use crate::{ prim::{PrimFloat, PrimUInt}, traits::{Compare, Context, ConvertFrom, ConvertTo, Float, Make, Select}, }; mod consts { #![allow(clippy::excessive_precision)] #![allow(dead_code)] /// coefficients of taylor series for `sin(pi * x)` centered at `0` /// generated using: /// ```maxima,text /// fpprec:50$ /// sinpi: bfloat(taylor(sin(%pi*x),x,0,19))$ /// for i: 1 step 2 thru 19 do /// printf(true, "pub(crate) const SINPI_KERNEL_TAYLOR_~d: f64 = ~a;~%", i, ssubst("e", "b", string(coeff(sinpi, x, i))))$ /// ``` pub(crate) const SINPI_KERNEL_TAYLOR_1: f64 = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751e0; pub(crate) const SINPI_KERNEL_TAYLOR_3: f64 = -5.1677127800499700292460525111835658670375480943142e0; pub(crate) const SINPI_KERNEL_TAYLOR_5: f64 = 2.550164039877345443856177583695296720669172555234e0; pub(crate) const SINPI_KERNEL_TAYLOR_7: f64 = -5.9926452932079207688773938354604004601536358636814e-1; pub(crate) const SINPI_KERNEL_TAYLOR_9: f64 = 8.2145886611128228798802365523698344807837460797753e-2; pub(crate) const SINPI_KERNEL_TAYLOR_11: f64 = -7.370430945714350777259089957290781501211638236021e-3; pub(crate) const SINPI_KERNEL_TAYLOR_13: f64 = 4.6630280576761256442062891447027174382819981361599e-4; pub(crate) const SINPI_KERNEL_TAYLOR_15: f64 = -2.1915353447830215827384652057094188859248708765956e-5; pub(crate) const SINPI_KERNEL_TAYLOR_17: f64 = 7.9520540014755127847832068624575890327682459384282e-7; pub(crate) const SINPI_KERNEL_TAYLOR_19: f64 = -2.2948428997269873110203872385571587856074785581088e-8; /// coefficients of taylor series for `cos(pi * x)` centered at `0` /// generated using: /// ```maxima,text /// fpprec:50$ /// cospi: bfloat(taylor(cos(%pi*x),x,0,18))$ /// for i: 0 step 2 thru 18 do /// printf(true, "pub(crate) const COSPI_KERNEL_TAYLOR_~d: f64 = ~a;~%", i, ssubst("e", "b", string(coeff(cospi, x, i))))$ /// ``` pub(crate) const COSPI_KERNEL_TAYLOR_0: f64 = 1.0e0; pub(crate) const COSPI_KERNEL_TAYLOR_2: f64 = -4.9348022005446793094172454999380755676568497036204e0; pub(crate) const COSPI_KERNEL_TAYLOR_4: f64 = 4.0587121264167682181850138620293796354053160696952e0; pub(crate) const COSPI_KERNEL_TAYLOR_6: f64 = -1.3352627688545894958753047828505831928711354556681e0; pub(crate) const COSPI_KERNEL_TAYLOR_8: f64 = 2.3533063035889320454187935277546542154506893530856e-1; pub(crate) const COSPI_KERNEL_TAYLOR_10: f64 = -2.5806891390014060012598294252898849657186441048147e-2; pub(crate) const COSPI_KERNEL_TAYLOR_12: f64 = 1.9295743094039230479033455636859576401684718150003e-3; pub(crate) const COSPI_KERNEL_TAYLOR_14: f64 = -1.0463810492484570711801672835223932761029733149091e-4; pub(crate) const COSPI_KERNEL_TAYLOR_16: f64 = 4.3030695870329470072978237149669233008960901556009e-6; pub(crate) const COSPI_KERNEL_TAYLOR_18: f64 = -1.387895246221377211446808750399309343777037849978e-7; } /// computes `sin(pi * x)` for `-0.25 <= x <= 0.25` /// not guaranteed to give correct sign for zero result /// has an error of up to 2ULP pub fn sin_pi_kernel_f16(ctx: Ctx, x: Ctx::VecF16) -> Ctx::VecF16 { let x_sq = x * x; let mut v: Ctx::VecF16 = ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v * x } /// computes `cos(pi * x)` for `-0.25 <= x <= 0.25` /// has an error of up to 2ULP pub fn cos_pi_kernel_f16(ctx: Ctx, x: Ctx::VecF16) -> Ctx::VecF16 { let x_sq = x * x; let mut v: Ctx::VecF16 = ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make( } /// computes `sin(pi * x)` for `-0.25 <= x <= 0.25` /// not guaranteed to give correct sign for zero result /// has an error of up to 2ULP pub fn sin_pi_kernel_f32(ctx: Ctx, x: Ctx::VecF32) -> Ctx::VecF32 { let x_sq = x * x; let mut v: Ctx::VecF32 = ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v * x } /// computes `cos(pi * x)` for `-0.25 <= x <= 0.25` /// has an error of up to 2ULP pub fn