# ISA Comparison Table | Name | Num
opcodes | Scalable | Predicate
Masks | Twin
Predication | Explicit
Vector regs | 128-bit | Bigint
capability | LDST
Fault-First | Data-dependent
Fail-first | Predicate-
Result | |------|-------------------|----------|------------------------|-------------------------|------------------------------|---------|--------------------------|-------------------------|----------------------------------|-------------------------| | SVP64| 5{1} | yes | yes | yes{2} | no{3} | n/a{4} | yes{5} | yes{6} | yes{7} | yes{8} | | VSX | 700+ | no | no | no | yes{9} | yes | no | no | no | no | | NEON | ~250[10] | no | yes | no | yes | yes | no | no | no | no | * {1}: plus EXT001 24-bit prefixing. See [[sv/svp64]] * {2}: on specific operations. See [[opcode_regs_deduped]] * {3}: SVP64 provides the Vector register concept on top of the *Scalar* GPR, FPR and CR register files * {4}: SVP64 Vectorises Scalar instructions. When applied to e.g. VSX QP instructions, SVP64 "gains" 128-bit. * {5}: big-integer add is just `sv.adde`. Mul and divide require addition of two scalar operations * {6} See [[sv/svp64/appendix]] and [ARM SVE Fault-First](https://alastairreid.github.io/papers/sve-ieee-micro-2017.pdf) * {7} Based on LD/ST Fail-first, extended to data. See [[sv/svp64/appendix]] * {8} Turns standard ops into a type of "cmp". See [[sv/svp64/appendix]] * {9} VSX's Vector Registers are mis-named: they are PackedSIMD. * {10} difficult to ascertain, see [NEON/VFP](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/den0018/a/NEON-and-VFP-Instruction-Summary/List-of-all-NEON-and-VFP-instructions). critically depends on ARM Scalar instructions