# RFC ls009 Simple-V REMAP Subsystem **URLs**: * * * **Severity**: Major **Status**: New **Date**: 26 Mar 2023. v2 TODO **Target**: v3.2B **Source**: v3.0B **Books and Section affected**: ``` Book I, new Zero-Overhead-Loop Chapter. Appendix E Power ISA sorted by opcode Appendix F Power ISA sorted by version Appendix G Power ISA sorted by Compliancy Subset Appendix H Power ISA sorted by mnemonic ``` **Summary** ``` svremap - Re-Mapping of Register Element Offsets svindex - General-purpose setting of SHAPEs to be re-mapped svshape - Hardware-level setting of SHAPEs for element re-mapping svshape2 - Hardware-level setting of SHAPEs for element re-mapping (v2) ``` **Submitter**: Luke Leighton (Libre-SOC) **Requester**: Libre-SOC **Impact on processor**: ``` Addition of four new "Zero-Overhead-Loop-Control" DSP-style Vector-style Management Instructions which provide advanced features such as Matrix FFT DCT Hardware-Assist Schedules and general-purpose Index reordering. ``` **Impact on software**: ``` Requires support for new instructions in assembler, debuggers, and related tools. ``` **Keywords**: ``` Cray Supercomputing, Vectorisation, Zero-Overhead-Loop-Control (ZOLC), Scalable Vectors, Multi-Issue Out-of-Order, Sequential Programming Model, Digital Signal Processing (DSP) ``` **Motivation** These REMAP Management instructions provide state-of-the-art advanced capabilities to dramatically decrease instruction count and power reduction whilst retaining unprecedented general-purpose capability and a standard Sequential Execution Model. **Notes and Observations**: 1. Although costly the alternatives in SIMD-paradigm software result in huge algorithmic complexity and associated power consumption increases. Loop-unrolling compilers are prevalent as is thousands to tens of thousands of instructions. 2. Core inner kernels of Matrix DCT DFT FFT NTT are dramatically reduced to a handful of instructions. 3. No REMAP instructions with the exception of Indexed rely on registers for the establishment of REMAP capability. 4. Future EXT1xx variants and SVP64/VSX will dramatically expand the power and flexibility of REMAP. 5. The Simple-V Compliancy Subsets make REMAP optional except in the Advanced Levels. Like v3.1 MMA it is **not** necessary for **all** hardware to implement REMAP. **Changes** Add the following entries to: * the Appendices of SV Book * Instructions of SV Book as a new Section * SVI, SVM, SVM2, SVRM Form of Book I Section and 1.6.2 ---------------- \newpage{} [[!inline pages="openpower/sv/remap" raw=yes ]] # Forms Add `SVI, SVM, SVM2, SVRM` to `XO (26:31)` Field in Book I, 1.6.2 Add the following to Book I, 1.6.1, SVI-Form ``` |0 |6 |11 |16 |21 |23 |24|25|26 31| | PO | SVG|rmm | SVd |ew |SVyx|mm|sk| XO | ``` Add the following to Book I, 1.6.1, SVM-Form ``` |0 |6 |11 |16 |21 |25 |26 |31 | | PO | SVxd | SVyd | SVzd | SVrm |vf | XO | ``` Add the following to Book I, 1.6.1, SVM2-Form ``` |0 |6 |10 |11 |16 |21 |24|25 |26 |31 | | PO | SVo |SVyx| rmm | SVd |XO |mm|sk | XO | ``` Add the following to Book I, 1.6.1, SVRM-Form ``` |0 |6 |11 |13 |15 |17 |19 |21 |22 |26 |31 | | PO | SVme |mi0 | mi1 | mi2 | mo0 | mo1 |pst |/// | XO | ``` Add the following to Book I, 1.6.2 ``` mi0 (11:12) Field used in REMAP to select the SVSHAPE for 1st input register Formats: SVRM mi1 (13:14) Field used in REMAP to select the SVSHAPE for 2nd input register Formats: SVRM mi2 (15:16) Field used in REMAP to select the SVSHAPE for 3rd input register Formats: SVRM mm (24) Field used to specify the meaning of the rmm field for SVI-Form and SVM2-Form Formats: SVI, SVM2 mo0 (17:18) Field used in REMAP to select the SVSHAPE for 1st output register Formats: SVRM mo1 (19:20) Field used