cos_pi_kernel_f32(ctx: Ctx, x: Ctx::VecF32) -> Ctx::VecF32 { let x_sq = x * x; let mut v: Ctx::VecF32 = ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make( } /// computes `sin(pi * x)` for `-0.25 <= x <= 0.25` /// not guaranteed to give correct sign for zero result /// has an error of up to 2ULP pub fn sin_pi_kernel_f64(ctx: Ctx, x: Ctx::VecF64) -> Ctx::VecF64 { let x_sq = x * x; let mut v: Ctx::VecF64 = ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v * x } /// computes `cos(pi * x)` for `-0.25 <= x <= 0.25` /// has an error of up to 2ULP pub fn cos_pi_kernel_f64(ctx: Ctx, x: Ctx::VecF64) -> Ctx::VecF64 { let x_sq = x * x; let mut v: Ctx::VecF64 = ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v = v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make(; v.mul_add_fast(x_sq, ctx.make( } /// computes `(sin(pi * x), cos(pi * x))` /// not guaranteed to give correct sign for zero results /// inherits error from `sin_pi_kernel` and `cos_pi_kernel` pub fn sin_cos_pi_impl< Ctx: Context, VecF: Float + Make, PrimF: PrimFloat, PrimU: PrimUInt, SinPiKernel: FnOnce(Ctx, VecF) -> VecF, CosPiKernel: FnOnce(Ctx, VecF) -> VecF, >( ctx: Ctx, x: VecF, sin_pi_kernel: SinPiKernel, cos_pi_kernel: CosPiKernel, ) -> (VecF, VecF) { let two_f: VecF = ctx.make(; let one_half: VecF = ctx.make(; let max_contiguous_integer: VecF = ctx.make((PrimU::cvt_from(1) << (PrimF::MANTISSA_FIELD_WIDTH +; // if `x` is finite and bigger than `max_contiguous_integer`, then x is an even integer let in_range = x.abs().lt(max_contiguous_integer); // use `lt` so nans are counted as out-of-range let is_finite = x.is_finite(); let nan: VecF = ctx.make(; let zero_f: VecF = ctx.make(; let one_f: VecF = ctx.make(; let zero_i: VecF::SignedBitsType = ctx.make(; let one_i: VecF::SignedBitsType = ctx.make(; let two_i: VecF::SignedBitsType = ctx.make(; let out_of_range_sin =, nan); let out_of_range_cos =, nan); let xi = (x * two_f).round(); let xk = x - xi * one_half; let sk = sin_pi_kernel(ctx, xk); let ck = cos_pi_kernel(ctx, xk); let xi = VecF::SignedBitsType::cvt_from(xi); let bit_0_clear = (xi & one_i).eq(zero_i); let st =, ck); let ct =, sk); let s = (xi & two_i).eq(zero_i).select(st, -st); let c = ((xi + one_i) & two_i).eq(zero_i).select(ct, -ct); (, out_of_range_sin),, out_of_range_cos), ) } /// computes `(sin(pi * x), cos(pi * x))` /// not guaranteed to give correct sign for zero results /// has an error of up to 2ULP pub fn sin_cos_pi_f16(ctx: Ctx, x: Ctx::VecF16) -> (Ctx::VecF16, Ctx::VecF16) { sin_cos_pi_impl(ctx, x, sin_pi_kernel_f16, cos_pi_kernel_f16) } /// computes `sin(pi * x)` /// not guaranteed to give correct sign for zero results /// has an error of up to 2ULP pub fn sin_pi_f16(ctx: Ctx, x: Ctx::VecF16) -> Ctx::VecF16 { sin_cos_pi_f16(ctx, x).0 } /// computes `cos(pi * x)` /// not guaranteed to give correct sign for zero results /// has an error of up to 2ULP pub fn cos_pi_f16(ctx: Ctx, x: Ctx::VecF16) -> Ctx::VecF16 { sin_cos_pi_f16(ctx, x).1 } /// computes `(sin(pi * x), cos(pi * x))` /// not guaranteed to give correct sign for zero results /// has an error of up to 2ULP pub fn sin_cos_pi_f32(ctx: Ctx, x: Ctx::VecF32) -> (Ctx::VecF32, Ctx::VecF32) { sin_cos_pi_impl(ctx, x, sin_pi_kernel_f32, cos_pi_kernel_f32) } /// computes `sin(pi * x)` /// not guaranteed to give correct sign for zero results /// has an error of up to 2ULP pub fn sin_pi_f32(ctx: Ctx, x: Ctx::VecF32) -> Ctx::VecF32 { sin_cos_pi_f32(ctx, x).0 } /// computes `cos(pi * x)` /// not guaranteed to give correct sign for zero results /// has an error of up to 2ULP pub fn cos_pi_f32(ctx: Ctx, x: Ctx::VecF32) -> Ctx::VecF32 { sin_cos_pi_f32(ctx, x).1 } /// computes `(sin(pi * x), cos(pi * x))` /// not guaranteed to give correct sign for zero results /// has an error of up to 2ULP pub fn sin_cos_pi_f64(ctx: Ctx, x: Ctx::VecF64) -> (Ctx::VecF64, Ctx::VecF64) { sin_cos_pi_impl(ctx, x, sin_pi_kernel_f64, cos_pi_kernel_f64) } /// computes `sin(pi * x)` /// not guaranteed to give correct sign for zero results /// has an error of up to 2ULP pub fn sin_pi_f64(ctx: Ctx, x: Ctx::VecF64) -> Ctx::VecF64 { sin_cos_pi_f64(ctx, x).0 } /// computes `cos(pi * x)` /// not guaranteed to give correct sign for zero results /// has an error of up to 2ULP pub fn cos_pi_f64(ctx: Ctx, x: Ctx::VecF64) -> Ctx::VecF64 { sin_cos_pi_f64(ctx, x).1 } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::{ f16::F16, scalar::{Scalar, Value}, }; use std::f64; struct CheckUlpCallbackArg { distance_in_ulp: I, x: F, expected: F, result: F, } #[track_caller] fn check_ulp( x: T, is_ok: impl Fn(CheckUlpCallbackArg) -> bool, fn_f16: impl Fn(T) -> T, fn_reference: impl Fn(f64) -> f64, ) { let x_f64: f64 =; let expected_f64 = fn_reference(x_f64); let expected: T =; let result = fn_f16(x); if result == expected { return; } if result.is_nan() && expected.is_nan() { return; } let expected_bits: i64 = expected.to_bits().to(); let result_bits: i64 = result.to_bits().to(); let distance_in_ulp = (expected_bits - result_bits).unsigned_abs(); if !result.is_nan() && !expected.is_nan() && is_ok(CheckUlpCallbackArg { distance_in_ulp, x, expected, result, }) { return; } panic!( "error is too big: \ x = {x:?} {x_bits:#X}, \ result = {result:?} {result_bits:#X}, \ expected = {expected:?} {expected_bits:#X}, \ distance_in_ulp = {distance_in_ulp}", x = x, x_bits = x.to_bits(), result = result, result_bits = result.to_bits(), expected = expected, expected_bits = expected.to_bits(), distance_in_ulp = distance_in_ulp, ); } #[test] #[cfg_attr( not(feature = "f16"), should_panic(expected = "f16 feature is not enabled") )] fn test_sin_pi_kernel_f16() { let check = |x| { check_ulp( x, |arg| arg.distance_in_ulp <= if arg.expected == { 0 } else { 2 }, |x| sin_pi_kernel_f16(Scalar, Value(x)).0, |x| (f64::consts::PI * x).sin(), ) }; let quarter = F16::to_bits(; for bits in (0..=quarter).rev() { check(F16::from_bits(bits)); check(-F16::from_bits(bits)); } } #[test] #[cfg_attr( not(feature = "f16"), should_panic(expected = "f16 feature is not enabled") )] fn test_cos_pi_kernel_f16() { let check = |x| { check_ulp( x, |arg| arg.distance_in_ulp <= 2 && arg.result <=, |x| cos_pi_kernel_f16(Scalar, Value(x)).0, |x| (f64::consts::PI * x).cos(), ) }; let quarter = F16::to_bits(; for bits in (0..=quarter).rev() { check(F16::from_bits(bits)); check(-F16::from_bits(bits)); } } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "full_tests")] fn test_sin_pi_kernel_f32() { let check = |x| { check_ulp( x, |arg| arg.distance_in_ulp <= if arg.expected == 0. { 0 } else { 2 }, |x| sin_pi_kernel_f32(Scalar, Value(x)).0, |x| (f64::consts::PI * x).sin(), ) }; let quarter = 0.25f32.to_bits(); for bits in (0..=quarter).rev() { check(f32::from_bits(bits)); check(-f32::from_bits(bits)); } } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "full_tests")] fn test_cos_pi_kernel_f32() { let check = |x| { check_ulp( x, |arg| arg.distance_in_ulp <= 2 && arg.result <= 1., |x| cos_pi_kernel_f32(Scalar, Value(x)).0, |x| (f64::consts::PI * x).cos(), ) }; let quarter = 0.25f32.to_bits(); for bits in (0..=quarter).rev() { check(f32::from_bits(bits)); check(-f32::from_bits(bits)); } } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "full_tests")] fn test_sin_pi_kernel_f64() { let check = |x| { check_ulp( x, sin_cos_pi_check_ulp_callback, |x| sin_pi_kernel_f64(Scalar, Value(x)).0, |x| reference_sin_cos_pi_f64(x).0, ) }; let quarter = 0.25f32.to_bits(); for bits in (0..