# RFC ls006 FPR <-> GPR Move/Conversion **URLs**: * * * * **Severity**: Major **Status**: New **Date**: 20 Oct 2022 **Target**: v3.2B **Source**: v3.1B **Books and Section affected**: **UPDATE** * Book I 4.6.5 Floating-Point Move Instructions * Book I Floating-Point Convert To/From Integer Instructions * Appendix E Power ISA sorted by opcode * Appendix F Power ISA sorted by version * Appendix G Power ISA sorted by Compliancy Subset * Appendix H Power ISA sorted by mnemonic **Summary** Single-precision Instructions added: * `fmvtgs` -- Single-Precision Floating Move To GPR * `fmvfgs` -- Single-Precision Floating Move From GPR * `fcvttgs` -- Single-Precision Floating Convert To Integer In GPR * `fcvtfgs` -- Single-Precision Floating Convert From Integer In GPR Identical (except Double-precision) Instructions added: * `fmvtg` -- Double-Precision Floating Move To GPR * `fmvfg` -- Double-Precision Floating Move From GPR * `fcvttg` -- Double-Precision Floating Convert To Integer In GPR * `fcvtfg` -- Double-Precision Floating Convert From Integer In GPR **Submitter**: Luke Leighton (Libre-SOC) **Requester**: Libre-SOC **Impact on processor**: * Addition of four new Single-Precision GPR-FPR-based instructions * Addition of four new Double-Precision GPR-FPR-based instructions **Impact on software**: * Requires support for new instructions in assembler, debuggers, and related tools. **Keywords**: ``` GPR, FPR, Move, Conversion, JavaScript ``` **Motivation** CPUs without VSX/VMX lack a way to efficiently transfer data between FPRs and GPRs, they need to go through memory, this proposal adds more efficient data transfer (both bitwise copy and Integer <-> FP conversion) instructions that transfer directly between FPRs and GPRs without needing to go through memory. IEEE 754 doesn't specify what results are obtained when converting a NaN or out-of-range floating-point value to integer, so different programming languages and ISAs have made different choices. Below is an overview of the different variants, listing the languages and hardware that implements each variant. **Notes and Observations**: * These instructions are present in many other ISAs. * JavaScript rounding as one instruction saves 32 scalar instructions including seven branch instructions. * Both sets are orthogonal (no difference except being Single/Double). This allows IBM to follow the pre-existing precedent of allocating separate Major Opcodes (PO) for Double-precision and Single-precision respectively. **Changes** Add the following entries to: * Book I 4.6.5 Floating-Point Move Instructions * Book I Floating-Point Convert To/From Integer Instructions * Book I 1.6.1 and 1.6.2 ---------------- \newpage{} [[!inline pages="openpower/sv/int_fp_mv/moves_and_conversions" raw=yes ]] ---------- \newpage{} ---------- # Instruction Formats Add the following entries to Book I XO-FORM: ``` |0 |6 |11 |13 |16 |21 |22 |31 | | PO | RT | IT | CVM | FRB | OE | XO | Rc | ``` Add the following entries to Book I X-FORM: ``` |0 |6 |11 |13 |16 |21 |31 | | PO | FRT | IT | // | RB | XO | Rc | | PO | FRT | // | RB | XO | Rc | | PO | RT | // | FRB | XO | Rc | ``` ## Instruction Fields Add XO to FRB's Formats list in Book I 1.6.2 Word Instruction Fields. Add XO to FRT's Formats list in Book I 1.6.2 Word Instruction Fields. Add new fields: ``` IT (11:12) Field used to specify integer type for FPR <-> GPR conversions. Formats: X, XO CVM (13:15) Field used to specify conversion mode for integer -> floating-point conversion. Formats: XO ``` ---------- \newpage{} ---------- # Appendices Appendix E Power ISA sorted by opcode Appendix F Power ISA sorted by version Appendix G Power ISA sorted by Compliancy Subset Appendix H Power ISA sorted by mnemonic |Form| Book | Page | Version | mnemonic | Description | |----|------|------|---------|----------|-------------| |VA | I | # | 3.2B |todo | | ---------------- [[!tag opf_rfc]]