# RFC ls013 Min/Max GPR/FPR **URLs**: * * * **Severity**: Major **Status**: New **Date**: 14 Apr 2023 **Target**: v3.2B **Source**: v3.1B **Books and Section affected**: ``` Book I Fixed-Point and Floating-Point Instructions Appendix E Power ISA sorted by opcode Appendix F Power ISA sorted by version Appendix G Power ISA sorted by Compliancy Subset Appendix H Power ISA sorted by mnemonic ``` **Summary** ``` Instructions added ``` **Submitter**: Luke Leighton (Libre-SOC) **Requester**: Libre-SOC **Impact on processor**: ``` Addition of new GPR-based and FPR-based instructions ``` **Impact on software**: ``` Requires support for new instructions in assembler, debuggers, and related tools. ``` **Keywords**: ``` GPR, FPR, min, max, fmin, fmax ``` **Motivation** TODO **Notes and Observations**: 1. minimum/maximum instructions are needed for vector reductions, where the SVP64 tree reduction needs a single instruction to work properly. 2. if you implement any of the FP min/max modes, the rest are not much more hardware. 3. SVP64/VSX may have different meaning from SVP64/SFFS, so it is *really* crucial to have SVP64/SFFS ops even if "equivalent" to VSX. 4. FP min/max are rather complex to implement in software, the most commonly used FP max function `fmax` from glibc compiled for SFFS is 32 (!) instructions. **Changes** Add the following entries to: * the Appendices of Book I * Book I 3.3.9 Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions * Book I Floating-Point Elementary Arithmetic Instructions * Book I 1.6.1 and 1.6.2 ---------------- \newpage{} ## `FMM` -- Floating Min/Max Mode | `FMM` | Assembly Alias | Origin | Semantics | |-------|-------------------------------|--------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------| | 0000 | fminnum08[s] FRT, FRA, FRB | IEEE 754-2008 | FRT = minNum(FRA, FRB) (1) | | 0001 | fmin19[s] FRT, FRA, FRB | IEEE 754-2019 | FRT = minimum(FRA, FRB) | | 0010 | fminnum19[s] FRT, FRA, FRB | IEEE 754-2019 | FRT = minimumNumber(FRA, FRB) | | 0011 | fminc[s] FRT, FRA, FRB | x86 minss or Win32's min macro | FRT = FRA \< FRB ? FRA : FRB | | 0100 | fminmagnum08[s] FRT, FRA, FRB | IEEE 754-2008 (TODO: (3)) | FRT = minmaxmag(FRA, FRB, False, fminnum08) (2) | | 0101 | fminmag19[s] FRT, FRA, FRB | IEEE 754-2019 | FRT = minmaxmag(FRA, FRB, False, fmin19) (2) | | 0110 | fminmagnum19[s] FRT, FRA, FRB | IEEE 754-2019 | FRT = minmaxmag(FRA, FRB, False, fminnum19) (2) | | 0111 | fminmagc[s] FRT, FRA, FRB | - | FRT = minmaxmag(FRA, FRB, False, fminc) (2) | | 1000 | fmaxnum08[s] FRT, FRA, FRB | IEEE 754-2008 | FRT = maxNum(FRA, FRB) (1) | | 1001 | fmax19[s] FRT, FRA, FRB | IEEE 754-2019 | FRT = maximum(FRA, FRB) | | 1010 | fmaxnum19[s] FRT, FRA, FRB | IEEE 754-2019 | FRT = maximumNumber(FRA, FRB) | | 1011 | fmaxc[s] FRT, FRA, FRB | x86 maxss or Win32's max macro | FRT = FRA > FRB ? FRA : FRB | | 1100 | fmaxmagnum08[s] FRT, FRA, FRB | IEEE 754-2008 (TODO: (3)) | FRT = minmaxmag(FRA, FRB, True, fmaxnum08) (2) | | 1101 | fmaxmag19[s] FRT, FRA, FRB | IEEE 754-2019 | FRT = minmaxmag(FRA, FRB, True, fmax19) (2) | | 1110 | fmaxmagnum19[s] FRT, FRA, FRB | IEEE 754-2019 | FRT = minmaxmag(FRA, FRB, True, fmaxnum19) (2) | | 1111 | fmaxmagc[s] FRT, FRA, FRB | - | FRT = minmaxmag(FRA, FRB, True, fmaxc) (2) | Note (1): for the purposes of minNum/maxNum, -0.0 is defined to be less than +0.0. This is left unspecified in IEEE 754-2008. Note (2): minmaxmag(x, y, cmp, fallback) is