# RFC ls009 SVP64 REMAP instructions **URLs**: * * * * **Severity**: Major **Status**: New **Date**: 24 Mar 2023 **Target**: v3.2B **Source**: v3.0B **Books and Section affected**: ``` Book I, new Zero-Overhead-Loop Chapter. Appendix E Power ISA sorted by opcode Appendix F Power ISA sorted by version Appendix G Power ISA sorted by Compliancy Subset Appendix H Power ISA sorted by mnemonic ``` **Summary** ``` svremap - Re-Mapping of Register Element Offsets svindex - General-purpose setting of SHAPEs to be re-mapped svshape - Hardware-level setting of SHAPEs for element re-mapping svshape2 - Hardware-level setting of SHAPEs for element re-mapping (v2) ``` **Submitter**: Luke Leighton (Libre-SOC) **Requester**: Libre-SOC **Impact on processor**: ``` Addition of four new "Zero-Overhead-Loop-Control" DSP-style Vector-style Management Instructions which provide advanced features such as Matrix FFT DCT Hardware-Assist Schedules and general-purpose Index reordering. ``` **Impact on software**: ``` Requires support for new instructions in assembler, debuggers, and related tools. ``` **Keywords**: ``` Cray Supercomputing, Vectorisation, Zero-Overhead-Loop-Control (ZOLC), Scalable Vectors, Multi-Issue Out-of-Order, Sequential Programming Model, Digital Signal Processing (DSP) ``` **Motivation** These REMAP Management instructions provide state-of-the-art advanced capabilities to dramatically decrease instruction count and power reduction whilst retaining unprecedented general-purpose capability and a standard Sequential Execution Model. **Notes and Observations**: 1. TODO **Changes** Add the following entries to: * the Appendices of Book I * Instructions of Book I as a new Section * TODO-Form of Book I Section and 1.6.2 ---------------- \newpage{} # svstep: Vertical-First Stepping and status reporting SVL-Form * svstep RT,SVi,vf (Rc=0) * svstep. RT,SVi,vf (Rc=1) | 0-5|6-10|11.15|16..22| 23-25 | 26-30 |31| Form | |----|----|-----|------|----------|-------|--|--------- | |PO | RT | / | SVi | / / vf | XO |Rc| SVL-Form | Pseudo-code: ``` if SVi[3:4] = 0b11 then # store pack and unpack in SVSTATE SVSTATE[53] <- SVi[5] SVSTATE[54] <- SVi[6] RT <- [0]*62 || SVSTATE[53:54] else # Vertical-First explicit stepping. step <- SVSTATE_NEXT(SVi, vf) RT <- [0]*57 || step ``` Special Registers Altered: CR0 (if Rc=1) **Description** ------------- \newpage{} ------------- \newpage{} # Forms Add the following to Book I, 1.6.1, SVI-Form ``` |0 |6 |11 |16 |21 |23 |24|25|26 31| | PO | SVG|rmm | SVd |ew |SVyx|mm|sk| XO | ``` Add the following to Book I, 1.6.1, SVM-Form ``` |0 |6 |11 |16 |21 |25 |26 |31 | | PO | SVxd | SVyd | SVzd | SVrm |vf | XO | ``` Add the following to Book I, 1.6.1, SVM2-Form ``` # SVM2-FORM |0 |6 |10 |11 |16 |21 |24|25 |26 |31 | | PO | SVo |SVyx| rmm | SVd |XO |mm|sk | XO | ``` Add the following to Book I, 1.6.1, SVRM-Form ``` # 1.6.36 SVRM-FORM |0 |6 |11 |13 |15 |17 |19 |21 |22 |26 |31 | | PO | SVme |mi0 | mi1 | mi2 | mo0 | mo1 |pst |/// | XO | ``` * Add `SVI, SVM, SVM2, SVRM` to `XO (26:31)` Field in Book I, 1.6.2 Add the following to Book I, 1.6.2 ``` mi0 (11:12) Field used in REMAP to select the SVSHAPE for 1st input register Formats: SVRM mi1 (13:14) Field used in REMAP to select the SVSHAPE for 2nd input register Formats: SVRM mi2 (15:16) Field used in REMAP to select the SVSHAPE for 3rd input register Formats: SVRM mm (24) Field used to specify the meaning of the rmm field for SVI-Form and SVM2-Form Formats: SVI, SVM2 mo0 (17:18) Field used in REMAP to select the SVSHAPE for 1st output register Formats: SVRM mo1 (19:20) Field used in REMAP to select the SVSHAPE for 2nd output register Formats: SVRM pst (21) Field used in REMAP to indicate "persistence" mode (REMAP continues to apply to multiple instructions) Formats: SVRM rmm (11:15) REMAP Mode field for SVI-Form and SVM2-Form Formats: SVI, SVM2 sk (25) Field used to specify dimensional skipping in svindex Formats: SVI, SVM2 SVd (16:20) Immediate field used to specify the size of the REMAP dimension in the svindex and svshape2 instructions Formats: SVI, SVM2 SVDS (16:29) Immediate field used to specify a 9-bit signed two's complement integer which is concatenated on the right with 0b00 and sign-extended to 64 bits. Formats: SVDS SVG (6:10) Field used to specify a GPR to be used as a source for indexing. Formats: SVI SVi (16:22) Simple-V immediate field for setting VL or MVL Formats: SVL SVme (6:10) Simple-V "REMAP" map-enable bits (0-4) Formats: SVRM SVo (6:9) Field used by the svshape2 instruction as an offset Formats: SVM2 SVrm (21:24) Simple-V "REMAP" Mode Formats: SVM SVxd (6:10) Simple-V "REMAP" x-dimension size Formats: SVM SVyd (11:15) Simple-V "REMAP" y-dimension size Formats: SVM SVzd (16:20) Simple-V "REMAP" z-dimension size Formats: SVM ``` # Appendices Appendix E Power ISA sorted by opcode Appendix F Power ISA sorted by version Appendix G Power ISA sorted by Compliancy Subset Appendix H Power ISA sorted by mnemonic | Form | Book | Page | Version | mnemonic | Description | |------|------|------|---------|----------|-------------| | SVRM | I | # | 3.0B | svremap | REMAP enabling instruction | [[!tag opf_rfc]]