# SV Overview **SV is in DRAFT STATUS**. SV has not yet been submitted to the OpenPOWER Foundation ISA WG for review. This document provides an overview and introduction as to why SV (a [[!wikipedia Cray]]-style Vector augmentation to [[!wikipedia OpenPOWER]]) exists, and how it works. **Sponsored by NLnet under the Privacy and Enhanced Trust Programme** Links: * This page: [http://libre-soc.org/openpower/sv/overview](http://libre-soc.org/openpower/sv/overview) * [FOSDEM2021 SimpleV for OpenPOWER](https://fosdem.org/2021/schedule/event/the_libresoc_project_simple_v_vectorisation/) * FOSDEM2021 presentation * [[discussion]] and [bugreport](https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=556) feel free to add comments, questions. * [[SV|sv]] * [[sv/svp64]] * [x86 REP instruction](https://c9x.me/x86/html/file_module_x86_id_279.html): a useful way to quickly understand that the core of the SV concept is not new. * [Article about register tagging](http://science.lpnu.ua/sites/default/files/journal-paper/2019/jul/17084/volum3number1text-9-16_1.pdf) showing that tagging is not a new idea either. Register tags are also used in the Mill Architecture. Table of contents: [[!toc]] # Introduction: SIMD and Cray Vectors SIMD, the primary method for easy parallelism of the past 30 years in Computer Architectures, is [known to be harmful](https://www.sigarch.org/simd-instructions-considered-harmful/). SIMD provides a seductive simplicity that is easy to implement in hardware. With each doubling in width it promises increases in raw performance without the complexity of either multi-issue or out-of-order execution. Unfortunately, even with predication added, SIMD only becomes more and more problematic with each power of two SIMD width increase introduced through an ISA revision. The opcode proliferation, at O(N^6), inexorably spirals out of control in the ISA, detrimentally impacting the hardware, the software, the compilers and the testing and compliance. Here are the typical dimensions that result in such massive proliferation: * Operation (add, mul) * bitwidth (8, 16, 32, 64, 128) * Conversion between bitwidths (FP16-FP32-64) * Signed/unsigned * HI/LO swizzle (Audio L/R channels) - HI/LO selection on src 1 - selection on src 2 - selection on dest - Example: AndesSTAR Audio DSP * Saturation (Clamping at max range) These typically are multiplied up to produce explicit opcodes numbering in the thousands on, for example the ARC Video/DSP cores. Cray-style variable-length Vectors on the other hand result in stunningly elegant and small loops, exceptionally high data throughput per instruction (by one *or greater* orders of magnitude than SIMD), with no alarmingly high setup and cleanup code, where at the hardware level the microarchitecture may execute from one element right the way through to tens of thousands at a time, yet the executable remains exactly the same and the ISA remains clear, true to the RISC paradigm, and clean. Unlike in SIMD, powers of two limitations are not involved in the ISA or in the assembly code. SimpleV takes the Cray style Vector principle and applies it in the abstract to a Scalar ISA in the same way that x86 used to do its "REP" instruction. In the process, "context" is applied, allowing amongst other things a register file size increase using "tagging" (similar to how x86 originally extended registers from 32 to 64 bit). ## SV The fundamentals are (just like x86 "REP"): * The Program Counter (PC) gains a "Sub Counter" context (Sub-PC) * Vectorisation pauses the PC and runs a Sub-PC loop from 0 to VL-1 (where VL is Vector Length) * The [[Program Order]] of "Sub-PC" instructions must be preserved, just as is expected of instructions ordered by the PC. * Some registers may be "tagged" as Vectors * During the loop, "Vector"-tagged register are incremented by one with each iteration, executing the *same instruction* but with *different registers* * Once the loop is completed *only then* is the Program Counter allowed to move to the next instruction. ![image](/svp64-primer/img/power_pipelines.svg) Hardware (and simulator) implementors are free and clear to implement this as literally a for-loop, sitting in between instruction decode and issue. Higher performance systems may deploy SIMD backends, multi-issue and out-of-order execution, although it is strongly recommended to add predication capability directly into SIMD backend units. In OpenPOWER ISA v3.0B pseudo-code form, an ADD operation, assuming both source and destination have been "tagged" as Vectors, is simply: for i = 0 to VL-1: GPR(RT+i) = GPR(RA+i) + GPR(RB+i) At its heart, SimpleV really is this