# Simple-V (Parallelism Extension Proposal) Appendix * Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton * Status: DRAFTv0.6 * Last edited: 25 jun 2019 * main spec [[specification]] [[!toc ]] # Fail-on-first modes Fail-on-first data dependency has different behaviour for traps than for conditional testing. "Conditional" is taken to mean "anything that is zero", however with traps, the first element has to be given the opportunity to throw the exact same trap that would be thrown if this were a scalar operation (when VL=1). ## Fail-on-first traps Except for the first element, ffirst stops sequential element processing when a trap occurs. The first element is treated normally (as if ffirst is clear). Should any subsequent element instruction require a trap, instead it and subsequent indexed elements are ignored (or cancelled in out-of-order designs), and VL is set to the *last* instruction that did not take the trap. Note that predicated-out elements (where the predicate mask bit is zero) are clearly excluded (i.e. the trap will not occur). However, note that the loop still had to test the predicate bit: thus on return, VL is set to include elements that did not take the trap *and* includes the elements that were predicated (masked) out (not tested up to the point where the trap occurred). If SUBVL is being used (SUBVL!=1), the first *sub-group* of elements will cause a trap as normal (as if ffirst is not set); subsequently, the trap must not occur in the *sub-group* of elements. SUBVL will **NOT** be modified. Given that predication bits apply to SUBVL groups, the same rules apply to predicated-out (masked-out) sub-groups in calculating the value that VL is set to. ## Fail-on-first conditional tests ffirst stops sequential element conditional testing on the first element result being zero. VL is set to the number of elements that were processed before the fail-condition was encountered. Note that just as with traps, if SUBVL!=1, the first of any of the *sub-group* will cause the processing to end, and, even if there were elements within the *sub-group* that passed the test, that sub-group is still (entirely) excluded from the count (from setting VL). i.e. VL is set to the total number of *sub-groups* that had no fail-condition up until execution was stopped. Note again that, just as with traps, predicated-out (masked-out) elements are included in the count leading up to the fail-condition, even though they were not tested. # Instructions Despite being a 98% complete and accurate topological remap of RVV concepts and functionality, no new instructions are needed. Compared to RVV: *All* RVV instructions can be re-mapped, however xBitManip becomes a critical dependency for efficient manipulation of predication masks (as a bit-field). Despite the removal of all operations, with the exception of CLIP and VSELECT.X *all instructions from RVV Base are topologically re-mapped and retain their complete functionality, intact*. Note that if RV64G ever had a MV.X added as well as FCLIP, the full functionality of RVV-Base would be obtained in SV. Three instructions, VSELECT, VCLIP and VCLIPI, do not have RV Standard equivalents, so are left out of Simple-V. VSELECT could be included if there existed a MV.X instruction in RV (MV.X is a hypothetical non-immediate variant of MV that would allow another register to specify which register was to be copied). Note that if any of these three instructions are added to any given RV extension, their functionality will be inherently parallelised. With some exceptions, where it does not make sense or is simply too challenging, all RV-Base instructions are parallelised: * CSR instructions, whilst a case could be made for fast-polling of a CSR into multiple registers, or for being able to copy multiple contiguously addressed CSRs into contiguous registers, and so on, are the fundamental core basis of SV. If parallelised, extreme care would need to be taken. Additionally, CSR reads are done using x0, and it is *really* inadviseable to tag x0. * LUI, C.J, C.JR, WFI, AUIPC are not suitable for parallelising so are left as scalar. * LR/SC could hypothetically be parallelised however their purpose is single (complex) atomic memory operations where the LR must be followed up by a matching SC. A sequence of parallel LR instructions followed by a sequence of parallel SC instructions therefore is