linux-gnu, you can omit CROSS_COMPILE and ARCH in this case apt install gcc-powerpc64le-linux-gnu apt install flex bison lz4 git clone -b microwatt-5.7 https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/joel/microwatt.git cd microwatt wget https://ftp.libre-soc.org/microwatt-linux-5.7.patch patch -p1 < microwatt-linux-5.7.patch wget https://ftp.libre-soc.org/rootfs.cpio CROSS_COMPILE="ccache powerpc64le-linux-gnu-" ARCH=powerpc make -j8 O=microwatt microwatt_defconfig CROSS_COMPILE="ccache powerpc64le-linux-gnu-" ARCH=powerpc make -j8 O=microwatt This will produce a file microwatt/arch/powerpc/boot/dtbImage.microwatt ### Building `sdram_init.bin` This needs gcc-powerpc64le-linux-gnu (already included in the setup step) if cross compilation is used. It is assumed you're already in `~/src/microwatt/` directory. (microwatt):$ cd litedram/gen-src/sdram_init/ (microwatt):$ make The resulting binary will be in the `obj/` directory. ### Running the simulation Make sure to return back to `src/microwatt/`. (microwatt):$ cd ~/src/microwatt/ (microwatt):$ cp microwatt/arch/powerpc/boot/dtbImage.microwatt (microwatt):$ ./microwatt-verilator sdram_init.bin dtbImage.microwatt This will take some time... ### Sysconn information TODO WIP integrate from Sysconn is a module which includes information about the SoC, and the info is printed at the start of the simulation. ### Time benchmarks `microwatt-verilator` was compiled with 3 threads for faster simulation. - Time to finish printing Sysconn info: about 1min - Time to allocate bytes to kernel: ? - Time to login prompt: about 1 hour - Time to user shell: ? ### TODO: buildroot * https://github.com/shenki/buildroot/commits/microwatt * https://codeconstruct.com.au/docs/microwatt-orangecrab/ ## FPGA Development - TODO: Need checking ### Building the bitstring for OrangeCrab cd microwatt export FPGA_TARGET=ORANGE-CRAB export GHDLSYNTH=ghdl make microwatt.bit ### flashing the bitstring to the OrangeCrab make prog # this will run OpenOCD ### Notes for ulx3s notes for how to compile for ulx3s git clone https://github.com/kost/fujprog (follow build procedure shown in fujprog README) git clone https://git.libre-soc.org/git/microwatt.git git checkout -b verilator_trace export FPGA_TARGET=ulx3s make microwatt.svf fujprog microwatt.svf ### Notes for nextpnr-xilinx superceded: see page [[nextpnr-xilinx]] and devscript for compiling nextpnr-xilinx and making it useable for nmigen to compile for the digilent arty-a7-100t, requires a little futzing around, using the symbiflow version of prjxray-db instead of the one recommended as a submodule git clone https://github.com/gatecat/nextpnr-xilinx cd nextpnr-xilinx git checkout cd8b15db6ff5c1a7f10a9e git submodule init git submodule update cd xilinx/external mv prjxray-db prjxray-db-no git clone https://github.com/SymbiFlow/prjxray-db cd prjxray-db git checkout 0a0addedd73e7 cp ./artix7/xc7a100t/*.json \ ./artix7/xc7a100tcsg324-1 cd ../../.. cmake -DARCH=xilinx . make make install python3 xilinx/python/bbaexport.py --device xc7a100tcsg324-1 --bba xilinx/xc7a100t.bba ./bbasm --l xilinx/xc7a100t.bba xilinx/xc7a100t.bin mkdir -p /usr/share/nextpnr/xilinx-chipdb cp xilinx/*.bin /usr/share/nextpnr/xilinx-chipdb cp -aux xilinx/external/prjxray-db /usr/share/nextpnr # Additional Useful Info for UART <-> USB Serial Interface Through OrangeCrab's Built-in USB Interface This uses OrangeCrab's built-in USB interface, rather than needing a separate USB-serial adapter. see the following for further details: * * # running orangecrab-examples before flashing microwatt See If the OrangeCrab is running in DFU mode, lsusb will show: 1209:5af0 Generic OrangeCrab r0.2 DFU Bootloader v3.1-6-g62e92e2 OrangeCrab has two DFU devices: Found DFU: [1209:5af0] ver=0101, devnum=22, cfg=1, intf=0, path="1-4.2", alt=1, name="0x00100000 RISC-V Firmware", serial="UNKNOWN" Found DFU: [1209:5af0] ver=0101, devnum=22, cfg=1, intf=0, path="1-4.2", alt=0, name="0x00080000 Bitstream", serial="UNKNOWN" Then clone and patch orangecrab-examples: git clone https://github.com/orangecrab-fpga/orangecrab-examples patch -p1 < orangecrab-examples.diff To build and flash the example: pushd orangecrab-examples/nmigen python3 blink.py popd sudo dfu-util -D orangecrab-examples/nmigen/build/top.bit -a 0