=quarter).rev().step_by(1 << 5) { check(f32::from_bits(bits) as f64); check(-f32::from_bits(bits) as f64); } } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "full_tests")] fn test_cos_pi_kernel_f64() { let check = |x| { check_ulp( x, sin_cos_pi_check_ulp_callback, |x| cos_pi_kernel_f64(Scalar, Value(x)).0, |x| reference_sin_cos_pi_f64(x).1, ) }; let quarter = 0.25f32.to_bits(); for bits in (0..=quarter).rev().step_by(1 << 5) { check(f32::from_bits(bits) as f64); check(-f32::from_bits(bits) as f64); } } fn sin_cos_pi_check_ulp_callback(arg: CheckUlpCallbackArg) -> bool { if arg.x % == { arg.distance_in_ulp == 0 } else { arg.distance_in_ulp <= 2 && arg.result.abs() <= } } #[test] #[cfg_attr( not(feature = "f16"), should_panic(expected = "f16 feature is not enabled") )] fn test_sin_pi_f16() { for bits in 0..=u16::MAX { check_ulp( F16::from_bits(bits), sin_cos_pi_check_ulp_callback, |x| sin_pi_f16(Scalar, Value(x)).0, |x| (f64::consts::PI * x).sin(), ); } } #[test] #[cfg_attr( not(feature = "f16"), should_panic(expected = "f16 feature is not enabled") )] fn test_cos_pi_f16() { for bits in 0..=u16::MAX { check_ulp( F16::from_bits(bits), sin_cos_pi_check_ulp_callback, |x| cos_pi_f16(Scalar, Value(x)).0, |x| (f64::consts::PI * x).cos(), ); } } fn reference_sin_cos_pi_f32(mut v: f64) -> (f64, f64) { if !v.is_finite() { return (f64::NAN, f64::NAN); } v %= 2.0; if v >= 1.0 { v -= 2.0; } else if v <= -1.0 { v += 2.0; } v *= 2.0; let part = v.round() as i32; v -= part as f64; v *= f64::consts::PI / 2.0; let (sin, cos) = v.sin_cos(); match part { 0 => (sin, cos), 1 => (cos, -sin), 2 => (-sin, -cos), -2 => (-sin, -cos), -1 => (-cos, sin), _ => panic!("not implemented: part={}", part), } } fn reference_sin_cos_pi_f64(mut v: f64) -> (f64, f64) { use az::Cast; use rug::{float::Constant, Float}; if !v.is_finite() { return (f64::NAN, f64::NAN); } v %= 2.0; if v >= 1.0 { v -= 2.0; } else if v <= -1.0 { v += 2.0; } v *= 2.0; let part = v.round() as i32; v -= part as f64; let precision = 100; let mut v = Float::with_val(precision, v); let pi = Float::with_val(precision, Constant::Pi); let pi_2 = pi / 2; v *= &pi_2; let cos = pi_2; // just a temp var, value is ignored let (sin, cos) = v.sin_cos(cos); let sin: f64 = sin.cast(); let cos: f64 = cos.cast(); match part { 0 => (sin, cos), 1 => (cos, -sin), 2 => (-sin, -cos), -2 => (-sin, -cos), -1 => (-cos, sin), _ => panic!("not implemented: part={}", part), } } macro_rules! test_reference_sin_cos_pi_test_cases { ($case:expr, $ty:ident) => { $case($ty::NAN, $ty::NAN, $ty::NAN); $case($ty::INFINITY, $ty::NAN, $ty::NAN); $case(-$ty::INFINITY, $ty::NAN, $ty::NAN); $case(-4., 0., 1.); $case( -3.875, 0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, 0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, ); $case( -3.75, 0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, 0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, ); $case( -3.625, 0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, 0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, ); $case(-3.5, 1., -0.); $case( -3.375, 0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, -0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, ); $case( -3.25, 0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, -0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, ); $case( -3.125, 0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, -0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, ); $case(-3., -0., -1.); $case( -2.875, -0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, -0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, ); $case( -2.75, -0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, -0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, ); $case( -2.625, -0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, -0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, ); $case(-2.5, -1., 0.); $case( -2.375, -0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, 