# RFC ls007 Ternary/Binary GPR and CR Field bit-operations **URLs**: * * * * **Severity**: Major **Status**: new **Date**: 20 Oct 2022, 1st draft submitted 2023mar22 **Target**: v3.2B **Source**: v3.1B **Books and Section affected**: **UPDATE** * Book I 2.5.1 Condition Register Logical Instructions * Book I 3.3.13 Fixed-Point Logical Instructions * Appendix E Power ISA sorted by opcode * Appendix F Power ISA sorted by version * Appendix G Power ISA sorted by Compliancy Subset * Appendix H Power ISA sorted by mnemonic **Summary** Instructions added * `ternlogi` -- GPR Ternary Logic Immediate * `crternlogi` -- Condition Register Field Ternary Logic Immediate * `binlog` -- GPR Dynamic Binary Logic * `crbinlog` -- Condition Register Field Dynamic Binary Logic **Submitter**: Luke Leighton (Libre-SOC) **Requester**: Libre-SOC **Impact on processor**: * Addition of two new GPR-based instructions * Addition of two new CR-field-based instructions **Impact on software**: * Requires support for new instructions in assembler, debuggers, and related tools. **Keywords**: ``` GPR, CR-Field, bit-manipulation, ternary, binary, dynamic, look-up-table (LUT), FPGA, JIT ``` **Motivation** * `ternlogi` is similar to existing `and`/`or`/`xor`/etc. instructions, but allows any arbitrary 3-input 1-output bitwise operation. This can be used to combine several instructions into one. E.g. `A ^ (~B & (C | A))` can become one instruction. This can also be used to have one instruction for bitwise MUX `(A & B) | (~A & C)`. * `binlog` is like `ternlogi` except it supports any arbitrary 2-input 1-output bitwise operation, where the operation can be selected dynamically at runtime. This operates similarly to a Programmable LUT in a FPGA. * `crternlogi` is like `ternlogi` except it works with CRs instead of GPRs. * `crbinlog` is like `binlog` except it works with CRs instead of GPRs. Likewise it is similar to a Programmable LUT in an FPGA. * Combined these instructions save on insttuction count and also help accelerate AI and JIT runtimes. **Notes and Observations**: * `ternlogi` is like the existing `xxeval` instruction, except operates on GPRs instead of VSRs and doesn't require VSX/VMX. SFS and SFFS are comparatively compromised. * `crternlogi` is similar to the group of CR Operations (crand, cror etc) which have been identified as a Binary Lookup Group, except an 8-bit immediate is used instead of a 4-bit one, and up to 4 bits of a CR Field may be computed at once, saving at least 3 groups of CR operations. * `crbinlut` is similar to the Binary Lookup Group of CR Operations except that the 4-bit lookup table comes from a CR Field instead of from an Immediate. Also like `crternlogi` up to 4 bits may be computed at once. **Changes** Add the following entries to: * Book I 2.5.1 Condition Register Logical Instructions * Book I 3.3.13 Fixed-Point Logical Instructions * Book I 1.6.1 and 1.6.2 ---------------- \newpage{} # GPR Ternary Logic Immediate Add this section to Book I 3.3.13 TLI-form * `ternlogi RT, RA, RB, TLI` (`Rc=0`) * `ternlogi. RT, RA, RB, TLI` (`Rc=1`) | 0-5 | 6-10 | 11-15 | 16-20 | 21-28 | 29-30 | 31 | Form | |-----|------|-------|-------|-------|-------|----|----------| | PO | RT | RA | RB | TLI | XO | Rc | TLI-Form | Pseudocode: ``` result <- (~RT & ~RA & ~RB & TLI[0]*64) | # 64 copies of TLI[0] (~RT & ~RA & RB & TLI[1]*64) | # ... (~RT & RA & ~RB & TLI[2]*64) | (~RT & RA & RB & TLI[3]*64) | ( RT & ~RA & ~RB & TLI[4]*64) | ( RT & ~RA & RB & TLI[5]*64) | ( RT & RA & ~RB & TLI[6]*64) | # ... ( RT & RA & RB & TLI[7]*64) # 64 copies of TLI[7] RT <- result ``` For each integer value i, 0 to 63, do the following. Let j be the value of the concatenation of the contents of bit i of RT, bit i of RB, bit i of RT. The value of bit j of TLI is placed into bit i of RT. See Table 145, "xxeval(A, B, C, TLI) Equivalent Functions," on page 968 for the equivalent function evaluated by this instruction for any given value of TLI. *Programmer's Note: this is a Read-Modify-Write instruction on RT.