# Three slides then shut up * Who we are: The founding team’s résumé, its technical, business, and academic background. * A nice, sharp dichotomy: The world before us, the world after us. Show a substantial, practical impact, not just a marginal improvement of something that’s already in place. The more impossible or unthinkable the better — it will become retroactively obvious once understood. The mouse is a good example. * The Money Pump. Your business plan. I like the Money Pump image, the pipes that allow the cash that’s temporarily residing in customers’ pockets to flow into the company’s coffers — legally, willingly, and repeatedly. # 7 slides Who we are. Same as before. 2. How we’ll change the world. Ditto. 3. Our market. This one’s new, and here we hit a double bind… Our Competition. Another new one. Don’t tell us you have no competition 5. What you own. This can be your IP (patents, trade secrets) or your exclusive access to Unobtainium suppliers… but we don’t place too much stock in any of that. 6. The Money Pump. No change from the three-slide deck. 7. The Overview. This is another Fortune Teller chart. Over a series of three-month increments, it de