0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, ); $case( -2.25, -0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, 0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, ); $case( -2.125, -0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, 0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, ); $case(-2., 0., 1.); $case( -1.875, 0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, 0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, ); $case( -1.75, 0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, 0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, ); $case( -1.625, 0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, 0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, ); $case(-1.5, 1., -0.); $case( -1.375, 0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, -0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, ); $case( -1.25, 0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, -0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, ); $case( -1.125, 0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, -0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, ); $case(-1., -0., -1.); $case( -0.875, -0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, -0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, ); $case( -0.75, -0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, -0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, ); $case( -0.625, -0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, -0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, ); $case(-0.5, -1., 0.); $case( -0.375, -0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, 0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, ); $case( -0.25, -0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, 0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, ); $case( -0.125, -0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, 0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, ); $case(0., 0., 1.); $case( 0.125, 0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, 0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, ); $case( 0.25, 0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, 0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, ); $case( 0.375, 0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, 0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, ); $case(0.5, 1., 0.); $case( 0.625, 0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, -0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, ); $case( 0.75, 0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, -0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, ); $case( 0.875, 0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, -0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, ); $case(1., 0., -1.); $case( 1.125, -0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, -0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, ); $case( 1.25, -0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, -0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, ); $case( 1.375, -0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, -0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, ); $case(1.5, -1., -0.); $case( 1.625, -0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, 0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, ); $case( 1.75, -0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, 0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, ); $case( 1.875, -0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, 0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, ); $case(2., -0., 1.); $case( 2.125, 0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, 0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, ); $case( 2.25, 0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, 0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, ); $case( 