# Rewrite of SVP64 for OpenPower ISA v3.1 * [[svp64/discussion]] The plan is to create an encoding for SVP64, then to create an encoding for SVP48, then to reorganize them both to improve field overlap, reducing the amount of decoder hardware necessary. All bit numbers are in MSB0 form (the bits are numbered from 0 at the MSB and counting up as you move to the LSB end). All bit ranges are inclusive (so `4:6` means bits 4, 5, and 6). 64-bit instructions are split into two 32-bit words, the prefix and the suffix. The prefix always comes before the suffix in PC order. ## Definition of Reserved in this spec. For the new fields added in SVP64, instructions that have any of their fields set to a reserved value must cause an illegal instruction trap, to allow emulation of future instruction sets. This is unlike OpenPower ISA v3.1, which doesn't require a CPU to trap. ## Remapped Encoding (`RM[0:23]`) To allow relatively easy remapping of which portions of the Prefix Opcode Map are used for SVP64 without needing to rewrite a large portion of the SVP64 spec, a mapping is defined from the OpenPower v3.1 prefix bits to a new 24-bit Remapped Encoding denoted `RM[0]` at the MSB to `RM[23]` at the LSB. The mapping from the OpenPower v3.1 prefix bits to the Remapped Encoding is defined in the Prefix Fields section. ## Remapped Encoding Fields Shows all fields in the Remapped Encoding `RM[0:23]` for all instruction variants. | Remapped Encoding Field Name | Field bits | Description | |------------------------------|------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MASK_KIND | `0` | Execution Mask Kind | | MASK | `1:3` | Execution Mask | | ELWIDTH | `4:5` | Element Width | | SUBVL | `6:7` | Sub-vector length | | Rdest_EXTRA | `8:10` | extra bits for Rdest (Uses R\*_EXTRA Encoding) | | Rsrc1_EXTRA | `11:13` | extra bits for Rsrc1 (Uses R\*_EXTRA Encoding) | | Rsrc2_EXTRA | `14:16` | extra bits for Rsrc2 (Uses R\*_EXTRA Encoding) | | Rsrc3_EXTRA | `17:19` | extra bits for Rsrc3 (Uses R\*_EXTRA Encoding) | | MASK_SRC | `14:16` | Execution Mask for Source (only on instructions with twin-predication) | | ELWIDTH_SRC | `17:18` | Element Width for Source (only on instructions with twin-predication) | | SUBVL_SRC | `19:20` | Sub-vector length for Source (only on instructions with twin-predication) | | TBD | `21:23` | TBD | ## R\*_EXTRA Encoding In the following table, `` denotes the value of the corresponding register field in the SVP64 suffix word. | R\*_EXTRA | Vector/Scalar
Mode | CR Register | Int/FP
Register | |-----------|------------------------|---------------|---------------------| | 000 | Scalar | `SVCR_000` | `SV[F]R_00` | | 001 | Scalar | `SVCR_010` | `SV[F]R_01` | | 010 | Scalar | `SVCR_100` | `SV[F]R_10` | | 011 | Scalar | `SVCR_110` | `SV[F]R_11` | | 100 | Vector | `SVCR_000` | `SV[F]R_00` | | 101 | Vector | `SVCR_010` | `SV[F]R_01` | | 110 | Vector | `SVCR_100` | `SV[F]R_10` | | 111 | Vector | `SVCR_110` | `SV[F]R_11` | ## ELWIDTH Encoding | Instruction Kind | ELWIDTH Value | Mnemonic | Description | |------------------|---------------|---------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Integer | 00 | `ELWIDTH=b` | Byte: 8-bit integer | | Integer | 01 | `ELWIDTH=h` | Halfword: 16-bit integer | | Integer | 10 | `ELWIDTH=w` | Word: 32-bit integer | | Integer | 11 | `ELWIDTH=d` | Doubleword: 64-bit integer | | FP | 00 | `ELWIDTH=bf16` (Reserved) | Reserved for [`bf16`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bfloat16_floating-point_format) | | FP | 01 | `ELWIDTH=f16` | 16-bit IEEE 754 Half floating-point | | FP | 10 | `ELWIDTH=f32` | 32-bit IEEE 754 Single floating-point | | FP | 11 | `ELWIDTH=f64` | 64-bit IEEE 754 Double floating-point | ## SUBVL Encoding | SUBVL Value | Mnemonic | Description | |-------------|---------------------|------------------------| | 00 | `SUBVL=4` | Sub-vector length of 4 | | 01 | `SUBVL=1` (default) | Sub-vector length of 1 | | 10 | `SUBVL=2` | Sub-vector