guaranteed to not be useful. Not least: the guarantees of a Multi-LR/SC would be impossible to provide if emulated in a trap. * EBREAK, NOP, FENCE and others do not use registers so are not inherently paralleliseable anyway. All other operations using registers are automatically parallelised. This includes AMOMAX, AMOSWAP and so on, where particular care and attention must be paid. Example pseudo-code for an integer ADD operation (including scalar operations). Floating-point uses the FP Register Table. function op_add(rd, rs1, rs2) # add not VADD!  int i, id=0, irs1=0, irs2=0;  predval = get_pred_val(FALSE, rd);  rd = int_vec[rd ].isvector ? int_vec[rd ].regidx : rd;  rs1 = int_vec[rs1].isvector ? int_vec[rs1].regidx : rs1;  rs2 = int_vec[rs2].isvector ? int_vec[rs2].regidx : rs2;  for (i = 0; i < VL; i++) xSTATE.srcoffs = i # save context if (predval & 1< Adding in support for SUBVL is a matter of adding in an extra inner for-loop, where register src and dest are still incremented inside the inner part. Note that the predication is still taken from the VL index. So whilst elements are indexed by "(i * SUBVL + s)", predicate bits are indexed by "(i)" function op_add(rd, rs1, rs2) # add not VADD!  int i, id=0, irs1=0, irs2=0;  predval = get_pred_val(FALSE, rd);  rd = int_vec[rd ].isvector ? int_vec[rd ].regidx : rd;  rs1 = int_vec[rs1].isvector ? int_vec[rs1].regidx : rs1;  rs2 = int_vec[rs2].isvector ? int_vec[rs2].regidx : rs2;  for (i = 0; i < VL; i++) xSTATE.srcoffs = i # save context for (s = 0; s < SUBVL; s++) xSTATE.ssvoffs = s # save context if (predval & 1< Branch operations use standard RV opcodes that are reinterpreted to be "predicate variants" in the instance where either of the two src registers are marked as vectors (active=1, vector=1). Note that the predication register to use (if one is enabled) is taken from the *first* src register, and that this is used, just as with predicated arithmetic operations, to mask whether the comparison operations take place or not. The target (destination) predication register to use (if one is enabled) is taken from the *second* src register. If either of src1 or src2 are scalars (whether by there being no CSR register entry or whether by the CSR entry specifically marking the register as "scalar") the comparison goes ahead as vector-scalar or scalar-vector. In instances where no vectorisation is detected on either src registers the operation is treated as an absolutely standard scalar branch operation. Where vectorisation is present on either or both src registers, the branch may stil go ahead if any only if *all* tests succeed (i.e. excluding those tests that are predicated out). Note that when zero-predication is enabled (from source rs1), a cleared bit in the predicate indicates that the result of the compare is set to "false", i.e. that the corresponding destination bit (or result)) be set to zero. Contrast this with when zeroing is not set: bits in the destination predicate are only *set*; they are **not** cleared. This is important to appreciate, as there may be an expectation that, going into the hardware-loop, the destination predicate is always expected to be set to zero: this is **not** the case. The destination predicate is only set to zero if **zeroing** is enabled. Note that just as with the standard (scalar, non-predicated) branch operations, BLE, BGT, BLEU and BTGU may be synthesised by inverting src1 and src2. In Hwacha EECS-2015-262 Section 6.7.2 the following pseudocode is given for predicated compare operations of function "cmp": for (int i=0; i There is no MV instruction in RV however there is a C.MV instruction. It is used for copying integer-to-integer registers (vectorised FMV is used for copying floating-point). If either the source or the destination register are marked as vectors C.MV is reinterpreted to be a vectorised (multi-register) predicated move operation. The actual instruction's format does not change: [[!table data=""" 15 12 | 11 7 | 6 2 | 1 0 | funct4 | rd | rs | op | 4 | 5 | 5 | 2 | C.MV | dest | src | C0 | """]] A simplified version of the pseudocode for this operation is as follows: function op_mv(rd, rs) # MV not VMV!  rd = int_csr[rd].active ? int_csr[rd].regidx : rd;  rs = int_csr[rs].active ? int_csr[rs].regidx : rs;  ps = get_pred_val(FALSE, rs); # predication on src  pd = get_pred_val(FALSE, rd); # ... AND on dest  for (int i = 0, int j = 0; i < VL && j < VL;): if (int_csr[rs].isvec) while (!