2.375, 0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, 0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, ); $case(2.5, 1., 0.); $case( 2.625, 0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, -0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, ); $case( 2.75, 0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, -0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, ); $case( 2.875, 0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, -0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, ); $case(3., 0., -1.); $case( 3.125, -0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, -0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, ); $case( 3.25, -0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, -0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, ); $case( 3.375, -0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, -0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, ); $case(3.5, -1., -0.); $case( 3.625, -0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, 0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, ); $case( 3.75, -0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, 0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847, ); $case( 3.875, -0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676134456248563, 0.92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364, ); $case(4., -0., 1.); }; } #[test] fn test_reference_sin_cos_pi_f32() { fn approx_same(a: f32, b: f32) -> bool { if a.is_finite() && b.is_finite() { (a - b).abs() < 1e-6 } else { a == b || (a.is_nan() && b.is_nan()) } } #[track_caller] fn case(x: f32, expected_sin: f32, expected_cos: f32) { let (ref_sin, ref_cos) = reference_sin_cos_pi_f32(x as f64); assert!( approx_same(ref_sin as f32, expected_sin) && approx_same(ref_cos as f32, expected_cos), "case failed: x={x}, expected_sin={expected_sin}, expected_cos={expected_cos}, ref_sin={ref_sin}, ref_cos={ref_cos}", x=x, expected_sin=expected_sin, expected_cos=expected_cos, ref_sin=ref_sin, ref_cos=ref_cos, ); } test_reference_sin_cos_pi_test_cases!(case, f32); } #[test] fn test_reference_sin_cos_pi_f64() { fn same(a: f64, b: f64) -> bool { if a.is_finite() && b.is_finite() { a == b } else { a == b || (a.is_nan() && b.is_nan()) } } #[track_caller] fn case(x: f64, expected_sin: f64, expected_cos: f64) { let (ref_sin, ref_cos) = reference_sin_cos_pi_f64(x); assert!( same(ref_sin, expected_sin) && same(ref_cos, expected_cos), "case failed: x={x}, expected_sin={expected_sin}, expected_cos={expected_cos}, ref_sin={ref_sin}, ref_cos={ref_cos}", x=x, expected_sin=expected_sin, expected_cos=expected_cos, ref_sin=ref_sin, ref_cos=ref_cos, ); } test_reference_sin_cos_pi_test_cases!(case, f64); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "full_tests")] fn test_sin_pi_f32() { for bits in 0..=u32::MAX { check_ulp( f32::from_bits(bits), sin_cos_pi_check_ulp_callback, |x| sin_pi_f32(Scalar, Value(x)).0, |x| reference_sin_cos_pi_f32(x).0, ); } } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "full_tests")] fn test_cos_pi_f32() { for bits in 0..=u32::MAX { check_ulp( f32::from_bits(bits), sin_cos_pi_check_ulp_callback, |x| cos_pi_f32(Scalar, Value(x)).0, |x| reference_sin_cos_pi_f32(x).1, ); } } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "full_tests")] fn test_sin_pi_f64() { for bits in (0..=u32::MAX).step_by(1 << 7) { check_ulp( f32::from_bits(bits) as f64, sin_cos_pi_check_ulp_callback, |x| sin_pi_f64(Scalar, Value(x)).0, |x| reference_sin_cos_pi_f64(x).0, ); } } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "full_tests")] fn test_cos_pi_f64() { for bits in (0..=u32::MAX).step_by(1 << 7) { check_ulp( f32::from_bits(bits) as f64, sin_cos_pi_check_ulp_callback, |x| cos_pi_f64(Scalar, Value(x)).0, |x| reference_sin_cos_pi_f64(x).1, ) } } }