Welcome to Libre-SOC
We're building a chip. A fast chip. A safe chip. A trusted chip.
A chip with lots of peripherals. And it's a VPU. And it's a 3D GPU...
Oh and here, have the
Libre-SOC source code...
Why should I care?
With Libre-SOC, you can take complex algorithms usually intended for
power hungry servers with big fat GPUs, and run them on tiny devices
like smartwatches, cellphones, and pocket drones without changing your
code at all.
Hasn't Somebody Already Done This?
To the best of our knowledge, no. The closest systems would be ARM Cortex
devices which currently offer mediocre GPU and OpenCL support. Often
times, it is quite difficult for customers to get their hands on the
drivers and install them due to their locked down nature. Libre-SOC is
providing our own Free/Libre drivers. Easy as 1, 2, 3!
Does Open Hardware Really Work?
A few names come to mind:
Learn more
# Our Team
We are proud of our talented and diverse [team](about_us)
located all across the world: UK US Canada Germany Greece India
# Our sponsors and partners
* [NLnet](https://nlnet.nl) who have very kindly sponsored us with
over EUR 550,000 in various separate grants.
* [NGI POINTER](https://www.ngi.eu/ngi-projects/ngi-pointer/) who have
sponsored us with a EUR 200,000 Horizon 2020 Grant.
* [Mythic Beasts](http://mythic-beasts.com) who don't overcommit on
their VPS allocations (no memory ballooning), and put servers on
the fastest backbone Internet points.
* [Purism](http://puri.sm) donates to us through [NLNet](nlnet)
charitable gifting
* [Raptor CS](http://raptorcs.com) has given us access to a powerful
18-core 128 GB RAM TALOS II workstation, online.
* [Raptor Engineering](https://raptorengineering.com) is providing
additional assistance including access to an [[shakti/m_class/LPC]]
interface (more to come)
* [MarketNext](http://marketnext.org) is helping us connect to developer
resources in Emerging markets, for completion of NLNet-funded tasks.
* The [[PowerPC Notebook]] Project
* [RED Semiconductor](http://redsemiconductor.com) is the commercial realisation of Libre-SOC technology that respects and actively supports Libre principles in its business objectives.
* [[fed4fire]] for supercomputer access for verilator simulations,
with thanks to Ghent University / IMEC.
# How Can I Help?
If you would like to fund us, see [[funding]]. We currently have some
funding and always appreciate more! If you are a Corporation or an
individual you can donate tax-free to NLNet, and they can in turn gift
our developers. Contact lkcl@lkcl.net for more information.
# How Can I Help as a Developer?