length of 2 | | 11 | `SUBVL=3` | Sub-vector length of 3 | ## MASK/MASK_SRC & MASK_KIND Encoding One bit (`MASKMODE`) indicates the mode: CR or Int predication. The two types may not be mixed. | MASK_KIND Value | Description | |-----------------|------------------------------------------------------| | 0 | MASK/MASK_SRC are encoded using Integer Predication | | 1 | MASK/MASK_SRC are encoded using CR-based Predication | Integer Twin predication has a second set if 3 bits that uses the same encoding thus allowing either the same register (r3 or r10) to be used for both src and dest, or different regs (one for src, one for dest). Likewise CR based twin predication has a second set of 3 bits, allowing a different test to be applied. ### Integer Predication (MASK_KIND=0) When the predicate mode bit is zero the 3 bits are interpreted as below. Twin predication has an identical 3 bit field similarly encoded. | MASK/MASK_SRC
Value | Mnemonic | Description | |-------------------------|----------|--------------------------------------------------------| | 000 | ALWAYS | Operation is not masked (mask set to all 1s) | | 001 | 1 << R3 | Element `i` is enabled if `i == R3` | | 010 | R3 | Element `i` is enabled if `R3 & (1 << i)` is non-zero | | 011 | ~R3 | Element `i` is enabled if `R3 & (1 << i)` is zero | | 100 | R10 | Element `i` is enabled if `R10 & (1 << i)` is non-zero | | 101 | ~R10 | Element `i` is enabled if `R10 & (1 << i)` is zero | | 110 | R30 | Element `i` is enabled if `R30 & (1 << i)` is non-zero | | 111 | ~R30 | Element `i` is enabled if `R30 & (1 << i)` is zero | ### CR-based Predication (MASK_KIND=1) When the predicate mode bit is one the 3 bits are interpreted as below. Twin predication has an identical 3 bit field similarly encoded | MASK/MASK_SRC
Value | Mnemonic | Description | |-------------------------|----------|-------------------------------------------------| | 000 | lt | Element `i` is enabled if `CR[6+i].LT` is set | | 001 | nl/ge | Element `i` is enabled if `CR[6+i].LT` is clear | | 010 | gt | Element `i` is enabled if `CR[6+i].GT` is set | | 011 | ng/le | Element `i` is enabled if `CR[6+i].GT` is clear | | 100 | eq | Element `i` is enabled if `CR[6+i].EQ` is set | | 101 | ne | Element `i` is enabled if `CR[6+i].EQ` is clear | | 110 | so/un | Element `i` is enabled if `CR[6+i].FU` is set | | 111 | ns/nu | Element `i` is enabled if `CR[6+i].FU` is clear | CR based predication. TODO: select alternate CR for twin predication? see [[discussion]] Overlap of the two CR based predicates must be taken into account, so the starting point for one of them must be suitably high, or accept that for twin predication VL must not exceed the range where overlap will occur, *or* that they use the same starting point but select different *bits* of the same CRs ## Prefix Opcode Map (64-bit instruction encoding) (prefix bits 6:11) (shows both PowerISA v3.1 instructions as well as new SVP instructions; empty spaces are yet-to-be-allocated Illegal Instructions) | bits 6:11 | ---000 | ---001 | ---010 | ---011 | ---100 | ---101 | ---110 | ---111 | |-----------|----------|------------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------| | 000--- | 8LS-form | 8LS-form | 8LS-form | 8LS-form | 8LS-form | 8LS-form | 8LS-form | 8LS-form | | 001--- | | | | | | | | | | 010--- | 8RR-form | | | | SVP64 | SVP64 | SVP64 | SVP64 | | 011--- | | | | | SVP64 | SVP64 | SVP64 | SVP64 | | 100--- | MLS-form | MLS-form | MLS-form | MLS-form | MLS-form | MLS-form | MLS-form | MLS-form | | 101--- | | | | | | | | | | 110--- | MRR-form | | | | SVP64 | SVP64 | SVP64 | SVP64 | | 111--- | | MMIRR-form | | | SVP64 | SVP64 | SVP64 | SVP64 | ## Prefix Fields | Prefix Field Name | Field bits | Constant Value | Description | |---------------------|------------|----------------|--------------------------------------------| | PO (Primary Opcode) | `0:5` | `1` | Indicates this is a 64-bit instruction | | `RM[0]` | `6` | | Bit 