__ _ __ _ __ / / (_) /____ | |/_/ / /__/ / __/ -_)> < /____/_/\__/\__/_/|_| Migen inside Build your hardware, easily! Copyright 2012-2015 Enjoy-Digital [> Intro --------- LiteX is an alternative to MiSoC maintained and used by Enjoy-Digital to build our cores, integrate them in complete SoC and load/flash them to the hardware. The structure of LiteX is kept close to MiSoC to ease collaboration between projects and efforts are made to keep cores developed with LiteX compatible with MiSoC (user will only need to import new modules introduced by LiteX). LiteX is based on Migen. [> License ----------- LiteX is Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Enjoy-Digital under BSD Lisense. Since it is based on MiSoC, please also refer to LICENSE file in soc directory or git history to get correct copyrights. [> Sub-packages ---------------- gen: Provides specific or experimentatl modules to generate HDL that are not integrated in Migen. build: Provides tools to build FPGA bitstreams (interface to vendor toolchains) and to simulate HDL code or full SoCs. soc: Provides definitions/modules to build cores (bus, bank, flow), cores and tools to build a SoC from such cores. boards: Provides platforms and targets for the supported boards. [> Quick start guide -------------------- 0. If cloned from Git without the --recursive option, get the submodules: git submodule update --init 1. Install Python 3.3+, Migen and FPGA vendor's development tools and JTAG tools. Get Migen from: https://github.com/m-labs/migen 2. Compile and install binutils. Take the latest version from GNU. mkdir build && cd build ../configure --target=lm32-elf make make install 3. (Optional, only if you want to use a lm32 CPU in you SoC) Compile and install GCC. Take gcc-core and gcc-g++ from GNU (version 4.5 or >=4.9). rm -rf libstdc++-v3 mkdir build && cd build ../configure --target=lm32-elf --enable-languages="c,c++" --disable-libgcc \ --disable-libssp make make install 4. Build the target of your board...: Go to boards/targets and execute the target you want to build 5. ... and/or install Verilator and test LiteX on your computer: Download and install Verilator: http://www.veripool.org/ Go to boards/targets ./sim.py 6. Run a terminal program on the board's serial port at 115200 8-N-1. You should get the BIOS prompt. [> Contact E-mail: florent [AT] enjoy-digital.fr