# Meeting at Frobisher House 2023oct18 Purpose: Complete some NLnet grant work. Attendees: Shriya, Luke, Nicholas, Andrey, James * Post-increment load/store * SVP64 cookbook * in-order model ## 10am * Andrey: Matrix cookbook. * Shriya: pifixedstore.mdwn english * Luke: pifpload.mdwn (pseudocode) and pifpstore.mdwn ## 10:30am * Andrey: Matrix cookbook * Shriya, Luke: Simulator introduction (on matrix) ## 12:00 break ## 13:00 * James, Andrey, Shriya, Luke, Nicholas * Andrey: Matrix multiply example * Shriya: pifixedload.mdwn- english descriptions and instruction names * James: Status update (RED business, bug budget review with andrey) * luke: Review 2nd phase OPF ISA WG RFCs ## 13:45 * james: bug budget review with andrey * shriya, nicholas: Post-Increment load/store review * luke: RFP for RED bug #1012 * Luke: suggest budget allocation for bug #772 ## 15:00 NGI Search meeting ## 16:00 * nicholas: continue review of pifixedload.mdwn * luke: assisting nicholas # 17:00 end [[!tag meeting2023]]