0 of the Remapped Encoding | | SVP64_7 | `7` | `1` | Indicates this is a SVP64 instruction | | `RM[1]` | `8` | | Bit 1 of the Remapped Encoding | | SVP64_9 | `9` | `1` | Indicates this is a SVP64 instruction | | `RM[2:23]` | `10:31` | | Bits 2 through 23 of the Remapped Encoding | # Twin Predication This is a novel concept that allows predication to be applied to a single source and a single dest register. The following types of traditional Vector operations may be encoded with it, *without requiring explicit opcodes to do so* * VSPLAT (a single scalar distributed across a vector) * VEXTRACT (like LLVM IR [`extractelement`](https://releases.llvm.org/11.0.0/docs/LangRef.html#extractelement-instruction)) * VINSERT (like LLVM IR [`insertelement`](https://releases.llvm.org/11.0.0/docs/LangRef.html#insertelement-instruction)) * VCOMPRESS (like LLVM IR [`llvm.masked.compressstore.*`](https://releases.llvm.org/11.0.0/docs/LangRef.html#llvm-masked-compressstore-intrinsics)) * VEXPAND (like LLVM IR [`llvm.masked.expandload.*`](https://releases.llvm.org/11.0.0/docs/LangRef.html#llvm-masked-expandload-intrinsics)) Those patterns (and more) may be applied to: * mv (the usual way that V\* operations are created) * exts\* sign-extension * rwlinm and other RS-RA shift operations * LD and ST (treating AGEN as one source) * FP fclass, fsgn, fneg, fabs, fcvt, frecip, fsqrt etc. * Condition Register ops mfcr, mtcr and other similar This is a huge list that creates extremely powerful combinations, particularly given that one of the predicate options is `(1<_` where `` is a decimal integer and `` is a binary integer. Two integers are used to enable future register expansions to add more registers by appending more LSB bits to ``. For all `SV[F|C]R_` registers, the N is the upper bits in decimal and the M is the lower bits in binary, so `SVR5_01` is SV integer register `(5 << 2) + 0b01`, `SVCR6_011` is SV condition register `(6 << 3) + 0b011`, and `SVFR20_10` is SV floating-point register `(20 << 2) + 0b10`. ## Example Code a vectorized 32-bit add: add SVR3_01, SVR6_10, SVR10_00, elwidth=w, subvl=1, mask=lt does the following: const size_t start_cr = (6 << 3) + 0b000; // starting at SVCR6_000 // pretend for the moment that type-punning actually works in C/C++ uint32_t *rt = (uint32_t *)®s[(3 << 2) + 0b01]; // SVR3_01 uint32_t *ra = (uint32_t *)®s[(6 << 2) + 0b10]; // SVR6_10 uint32_t *rb = (uint32_t *)®s[(10 << 2) + 0b00]; // SVR10_00 for(size_t i = 0; i < VL; i++) { if(CRs[(start_cr + i) % 64].lt) { rt[i] = ra[i] + rb[i]; } } ## Integer Registers setvli ..., VL=7 add r20, r25, r30, elwidth=64, subvl=1 where `r20`, `r25`, and `r30` are standard OpenPower register names. Those names correspond to `SVR20_00`, `SVR25_00`, and `SVR30_00`. pseudocode: const size_t STD_TO_SV_SHIFT = 2; // gets bigger as reg files expand to 256, 512, ... registers VL = 7; // setvli (omitting maxvl here) for(size_t i = 0; i < VL; i++) { regs[(20 << STD_TO_SV_SHIFT) + i] = regs[(25 << STD_TO_SV_SHIFT) + i] + regs[(30 << STD_TO_SV_SHIFT) + i]; } Standard PowerISA Integer registers are aliased to some of the SV integer registers: | Integer
Register | SV Integer
Register | Integer
Register | SV Integer
Register | Integer
Register | SV Integer
Register | Integer
Register | SV Integer
Register | |----------------------|-------------------------|----------------------|-------------------------|----------------------|-------------------------|----------------------|-------------------------| | R0 | SVR0_00 | R8 | SVR8_00 | R16 | SVR16_00 | R24 | SVR24_00 | | | SVR0_01 | | SVR8_01 | | SVR16_01 | | SVR24_01 | | | SVR0_10 | | SVR8_10 | | SVR16_10 | | SVR24_10 | | | SVR0_11 | | SVR8_11 | | SVR16_11 | | SVR24_11 | | R1 | SVR1_00 | R9 | SVR9_00 | R17 | SVR17_00 | R25 | SVR25_00 | | | SVR1_01 | | SVR9_01 | | SVR17_01 | | SVR25_01 | | | SVR1_10 | | SVR9_10 | | SVR17_10 | | SVR25_10 | | | SVR1_11 | | SVR9_11 | | SVR17_11 | | SVR25_11 | | R2 | SVR2_00 | R10 | SVR10_00 | R18 | SVR18_00 | R26 | SVR26_00 | | | SVR2_01 | | SVR10_01 | | SVR18_01 | | SVR26_01 | | | SVR2_10 | | SVR10_10 | | SVR18_10 | | SVR26_10 | | | SVR2_11 | | SVR10_11 | | SVR18_11 | | SVR26_11 | | R3 | SVR3_00 | R11 | SVR11_00 | R19 | SVR19_00 | R27 | SVR27_00 | | | SVR3_01 | | SVR11_01 | | SVR19_01 | | SVR27_01 | | | SVR3_10 | | SVR11_10 | | SVR19_10 | | SVR27_10 | | | SVR3_11 | | SVR11_11 | | SVR19_11 | | SVR27_11 | | R4 | SVR4_00 | R12 | SVR12_00 | R20 | SVR20_00 | R28 | SVR28_00 | | | SVR4_01 | | SVR12_01 | | SVR20_01 | | SVR28_01 | | | SVR4_10 | | SVR12_10 | | SVR20_10 | | SVR28_10 | | | SVR4_11 | | SVR12_11 | | SVR20_11 | | SVR28_11 | | R5 | SVR5_00 | R13 | SVR13_00 | R21 | SVR21_00 | R29 | SVR29_00 | | | SVR5_01 | | SVR13_01 | | SVR21_01 | | SVR29_01 | | | SVR5_10 | | SVR13_10 | | SVR21_10 | | SVR29_10 | | | SVR5_11 | | SVR13_11 | | SVR21_11 | | SVR29_11 | | R6 | SVR6_00 | R14 | SVR14_00 | R22 | SVR22_00 | R30 | SVR30_00 | | | SVR6_01 | | SVR14_01 | | SVR22_01 | | SVR30_01 | | | SVR6_10 | | SVR14_10 | | SVR22_10 | | SVR30_10 | | | SVR6_11 | | SVR14_11 | | SVR22_11 | | SVR30_11 | | R7 | SVR7_00 | R15 | SVR15_00 | R23 | SVR23_00 | R31 | SVR31_00 | | | SVR7_01 | | SVR15_01 | | SVR23_01 | | SVR31_01 | | | SVR7_10 | | SVR15_10 | | SVR23_10 | | SVR31_10 | | | SVR7_11 | | SVR15_11 | | SVR23_11 | | SVR31_11 | ## Floating-Point Registers Standard PowerISA floating-point and VSX registers are aliased to some of the SV floating-point registers: | FP
Register | VSX Register | SV FP
Register | FP
Register | VSX Register | SV FP
Register | |-----------------|-----------------------|--------------------|-----------------|-----------------------|--------------------| | FPR\[0\] | VSR\[0\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR0\_00 | FPR\[16\] | VSR\[16\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR16\_00 | | | VSR\[0\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR0\_01 | | VSR\[16\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR16\_01 | | | VSR\[32\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR0\_10 | | VSR\[48\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR16\_10 | | | VSR\[32\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR0\_11 | | VSR\[48\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR16\_11 | | FPR\[1\] | VSR\[1\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR1\_00 | FPR\[17\] | VSR\[17\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR17\_00 | | | VSR\[1\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR1\_01 | | VSR\[17\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR17\_01 | | | VSR\[33\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR1\_10 | | VSR\[49\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR17\_10 | | | VSR\[33\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR1\_11 | | VSR\[49\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR17\_11 | | FPR\[2\] | VSR\[2\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR2\_00 | FPR\[18\] | VSR\[18\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR18\_00 | | | VSR\[2\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR2\_01 | | VSR\[18\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR18\_01 | | | VSR\[34\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR2\_10 | | VSR\[50\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR18\_10 | | | VSR\[34\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR2\_11 | | VSR\[50\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR18\_11 | | FPR\[3\] | VSR\[3\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR3\_00 | FPR\[19\] | VSR\[19\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR19\_00 | | | VSR\[3\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR3\_01 | | VSR\[19\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR19\_01 | | | VSR\[35\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR3\_10 | | VSR\[51\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR19\_10 | | | VSR\[35\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR3\_11 | | VSR\[51\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR19\_11 | | FPR\[4\] | VSR\[4\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR4\_00 | FPR\[20\] | VSR\[20\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR20\_00 | | | VSR\[4\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR4\_01 | | VSR\[20\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR20\_01 | | | VSR\[36\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR4\_10 | | VSR\[52\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR20\_10 | | | VSR\[36\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR4\_11 | | VSR\[52\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR20\_11 | | FPR\[5\] | VSR\[5\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR5\_00 | FPR\[21\] | VSR\[21\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR21\_00 | | | VSR\[5\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR5\_01 | | VSR\[21\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR21\_01 | | | VSR\[37\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR5\_10 | | VSR\[53\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR21\_10 | | | VSR\[37\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR5\_11 | | VSR\[53\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR21\_11 | | FPR\[6\] | VSR\[6\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR6\_00 | FPR\[22\] | VSR\[22\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR22\_00 | | | VSR\[6\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR6\_01 | | VSR\[22\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR22\_01 | | | VSR\[38\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR6\_10 | | VSR\[54\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR22\_10 | | | VSR\[38\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR6\_11 | | VSR\[54\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR22\_11 | | FPR\[7\] | VSR\[7\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR7\_00 | FPR\[23\] | VSR\[23\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR23\_00 | | | VSR\[7\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR7\_01 | | VSR\[23\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR23\_01 | | | VSR\[39\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR7\_10 | | VSR\[55\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR23\_10 | | | VSR\[39\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR7\_11 | | VSR\[55\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR23\_11 | | FPR\[8\] | VSR\[8\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR8\_00 | FPR\[24\] | VSR\[24\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR24\_00 | | | VSR\[8\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR8\_01 | | VSR\[24\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR24\_01 | | | VSR\[40\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR8\_10 | | VSR\[56\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR24\_10 | | | VSR\[40\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR8\_11 | | VSR\[56\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR24\_11 | | FPR\[9\] | VSR\[9\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR9\_00 | FPR\[25\] | VSR\[25\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR25\_00 | | | VSR\[9\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR9\_01 | | VSR\[25\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR25\_01 | | | VSR\[41\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR9\_10 | | VSR\[57\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR25\_10 | | | VSR\[41\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR9\_11 | | VSR\[57\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR25\_11 | | FPR\[10\] | VSR\[10\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR10\_00 | FPR\[26\] | VSR\[26\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR26\_00 | | | VSR\[10\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR10\_01 | | VSR\[26\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR26\_01 | | | VSR\[42\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR10\_10 | | VSR\[58\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR26\_10 | | | VSR\[42\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR10\_11 | | VSR\[58\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR26\_11 | | FPR\[11\] | VSR\[11\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR11\_00 | FPR\[27\] | VSR\[27\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR27\_00 | | | VSR\[11\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR11\_01 | | VSR\[27\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR27\_01 | | | VSR\[43\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR11\_10 | | VSR\[59\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR27\_10 | | | VSR\[43\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR11\_11 | | VSR\[59\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR27\_11 | | FPR\[12\] | VSR\[12\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR12\_00 | FPR\[28\] | VSR\[28\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR28\_00 | | | VSR\[12\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR12\_01 | | VSR\[28\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR28\_01 | | | VSR\[44\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR12\_10 | | VSR\[60\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR28\_10 | | | VSR\[44\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR12\_11 | | VSR\[60\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR28\_11 | | FPR\[13\] | VSR\[13\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR13\_00 | FPR\[29\] | VSR\[29\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR29\_00 | | | VSR\[13\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR13\_01 | | VSR\[29\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR29\_01 | | | VSR\[45\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR13\_10 | | VSR\[61\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR29\_10 | | | VSR\[45\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR13\_11 | | VSR\[61\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR29\_11 | | FPR\[14\] | VSR\[14\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR14\_00 | FPR\[30\] | VSR\[30\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR30\_00 | | | VSR\[14\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR14\_01 | | VSR\[30\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR30\_01 | | | VSR\[46\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR14\_10 | | VSR\[62\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR30\_10 | | | VSR\[46\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR14\_11 | | VSR\[62\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR30\_11 | | FPR\[15\] | VSR\[15\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR15\_00 | FPR\[31\] | VSR\[31\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR31\_00 | | | VSR\[15\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR15\_01 | | VSR\[31\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR31\_01 | | | VSR\[47\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR15\_10 | | VSR\[63\]\.dword\[0\] | SVFR31\_10 | | | VSR\[47\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR15\_11 | | VSR\[63\]\.dword\[1\] | SVFR31\_11 | # Operation ## CR fields as inputs/outputs of vector operations When vectorized, the CR inputs/outputs are read/written to 4-bit CR fields starting from SVCR6_000 and incrementing from there. If SVCR7_111 is reached, the next CR field used wraps around to SVCR0_000, then incrementing from there. (see [[discussion]]. some alternative schemes are described there) SVCR6_000 was chosen to balance avoiding needing to save CR2-CR4 (which are callee-saved) just to use SV vectors with VL <= 61 as well as having the first vector CR field readily accessible to standard CR instructions and branches. Additionally, SVCR6_000 is used as the implicit result of a OpenPower ISA v3.1 standard vector (SIMD) instruction with Rc=1. ## Table of CR fields CR[i] is the notation used by the OpenPower spec to refer to CR field #i, so FP instructions with Rc=1 write to CR[1] aka SVCR1_000. There are 3 new SPRs for holding CRs: CR_EXT1, CR_EXT2, and CR_EXT3. The 64 SV CRs are arranged similarly to the way the 128 integer registers are arranged: | CR