(ps & 1< An earlier draft of SV modified the behaviour of LOAD/STORE (modified the interpretation of the instruction fields). This actually undermined the fundamental principle of SV, namely that there be no modifications to the scalar behaviour (except where absolutely necessary), in order to simplify an implementor's task if considering converting a pre-existing scalar design to support parallelism. So the original RISC-V scalar LOAD/STORE and LOAD-FP/STORE-FP functionality do not change in SV, however just as with C.MV it is important to note that dual-predication is possible. In vectorised architectures there are usually at least two different modes for LOAD/STORE: * Read (or write for STORE) from sequential locations, where one register specifies the address, and the one address is incremented by a fixed amount. This is usually known as "Unit Stride" mode. * Read (or write) from multiple indirected addresses, where the vector elements each specify separate and distinct addresses. To support these different addressing modes, the CSR Register "isvector" bit is used. So, for a LOAD, when the src register is set to scalar, the LOADs are sequentially incremented by the src register element width, and when the src register is set to "vector", the elements are treated as indirection addresses. Simplified pseudo-code would look like this: function op_ld(rd, rs) # LD not VLD!  rdv = int_csr[rd].active ? int_csr[rd].regidx : rd;  rsv = int_csr[rs].active ? int_csr[rs].regidx : rs;  ps = get_pred_val(FALSE, rs); # predication on src  pd = get_pred_val(FALSE, rd); # ... AND on dest  for (int i = 0, int j = 0; i < VL && j < VL;): if (int_csr[rs].isvec) while (!(ps & 1< C.LWSP / C.SWSP and floating-point etc. are also source-dest twin-predicated, where it is implicit in C.LWSP/FLWSP etc. that x2 is the source register. It is therefore possible to use predicated C.LWSP to efficiently pop registers off the stack (by predicating x2 as the source), cherry-picking which registers to store to (by predicating the destination). Likewise for C.SWSP. In this way, LOAD/STORE-Multiple is efficiently achieved. The two modes ("unit stride" and multi-indirection) are still supported, as with standard LD/ST. Essentially, the only difference is that the use of x2 is hard-coded into the instruction. **Note**: it is still possible to redirect x2 to an alternative target register. With care, this allows C.LWSP / C.SWSP (and C.FLWSP) to be used as general-purpose LOAD/STORE operations. ## Compressed LOAD / STORE Instructions Compressed LOAD and STORE are again exactly the same as scalar LOAD/STORE, where the same rules apply and the same pseudo-code apply as for non-compressed LOAD/STORE. Again: setting scalar or vector mode on the src for LOAD and dest for STORE switches mode from "Unit Stride" to "Multi-indirection", respectively. # Element bitwidth polymorphism Element bitwidth is best covered as its own special section, as it is quite involved and applies uniformly across-the-board. SV restricts bitwidth polymorphism to default, 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit. The effect of setting an element bitwidth is to re-cast each entry in the register table, and for all memory operations involving load/stores of certain specific sizes, to a completely different width. Thus In c-style terms, on an RV64 architecture, effectively each register now looks like this: typedef union { uint8_t b[8]; uint16_t s[4]; uint32_t i[2]; uint64_t l[1]; } reg_t; // integer table: assume maximum SV 7-bit regfile size reg_t int_regfile[128]; where the CSR Register table entry (not the instruction alone) determines which of those union entries is to be used on each operation, and the VL element offset in the hardware-loop specifies the index into each array. However a naive interpretation of the data structure above masks the fact that setting VL greater than 8, for example, when the bitwidth is 8, accessing one specific register "spills over" to the following parts of the register file in a sequential fashion. So a much more accurate way to reflect this would be: typedef union { uint8_t actual_bytes[8]; // 8 for RV64, 4 for RV32, 16 for RV128 uint8_t b[0]; // array of type uint8_t uint16_t s[0]; uint32_t i[0]; uint64_t l[0]; uint128_t d[0]; } reg_t; reg_t int_regfile[128]; where when