* Special registers altered: ``` CR0 (if Rc=1) ``` ---------- \newpage{} # Condition Register Ternary Logic Immediate Add this section to Book I 2.5.1 CRB-form * `crternlogi BF, BFA, BFB, BFC, TLI, msk` | 0.5|6.8 |9.10|11.13|14.15|16.18|19.25|26.30| 31| Form | |----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|---|----------| | PO | BF | msk|BFA | msk | BFB | TLI | XO |TLI| CRB-Form | Pseudocode: ``` a <- CR[4*BF+32:4*BF+35] b <- CR[4*BFA+32:4*BFA+35] c <- CR[4*BFB+32:4*BFB+35] ternary <- (~a & ~b & ~c & TLI[0]*4) | # 4 copies of TLI[0] (~a & ~b & c & TLI[1]*4) | # 4 copies of TLI[1] (~a & b & ~c & TLI[2]*4) | # ... (~a & b & c & TLI[3]*4) | ( a & ~b & ~c & TLI[4]*4) | ( a & ~b & c & TLI[5]*4) | ( a & b & ~c & TLI[6]*4) | # ... ( a & b & c & TLI[7]*4)) # 4 copies of TLI[7] do i = 0 to 3 if msk[i] = 1 then CR[4*BF+32+i] <- ternary[i] ``` For each integer value i, 0 to 3, do the following. Let j be the value of the concatenation of the contents of bit i of CR Field BF, bit i of CR Field BFA, bit i of CR Field BFB. If bit i of msk is set to 1 then the value of bit j of TLI is placed into bit i of CR Field BF. Otherwise, if bit i of msk is a zero then bit i of CR Field BF is unchanged. See Table 145, "xxeval(A, B, C, TLI) Equivalent Functions," on page 968 for the equivalent function evaluated by this instruction for any given value of TLI. If `msk` is zero an Illegal Instruction trap is raised. *Programmer's Note: this instruction is a "masked" overwrite on CR Field BF. For each bit set in msk a Write is performed but for each bit clear in msk the corresponding bit of BF is preserved. Overall this makes crbinlog a conditionally Read-Modify-Write instruction on CR Field BF* Special registers altered: ``` CR field BF ``` ---------- \newpage{} # GPR Dynamic Binary Logic Add this section to Book I 3.3.13 VA-form * `binlog RT, RA, RB, RC, nh` | 0-5 | 6-10 | 11-15 | 16-20 | 21-25 | 26 | 27-31 | Form | |-----|------|-------|-------|-------|----|-------|---------| | PO | RT | RA | RB | RC | nh | XO | VA-Form | Pseudocode: ``` if nh = 1 then lut <- (RC)[56:59] else lut <- (RC)[60:63] result <- (~RA & ~RB & lut[0]*64) | (~RA & RB & lut[1]*64) | ( RA & ~RB & lut[2]*64) | ( RA & RB & lut[3]*64)) RT <- result ``` For each integer value i, 0 to 63, do the following. If nh contains a 0, let lut be the four LSBs of RC (bits 60 to 63). Otherwise let lut be the next four LSBs of RC (bits 56 to 59). Let j be the value of the concatenation of the contents of bit i of RT with bit i of RB. The value of bit j of lut is placed into bit i of RT. Special registers altered: ``` None ``` **Programmer's Note**: Dynamic (non-immediate-based) Ternary Logic, suitable for FPGA-style LUT3 dynamic lookups and for JIT runtime acceleration, may be emulated by appropriate combination of `binlog` and `ternlogi`, using the `nh` (next half) operand to select first and second nibble: ``` # compute r3 = ternlog(r4, r5, r6, table=r7) # compute the values for when r6[i] = 0: binlog r3, r4, r5, r7, 0 # takes look-up-table from LSB 4 bits # compute