defined as: ```python def minmaxmag(x, y, is_max, fallback): a = abs(x) < abs(y) b = abs(x) > abs(y) if is_max: a, b = b, a # swap if a: return x if b: return y # equal magnitudes, or NaN input(s) return fallback(x, y) ``` Note (3): TODO: icr if IEEE 754-2008 has min/maxMagNum like IEEE 754-2019's minimum/maximumMagnitudeNumber ---------------- \newpage{} ## Floating Minimum/Maximum X-Form ``` fminmax FRT, FRA, FRB, FMM ``` ``` |0 |6 |11 |16 |21 |24 |31 | | PO | FRT | FRA | FRB | FMM[0:2] | XO | FMM[3] | ``` Compute the minimum/maximum of FRA and FRB, according to FMM, and store the result in FRT. Assembly Aliases: see [`FMM` -- Floating Min/Max Mode](#fmm-floating-min-max-mode) ---------- ## Floating Minimum/Maximum Single X-Form ``` fminmaxs FRT, FRA, FRB, FMM ``` ``` |0 |6 |11 |16 |21 |24 |31 | | PO | FRT | FRA | FRB | FMM[0:2] | XO | FMM[3] | ``` Compute the minimum/maximum of FRA and FRB, according to FMM, and store the result in FRT. Assembly Aliases: see [`FMM` -- Floating Min/Max Mode](#fmm-floating-min-max-mode) ---------- \newpage{} ## Minimum Unsigned X-Form ``` minu RT, RA, RB minu. RT, RA, RB ``` ``` |0 |6 |11 |16 |21 |31 | | PO | RT | RA | RB | XO | Rc | ``` ``` if (RA) u (RB) then RT <- (RA) else RT <- (RB) ``` Compute the unsigned maximum of RA and RB and store the result in RT. Special Registers altered: ``` CR0 (if Rc=1) ``` ---------- \newpage{} ## Minimum X-Form ``` min RT, RA, RB min. RT, RA, RB ``` ``` |0 |6 |11 |16 |21 |31 | | PO | RT | RA | RB | XO | Rc | ``` ``` if (RA) < (RB) then RT <- (RA) else RT <- (RB) ``` Compute the signed minimum of RA and RB and store the result in RT. Special Registers altered: ``` CR0 (if Rc=1) ``` ---------- ## Maximum X-Form ``` max RT, RA, RB max. RT, RA, RB ``` ``` |0 |6 |11 |16 |21 |31 | | PO | RT | RA | RB | XO | Rc | ``` ``` if (RA) > (RB) then RT <- (RA) else RT <- (RB) ``` Compute the signed maximum of RA and RB and store the result in RT. Special Registers altered: ``` CR0 (if Rc=1) ``` ---------- \newpage{} # Instruction Formats Add the following entries to Book I X-FORM: ``` |0 |6 |11 |16 |21 |24 |31 | | PO | FRT | FRA | FRB | FMM[0:2] | XO | FMM[3] | ``` Add a new field to Book I 1.6.2 Word Instruction Fields: ``` FMM (21:23,31) Field used to specify minimum/maximum mode for fminmax[s]. Formats: X ``` ---------- \newpage{} # Appendices Appendix E Power ISA sorted by opcode Appendix F Power ISA sorted by version Appendix G Power ISA sorted by Compliancy Subset Appendix H Power ISA sorted by mnemonic | Form | Book | Page | Version | mnemonic | Description | |------|------|------|---------|----------|-------------| | X | I | # | 3.2B | fminmax | Floating Minimum/Maximum | | X | I | # | 3.2B | fminmaxs | Floating Minimum/Maximum Single | | X | I | # | 3.2B | minu | Minimum Unsigned | | X | I | # | 3.2B | maxu | Maximum Unsigned | | X | I | # | 3.2B | min | Minimum | | X | I | # | 3.2B | max | Maximum | ## fmax instruction count 32 instructions are required in SFFS to emulate fmac. ``` fmax(double, double): fcmpu 0,1,2 fmr 0,1 cror 30,1,2 beq 7,.L12 blt 0,.L13 stfd 1,-16(1) lis 9,0x8 li 8,-1 sldi 9,9,32 rldicr 8,8,0,11 ori 2,2,0 ld 10,-16(1) xor 10,10,9 sldi 10,10,1 cmpld 0,10,8 bgt 0,.L5 stfd 2,-16(1) ori 2,2,0 ld 10,-16(1) xor 9,10,9 sldi 9,9,1 cmpld 0,9,8 ble 0,.L6 .L5: fadd 1,0,2 blr .L13: fmr 1,2 blr .L6: fcmpu 0,2,2 fmr 1,2 bnulr 0 .L12: fmr 1,0 blr .long 0 .byte 0,9,0,0,0,0,0,0 ``` [[!tag opf_rfc]]