#!/bin/bash # set -e commit=3c5d3319120b cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." if ! [ -e src/parser/cvc/Cvc.g ]; then echo "$(basename $0): I expect to be in the contrib/ of a CVC4 source tree," >&2 echo "but apparently:" >&2 echo >&2 echo " $(pwd)" >&2 echo >&2 echo "is not a CVC4 source tree ?!" >&2 exit 1 fi function webget { if which wget &>/dev/null; then wget -c -O "$2" "$1" elif which curl &>/dev/null; then curl "$1" >"$2" else echo "Can't figure out how to download from web. Please install wget or curl." >&2 exit 1 fi } if [ -z "${MACHINE_TYPE}" ]; then # get first nibble from config.guess (x86_64, i686, ...) MACHINE_TYPE=`config/config.guess | sed 's,-.*,,'` fi mkdir -p abc cd abc webget https://bitbucket.org/alanmi/abc/get/$commit.tar.gz abc-$commit.tar.gz gunzip -f abc-$commit.tar.gz tar xfv abc-$commit.tar cd alanmi-abc-$commit cp src/base/main/main.c src/base/main/main.c.orig sed 's,^// *#define ABC_LIB *$,#define ABC_LIB,' src/base/main/main.c.orig > src/base/main/main.c # Build optimized, without readline, without pthreads. # These aren't necessary for our usage and we don't want the dependencies. make libabc.a OPTFLAGS=-O READLINE=0 PTHREADS=0 mv libabc.a libabc-static.a make clean make libabc.a OPTFLAGS='-O -fPIC' READLINE=0 PTHREADS=0 echo echo ===================== Now configure CVC4 with ===================== echo ./configure --with-abc --with-abc-dir=`pwd`