# Questions you applied to the 2022-08 open call from NLnet. We have some questions regarding your project proposal Libre-SOC OpenPOWER ISA WG, but obviously we are incurring some delays due to the deluge of payment requests ;) You requested a neat round sum of 100000 euro. Can you provide some more detail on how you arrived at this amount? Could you provide a breakdown of the main tasks, and the associated effort? What rates did you use? Is there meanwhile news on the requirements of IBM and the ISA WG? A request for 100k is very large, and the timelines are pretty long too. Can we not take it step by step? It would be better for us to achieve this incrementally, as in: start with a smaller amount for meeting submission criteria for the block of instructions, deliver initial code, tests, documentation - and when more budget is needed, a new chunk is added. What would work on the legal compliance for the development look like? Who would be doing that? How would you manage such a large amount of RFCs, which must be perceived as a denial of service at the WG? Is there infrastructure in place to manage the lifecycle of each RFC? How are discussions going to be linked to each RFC? What are the timelines? Look forward to hearing from you.