simple. On top of this fundamental basis further refinements can be added which build up towards an extremely powerful Vector augmentation system, with very little in the way of additional opcodes required: simply external "context". x86 was originally only 80 instructions: prior to AVX512 over 1,300 additional instructions have been added, almost all of them SIMD. RISC-V RVV as of version 0.9 is over 188 instructions (more than the rest of RV64G combined: 80 for RV64G and 27 for C). Over 95% of that functionality is added to OpenPOWER v3 0B, by SimpleV augmentation, with around 5 to 8 instructions. Even in OpenPOWER v3.0B, the Scalar Integer ISA is around 150 instructions, with IEEE754 FP adding approximately 80 more. VSX, being based on SIMD design principles, adds somewhere in the region of 600 more. SimpleV again provides over 95% of VSX functionality, simply by augmenting the *Scalar* OpenPOWER ISA, and in the process providing features such as predication, which VSX is entirely missing. AVX512, SVE2, VSX, RVV, all of these systems have to provide different types of register files: Scalar and Vector is the minimum. AVX512 even provides a mini mask regfile, followed by explicit instructions that handle operations on each of them *and map between all of them*. SV simply not only uses the existing scalar regfiles (including CRs), but because operations exist within OpenPOWER to cover interactions between the scalar regfiles (`mfcr`, `fcvt`) there is very little that needs to be added. In fairness to both VSX and RVV, there are things that are not provided by SimpleV: * 128 bit or above arithmetic and other operations (VSX Rijndael and SHA primitives; VSX shuffle and bitpermute operations) * register files above 128 entries * Vector lengths over 64 * Unit-strided LD/ST and other comprehensive memory operations (struct-based LD/ST from RVV for example) * 32-bit instruction lengths. [[svp64]] had to be added as 64 bit. These limitations, which stem inherently from the adaptation process of starting from a Scalar ISA, are not insurmountable. Over time, they may well be addressed in future revisions of SV. The rest of this document builds on the above simple loop to add: * Vector-Scalar, Scalar-Vector and Scalar-Scalar operation (of all register files: Integer, FP *and CRs*) * Traditional Vector operations (VSPLAT, VINSERT, VCOMPRESS etc) * Predication masks (essential for parallel if/else constructs) * 8, 16 and 32 bit integer operations, and both FP16 and BF16. * Compacted operations into registers (normally only provided by SIMD) * Fail-on-first (introduced in ARM SVE2) * A new concept: Data-dependent fail-first * Condition-Register based *post-result* predication (also new) * A completely new concept: "Twin Predication" * vec2/3/4 "Subvectors" and Swizzling (standard fare for 3D) All of this is *without modifying the OpenPOWER v3.0B ISA*, except to add "wrapping context", similar to how v3.1B 64 Prefixes work. # Adding Scalar / Vector The first augmentation to the simple loop is to add the option for all source and destinations to all be either scalar or vector. As a FSM this is where our "simple" loop gets its first complexity. function op_add(RT, RA, RB) # add not VADD! int id=0, irs1=0, irs2=0; for i = 0 to VL-1: ireg[RT+id] <= ireg[RA+irs1] + ireg[RB+irs2]; if (!RT.isvec) break; if (RT.isvec) { id += 1; } if (RA.isvec) { irs1 += 1; } if (RB.isvec) { irs2 += 1; } This could have been written out as eight separate cases: one each for when each of `RA`, `RB` or `RT` is scalar or vector. Those eight cases, when optimally combined, result in the pseudocode above. With some walkthroughs it is clear that the loop exits immediately after the first scalar destination result is written, and that when the destination is a Vector the loop proceeds to fill up the register file, sequentially, starting at `RT` and ending at `RT+VL-1`. The two source registers will, independently, either remain pointing at `RB` or `RA` respectively, or, if marked as Vectors, will march incrementally in lockstep, producing element results along the way, as the destination also progresses through elements. In this way all the eight permutations of Scalar and Vector behaviour are covered, although without predication the scalar-destination ones are reduced in usefulness. It does however clearly illustrate the principle. Note in particular: there is no separate Scalar add instruction and separate Vector instruction and separate Scalar-Vector instruction, *and there is no separate Vector register file*: it's all the same instruction, on the standard register file, just with a loop. Scalar happens to