in REMAP to select the SVSHAPE for 2nd output register Formats: SVRM pst (21) Field used in REMAP to indicate "persistence" mode (REMAP continues to apply to multiple instructions) Formats: SVRM rmm (11:15) REMAP Mode field for SVI-Form and SVM2-Form Formats: SVI, SVM2 sk (25) Field used to specify dimensional skipping in svindex Formats: SVI, SVM2 SVd (16:20) Immediate field used to specify the size of the REMAP dimension in the svindex and svshape2 instructions Formats: SVI, SVM2 SVDS (16:29) Immediate field used to specify a 9-bit signed two's complement integer which is concatenated on the right with 0b00 and sign-extended to 64 bits. Formats: SVDS SVG (6:10) Field used to specify a GPR to be used as a source for indexing. Formats: SVI SVi (16:22) Simple-V immediate field for setting VL or MVL Formats: SVL SVme (6:10) Simple-V "REMAP" map-enable bits (0-4) Formats: SVRM SVo (6:9) Field used by the svshape2 instruction as an offset Formats: SVM2 SVrm (21:24) Simple-V "REMAP" Mode Formats: SVM SVxd (6:10) Simple-V "REMAP" x-dimension size Formats: SVM SVyd (11:15) Simple-V "REMAP" y-dimension size Formats: SVM SVzd (16:20) Simple-V "REMAP" z-dimension size Formats: SVM XO (21:23,26:31) Extended opcode field. Note that bit 21 must be 1, 22 and 23 must be zero, and bits 26-31 must be exactly the same as used for svshape. Formats: SVM2 ``` # Appendices Appendix E Power ISA sorted by opcode Appendix F Power ISA sorted by version Appendix G Power ISA sorted by Compliancy Subset Appendix H Power ISA sorted by mnemonic | Form | Book | Page | Version | mnemonic | Description | |------|------|------|---------|----------|-------------| | SVRM | I | # | 3.0B | svremap | REMAP enabling instruction | | SVM | I | # | 3.0B | svshape | REMAP shape instruction | | SVM2 | I | # | 3.0B | svshape2 | REMAP shape instruction (2) | | SVI | I | # | 3.0B | svindex | REMAP General-purpose Indexing | [[!inline pages="openpower/sv/remap/appendix" raw=yes ]] ## REMAP pseudocode Written in python3 the following stand-alone executable source code is the Canonical Specification for each REMAP. Vectors of "loopends" are returned when Rc=1 in Vectors of CR Fields on `sv.svstep.`, or in Vertical-First Mode a single CR Field (CR0) on `svstep.`. The `SVSTATE.srcstep` or `SVSTATE.dststep` sequential offset is put through each algorithm to determine the actual Element Offset. Alternative implementations producing different ordering is prohibited as software will be critically relying on these Deterministic Schedules. ### REMAP 2D/3D Matrix The following stand-alone executable source code is the Canonical Specification for Matrix (2D/3D) REMAP. Hardware implementations are achievable with simple cascading counter-and-compares. ``` # python "yield" can be iterated. use this to make it clear how # the indices are generated by using natural-looking nested loops def iterate_indices(SVSHAPE): # get indices to iterate over, in the required order xd = SVSHAPE.lims[0] yd = SVSHAPE.lims[1] zd = SVSHAPE.lims[2] # create lists of indices to iterate over in each dimension x_r = list(range(xd)) y_r = list(range(yd)) z_r = list(range(zd)) # invert the indices if needed if SVSHAPE.invxyz[0]: x_r.reverse() if SVSHAPE.invxyz[1]: y_r.reverse() if SVSHAPE.invxyz[2]: z_r.reverse() # start an infinite (wrapping) loop step = 0 # track src/dst step while True: for z in z_r: # loop over 1st order dimension z_end = z == z_r[-1] for y in y_r: # loop over 2nd order dimension y_end = y == y_r[-1] for x in x_r: # loop over 3rd order dimension x_end = x == x_r[-1] # ok work out which order to construct things in. # start by creating a list of tuples of the dimension # and its limit vals = [(SVSHAPE.lims[0], x, "x"), (SVSHAPE.lims[1], y, "y"), (SVSHAPE.lims[2], z, "z") ] # now select those by order. this allows us to # create schedules for [z][x], [x][y], or [y][z] # for matrix multiply. vals = [vals[SVSHAPE.order[0]], vals[SVSHAPE.order[1]], vals[SVSHAPE.order[2]] ] # ok now we can construct the result, using bits of # "order" to say which ones get stacked on result = 0 mult = 1 for i in range(3): lim, idx, dbg = vals[i] # some of the dimensions can be "skipped". the order # was actually selected above on all 3 dimensions, # e.g. [z][x][y] or [y][z][x]. "skip" allows one of # those to be knocked out if SVSHAPE.skip == i+1: continue idx *= mult # shifts up by previous dimension(s) result += idx # adds on this dimension mult *= lim # for the next dimension loopends = (x_end | ((y_end and x_end)<<1) | ((y_end and x_end and z_end)<<2)) yield result + SVSHAPE.offset, loopends step += 1 def demo(): # set the dimension sizes here xdim = 3 ydim = 2 zdim = 4 # set total (can repeat, e.g. VL=x*y*z*4) VL = xdim * ydim * zdim # set up an SVSHAPE class SVSHAPE: pass SVSHAPE0 = SVSHAPE() SVSHAPE0.lims = [xdim, ydim, zdim] SVSHAPE0.order = [1,0,2] # experiment with different permutations, here SVSHAPE0.mode = 0b00 SVSHAPE0.skip = 0b00 SVSHAPE0.offset = 0 # experiment with different offset, here SVSHAPE0.invxyz = [0,0,0] # inversion if desired # enumerate over the iterator function, getting new indices for idx, (new_idx, end) in enumerate(iterate_indices(SVSHAPE0)): if idx >= VL: break print ("%d->%d" % (idx, new_idx), "end", bin(end)[2:]) # run the demo if __name__ == '__main__': demo() ``` ### REMAP Parallel Reduction pseudocode The python3 program below is stand-alone executable and is the Canonical Specification for Parallel Reduction REMAP. The Algorithm below is not limited to RADIX2 sizes, and Predicate sources, unlike in Matrix REMAP, apply to the Element Indices **after** REMAP has been applied, not before. MV operations are not required: the algorithm tracks positions of elements that would normally be moved and when applying an Element Reduction Operation sources the operands from their last-known (tracked) position. ``` # a "yield" version of the Parallel Reduction REMAP algorithm. # the algorithm is in-place. it does not perform "MV" operations. # instead, where a masked-out value *should* be read from is tracked def iterate_indices(SVSHAPE, pred=None): # get indices to iterate over, in the required order xd = SVSHAPE.lims[0] # create lists of indices to iterate over in each dimension ix = list(range(xd)) # invert the indices if needed if SVSHAPE.invxyz[0]: ix.reverse() # start a loop from the lowest step step = 1 steps = [] while step < xd: step *= 2 steps.append(step) # invert the indices if needed if SVSHAPE.invxyz[1]: steps.reverse() for step in steps: stepend = (step == steps[-1]) # note end of steps idxs = list(range(0, xd, step)) results = [] for i in idxs: other = i + step // 2 ci = ix[i] oi = ix[other] if other < xd else None other_pred = other < xd and (pred is None or pred[oi]) if (pred is None or pred[ci]) and other_pred: if SVSHAPE.skip == 0b00: # submode 00 result = ci elif SVSHAPE.skip == 0b01: # submode 01 result = oi results.append([result + SVSHAPE.offset, 0]) elif other_pred: ix[i] = oi if results: results[-1][1] = (stepend<<1) | 1 # notify end of loops yield from results def demo(): # set the dimension sizes here xdim = 9 # set up an SVSHAPE class SVSHAPE: pass SVSHAPE0 = SVSHAPE() SVSHAPE0.lims = [xdim, 0, 0] SVSHAPE0.order = [0,1,2] SVSHAPE0.mode = 0b10 SVSHAPE0.skip = 0b00 SVSHAPE0.offset = 0 # experiment with different offset, here SVSHAPE0.invxyz = [0,0,0] # inversion if desired SVSHAPE1 = SVSHAPE() SVSHAPE1.lims = [xdim, 0, 