Register | SPR
Field | SV CR
Register | CR
Register | SPR
Field | SV CR
Register | |-----------------|----------------|--------------------|-----------------|----------------|--------------------| | CR[0] | CR[32:35] | SVCR0_000 | CR[4] | CR[48:51] | SVCR4_000 | | | CR_EXT1[32:35] | SVCR0_001 | | CR_EXT1[48:51] | SVCR4_001 | | | CR_EXT2[32:35] | SVCR0_010 | | CR_EXT2[48:51] | SVCR4_010 | | | CR_EXT3[32:35] | SVCR0_011 | | CR_EXT3[48:51] | SVCR4_011 | | *CR[-8]* | CR[0:3] | SVCR0_100 | *CR[-4]* | CR[16:19] | SVCR4_100 | | | CR_EXT1[0:3] | SVCR0_101 | | CR_EXT1[16:19] | SVCR4_101 | | | CR_EXT2[0:3] | SVCR0_110 | | CR_EXT2[16:19] | SVCR4_110 | | | CR_EXT3[0:3] | SVCR0_111 | | CR_EXT3[16:19] | SVCR4_111 | | CR[1] | CR[36:39] | SVCR1_000 | CR[5] | CR[52:55] | SVCR5_000 | | | CR_EXT1[36:39] | SVCR1_001 | | CR_EXT1[52:55] | SVCR5_001 | | | CR_EXT2[36:39] | SVCR1_010 | | CR_EXT2[52:55] | SVCR5_010 | | | CR_EXT3[36:39] | SVCR1_011 | | CR_EXT3[52:55] | SVCR5_011 | | *CR[-7]* | CR[4:7] | SVCR1_100 | *CR[-3]* | CR[20:23] | SVCR5_100 | | | CR_EXT1[4:7] | SVCR1_101 | | CR_EXT1[20:23] | SVCR5_101 | | | CR_EXT2[4:7] | SVCR1_110 | | CR_EXT2[20:23] | SVCR5_110 | | | CR_EXT3[4:7] | SVCR1_111 | | CR_EXT3[20:23] | SVCR5_111 | | CR[2] | CR[40:43] | SVCR2_000 | CR[6] | CR[56:59] | SVCR6_000 | | | CR_EXT1[40:43] | SVCR2_001 | | CR_EXT1[56:59] | SVCR6_001 | | | CR_EXT2[40:43] | SVCR2_010 | | CR_EXT2[56:59] | SVCR6_010 | | | CR_EXT3[40:43] | SVCR2_011 | | CR_EXT3[56:59] | SVCR6_011 | | *CR[-6]* | CR[8:11] | SVCR2_100 | *CR[-2]* | CR[24:27] | SVCR6_100 | | | CR_EXT1[8:11] | SVCR2_101 | | CR_EXT1[24:27] | SVCR6_101 | | | CR_EXT2[8:11] | SVCR2_110 | | CR_EXT2[24:27] | SVCR6_110 | | | CR_EXT3[8:11] | SVCR2_111 | | CR_EXT3[24:27] | SVCR6_111 | | CR[3] | CR[44:47] | SVCR3_000 | CR[7] | CR[60:63] | SVCR7_000 | | | CR_EXT1[44:47] | SVCR3_001 | | CR_EXT1[60:63] | SVCR7_001 | | | CR_EXT2[44:47] | SVCR3_010 | | CR_EXT2[60:63] | SVCR7_010 | | | CR_EXT3[44:47] | SVCR3_011 | | CR_EXT3[60:63] | SVCR7_011 | | *CR[-5]* | CR[12:15] | SVCR3_100 | *CR[-1]* | CR[28:31] | SVCR7_100 | | | CR_EXT1[12:15] | SVCR3_101 | | CR_EXT1[28:31] | SVCR7_101 | | | CR_EXT2[12:15] | SVCR3_110 | | CR_EXT2[28:31] | SVCR7_110 | | | CR_EXT3[12:15] | SVCR3_111 | | CR_EXT3[28:31] | SVCR7_111 | Note: CR[-8] through CR[-1] are not part of OpenPower v3.1, they are the MSB half of the 64-bit CR SPR. # Register Profiles Instructions are broken down by Register Profiles as listed in the following auto-generated page: [[opcode_regs_deduped]]. "Non-SV" indicates that the operations with this Register Profile cannot be Vectorised (mtspr, bc, dcbz, twi) ## LDST-1R-1W-imm TBD ## LDST-1R-2W-imm TBD ## LDST-2R-imm TBD ## LDST-2R-1W TBD ## LDST-2R-1W-imm TBD ## LDST-2R-2W TBD ## LDST-3R TBD ## LDST-3R-CRo TBD ## LDST-3R-1W TBD ## CRi non-SV ## CRio TBD ## CR=2R1W TBD ## 1W non-SV ## 1W-CRi TBD ## 1R non-SV ## 1R-imm non-SV ## 1R-CRo TBD ## 1R-CRio TBD ## 1R-1W TBD ## 1R-1W-imm TBD ## 1R-1W-CRo TBD ## 1R-1W-CRo TBD ## 1R-1W-CRio TBD ## 2R non-SV ## 2R-CRo TBD ## 2R-CRio TBD ## 2R-1W TBD ## 2R-1W-CRo TBD ## 2R-1W-CRo TBD ## 2R-1W-CRi TBD ## 2R-1W-CRio TBD ## 3R-1W-CRio Remapped Encoding Fields: | `0` | `1:3` | `4:5` | `6:7` | `8:10` | `11:13` | `14:16` | `17:19` | `20:23` | |-----------|-------|---------|-------|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|----------| | MASK_KIND | MASK | ELWIDTH | SUBVL | Rdest_EXTRA | Rsrc1_EXTRA | Rsrc2_EXTRA | Rsrc3_EXTRA | Reserved |