set that loop size to one. The important insight from the above is that, strictly speaking, Simple-V is not really a Vectorisation scheme at all: it is more of a hardware ISA "Compression scheme", allowing as it does for what would normally require multiple sequential instructions to be replaced with just one. This is where the rule that Program Order must be preserved in Sub-PC execution derives from. However in other ways, which will emerge below, the "tagging" concept presents an opportunity to include features definitely not common outside of Vector ISAs, and in that regard it's definitely a class of Vectorisation. ## Register "tagging" As an aside: in [[sv/svp64]] the encoding which allows SV to both extend the range beyond r0-r31 and to determine whether it is a scalar or vector is encoded in two to three bits, depending on the instruction. The reason for using so few bits is because there are up to *four* registers to mark in this way (`fma`, `isel`) which starts to be of concern when there are only 24 available bits to specify the entire SV Vectorisation Context. In fact, for a small subset of instructions it is just not possible to tag every single register. Under these rare circumstances a tag has to be shared between two registers. Below is the pseudocode which expresses the relationship which is usually applied to *every* register: if extra3_mode: spec = EXTRA3 # bit 2 s/v, 0-1 extends range else: spec = EXTRA2 << 1 # same as EXTRA3, shifted if spec[2]: # vector RA.isvec = True return (RA << 2) | spec[0:1] else: # scalar RA.isvec = False return (spec[0:1] << 5) | RA Here we can see that the scalar registers are extended in the top bits, whilst vectors are shifted up by 2 bits, and then extended in the LSBs. Condition Registers have a slightly different scheme, along the same principle, which takes into account the fact that each CR may be bit-level addressed by Condition Register operations. Readers familiar with OpenPOWER will know of Rc=1 operations that create an associated post-result "test", placing this test into an implicit Condition Register. The original researchers who created the POWER ISA chose CR0 for Integer, and CR1 for Floating Point. These *also become Vectorised* - implicitly - if the associated destination register is also Vectorised. This allows for some very interesting savings on instruction count due to the very same CR Vectors being predication masks. # Adding single predication The next step is to add a single predicate mask. This is where it gets interesting. Predicate masks are a bitvector, each bit specifying, in order, whether the element operation is to be skipped ("masked out") or allowed. If there is no predicate, it is set to all 1s, which is effectively the same as "no predicate". function op_add(RT, RA, RB) # add not VADD! int id=0, irs1=0, irs2=0; predval = get_pred_val(FALSE, rd); for i = 0 to VL-1: if (predval & 1< All good Vector ISAs have the usual bitwidths for operations: 8/16/32/64 bit integer operations, and IEEE754 FP32 and 64. Often also included is FP16 and more recently BF16. The *really* good Vector ISAs have variable-width vectors right down to bitlevel, and as high as 1024 bit arithmetic per element, as well as IEEE754 FP128. SV has an "override" system that *changes* the bitwidth of operations that were intended by the original scalar ISA designers to have (for example) 64 bit operations (only). The override widths are 8, 16 and 32 for integer, and FP16 and FP32 for IEEE754 (with BF16 to be added in the future). This presents a particularly intriguing conundrum given that the OpenPOWER Scalar ISA was never designed with for example 8 bit operations in mind, let alone Vectors of 8 bit. The solution comes in terms of rethinking the definition of a Register File. The typical regfile may be considered to be a multi-ported SRAM block, 64 bits wide and usually 32 entries deep, to give 32 64 bit registers. In c this would be: typedef uint64_t reg_t; reg_t int_regfile[32]; // standard scalar 32x 64bit Conceptually, to get our variable element width vectors, we may think of the regfile as instead being the following c-based data structure, where all types uint16_t etc. are in little-endian order: #pragma(packed) typedef union { uint8_t actual_bytes[8]; uint8_t b[0]; // array of type uint8_t uint16_t s[0]; // array of LE ordered uint16_t uint32_t i[0]; uint64_t l[0]; // default OpenPOWER ISA uses this } reg_t; reg_t int_regfile[128]; // SV extends to 128 regs This means that Vector elements start from locations specified by 64 bit "register" but that from that location onwards the elements *overlap subsequent registers*. Here