0] SVSHAPE1.order = [0,1,2] SVSHAPE1.mode = 0b10 SVSHAPE1.skip = 0b01 SVSHAPE1.offset = 0 # experiment with different offset, here SVSHAPE1.invxyz = [0,0,0] # inversion if desired # enumerate over the iterator function, getting new indices shapes = list(iterate_indices(SVSHAPE0)), \ list(iterate_indices(SVSHAPE1)) for idx in range(len(shapes[0])): l = shapes[0][idx] r = shapes[1][idx] (l_idx, lend) = l (r_idx, rend) = r print ("%d->%d:%d" % (idx, l_idx, r_idx), "end", bin(lend)[2:], bin(rend)[2:]) # run the demo if __name__ == '__main__': demo() ``` ### REMAP FFT pseudocode The FFT REMAP is RADIX2 only. ``` # a "yield" version of the REMAP algorithm, for FFT Tukey-Cooley schedules # original code for the FFT Tukey-Cooley schedule: # https://www.nayuki.io/res/free-small-fft-in-multiple-languages/fft.py """ # Radix-2 decimation-in-time FFT (real, not complex) size = 2 while size <= n: halfsize = size // 2 tablestep = n // size for i in range(0, n, size): k = 0 for j in range(i, i + halfsize): jh = j+halfsize jl = j temp1 = vec[jh] * exptable[k] temp2 = vec[jl] vec[jh] = temp2 - temp1 vec[jl] = temp2 + temp1 k += tablestep size *= 2 """ # python "yield" can be iterated. use this to make it clear how # the indices are generated by using natural-looking nested loops def iterate_butterfly_indices(SVSHAPE): # get indices to iterate over, in the required order n = SVSHAPE.lims[0] stride = SVSHAPE.lims[2] # stride-multiplier on reg access # creating lists of indices to iterate over in each dimension # has to be done dynamically, because it depends on the size # first, the size-based loop (which can be done statically) x_r = [] size = 2 while size <= n: x_r.append(size) size *= 2 # invert order if requested if SVSHAPE.invxyz[0]: x_r.reverse() if len(x_r) == 0: return # start an infinite (wrapping) loop skip = 0 while True: for size in x_r: # loop over 3rd order dimension (size) x_end = size == x_r[-1] # y_r schedule depends on size halfsize = size // 2 tablestep = n // size y_r = [] for i in range(0, n, size): y_r.append(i) # invert if requested if SVSHAPE.invxyz[1]: y_r.reverse() for i in y_r: # loop over 2nd order dimension y_end = i == y_r[-1] k_r = [] j_r = [] k = 0 for j in range(i, i+halfsize): k_r.append(k) j_r.append(j) k += tablestep # invert if requested if SVSHAPE.invxyz[2]: k_r.reverse() if SVSHAPE.invxyz[2]: j_r.reverse() for j, k in zip(j_r, k_r): # loop over 1st order dimension z_end = j == j_r[-1] # now depending on MODE return the index if SVSHAPE.skip == 0b00: result = j # for vec[j] elif SVSHAPE.skip == 0b01: result = j + halfsize # for vec[j+halfsize] elif SVSHAPE.skip == 0b10: result = k # for exptable[k] loopends = (z_end | ((y_end and z_end)<<1) | ((y_end and x_end and z_end)<<2)) yield (result * stride) + SVSHAPE.offset, loopends def demo(): # set the dimension sizes here xdim = 8 ydim = 0 # not needed zdim = 1 # stride must be set to 1 # set total. err don't know how to calculate how many there are... # do it manually for now VL = 0 size = 2 n = xdim while size <= n: halfsize = size // 2 tablestep = n // size for i in range(0, n, size): for j in range(i, i + halfsize): VL += 1 size *= 2 # set up an SVSHAPE class SVSHAPE: pass # j schedule SVSHAPE0 = SVSHAPE() SVSHAPE0.lims = [xdim, ydim, zdim] SVSHAPE0.order = [0,1,2] # experiment with different permutations, here SVSHAPE0.mode = 0b01 SVSHAPE0.skip = 0b00 SVSHAPE0.offset = 0 # experiment with different offset, here SVSHAPE0.invxyz = [0,0,0] # inversion if desired # j+halfstep schedule SVSHAPE1 = SVSHAPE() SVSHAPE1.lims = [xdim, ydim, zdim] SVSHAPE1.order = [0,1,2] # experiment with different permutations, here SVSHAPE0.mode = 0b01 SVSHAPE1.skip = 0b01 SVSHAPE1.offset = 0 # experiment