2020-12-13 * 532: Questioned some bullets under 16-imm opcodes. Implemented condition register and system opcodes, 16-imm opcodes, extended load and store to cover 16-imm modes, condition bit expression parsing and finally bc 16-imm and bclr 10- and 16-bit opcodes. Tested a bit by visual inspection, introduced logic to backtrack into 32-bit and count such pairs as 10-bit nop + 16-imm insn, followed by 32-bit. Fixed size estimation: count[2] was still counted as 16+16-imm, rather than a single 16-imm. (5:30) 2020-12-06 * 532: Adjusted the logic in comp16-v1-skel.py for 16-bit 16-imm rather than the 16+16 I'd invented. Implemented the most relevant opcodes for 10-bit, and many of the 16-bit ones too. Not yet implemented are conditional branches, Immediate, CR and System opcodes. With all of nop, unconditional branch, ld/st, arithmetic, logical and floating-point, we get less than 3% compression in GCC, with not-entirely-unreasonable reg subsets. It's not looking good. (8:27) 2020-12-02 * Microwatts meeting. * 238: Added some thoghts on bl and blr, and implications about modes. Also detailed my worries about how to preserve dynamic state, specifically switch-back-to-compressed-after-insn, across interrupts. (1:44) 2020-11-30 * 238: Settled the N-without-M issue, it was likely an error in the tables. Raised an inconsistency in decoder pseudocode's reversal of M and N. Returned to the uncertainty and need for specifying how to handle conflicts between standard-then-compressed followed by 10-bit with M=0. Raised issue of missing documentation that branch targets are always uncompressed, not just 32-bit aligned. Raised issue of the purpose of M and N bits, particularly in unconditional branches. Explained why I believe phase 1 decoder hsa to look at Cmaj.m bits to tell whether or not N is there, brought crnand and crand encodings as example, and asked whether crand with M=0 should switch to 32-bit mode for only one insn, because the bit that usually holds N=1, or permanently, because there's no N field in the applicable encoding. (2:33) * 238: Detailed the motivations for my proposal of bit-shuffling in the 16-bit encoding, to reduce wires and selections in the realigning muxer. Restated my question on N without M as I can't relate the answer with the question, it appears to have been misunderstood. Further expanded on the advantages of moving the Cmaj.m and M bits as suggested, even going as far as enabling an extended compressed opcode reusing the bit that signals a match for a 10-bit insn in uncompressed mode. (3:29) 2020-11-29 * 238: Noted some apparent contradictions in the rejection of extended 16-bit insns in the face of 16+16-bit insns. Luke hit me with clarification that there's no such thing as a 16+16-bit insn in compressed mode, and I could see how I'd totally made it up by myself by reviewing the proposal. Hit and asked other questions: what's the N for when there's no M, and what are the SV prefixes mentioned there, now that I no longer assume them to be something like extend-next. Then I recorded some thoughts on minimizing the bits the muxer has to look into by making the bits that encode N, Cmaj.m and M onto the same bits that, in traditional mode, encode the primary opcode. Finally, I was hit by the realization that, if we change the perspective from "uncompressed insns used to be 32-bit only" to "uncompressed can be 32- or 16-bit depending on the opcode", on account of the 10-bit insns, the need for taking the opcode into account to tell whether we're looking at a 16- or 32-bit insn, so why is it ok there, but not ok in compressed mode? Finally, I propose an encoding scheme that encodes lengths of subsequent insns in an early insn, achieving more coverage for 16-bit insns, better limit compression, far more flexible mode switching, enabling savings at far more sparse settings, and without eating up a pair of primary opcodes: the 32-bit mode-switching insn could even be an extended opcode, though it would probably not have as many pre-length encoding bits then. It would fit an entire 16-bit insn, which could do useful work, or queue up further pre-length bits, that correspond to static upcoming insns and tell whether to decode them as 32-bit or as (pairs of?) 16-bit ones. Compared max ratio, representation overhead, and break-even density. Shared some more thoughts on 48- and 64-bit insns. (7:39) * 532: Got a little confused about some encodings; it's not clear whether the N and M bits in 16-bit instructions have uniform interpretation, or whether some proposed opcodes are repurposing them. I'm surprised with such short immediate operands in the immediate instructions, if they don't get a 16-bit extension, or otherwise with the apparent requirement for an extended 16-bit immediate for something as simple as an mr encoded as addi. Asked for clarification. Not sure about how to proceed before I get it; the logic of the estimator would be too significantly impacted. (2:48) 2020-11-28 * 532: Figured out and implemented the logic to infer mode switching for best compression under attempt 1 proposed encoding, namely with 10-bit insns, 16-bit insns, 16+16-bit insns, and 32-bit insns. 10-bit insns appear in uncompressed mode, and can be followed by insns in either mode; 16-bit ones appear in compressed mode, and can remain in compressed mode, or switch to uncomprssed mode for 1 insn or for good; 16+16-bit ones appear in compressed mode, and cannot switch modes; 32-bit ones appear only in uncompressed mode, or in the single-insn slot after a 16-bit that requests it. If we find a 16-bit insn while we're in uncompressed mode, use a 10-bit nop to tentatively switch. Insns that can be encoded in 10-bits, but appear in compressed mode, had better be encoded in 16-bits, for that offers further subsequent encoding options, without downsides for size estimation. Insns that can be encoded as 16+16-bit decay to 32-bit if in uncompressed mode, or if, after a sequence thereof, a later insn forces a switch to 32-bit mode without an intervening switching insn. Still missing: the code to select what insns can be encoded in what modes. (6:42) * 532: Implemented a skeleton for compression ratio estimation, initially with the simpler mode switching of the 8-bit nop, odd-address 16-bit insns. Next, rewrite it for all the complexity of mode switching envisioned for the "attempt 1" proposal. (2:02) 2020-11-23 * 238: Debating various possibilities of 16-bit encoding. (5:20) * 532: Wrote a histogram python script, that breaks counts down per opcode, and within them, by operands. (2:05) 2020-11-22 * 529: Brought up the possibilities of using 8-bit nops to switch between modes, so that 16-bit insns would be at odd addresses, so that we could use the full 16-bits; of using 2-operand insns instead of 3- for 16-bit mode so as to increase the coverage of the compact encoding. * 238: Luke moved the comment above here, where it belonged. * 529: Elaborated how using actual odd-addresses for 16-bit insns would be dealt with WRT endianness. Prompted by luke, added it to the wiki. * Wiki: Added self to team. (11:50) 2020-11-21 * 532: Wrote patch for binutils to print insn histogram. * Mission: Restated the proposal of adding "and users" to the mission statement, next to customers, as those we wish to enable to trust our products. (6:48) 2020-11-20 Reposted join message to the correct list. * 238: Started looking into it, from https://libre-soc.org/openpower/sv/16_bit_compressed/ 2020-11-19 Joined.