is another way to view the same concept, bearing in mind that it is assumed a LE memory order: uint8_t reg_sram[8*128]; uint8_t *actual_bytes = ®_sram[RA*8]; if elwidth == 8: uint8_t *b = (uint8_t*)actual_bytes; b[idx] = result; if elwidth == 16: uint16_t *s = (uint16_t*)actual_bytes; s[idx] = result; if elwidth == 32: uint32_t *i = (uint32_t*)actual_bytes; i[idx] = result; if elwidth == default: uint64_t *l = (uint64_t*)actual_bytes; l[idx] = result; Starting with all zeros, setting `actual_bytes[3]` in any given `reg_t` to 0x01 would mean that: * b[0..2] = 0x00 and b[3] = 0x01 * s[0] = 0x0000 and s[1] = 0x0001 * i[0] = 0x00010000 * l[0] = 0x0000000000010000 In tabular form, starting an elwidth=8 loop from r0 and extending for 16 elements would begin at r0 and extend over the entirety of r1: | byte0 | byte1 | byte2 | byte3 | byte4 | byte5 | byte6 | byte7 | | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | r0 | b[0] | b[1] | b[2] | b[3] | b[4] | b[5] | b[6] | b[7] | r1 | b[8] | b[9] | b[10] | b[11] | b[12] | b[13] | b[14] | b[15] | Starting an elwidth=16 loop from r0 and extending for 7 elements would begin at r0 and extend partly over r1. Note that b0 indicates the low byte (lowest 8 bits) of each 16-bit word, and b1 represents the top byte: | byte0 | byte1 | byte2 | byte3 | byte4 | byte5 | byte6 | byte7 | | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | r0 | s[0].b0 b1 | s[1].b0 b1 | s[2].b0 b1 | s[3].b0 b1 | r1 | s[4].b0 b1 | s[5].b0 b1 | s[6].b0 b1 | unmodified | Likewise for elwidth=32, and a loop extending for 3 elements. b0 through b3 represent the bytes (numbered lowest for LSB and highest for MSB) within each element word: | byte0 | byte1 | byte2 | byte3 | byte4 | byte5 | byte6 | byte7 | | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | r0 | w[0].b0 b1 b2 b3 | w[1].b0 b1 b2 b3 | r1 | w[2].b0 b1 b2 b3 | unmodified unmodified | 64-bit (default) elements access the full registers. In each case the register number (`RT`, `RA`) indicates the *starting* point for the storage and retrieval of the elements. Our simple loop, instead of accessing the array of regfile entries with a computed index `iregs[RT+i]`, would access the appropriate element of the appropriate width, such as `iregs[RT].s[i]` in order to access 16 bit elements starting from RT. Thus we have a series of overlapping conceptual arrays that each start at what is traditionally thought of as "a register". It then helps if we have a couple of routines: get_polymorphed_reg(reg, bitwidth, offset): reg_t res = 0; if (!reg.isvec): # scalar offset = 0 if bitwidth == 8: reg.b = int_regfile[reg].b[offset] elif bitwidth == 16: reg.s = int_regfile[reg].s[offset] elif bitwidth == 32: reg.i = int_regfile[reg].i[offset] elif bitwidth == default: # 64 reg.l = int_regfile[reg].l[offset] return res set_polymorphed_reg(reg, bitwidth, offset, val): if (!reg.isvec): # scalar offset = 0 if bitwidth == 8: int_regfile[reg].b[offset] = val elif bitwidth == 16: int_regfile[reg].s[offset] = val elif bitwidth == 32: int_regfile[reg].i[offset] = val elif bitwidth == default: # 64 int_regfile[reg].l[offset] = val These basically provide a convenient parameterised way to access the register file, at an arbitrary vector element offset and an arbitrary element width. Our first simple loop thus becomes: for i = 0 to VL-1: src1 = get_polymorphed_reg(RA, srcwid, i) src2 = get_polymorphed_reg(RB, srcwid, i) result = src1 + src2 # actual add here set_polymorphed_reg(RT, destwid, i, result) With this loop, if elwidth=16 and VL=3 the first 48 bits of the target register will contain three 16 bit addition results, and the upper 16 bits will be *unaltered*. Note that things such as zero/sign-extension (and predication) have been left out to illustrate the elwidth concept. Also note that it turns out to be important to perform the operation internally at effectively an *infinite* bitwidth such that any truncation, rounding errors or other artefacts may all be ironed out. This turns out to be important when applying Saturation for Audio DSP workloads, particularly for multiply and IEEE754 FP rounding. By "infinite" this is conceptual only: in reality, the application of the different truncations and width-extensions set a fixed deterministic practical limit on the internal precision needed, on a per-operation basis. Other than that, element width overrides, which can be applied to *either* source or destination or both, are pretty straightforward, conceptually. The details, for hardware engineers, involve byte-level write-enable lines, which is exactly what is used on SRAMs anyway. Compiler writers have to alter Register