# 2020 Jun FSic2020 Eth Zurich, Switzerland # 2020 Jun OpenPOWER Summit North America. 25 and 26 June we'll be in lovely Austin, TX, the same week and venue as the Linux Foundation's Open Source Summit. # To keep an eye on: * - submission deadline is around November # XDC 2020 * * [[conferences/xdc2020]] * # OpenPOWER 2020 * * * * # SFSCON 2020, italy * - Roberto PPC64 Notebook * * [[conferences/sfscon2020]] # FOSDEM 2021 OpenPOWER * [[conferences/fosdem2021]] # LinuxConf 2021 * # Europython 2021 march for CfP Jul 28 - 30 2021 * # 3mdeb beer event * # ICS2021 14 June 2021 [[conferences/ics2021]] # FSIC2021 * # NGI Forum 2021 18 may 2021 [[conferences/ngiforum2021]] # 3mdeb beer event v2 * , 7th May at 3PM UTC * # PADSEC PADSEC: https://hopin.com/events/padsec. We would be glad to continue discussion after and in parallel to PADSEC. There are also other intersting events incoming that we would like to recommend: 1. Xen Developer and Design Summit 2021: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/xen-summit/ 2. Linux Plumbers Conference where we plan to co-organize Systems Boot and Security Microconference: https://www.linuxplumbersconf.org/ 3. OpenPOWER Summit: 11 Nov 2021, website TBA 4. Open Source Firmware Conference: date TBA https://osfc.io/ Thank you for spending time with us! # Europython 2021 [[conferences/ep2021]] https://blog.europython.eu/europython-2021-call-for-proposals-open-cfp/ Submitted # ISAConf 2021 (missed it, doh) * # Matt Venn Open ASIC Survey [[conferences/mattvennidea2021]] # XDC2021 * # Debconf 2021 * # CINECA workshop * [[conferences/cineca2021]] * June 30th 7.30 am EST to 10.30 am EST * # IEEE SOC 2021 * # OSS2021 *