with different offset, here SVSHAPE1.invxyz = [0,0,0] # inversion if desired # k schedule SVSHAPE2 = SVSHAPE() SVSHAPE2.lims = [xdim, ydim, zdim] SVSHAPE2.order = [0,1,2] # experiment with different permutations, here SVSHAPE0.mode = 0b01 SVSHAPE2.skip = 0b10 SVSHAPE2.offset = 0 # experiment with different offset, here SVSHAPE2.invxyz = [0,0,0] # inversion if desired # enumerate over the iterator function, getting new indices schedule = [] for idx, (jl, jh, k) in enumerate(zip(iterate_butterfly_indices(SVSHAPE0), iterate_butterfly_indices(SVSHAPE1), iterate_butterfly_indices(SVSHAPE2))): if idx >= VL: break schedule.append((jl, jh, k)) # ok now pretty-print the results, with some debug output size = 2 idx = 0 while size <= n: halfsize = size // 2 tablestep = n // size print ("size %d halfsize %d tablestep %d" % \ (size, halfsize, tablestep)) for i in range(0, n, size): prefix = "i %d\t" % i k = 0 for j in range(i, i + halfsize): (jl, je), (jh, he), (ks, ke) = schedule[idx] print (" %-3d\t%s j=%-2d jh=%-2d k=%-2d -> " "j[jl=%-2d] j[jh=%-2d] ex[k=%d]" % \ (idx, prefix, j, j+halfsize, k, jl, jh, ks, ), "end", bin(je)[2:], bin(je)[2:], bin(ke)[2:]) k += tablestep idx += 1 size *= 2 # run the demo if __name__ == '__main__': demo() ``` ### DCT REMAP DCT REMAP is RADIX2 only. Convolutions may be applied as usual to create non-RADIX2 DCT. Combined with appropriate Twin-butterfly instructions the algorithm below (written in python3), becomes part of an in-place in-registers Vectorised DCT. The algorithms work by loading data such that as the nested loops progress the result is sorted into correct sequential order. ``` # DCT "REMAP" scheduler to create an in-place iterative DCT. # # bits of the integer 'val' of width 'width' are reversed def reverse_bits(val, width): result = 0 for _ in range(width): result = (result << 1) | (val & 1) val >>= 1 return result # iterative version of [recursively-applied] half-reversing # turns out this is Gray-Encoding. def halfrev2(vec, pre_rev=True): res = [] for i in range(len(vec)): if pre_rev: res.append(vec[i ^ (i>>1)]) else: ri = i bl = i.bit_length() for ji in range(1, bl): ri ^= (i >> ji) res.append(vec[ri]) return res def iterate_dct_inner_halfswap_loadstore(SVSHAPE): # get indices to iterate over, in the required order n = SVSHAPE.lims[0] mode = SVSHAPE.lims[1] stride = SVSHAPE.lims[2] # reference list for not needing to do data-swaps, just swap what # *indices* are referenced (two levels of indirection at the moment) # pre-reverse the data-swap list so that it *ends up* in the order 0123.. ji = list(range(n)) levels = n.bit_length() - 1 ri = [reverse_bits(i, levels) for i in range(n)] if SVSHAPE.mode == 0b01: # FFT, bitrev only ji = [ji[ri[i]] for i in range(n)] elif SVSHAPE.submode2 == 0b001: ji = [ji[ri[i]] for i in range(n)] ji = halfrev2(ji, True) else: ji = halfrev2(ji, False) ji = [ji[ri[i]] for i in range(n)] # invert order if requested if SVSHAPE.invxyz[0]: ji.reverse() for i, jl in enumerate(ji): y_end = jl == ji[-1] yield jl * stride, (0b111 if y_end else 0b000) def iterate_dct_inner_costable_indices(SVSHAPE): # get indices to iterate over, in the required order n = SVSHAPE.lims[0] mode = SVSHAPE.lims[1] stride = SVSHAPE.lims[2] # creating lists of indices to iterate over in each dimension # has to be done dynamically, because it depends on the size # first, the size-based loop (which can be done statically) x_r = [] size = 2 while size <= n: x_r.append(size) size *= 2 # invert order if requested if SVSHAPE.invxyz[0]: x_r.reverse() if len(x_r) == 0: return # start an infinite (wrapping) loop skip = 0 z_end = 1 # doesn't exist in this, only 2 loops k = 0 while True: for size in x_r: # loop over 3rd order