Allocation Tables to byte-level granularity. One critical thing to note: upper parts of the underlying 64 bit register are *not zero'd out* by a write involving a non-aligned Vector Length. An 8 bit operation with VL=7 will *not* overwrite the 8th byte of the destination. The only situation where a full overwrite occurs is on "default" behaviour. This is extremely important to consider the register file as a byte-level store, not a 64-bit-level store. ## Why a LE regfile? The concept of having a regfile where the byte ordering of the underlying SRAM seems utter nonsense. Surely, a hardware implementation gets to choose the order, right? It's memory only where LE/BE matters, right? The bytes come in, all registers are 64 bit and it's just wiring, right? Ordinarily this would be 100% correct, in both a scalar ISA and in a Cray style Vector one. The assumption in that last question was, however, "all registers are 64 bit". SV allows SIMD-style packing of vectors into the 64 bit registers, where one instruction and the next may interpret that very same register as containing elements of completely different widths. Consequently it becomes critically important to decide a byte-order. That decision was - arbitrarily - LE mode. Actually it wasn't arbitrary at all: it was such hell to implement BE supported interpretations of CRs and LD/ST in LibreSOC, based on a terse spec that provides insufficient clarity and assumes significant working knowledge of OpenPOWER, with arbitrary insertions of 7-index here and 3-bitindex there, the decision to pick LE was extremely easy. Without such a decision, if two words are packed as elements into a 64 bit register, what does this mean? Should they be inverted so that the lower indexed element goes into the HI or the LO word? should the 8 bytes of each register be inverted? Should the bytes in each element be inverted? Should the element indexing loop order be broken onto discontiguous chunks such as 32107654 rather than 01234567, and if so at what granularity of discontinuity? These are all equally valid and legitimate interpretations of what constitutes "BE" and they all cause merry mayhem. The decision was therefore made: the c typedef union is the canonical definition, and its members are defined as being in LE order. From there, implementations may choose whatever internal HDL wire order they like as long as the results produced conform to the elwidth pseudocode. *Note: it turns out that both x86 SIMD and NEON SIMD follow this convention, namely that both are implicitly LE, even though their ISA Manuals may not explicitly spell this out* * * * ## Source and Destination overrides A minor fly in the ointment: what happens if the source and destination are over-ridden to different widths? For example, FP16 arithmetic is not accurate enough and may introduce rounding errors when up-converted to FP32 output. The rule is therefore set: The operation MUST take place effectively at infinite precision: actual precision determined by the operation and the operand widths In pseudocode this is: for i = 0 to VL-1: src1 = get_polymorphed_reg(RA, srcwid, i) src2 = get_polymorphed_reg(RB, srcwid, i) opwidth = max(srcwid, destwid) # usually result = op_add(src1, src2, opwidth) # at max width set_polymorphed_reg(rd, destwid, i, result) In reality the source and destination widths determine the actual required precision in a given ALU. The reason for setting "effectively" infinite precision is illustrated for example by Saturated-multiply, where if the internal precision was insufficient it would not be possible to correctly determine the maximum clip range had been exceeded. Thus it will turn out that under some conditions the combination of the extension of the source registers followed by truncation of the result gets rid of bits that didn't matter, and the operation might as well have taken place at the narrower width and could save resources that way. Examples include Logical OR where the source extension would place zeros in the upper bits, the result will be truncated and throw those zeros away. Counterexamples include the previously mentioned FP16 arithmetic, where for operations such as division of large numbers by very small ones it should be clear that internal accuracy will play a major role in influencing the result. Hence the rule that the calculation takes place at the maximum bitwidth, and truncation follows afterwards. ## Signed arithmetic What happens when the operation involves signed arithmetic? Here the implementor has to use common sense, and make sure behaviour is accurately documented. If the result of the unmodified operation is