# Cole Poirier Apprentice and assistant Project coordinator for Libre-SOC * [Bugtracker assignments](https://bugs.libre-soc.org/buglist.cgi?email1=colepoirier%40gmail.com&emailassigned_to1=1&emailcc1=1&emailtype1=substring&resolution=---) # Status tracking move things along from one stage to the next ## Currently working on - Recruiting more engineers to the project - First round of recruitment attempts - Create wiki page for recruitment emails to point to - bpermd tutorial - Create bug report for each diagram to be converted to SVG - Contact 'BlackParrot' RV64GC Multicore SoC devs - Convert comp_unit_req_rel diagram to SVG ## List of things that need more fleshed out bug reports: - Scoreboard documentation - - LDST documentation - ## Completed but not yet submitted - Convert 180nm Test ASIC Mem Layout diagram to SVG - Coriolis2 documentation and setup scripts - - - - - - TRAP pipeline discussion - ## Submitted for NLNet RFP submitted but not confirmed paid: ### Project 2019-02-012 Date {TEMPLATE INSERT DATE} ## Paid