the values for when r6[i] = 1: binlog r4, r4, r5, r7, 1 # takes look-up-table from second-to-LSB 4 bits # mux the two results together: r3 = (r3 & ~r6) | (r4 & r6) ternlogi r3, r4, r6, 0b11011000 ``` ---------- \newpage{} # Condition Register Field Dynamic Binary Logic Add this section to Book I 2.5.1 CRB-form | 0.5|6.8 |9.10|11.13|14.15|16.18|19.25|26.30| 31| Form | |----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|---|----------| | PO | BF | msk|BFA | msk | BFB | // | XO |// | CRB-Form | ``` a <- CR[4*BF+32:4*BFA+35] b <- CR[4*BFA+32:4*BFA+35] lut <- CR[4*BFB+32:4*BFB+35] binary <- (~a & ~b & lut[0]*4) | (~a & b & lut[1]*4) | ( a & ~b & lut[2]*4) | ( a & b & lut[3]*4)) do i = 0 to 3 if msk[i] = 1 then CR[4*BF+32+i] <- binary[i] ``` For each integer value i, 0 to 3, do the following. Let j be the value of the concatenation of the contents of bit i of CR Field BF with bit i of CR Field BFA. If bit i of msk is set to 1 then the value of bit j of CR Field BFB is placed into bit i of CR Field BF. Otherwise, if bit i of msk is a zero then bit i of CR Field BF is unchanged. If `msk` is zero an Illegal Instruction trap is raised. Special registers altered: ``` CR field BF ``` *Programmer's Note: just as with binlut and ternlogi, a pair of crbinlog instructions followed by a merging crternlogi may be deployed to synthesise dynamic ternary (LUT3) CR Field manipulation* *Programmer's Note: this instruction is a "masked" overwrite on CR Field BF. For each bit set in `msk` a Write is performed but for each bit clear in `msk` the corresponding bit of BF is preserved. Overall this makes `crbinlog` a conditionally Read-Modify-Write instruction on CR Field BF* ---------- \newpage{} # CRB-FORM Add the following section to Book I 1.6.1 ``` |0 |6 |9 |11 |14 |16 |19 |26 |31 | | PO | BF | msk | BFA | msk | BFB | TLI | XO | TLI | | PO | BF | msk | BFA | msk | BFB | // | XO | / | ``` # TLI-FORM Add the following section to Book I 1.6.1 ``` |0 |6 |11 |16 |21 |29 |31 | | PO | RT | RA | RB | TLI | XO | Rc | ``` # VA-FORM Add the following entry to VA-FORM in Book I ``` |0 |6 |11 |16 |21 |26|27 | | PO | RT | RA | RB | RC |nh| XO | ``` # Word Instruction Fields Add the following to Book I 1.6.2 ``` msk (9:10,14:15) Field used by crternlogi and crbinlut to decide which CR Field bits to modify. Formats: CRB nh (26) Nibble High. Field used by binlog to decide if the look-up-table should be taken from bits 60:63 (nh=0) or 56:59 (nh=1) of RC. Formats: VA TLI (21:28) Field used by the ternlogi instruction as the look-up table. Formats: TLI TLI (21:25,19:20,31) Field used by the crternlogi instruction as the look-up table. Formats: CRB ``` * Add `TLI` to the `Formats:` list of all of `RA`, `RB`, `RT`, and `Rc`. * Add `CRB` to the `Formats:` list of all of `BF`, `BFA`, `BFB`, and `BFC`. * Add `TLI` to the `Formats:` list of `XO (29:30)`. * Add `CRB` to the `Formats:` list of `XO (26:31)`. * Add `VA` to the `Formats:` list of `XO (27:31)`. ---------- # Appendices Appendix E Power ISA sorted by opcode Appendix F Power ISA sorted by version Appendix G Power ISA sorted by Compliancy Subset Appendix H Power ISA sorted by mnemonic |Form| Book | Page | Version | mnemonic | Description | |----|------|------|---------|------------|-------------| |TLI | I | # | 3.2B | ternlogi | GPR Ternary Logic Immediate | |VA | I | # | 3.2B | binlog | GPR Binary Logic | |CRB | I | # | 3.2B | crternlogi | CR Field Ternary Logic Immediate | |CRB | I | # | 3.2B | crbinlog | CR Field Binary Logic | ---------------- [[!tag opf_rfc]]