# Simple-V (Parallelism Extension Proposal) Vector Block Format * Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton * Status: DRAFTv0.6 * Last edited: 21 jun 2019 [[!toc ]] # Vector Block Format This is a way to give Vector and Predication Context to a group of standard scalar RISC-V instructions, in a highly compact form. The format is: * the standard RISC-V 80 to 192 bit encoding sequence, with bits defining the options to follow within the block * An optional VL Block (16-bit) * Optional predicate entries (8/16-bit blocks: see Predicate Table, above) * Optional register entries (8/16-bit blocks: see Register Table, above) * finally some 16/32/48 bit standard RV or SVPrefix opcodes follow. Thus, the variable-length format from Section 1.5 of the RISC-V ISA is used as follows: | base+4 ... base+2 | base | number of bits | | ------ ----------------- | ---------------- | -------------------------- | | ..xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xnnnxxxxx1111111 | (80+16\*nnn)-bit, nnn!=111 | | {ops}{Pred}{Reg}{VL Block} | SV Prefix | | A suitable prefix, which fits the Expanded Instruction-Length encoding for "(80 + 16 times instruction-length)", as defined in Section 1.5 of the RISC-V ISA, is as follows: | 15 | 14:12 | 11:10 | 9:8 | 7 | 6:0 | | - | ----- | ----- | ----- | --- | ------- | | vlset | 16xil | pplen | rplen | mode | 1111111 | The VL/MAXVL/SubVL Block format: | 31-30 | 29:28 | 27:22 | 21:17 - 16 | | - | ----- | ------ | ------ - - | | 0 | SubVL | VLdest | VLEN vlt | | 1 | SubVL | VLdest | VLEN | Note: this format is very similar to that used in [[sv_prefix_proposal]] If vlt is 0, VLEN is a 5 bit immediate value, offset by one (i.e a bit sequence of 0b00000 represents VL=1 and so on). If vlt is 1, it specifies the scalar register from which VL is set by this VBLOCK instruction group. VL, whether set from the register or the immediate, is then modified (truncated) to be MIN(VL, MAXVL), and the result stored in the scalar register specified in VLdest. If VLdest is zero, no store in the regfile occurs (however VL is still set). This option will typically be used to start vectorised loops, where the VBLOCK instruction effectively embeds an optional "SETSUBVL, SETVL" sequence (in compact form). When bit 15 is set to 1, MAXVL and VL are both set to the immediate, VLEN (again, offset by one), which is 6 bits in length, and the same value stored in scalar register VLdest (if that register is nonzero). A value of 0b000000 will set MAXVL=VL=1, a value of 0b000001 will set MAXVL=VL= 2 and so on. This option will typically not be used so much for loops as it will be for one-off instructions such as saving the entire register file to the stack with a single one-off Vectorised and predicated LD/ST, or as a way to save or restore registers in a function call with a single instruction. CSRs needed: * mepcvliw * sepcvliw * uepcvliw * hepcvliw Notes: * Bit 7 specifies if the prefix block format is the full 16 bit format (1) or the compact less expressive format (0). In the 8 bit format, pplen is multiplied by 2. * 8 bit format predicate numbering is implicit and begins from x9. Thus it is critical to put blocks in the correct order as required. * Bit 7 also specifies if the register block format is 16 bit (1) or 8 bit (0). In the 8 bit format, rplen is multiplied by 2. If only an odd number of entries are needed the last may be set to 0x00, indicating "unused". * Bit 15 specifies if the VL Block is present. If set to 1, the VL Block immediately follows the VBLOCK instruction Prefix * Bits 8 and 9 define how many RegCam entries (0 to 3 if bit 15 is 1, otherwise 0 to 6) follow the (optional) VL Block. * Bits 10 and 11 define how many PredCam entries (0 to 3 if bit 7 is 1, otherwise 0 to 6) follow the (optional) RegCam entries * Bits 14 to 12 (IL) define the actual length of the instruction: total number of bits is 80 + 16 times IL. Standard RV32, RVC and also SVPrefix (P48/64-\*-Type) instructions fit into this space, after the (optional) VL / RegCam / PredCam entries * In any RVC or 32 Bit opcode, any registers within the VBLOCK-prefixed format *MUST* have the RegCam and