sign-extended because one of the inputs is signed, then the input source operands must be first read at their overridden bitwidth and *then* sign-extended: for i = 0 to VL-1: src1 = get_polymorphed_reg(RA, srcwid, i) src2 = get_polymorphed_reg(RB, srcwid, i) opwidth = max(srcwid, destwid) # srces known to be less than result width src1 = sign_extend(src1, srcwid, opwidth) src2 = sign_extend(src2, srcwid, opwidth) result = op_signed(src1, src2, opwidth) # at max width set_polymorphed_reg(rd, destwid, i, result) The key here is that the cues are taken from the underlying operation. ## Saturation Audio DSPs need to be able to clip sound when the "volume" is adjusted, but if it is too loud and the signal wraps, distortion occurs. The solution is to clip (saturate) the audio and allow this to be detected. In practical terms this is a post-result analysis however it needs to take place at the largest bitwidth i.e. before a result is element width truncated. Only then can the arithmetic saturation condition be detected: for i = 0 to VL-1: src1 = get_polymorphed_reg(RA, srcwid, i) src2 = get_polymorphed_reg(RB, srcwid, i) opwidth = max(srcwid, destwid) # unsigned add result = op_add(src1, src2, opwidth) # at max width # now saturate (unsigned) sat = min(result, (1< Adding in support for SUBVL is a matter of adding in an extra inner for-loop, where register src and dest are still incremented inside the inner part. Predication is still taken from the VL index, however it is applied to the whole subvector: function op_add(RT, RA, RB) # add not VADD!  int id=0, irs1=0, irs2=0;  predval = get_pred_val(FALSE, rd); for i = 0 to VL-1: if (predval & 1< Swizzle is particularly important for 3D work. It allows in-place reordering of XYZW, ARGB etc. and access of sub-portions of the same in arbitrary order *without* requiring timeconsuming scalar mv instructions (scalar due to the convoluted offsets). Swizzling does not just do permutations: it allows arbitrary selection and multiple copying of vec2/3/4 elements, such as XXXZ as the source operand, which will take 3 copies of the vec4 first element (vec4[0]), placing them at positions vec4[0], vec4[1] and vec4[2], whilst the "Z" element (vec4[2]) was copied into vec4[3]. With somewhere between 10% and 30% of operations in 3D Shaders involving swizzle this is a huge saving and reduces pressure on register files due to having to use significant numbers of mv operations to get vector elements to "line up". In SV given the percentage of operations that also involve initialisation to 0.0 or 1.0 into subvector elements the decision was made to include those: swizzle = get_swizzle_immed() # 12 bits for (s = 0; s < SUBVL; s++) remap = (swizzle >> 3*s) & 0b111 if remap < 4: sm = id*SUBVL + remap ireg[rd+s] <= ireg[RA+sm] elif remap == 4: ireg[rd+s] <= 0.0 elif remap == 5: ireg[rd+s] <= 1.0 Note that a value of 6 (and 7) will leave the target subvector element untouched. This is equivalent to a predicate mask which is built-in, in immediate form, into the [[sv/mv.swizzle]] operation. mv.swizzle is rare in that it is one of the few instructions needed to be added that are never going to be part of a Scalar ISA. Even in High Performance Compute workloads it is unusual: it is only because SV is targetted at 3D and Video that it is being considered. Some 3D GPU ISAs also allow for two-operand subvector swizzles. These are sufficiently unusual, and the immediate opcode space required so large (12 bits per vec4 source), that the tradeoff balance was decided in SV to only add mv.swizzle. # Twin Predication Twin Predication is cool. Essentially it is a back-to-back VCOMPRESS-VEXPAND (a multiple sequentially ordered VINSERT). The compress part is covered by the source predicate and the expand part by the destination predicate. Of course, if either of those is all 1s then the operation degenerates *to* VCOMPRESS or VEXPAND, respectively. function op(RT, RS):  ps = get_pred_val(FALSE, RS); # predication on src  pd = get_pred_val(FALSE, RT); # ... AND on dest  for (int i = 0, int j = 0; i < VL && j < VL;): if (RS.isvec) while (!