dimension (size) x_end = size == x_r[-1] # y_r schedule depends on size halfsize = size // 2 y_r = [] for i in range(0, n, size): y_r.append(i) # invert if requested if SVSHAPE.invxyz[1]: y_r.reverse() # two lists of half-range indices, e.g. j 0123, jr 7654 j = list(range(0, halfsize)) # invert if requested if SVSHAPE.invxyz[2]: j_r.reverse() # loop over 1st order dimension for ci, jl in enumerate(j): y_end = jl == j[-1] # now depending on MODE return the index. inner butterfly if SVSHAPE.skip == 0b00: # in [0b00, 0b10]: result = k # offset into COS table elif SVSHAPE.skip == 0b10: # result = ci # coefficient helper elif SVSHAPE.skip == 0b11: # result = size # coefficient helper loopends = (z_end | ((y_end and z_end)<<1) | ((y_end and x_end and z_end)<<2)) yield (result * stride) + SVSHAPE.offset, loopends k += 1 def iterate_dct_inner_butterfly_indices(SVSHAPE): # get indices to iterate over, in the required order n = SVSHAPE.lims[0] mode = SVSHAPE.lims[1] stride = SVSHAPE.lims[2] # creating lists of indices to iterate over in each dimension # has to be done dynamically, because it depends on the size # first, the size-based loop (which can be done statically) x_r = [] size = 2 while size <= n: x_r.append(size) size *= 2 # invert order if requested if SVSHAPE.invxyz[0]: x_r.reverse() if len(x_r) == 0: return # reference (read/write) the in-place data in *reverse-bit-order* ri = list(range(n)) if SVSHAPE.submode2 == 0b01: levels = n.bit_length() - 1 ri = [ri[reverse_bits(i, levels)] for i in range(n)] # reference list for not needing to do data-swaps, just swap what # *indices* are referenced (two levels of indirection at the moment) # pre-reverse the data-swap list so that it *ends up* in the order 0123.. ji = list(range(n)) inplace_mode = True if inplace_mode and SVSHAPE.submode2 == 0b01: ji = halfrev2(ji, True) if inplace_mode and SVSHAPE.submode2 == 0b11: ji = halfrev2(ji, False) # start an infinite (wrapping) loop while True: k = 0 k_start = 0 for size in x_r: # loop over 3rd order dimension (size) x_end = size == x_r[-1] # y_r schedule depends on size halfsize = size // 2 y_r = [] for i in range(0, n, size): y_r.append(i) # invert if requested if SVSHAPE.invxyz[1]: y_r.reverse() for i in y_r: # loop over 2nd order dimension y_end = i == y_r[-1] # two lists of half-range indices, e.g. j 0123, jr 7654 j = list(range(i, i + halfsize)) jr = list(range(i+halfsize, i + size)) jr.reverse() # invert if requested if SVSHAPE.invxyz[2]: j.reverse() jr.reverse() hz2 = halfsize // 2 # zero stops reversing 1-item lists # loop over 1st order dimension k = k_start for ci, (jl, jh) in enumerate(zip(j, jr)): z_end = jl == j[-1] # now depending on MODE return the index. inner butterfly if SVSHAPE.skip == 0b00: # in [0b00, 0b10]: if SVSHAPE.submode2 == 0b11: # iDCT result = ji[ri[jl]] # lower half else: result = ri[ji[jl]] # lower half elif SVSHAPE.skip == 0b01: # in [0b01, 0b11]: if SVSHAPE.submode2 == 0b11: # iDCT result = ji[ri[jl+halfsize]] # upper half else: result = ri[ji[jh]] # upper half elif mode == 4: # COS table pre-generated mode if SVSHAPE.skip == 0b10: # result = k # cos table offset else: # mode 2 # COS table generated on-demand ("Vertical-First") mode if SVSHAPE.skip == 0b10: # result = ci # coefficient helper elif SVSHAPE.skip == 0b11: # result = size # coefficient helper loopends = (z_end | ((y_end and z_end)<<1) | ((y_end and x_end and z_end)<<2)) yield (result * stride) + SVSHAPE.offset, loopends k += 1 # now in-place swap if inplace_mode: for ci, (jl, jh) in enumerate(zip(j[:hz2], jr[:hz2])): jlh = jl+halfsize tmp1, tmp2 = ji[jlh], ji[jh] ji[jlh], ji[jh] = tmp2, tmp1 # new k_start point for cos tables( runs inside x_r loop NOT i loop) k_start += halfsize # python "yield" can be iterated. use this to make it clear how # the indices are generated by using natural-looking nested loops def iterate_dct_outer_butterfly_indices(SVSHAPE): # get indices to iterate over, in the required order n = SVSHAPE.lims[0] mode = SVSHAPE.lims[1] stride = SVSHAPE.lims[2] # creating lists of indices to iterate over in each dimension # has to be done dynamically, because it depends on the size # first, the size-based loop (which can be done statically) x_r = [] size = n // 2 while size >= 2: x_r.append(size) size //= 2 # invert order if requested if SVSHAPE.invxyz[0]: x_r.reverse() if len(x_r) == 0: return # I-DCT, reference (read/write) the in-place data in *reverse-bit-order* ri = list(range(n)) if SVSHAPE.submode2 in [0b11, 0b01]: levels = n.bit_length() - 1 ri = [ri[reverse_bits(i, levels)] for i in range(n)] # reference list for not needing to do data-swaps, just swap what # *indices* are referenced (two levels of indirection at the moment) # pre-reverse the data-swap list so that it *ends up* in the order 0123.. ji = list(range(n)) inplace_mode = False # need the space... SVSHAPE.skip in [0b10, 0b11] if SVSHAPE.submode2 == 0b11: ji = halfrev2(ji, False) # start an infinite (wrapping) loop while True: k = 0 k_start = 0 for size in x_r: # loop over 3rd order dimension (size) halfsize = size//2 x_end = size == x_r[-1] y_r = list(range(0, halfsize)) # invert if requested if SVSHAPE.invxyz[1]: y_r.reverse() for i in y_r: # loop over 2nd order dimension y_end = i == y_r[-1] # one list to create iterative-sum schedule jr = list(range(i+halfsize, i+n-halfsize, size)) # invert if requested if SVSHAPE.invxyz[2]: jr.reverse() hz2 = halfsize // 2 # zero stops reversing 1-item lists k = k_start for ci, jh in enumerate(jr): # loop over 1st order dimension z_end = jh == jr[-1] if mode == 4: # COS table pre-generated mode if SVSHAPE.skip == 0b00: # in [0b00, 0b10]: if SVSHAPE.submode2 == 0b11: # iDCT result = ji[ri[jh]] # upper half else: result = ri[ji[jh]] # lower half elif SVSHAPE.skip == 0b01: # in [0b01, 0b11]: if SVSHAPE.submode2 == 0b11: # iDCT result = ji[ri[jh+size]] # upper half else: result = ri[ji[jh+size]] # upper half elif SVSHAPE.skip == 0b10: # result = k # cos table offset else: # COS table generated on-demand ("Vertical-First") mode if SVSHAPE.skip == 0b00: # in [0b00, 0b10]: if SVSHAPE.submode2 == 0b11: # iDCT result = ji[ri[jh]] # lower half else: result = ri[ji[jh]] # lower half elif SVSHAPE.skip == 0b01: # in [0b01, 0b11]: if SVSHAPE.submode2 == 0b11: # iDCT result = ji[ri[jh+size]] # upper half else: result = ri[ji[jh+size]] # upper half elif SVSHAPE.skip == 0b10: # result = ci # coefficient helper elif SVSHAPE.skip == 0b11: # result = size # coefficient helper loopends = (z_end | ((y_end and z_end)<<1) | ((y_end and x_end and z_end)<<2)) yield (result * stride) + SVSHAPE.offset, loopends k += 1 # new k_start point for cos tables( runs inside x_r loop NOT i loop) k_start += halfsize ``` ## REMAP selector Selecting which REMAP Schedule to use is shown by the pseudocode below. Each SVSHAPE 0-3 goes through this selection process. ``` if SVSHAPEn.mode == 0b00: iterate_fn = iterate_indices if SVSHAPEn.mode == 0b10: iterate_fn = iterate_preduce_indices if SVSHAPEn.mode in [0b01, 0b11]: # further sub-selection if SVSHAPEn.ydimsz == 1: iterate_fn = iterate_butterfly_indices if SVSHAPEn.ydimsz == 2: iterate_fn = iterate_dct_inner_butterfly_indices if SVSHAPEn.ydimsz == 3: iterate_fn = iterate_dct_outer_butterfly_indices if SVSHAPEn.ydimsz in [5, 13]: iterate_fn = iterate_dct_inner_costable_indices if SVSHAPEn.ydimsz in [6, 14, 15]: iterate_fn = iterate_dct_inner_halfswap_loadstore ``` [[!tag opf_rfc]]