PredCam entries applied to the operation (and the Vectorisation loop activated) * P48 and P64 opcodes do **not** take their Register or predication context from the VBLOCK tables: they do however have VL or SUBVL applied (unless VLtyp or svlen are set). * At the end of the VBLOCK Group, the RegCam and PredCam entries *no longer apply*. VL, MAXVL and SUBVL on the other hand remain at the values set by the last instruction (whether a CSRRW or the VL Block header). * Although an inefficient use of resources, it is fine to set the MAXVL, VL and SUBVL CSRs with standard CSRRW instructions, within a VBLOCK. All this would greatly reduce the amount of space utilised by Vectorised instructions, given that 64-bit CSRRW requires 3, even 4 32-bit opcodes: the CSR itself, a LI, and the setting up of the value into the RS register of the CSR, which, again, requires a LI / LUI to get the 32 bit data into the CSR. To get 64-bit data into the register in order to put it into the CSR(s), LOAD operations from memory are needed! Given that each 64-bit CSR can hold only 4x PredCAM entries (or 4 RegCAM entries), that's potentially 6 to eight 32-bit instructions, just to establish the Vector State! Not only that: even CSRRW on VL and MAXVL requires 64-bits (even more bits if VL needs to be set to greater than 32). Bear in mind that in SV, both MAXVL and VL need to be set. By contrast, the VBLOCK prefix is only 16 bits, the VL/MAX/SubVL block is only 16 bits, and as long as not too many predicates and register vector qualifiers are specified, several 32-bit and 16-bit opcodes can fit into the format. If the full flexibility of the 16 bit block formats are not needed, more space is saved by using the 8 bit formats. In this light, embedding the VL/MAXVL, PredCam and RegCam CSR entries into a VBLOCK format makes a lot of sense. Bear in mind the warning in an earlier section that use of VLtyp or svlen in a P48 or P64 opcode within a VBLOCK Group will result in corruption (use) of the STATE CSR, as the STATE CSR is shared with SVPrefix. To avoid this situation, the STATE CSR may be copied into a temp register and restored afterwards. Open Questions: * Is it necessary to stick to the RISC-V 1.5 format? Why not go with using the 15th bit to allow 80 + 16\*0bnnnn bits? Perhaps to be sane, limit to 256 bits (16 times 0-11). * Could a "hint" be used to set which operations are parallel and which are sequential? * Could a new sub-instruction opcode format be used, one that does not conform precisely to RISC-V rules, but *unpacks* to RISC-V opcodes? no need for byte or bit-alignment * Could a hardware compression algorithm be deployed? Quite likely, because of the sub-execution context (sub-VBLOCK PC) ## Limitations on instructions. To greatly simplify implementations, it is required to treat the VBLOCK group as a separate sub-program with its own separate PC. The sub-pc advances separately whilst the main PC remains pointing at the beginning of the VBLOCK instruction (not to be confused with how VL works, which is exactly the same principle, except it is VStart in the STATE CSR that increments). This has implications, namely that a new set of CSRs identical to xepc (mepc, srpc, hepc and uepc) must be created and managed and respected as being a sub extension of the xepc set of CSRs. Thus, xepcvliw CSRs must be context switched and saved / restored in traps. The srcoffs and destoffs indices in the STATE CSR may be similarly regarded as another sub-execution context, giving in effect two sets of nested sub-levels of the RISCV Program Counter (actually, three including SUBVL and ssvoffs). In addition, as xepcvliw CSRs are relative to the beginning of the VBLOCK, branches MUST be restricted to within (relative to) the block, i.e. addressing is now restricted to the start (and very short) length of the block. Also: calling subroutines is inadviseable, unless they can be entirely accomplished within a block. A normal jump, normal branch and a normal function call may only be taken by letting the VBLOCK group end, returning to "normal" standard RV mode, and then using standard RVC, 32 bit or P48/64-\*-type opcodes. ## Links *