# Pinmux, IO Pads, and JTAG Boundary scan Links: * * * * * Managing IO on an ASIC is nowhere near as simple as on an FPGA. An FPGA has built-in IO Pads, the wires terminate inside an existing silicon block which has been tested for you. In an ASIC, you are going to have to do everything yourself. In an ASIC, a bi-directional IO Pad requires three wires (in, out, out-enable) to be routed right the way from the ASIC, all the way to the IO PAD, where only then does a wire bond connect it to a single pin. [[!img CH02-44.gif]] Designing an ASIC, there is no guarantee that the IO pad is working when manufactured. Worse, the peripheral could be faulty. How can you tell what the cause is? There are two possible faults, but only one symptom ("it dunt wurk"). This problem is what JTAG Boundary Scan is designed to solve. JTAG can be operated from an external digital clock, at very low frequencies (5 khz is perfectly acceptable) so there is very little risk of clock skew during that testing. Additionally, an SoC is designed to be low cost, to use low cost packaging. ASICs are typically only 32 to 128 pins QFP in the Embedded Controller range, and between 300 to 650 FBGA in the Tablet / Smartphone range, absolute maximum of 19 mm on a side. 2 to 3 in square 1,000 pin packages common to Intel desktop processors are absolutely out of the question. (*With each pin wire bond smashing into the ASIC using purely heat of impact to melt the wire, cracks in the die can occur. The more times the bonding equipment smashes into the die, the higher the chances of irreversible damage, hence why larger pin packaged ASICs are much more expensive: not because of their manufacturing cost but because far more of them fail due to having been literally hit with a hammer many more times*) Yet, the expectation from the market is to be able to fit 1,000+ pins worth of peripherals into only 200 to 400 worth of actual IO Pads. The solution here: a GPIO Pinmux, described in some detail here This page goes over the details and issues involved in creating an ASIC that combines **both** JTAG Boundary Scan **and** GPIO Muxing, down to layout considerations using coriolis2. # JTAG Boundary Scan JTAG Scanning is a (paywalled) IEEE Standard: 1149.1 which with a little searching can be found online. Its purpose is to allow a well-defined method of testing ASIC IO pads that a Foundry or ASIC test house may apply easily with off-the-shelf equipment. Scan chaining can also connect multiple ASICs together so that the same test can be run on a large batch of ASICs at the same time. IO Pads generslly come in four primary different types: * Input * Output * Output with Tristate (enable) * Bi-directional Tristate Input/Output with direction enable Interestingly these can all be synthesised from one Bi-directional Tristate IO Pad. Other types such as Differential Pair Transmit may also be constructed from an inverter and a pair of IO Pads. Other more advanced features include pull-up and pull-down resistors, Schmidt triggering for interrupts, different drive strengths, and so on, but the basics are that the Pad is either an input, or an output, or both. The JTAG Boundary Scan therefore needs to know what type each pad is (In/Out/Bi) and has to "insert" itself in between *all* the Pad's wires, which may be just an input, or just an output, and, if bi-directional, an "output enable" line. The "insertion" (or, "Tap") into those wires requires a pair of Muxes for each wire. Under normal operation the Muxes bypass JTAG entirely: the IO Pad is connected, through the two Muxes, directly to the Core (a hardware term for a "peripheral", in Software terminology). When JTAG Scan is enabled, then for every pin that is "tapped into", the Muxes flip such that: * The IO Pad is connected directly to latches controlled by the JTAG Shift Register * The Core (peripheral) likewise but to *different bits* from those that the Pad is connected to In this way, not only can JTAG control or read the IO Pad, but it can also read or control the Core (peripheral). This is its entire purpose: interception to allow for the detection and triaging of faults. * Software may be uploaded and run which sets a bit on one of the peripheral outputs (UART Tx for example). If the UART TX IO Pad was faulty, no possibility existd without Boundary Scan to determine if the peripheral was at fault. With the UART TX pin function being redirected to a JTAG Shift Register, the results of the software setting UART Tx may be detected by checking the appropriate Shift Register bit. * Likewise, a voltage may be applied to the UART RX Pad, and the corresponding SR