# External RFC ls001.po9 Allocation of new 64-bit Power ISA Encodings **URLs**: * **Severity**: Major **Status**: New **Date**: 29 Apr 2023. v1 **Target**: v3.2B **Source**: v3.0B **Books and Section affected**: ``` New Section: 1.6.5 New Definitions: 1.3.1 ``` **Summary** ``` Introduces a new 64-bit encoding similar to EXT1xx in PO1, in which 32 new Primary Opcodes are introduced (EXT2xx), several RESERVED spaces (57-bit and at least three 32-bit), and the RISC-paradigm Prefixing concepts are introduced: SVP64 and SVP64Single. ``` **Submitter**: Luke Leighton (Libre-SOC) **Requester**: Libre-SOC **Impact on processor**: ``` Addition of new "Zero-Overhead-Loop-Control" DSP-style Vector-style Encoding concept, introduction of new 64-bit Encodings specifically designed to be easily identifiable extremely early in Multi-Issue systems ``` **Impact on software**: ``` Requires support for new instructions in assembler, debuggers, and related tools. ``` **Keywords**: ``` 64-bit Encoding ``` **Motivation** Power ISA Encoding is a finite precious resource that is under pressure. New Primary Opcode areas are needed (beyond those already strictly defined as EXT1xx). New Primary Opcode areas EXT232-263 allows for immediate growth, allowing Power ISA to catch up 12-15 years on Intel and ARM. Also the Simple-V RISC-paradigm "Loop" subsystem based on x86 REP and Zilog Z80 CPIR and LDIR may be cleanly and smoothly introduced. Also several new areas are RESERVED which allows significant future expansion. **Changes** Add the following entries to: * Section 1.3.1 Book I * Section 1.6.5 Book I [[!tag opf_rfc]] -------- \newpage{} [[!inline pages="openpower/sv/po9_encoding" raw=yes ]]