accessing any individual regfile[n].b entry it is permitted (in c) to arbitrarily over-run the *declared* length of the array (zero), and thus "overspill" to consecutive register file entries in a fashion that is completely transparent to a greatly-simplified software / pseudo-code representation. It is however critical to note that it is clearly the responsibility of the implementor to ensure that, towards the end of the register file, an exception is thrown if attempts to access beyond the "real" register bytes is ever attempted. Now we may modify pseudo-code an operation where all element bitwidths have been set to the same size, where this pseudo-code is otherwise identical to its "non" polymorphic versions (above): function op_add(rd, rs1, rs2) # add not VADD! ... ...  for (i = 0; i < VL; i++) ... ... // TODO, calculate if over-run occurs, for each elwidth if (elwidth == 8) {    int_regfile[rd].b[id] <= int_regfile[rs1].i[irs1] +     int_regfile[rs2].i[irs2]; } else if elwidth == 16 {    int_regfile[rd].s[id] <= int_regfile[rs1].s[irs1] +     int_regfile[rs2].s[irs2]; } else if elwidth == 32 {    int_regfile[rd].i[id] <= int_regfile[rs1].i[irs1] +     int_regfile[rs2].i[irs2]; } else { // elwidth == 64    int_regfile[rd].l[id] <= int_regfile[rs1].l[irs1] +     int_regfile[rs2].l[irs2]; } ... ... So here we can see clearly: for 8-bit entries rd, rs1 and rs2 (and registers following sequentially on respectively from the same) are "type-cast" to 8-bit; for 16-bit entries likewise and so on. However that only covers the case where the element widths are the same. Where the element widths are different, the following algorithm applies: * Analyse the bitwidth of all source operands and work out the maximum. Record this as "maxsrcbitwidth" * If any given source operand requires sign-extension or zero-extension (ldb, div, rem, mul, sll, srl, sra etc.), instead of mandatory 32-bit sign-extension / zero-extension or whatever is specified in the standard RV specification, **change** that to sign-extending from the respective individual source operand's bitwidth from the CSR table out to "maxsrcbitwidth" (previously calculated), instead. * Following separate and distinct (optional) sign/zero-extension of all source operands as specifically required for that operation, carry out the operation at "maxsrcbitwidth". (Note that in the case of LOAD/STORE or MV this may be a "null" (copy) operation, and that with FCVT, the changes to the source and destination bitwidths may also turn FVCT effectively into a copy). * If the destination operand requires sign-extension or zero-extension, instead of a mandatory fixed size (typically 32-bit for arithmetic, for subw for example, and otherwise various: 8-bit for sb, 16-bit for sw etc.), overload the RV specification with the bitwidth from the destination register's elwidth entry. * Finally, store the (optionally) sign/zero-extended value into its destination: memory for sb/sw etc., or an offset section of the register file for an arithmetic operation. In this way, polymorphic bitwidths are achieved without requiring a massive 64-way permutation of calculations **per opcode**, for example (4 possible rs1 bitwidths times 4 possible rs2 bitwidths times 4 possible rd bitwidths). The pseudo-code is therefore as follows: typedef union { uint8_t b; uint16_t s; uint32_t i; uint64_t l; } el_reg_t; bw(elwidth): if elwidth == 0: return xlen if elwidth == 1: return 8 if elwidth == 2: return 16 // elwidth == 3: return 32 get_max_elwidth(rs1, rs2): return max(bw(int_csr[rs1].elwidth), # default (XLEN) if not set bw(int_csr[rs2].elwidth)) # again XLEN if no entry get_polymorphed_reg(reg, bitwidth, offset): el_reg_t res; res.l = 0; // TODO: going to need sign-extending / zero-extending if bitwidth == 8: reg.b = int_regfile[reg].b[offset] elif bitwidth == 16: reg.s = int_regfile[reg].s[offset] elif bitwidth == 32: reg.i = int_regfile[reg].i[offset] elif bitwidth == 64: reg.l = int_regfile[reg].l[offset] return res set_polymorphed_reg(reg, bitwidth, offset, val): if (!int_csr[reg].isvec): # sign/zero-extend depending on opcode requirements, from # the reg's bitwidth out to the full bitwidth of the regfile val = sign_or_zero_extend(val, bitwidth, xlen) int_regfile[reg].l[0] = val elif bitwidth == 8: int_regfile[reg].b[offset] = val elif bitwidth == 16: int_regfile[reg].s[offset] = val elif bitwidth == 32: int_regfile[reg].i[offset] = val elif bitwidth == 64: int_regfile[reg].l[offset] = val maxsrcwid = get_max_elwidth(rs1, rs2) # source element width(s) destwid = int_csr[rs1].elwidth # destination element width  for (i = 0; i < VL; i++) if (predval & 1< Polymorphic element widths in vectorised form means that the data being loaded (or stored) across multiple registers needs to be treated (reinterpreted) as a contiguous stream of elwidth-wide items, where the source register's element width is **independent** from the destination's. This makes for a slightly more complex algorithm when using indirection on the "addressed" register (source for LOAD and destination for STORE), particularly given that the LOAD/STORE instruction provides important information about the width of the data to be reinterpreted. Let's illustrate the "load" part, where the pseudo-code for elwidth=default was as follows, and i is the loop from 0 to VL-1: srcbase = ireg[rs+i]; return mem[srcbase + imm]; // returns XLEN bits Instead, when elwidth != default, for a LW (32-bit LOAD), elwidth-wide chunks are taken from the source memory location addressed by the current indexed source address register, and only when a full 32-bits-worth are taken will the index be moved on to the next contiguous source address register: bitwidth = bw(elwidth); // source elwidth from CSR reg entry elsperblock = 32 / bitwidth // 1 if bw=32, 2 if bw=16, 4 if bw=8 srcbase = ireg[rs+i/(elsperblock)]; // integer divide offs = i % elsperblock; // modulo return &mem[srcbase + imm + offs]; // re-cast to uint8_t*, uint16_t* etc. Note that the constant "32" above is replaced by 8 for LB, 16 for LH, 64 for LD and 128 for LQ. The principle is basically exactly the same as if the srcbase were pointing at the memory of the *register* file: memory is re-interpreted as containing groups of elwidth-wide discrete elements. When storing the result from a load, it's important to respect the fact that the destination register has its *own separate element width*. Thus, when each element is loaded (at the source element width), any sign-extension or zero-extension (or truncation) needs to be done to the *destination* bitwidth. Also, the storing has the exact same analogous algorithm as above, where in fact it is just the set\_polymorphed\_reg pseudocode (completely unchanged) used above. One issue remains: when the source element width is **greater** than the width of the operation, it is obvious that a single LB for example cannot possibly obtain 16-bit-wide data. This condition may be detected where, when using integer divide, elsperblock (the width of the LOAD divided by the bitwidth of the element) is zero. The issue is "fixed" by ensuring that elsperblock is a minimum of 1: elsperblock = min(1, LD_OP_BITWIDTH / element_bitwidth) The elements, if the element bitwidth is larger than the LD operation's size, will then be sign/zero-extended to the full LD operation size, as specified by the LOAD (LDU instead of LD, LBU instead of LB), before being passed on to the second phase. As LOAD/STORE may be twin-predicated, it is important to note that the rules on twin predication still apply, except where in previous pseudo-code (elwidth=default for both source and target) it was the *registers* that the predication was applied to, it is now the **elements** that the predication is applied to. Thus the full pseudocode for all LD operations may be written out as follows: function LBU(rd, rs): load_elwidthed(rd, rs, 8, true) function LB(rd, rs): load_elwidthed(rd, rs, 8, false) function LH(rd, rs): load_elwidthed(rd, rs, 16, false) ... ... function LQ(rd, rs): load_elwidthed(rd, rs, 128, false) # returns 1 byte of data when opwidth=8, 2 bytes when opwidth=16.. function load_memory(rs, imm, i, opwidth): elwidth = int_csr[rs].elwidth bitwidth = bw(elwidth); elsperblock = min(1, opwidth / bitwidth) srcbase = ireg[rs+i/(elsperblock)]; offs = i % elsperblock; return mem[srcbase + imm + offs]; # 1/2/4/8/16 bytes function load_elwidthed(rd, rs, opwidth, unsigned): destwid = int_csr[rd].elwidth # destination element width  rd = int_csr[rd].active ? int_csr[rd].regidx : rd;  rs = int_csr[rs].active ? int_csr[rs].regidx : rs;  ps = get_pred_val(FALSE, rs); # predication on src  pd = get_pred_val(FALSE, rd); # ... AND on dest  for (int i = 0, int j = 0; i < VL && j < VL;): if (int_csr[rs].isvec) while (!(ps & 1<