bit checked to see if the pad is working. If the UART Rx peripheral was faulty this would not be possible. ## Clock synchronisation Take for example USB ULPI: Here there is an external incoming clock, generated by the PHY, to which both Received *and Transmitted* data and control is synchronised. Notice very specifically that it is *not the main processor* generating that clock Signal, but the external peripheral (known as a PHY in Hardware terminology) Firstly: note that the Clock will, obviously, also need to be routed through JTAG Boundary Scan, because, after all, it is being received through just another ordinary IO Pad, after all. Secondly: note thst if it didn't, then clock skew would occur for that peripheral because although the Data Wires went through JTAG Boundary Scan MUXes, the clock did not. Clearly this would be a problem. However, clocks are very special signals: they have to be distributed evenly to all and any Latches (DFFs) inside the peripheral so that data corruption does not occur because of tiny delays. To avoid that scenario, Clock Domain Crossing (CDC) is used, with Asynchronous FIFOs: rx_fifo = stream.AsyncFIFO([("data", 8)], self.rx_depth, w_domain="ulpi", r_domain="sync") tx_fifo = stream.AsyncFIFO([("data", 8)], self.tx_depth, w_domain="sync", r_domain="ulpi") m.submodules.rx_fifo = rx_fifo m.submodules.tx_fifo = tx_fifo However the entire FIFO must be covered by two Clock H-Trees: one by the ULPI external clock, and the other the main system clock. The size of the ULPI clock H-Tree, and consequently the size of the PHY on-chip, will result in more Clock Tree Buffers being inserted into the chain, and, correspondingly, matching buffers on the ULPI data input side likewise must be inserted so that the input data timing precisely matches that of its clock. The problem is not receiving of data, though: it is transmission on the output ULPI side. With the ULPI Clock Tree having buffers inserted, each buffer creates delay. The ULPI output FIFO has to correspondingly be synchronised not to the original incoming clock but to that clock *after going through H Tree Buffers*. Therefore, there will be a lag on the output data compared to the incoming (external) clock # GPIO Muxing [[!img gpio_block.png]] # Core/Pad Connection + JTAG Mux Diagram constructed from the nmigen plat.py file. [[!img i_o_io_tristate_jtag.JPG]] # Resources, Platforms and Pins When creating nmigen HDL as Modules, they typically know nothing about FPGA Boards or ASICs. They especially do not know anything about the Peripheral ICs (UART, I2C, USB, SPI, PCIe) connected to a given FPGA on a given PCB, and they should not have to. Through the Resources, Platforms and Pins API, a level of abstraction between peripherals, boards and HDL designs is provided. Peripherals may be given `(nane, number)` tuples, the HDL design may "request" a peripheral, which is described in terms of Resources, managed by a ResourceManager, and a Platform may provide that peripheral. The Platform is given the resposibility to wire up the Pins to the correct FPGA (or ASIC) IO Pads, and it is the HDL design's responsibility to connect up those same named Pins, on the other side, to the implementation of the PHY/Controller, in the HDL. Here is a function that defines a UART Resource: #!/usr/bin/env python3 from nmigen.build.dsl import Resource, Subsignal, Pins def UARTResource(*args, rx, tx): io = [] io.append(Subsignal("rx", Pins(rx, dir="i", assert_width=1))) io.append(Subsignal("tx", Pins(tx, dir="o", assert_width=1))) return Resource.family(*args, default_name="uart", ios=io) It would typically be part of a larger function that defines, for either an FPGA or an ASIC, a full array of IO Connections: def create_resources(pinset): resources = [] resources.append(UARTResource('uart', 0, tx='tx', rx='rx')) # add clock and reset clk = Resource("clk", 0, Pins("sys_clk", dir="i")) rst = Resource("rst", 0, Pins("sys_rst", dir="i")) resources.append(clk) resources.append(rst) return resources For an FPGA, the Pins names are typically the Ball Grid Array Pad or Pin name: A12, or N20. ASICs can do likewise: it is for convenience when referring to schematics, to use the most recogniseable well-known name. Next, these Resources need to be handed to a ResourceManager or a Platform (Platform derives from ResourceManager) from nmigen.build.plat import TemplatedPlatform class ASICPlatform(TemplatedPlatform): def __init__(self, resources): super().__init__() self.add_resources(resources) An HDL Module may now be created, which, if given a platform instance during elaboration, may request a UART (caveat below):