(ps & 1< # Data-dependent fail-first This is a minor variant on the CR-based predicate-result mode. Where pred-result continues with independent element testing (any of which may be parallelised), data-dependent fail-first *stops* at the first failure: if Rc=0: BO = inv<<2 | 0b00 # test CR.eq bit z/nz for i in range(VL): # predication test, skip all masked out elements. if predicate_masked_out(i): continue # skip result = op(iregs[RA+i], iregs[RB+i]) CRnew = analyse(result) # calculates eq/lt/gt # now test CR, similar to branch if CRnew[BO[0:1]] != BO[2]: VL = i # truncate: only successes allowed break # test passed: store result (and CR?) if not RC1: iregs[RT+i] = result if RC1 or Rc=1: crregs[offs+i] = CRnew This is particularly useful, again, for FP operations that might overflow, where it is desirable to end the loop early, but also desirable to complete at least those operations that were okay (passed the test) without also having to slow down execution by adding extra instructions that tested for the possibility of that failure, in advance of doing the actual calculation. The only minor downside here though is the change to VL, which in some implementations may cause pipeline stalls. This was one of the reasons why CR-based pred-result analysis was added, because that at least is entirely paralleliseable. # Vertical-First Mode This is a relatively new addition to SVP64 under development as of July 2021. Where Horizontal-First is the standard Cray-style for-loop, Vertical-First typically executes just the **one** scalar element in each Vectorised operation. That element is selected by srcstep and dststep *neither of which are changed as a side-effect of execution*. Illustrating this in pseodocode, with a branch/loop. To create loops, a new instruction `svstep` must be called, explicitly, with Rc=1: ``` loop: sv.addi r0.v, r8.v, 5 # GPR(0+dststep) = GPR(8+srcstep) + 5 sv.addi r0.v, r8, 5 # GPR(0+dststep) = GPR(8 ) + 5 sv.addi r0, r8.v, 5 # GPR(0 ) = GPR(8+srcstep) + 5 svstep. # srcstep++, dststep++, CR0.eq = srcstep==VL beq loop ``` Three examples are illustrated of different types of Scalar-Vector operations. Note that in its simplest form **only one** element is executed per instruction **not** multiple elements per instruction. (The more advanced version of Vertical-First mode may execute multiple elements per instruction, however the number executed **must** remain a fixed quantity.) Now that such explicit loops can increment inexorably towards VL, of course we now need a way to test if srcstep or dststep have reached VL. This is achieved in one of two ways: [[sv/svstep]] has an Rc=1 mode where CR0 will be updated if VL is reached. A standard v3.0B Branch Conditional may rely on that. Alternatively, the number of elements may be transferred into CTR, as is standard practice in Power ISA. Here, SVP64 [[sv/branches]] have a mode which allows CTR to be decremented by the number of vertical elements executed. # Instruction format Whilst this overview shows the internals, it does not go into detail on the actual instruction format itself. There are a couple of reasons for this: firstly, it's under development, and secondly, it needs to be proposed to the OpenPOWER Foundation ISA WG for consideration and review. That said: draft pages for [[sv/setvl]] and [[sv/svp64]] are written up. The `setvl` instruction is pretty much as would be expected from a Cray style VL instruction: the only differences being that, firstly, the MAXVL (Maximum Vector Length) has to be specified, because that determines - precisely - how many of the *scalar* registers are to be used for a given Vector. Secondly: within the limit of MAXVL, VL is required to be set to the requested value. By contrast, RVV systems permit the hardware to set arbitrary values of VL. The other key question is of course: what's the actual instruction format, and what's in it? Bearing in mind that this requires OPF review, the current draft is at the [[sv/svp64]] page, and includes space for all the different modes, the predicates, element width overrides, SUBVL and the register extensions, in 24 bits. This just about fits into an OpenPOWER v3.1B 64 bit Prefix by borrowing some of the Reserved Encoding space. The v3.1B suffix - containing as it does a 32 bit OpenPOWER instruction - aligns perfectly with SV. Further reading is at the main [[SV|sv]] page. # Conclusion Starting from a scalar ISA - OpenPOWER v3.0B - it was shown above that, with conceptual sub-loops, a Scalar ISA can be turned into a Vector one, by embedding Scalar instructions - unmodified - into a Vector "context" using "Prefixing". With careful thought, this technique reaches 90% par with good Vector ISAs, increasing to 95% with the addition of a mere handful of additional context-vectoriseable scalar instructions ([[sv/mv.x]] amongst them). What is particularly cool about the SV concept is that custom extensions and research need not be concerned about inventing new Vector instructions and how to get them to interact with the Scalar ISA: they are effectively one and the same. Any new instruction added at the Scalar level is inherently and automatically Vectorised, following some simple rules.