from collections import defaultdict from fractions import Fraction from functools import wraps import sys from libc.stdint cimport int32_t, int64_t, uint32_t, uint64_t from libc.stddef cimport wchar_t from libcpp.pair cimport pair from libcpp.set cimport set as c_set from libcpp.string cimport string from libcpp.vector cimport vector from cvc5 cimport cout from cvc5 cimport Datatype as c_Datatype from cvc5 cimport DatatypeConstructor as c_DatatypeConstructor from cvc5 cimport DatatypeConstructorDecl as c_DatatypeConstructorDecl from cvc5 cimport DatatypeDecl as c_DatatypeDecl from cvc5 cimport DatatypeSelector as c_DatatypeSelector from cvc5 cimport Result as c_Result from cvc5 cimport RoundingMode as c_RoundingMode from cvc5 cimport UnknownExplanation as c_UnknownExplanation from cvc5 cimport Op as c_Op from cvc5 cimport Solver as c_Solver from cvc5 cimport Grammar as c_Grammar from cvc5 cimport Sort as c_Sort from cvc5 cimport ROUND_NEAREST_TIES_TO_EVEN, ROUND_TOWARD_POSITIVE from cvc5 cimport ROUND_TOWARD_NEGATIVE, ROUND_TOWARD_ZERO from cvc5 cimport ROUND_NEAREST_TIES_TO_AWAY from cvc5 cimport REQUIRES_FULL_CHECK, INCOMPLETE, TIMEOUT from cvc5 cimport RESOURCEOUT, MEMOUT, INTERRUPTED from cvc5 cimport NO_STATUS, UNSUPPORTED, UNKNOWN_REASON from cvc5 cimport OTHER from cvc5 cimport Term as c_Term from cvc5 cimport hash as c_hash from cvc5 cimport wstring as c_wstring from cvc5 cimport tuple as c_tuple from cvc5 cimport get0, get1, get2 from cvc5kinds cimport Kind as c_Kind cdef extern from "Python.h": wchar_t* PyUnicode_AsWideCharString(object, Py_ssize_t *) object PyUnicode_FromWideChar(const wchar_t*, Py_ssize_t) void PyMem_Free(void*) ################################## DECORATORS ################################# def expand_list_arg(num_req_args=0): """ Creates a decorator that looks at index num_req_args of the args, if it's a list, it expands it before calling the function. """ def decorator(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(owner, *args): if len(args) == num_req_args + 1 and \ isinstance(args[num_req_args], list): args = list(args[:num_req_args]) + args[num_req_args] return func(owner, *args) return wrapper return decorator ############################################################################### # Style Guidelines ### Using PEP-8 spacing recommendations ### Limit linewidth to 79 characters ### Break before binary operators ### surround top level functions and classes with two spaces ### separate methods by one space ### use spaces in functions sparingly to separate logical blocks ### can omit spaces between unrelated oneliners ### always use c++ default arguments #### only use default args of None at python level # References and pointers # The Solver object holds a pointer to a c_Solver. # This is because the assignment operator is deleted in the C++ API for solvers. # Cython has a limitation where you can't stack allocate objects # that have constructors with arguments: #!topic/cython-users/fuKd-nQLpBs. # To get around that you can either have a nullary constructor and assignment # or, use a pointer (which is what we chose). # An additional complication of this is that to free up resources, you must # know when to delete the object. # Python will not follow the same scoping rules as in C++, so it must be # able to reference count. To do this correctly, the solver must be a # reference in the Python class for any class that keeps a pointer to # the solver in C++ (to ensure the solver is not deleted before something # that depends on it). ## Objects for hashing cdef c_hash[c_Op] cophash = c_hash[c_Op]() cdef c_hash[c_Sort] csorthash = c_hash[c_Sort]() cdef c_hash[c_Term] ctermhash = c_hash[c_Term]() cdef class Datatype: """ A cvc5 datatype. Wrapper class for :cpp:class:`cvc5::api::Datatype`. """ cdef c_Datatype cd cdef Solver solver def __cinit__(self, Solver solver): self.solver = solver def __getitem__(self, index): cdef DatatypeConstructor dc = DatatypeConstructor(self.solver) if isinstance(index, int) and index >= 0: dc.cdc =[( index)] elif isinstance(index, str): dc.cdc =[( index.encode())] else: raise ValueError("Expecting a non-negative integer or string") return dc def getConstructor(self, str name): """ :param name: the name of the constructor. :return: a constructor by name. """ cdef DatatypeConstructor dc = DatatypeConstructor(self.solver) dc.cdc = return dc def getConstructorTerm(self, str name): """ :param name: the name of the constructor. :return: the term representing the datatype constructor with the given name (see :cpp:func:`Datatype::getConstructorTerm() `). """ cdef Term term = Term(self.solver) term.cterm = return term def getSelector(self, str name): """ :param name: the name of the selector.. :return: a selector by name. """ cdef DatatypeSelector ds = DatatypeSelector(self.solver) ds.cds = return ds def getName(self): """ :return: the name of the datatype. """ return def getNumConstructors(self): """ :return: number of constructors in this datatype. """ return def getParameters(self): """ :return: the parameters of this datatype, if it is parametric. An exception is thrown if this datatype is not parametric. """ param_sorts = [] for s in sort = Sort(self.solver) sort.csort = s param_sorts.append(sort) return param_sorts def isParametric(self): """:return: True if this datatype is parametric.""" return def isCodatatype(self): """:return: True if this datatype corresponds to a co-datatype.""" return def isTuple(self): """:return: True if this datatype corresponds to a tuple.""" return def isRecord(self): """:return: True if this datatype corresponds to a record.""" return def isFinite(self): """:return: True if this datatype is finite.""" return def isWellFounded(self): """:return: True if this datatype is well-founded (see :cpp:func:`Datatype::isWellFounded() `).""" return def isNull(self): """:return: True if this Datatype is a null object.""" return def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return def __iter__(self): for ci in dc = DatatypeConstructor(self.solver) dc.cdc = ci yield dc cdef class DatatypeConstructor: """ A cvc5 datatype constructor. Wrapper class for :cpp:class:`cvc5::api::DatatypeConstructor`. """ cdef c_DatatypeConstructor cdc cdef Solver solver def __cinit__(self, Solver solver): self.cdc = c_DatatypeConstructor() self.solver = solver def __getitem__(self, index): cdef DatatypeSelector ds = DatatypeSelector(self.solver) if isinstance(index, int) and index >= 0: ds.cds = self.cdc[( index)] elif isinstance(index, str): ds.cds = self.cdc[( index.encode())] else: raise ValueError("Expecting a non-negative integer or string") return ds def getName(self): """ :return: the name of the constructor. """ return self.cdc.getName().decode() def getConstructorTerm(self): """ :return: the constructor operator as a term. """ cdef Term term = Term(self.solver) term.cterm = self.cdc.getConstructorTerm() return term def getInstantiatedConstructorTerm(self, Sort retSort): """ Specialized method for parametric datatypes (see :cpp:func:`DatatypeConstructor::getInstantiatedConstructorTerm() `). :param retSort: the desired return sort of the constructor :return: the constructor operator as a term. """ cdef Term term = Term(self.solver) term.cterm = self.cdc.getInstantiatedConstructorTerm(retSort.csort) return term def getTesterTerm(self): """ :return: the tester operator that is related to this constructor, as a term. """ cdef Term term = Term(self.solver) term.cterm = self.cdc.getTesterTerm() return term def getNumSelectors(self): """ :return: the number of selecters (so far) of this Datatype constructor. """ return self.cdc.getNumSelectors() def getSelector(self, str name): """ :param name: the name of the datatype selector. :return: the first datatype selector with the given name """ cdef DatatypeSelector ds = DatatypeSelector(self.solver) ds.cds = self.cdc.getSelector(name.encode()) return ds def getSelectorTerm(self, str name): """ :param name: the name of the datatype selector. :return: a term representing the firstdatatype selector with the given name. """ cdef Term term = Term(self.solver) term.cterm = self.cdc.getSelectorTerm(name.encode()) return term def isNull(self): """:return: True if this DatatypeConstructor is a null object.""" return self.cdc.isNull() def __str__(self): return self.cdc.toString().decode() def __repr__(self): return self.cdc.toString().decode() def __iter__(self): for ci in self.cdc: ds = DatatypeSelector(self.solver) ds.cds = ci yield ds cdef class DatatypeConstructorDecl: """ A cvc5 datatype constructor declaration. Wrapper class for :cpp:class:`cvc5::api::DatatypeConstructorDecl`. """ cdef c_DatatypeConstructorDecl cddc cdef Solver solver def __cinit__(self, Solver solver): self.solver = solver def addSelector(self, str name, Sort sort): """ Add datatype selector declaration. :param name: the name of the datatype selector declaration to add. :param sort: the codomain sort of the datatype selector declaration to add. """ self.cddc.addSelector(name.encode(), sort.csort) def addSelectorSelf(self, str name): """ Add datatype selector declaration whose codomain sort is the datatype itself. :param name: the name of the datatype selector declaration to add. """ self.cddc.addSelectorSelf(name.encode()) def isNull(self): """:return: True if this DatatypeConstructorDecl is a null object.""" return self.cddc.isNull() def __str__(self): return self.cddc.toString().decode() def __repr__(self): return self.cddc.toString().decode() cdef class DatatypeDecl: """ A cvc5 datatype declaration. Wrapper class for :cpp:class:`cvc5::api::DatatypeDecl`. """ cdef c_DatatypeDecl cdd cdef Solver solver def __cinit__(self, Solver solver): self.solver = solver def addConstructor(self, DatatypeConstructorDecl ctor): """ Add a datatype constructor declaration. :param ctor: the datatype constructor declaration to add. """ self.cdd.addConstructor(ctor.cddc) def getNumConstructors(self): """ :return: number of constructors (so far) for this datatype declaration. """ return self.cdd.getNumConstructors() def isParametric(self): """ :return: is this datatype declaration parametric? """ return self.cdd.isParametric() def getName(self): """ :return: the name of this datatype declaration. """ return self.cdd.getName().decode() def isNull(self): """:return: True if this DatatypeDecl is a null object.""" return self.cdd.isNull() def __str__(self): return self.cdd.toString().decode() def __repr__(self): return self.cdd.toString().decode() cdef class DatatypeSelector: """ A cvc5 datatype selector. Wrapper class for :cpp:class:`cvc5::api::DatatypeSelector`. """ cdef c_DatatypeSelector cds cdef Solver solver def __cinit__(self, Solver solver): self.cds = c_DatatypeSelector() self.solver = solver def getName(self): """ :return: the name of this datatype selector. """ return self.cds.getName().decode() def getSelectorTerm(self): """ :return: the selector opeartor of this datatype selector as a term. """ cdef Term term = Term(self.solver) term.cterm = self.cds.getSelectorTerm() return term def getUpdaterTerm(self): """ :return: the updater opeartor of this datatype selector as a term. """ cdef Term term = Term(self.solver) term.cterm = self.cds.getUpdaterTerm() return term def getCodomainSort(self): """ :return: the codomain sort of this selector. """ cdef Sort sort = Sort(self.solver) sort.csort = self.cds.getCodomainSort() return sort def isNull(self): """:return: True if this DatatypeSelector is a null object.""" return self.cds.isNull() def __str__(self): return self.cds.toString().decode() def __repr__(self): return self.cds.toString().decode() cdef class Op: """ A cvc5 operator. An operator is a term that represents certain operators, instantiated with its required parameters, e.g., a term of kind :cpp:enumerator:`BITVECTOR_EXTRACT`. Wrapper class for :cpp:class:`cvc5::api::Op`. """ cdef c_Op cop cdef Solver solver def __cinit__(self, Solver solver): self.cop = c_Op() self.solver = solver def __eq__(self, Op other): return self.cop == other.cop def __ne__(self, Op other): return self.cop != other.cop def __str__(self): return self.cop.toString().decode() def __repr__(self): return self.cop.toString().decode() def __hash__(self): return cophash(self.cop) def getKind(self): """ :return: the kind of this operator. """ return Kind( self.cop.getKind()) def isIndexed(self): """ :return: True iff this operator is indexed. """ return self.cop.isIndexed() def isNull(self): """ :return: True iff this operator is a null term. """ return self.cop.isNull() def getNumIndices(self): """ :return: number of indices of this op. """ return self.cop.getNumIndices() def getIndices(self): """ :return: the indices used to create this Op (see :cpp:func:`Op::getIndices() `). """ indices = None try: indices = self.cop.getIndices[string]().decode() except: pass try: indices = self.cop.getIndices[uint32_t]() except: pass try: indices = self.cop.getIndices[pair[uint32_t, uint32_t]]() except: pass if indices is None: raise RuntimeError("Unable to retrieve indices from {}".format(self)) return indices cdef class Grammar: """ A Sygus Grammar. Wrapper class for :cpp:class:`cvc5::api::Grammar`. """ cdef c_Grammar cgrammar cdef Solver solver def __cinit__(self, Solver solver): self.solver = solver self.cgrammar = c_Grammar() def addRule(self, Term ntSymbol, Term rule): """ Add ``rule`` to the set of rules corresponding to ``ntSymbol``. :param ntSymbol: the non-terminal to which the rule is added. :param rule: the rule to add. """ self.cgrammar.addRule(ntSymbol.cterm, rule.cterm) def addAnyConstant(self, Term ntSymbol): """ Allow ``ntSymbol`` to be an arbitrary constant. :param ntSymbol: the non-terminal allowed to be constant. """ self.cgrammar.addAnyConstant(ntSymbol.cterm) def addAnyVariable(self, Term ntSymbol): """ Allow ``ntSymbol`` to be any input variable to corresponding synth-fun/synth-inv with the same sort as ``ntSymbol``. :param ntSymbol: the non-terminal allowed to be any input variable. """ self.cgrammar.addAnyVariable(ntSymbol.cterm) def addRules(self, Term ntSymbol, rules): """ Add ``ntSymbol`` to the set of rules corresponding to ``ntSymbol``. :param ntSymbol: the non-terminal to which the rules are added. :param rules: the rules to add. """ cdef vector[c_Term] crules for r in rules: crules.push_back(( r).cterm) self.cgrammar.addRules(ntSymbol.cterm, crules) cdef class Result: """ Encapsulation of a three-valued solver result, with explanations. Wrapper class for :cpp:class:`cvc5::api::Result`. """ cdef c_Result cr def __cinit__(self): # gets populated by solver = c_Result() def isNull(self): """ :return: True if Result is empty, i.e., a nullary Result, and not an actual result returned from a :cpp:func:`Solver::checkSat() ` (and friends) query. """ return def isSat(self): """ :return: True if query was a satisfiable :cpp:func:`Solver::checkSat() ` or :cpp:func:`Solver::checkSatAssuming() ` query. """ return def isUnsat(self): """ :return: True if query was an usatisfiable :cpp:func:`Solver::checkSat() ` or :cpp:func:`Solver::checkSatAssuming() ` query. """ return def isSatUnknown(self): """ :return: True if query was a :cpp:func:`Solver::checkSat() ` or :cpp:func:`Solver::checkSatAssuming() ` query and cvc5 was not able to determine (un)satisfiability. """ return def isEntailed(self): """ :return: True if corresponding query was an entailed :cpp:func:`Solver::checkEntailed() ` query. """ return def isNotEntailed(self): """ :return: True if corresponding query was a :cpp:func:`Solver::checkEntailed() ` query that is not entailed. """ return def isEntailmentUnknown(self): """ :return: True if query was a :cpp:func:`Solver::checkEntailed() ` query query and cvc5 was not able to determine if it is entailed. """ return def getUnknownExplanation(self): """ :return: an explanation for an unknown query result. """ return UnknownExplanation( def __eq__(self, Result other): return == def __ne__(self, Result other): return != def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return cdef class RoundingMode: """ Rounding modes for floating-point numbers. For many floating-point operations, infinitely precise results may not be representable with the number of available bits. Thus, the results are rounded in a certain way to one of the representable floating-point numbers. These rounding modes directly follow the SMT-LIB theory for floating-point arithmetic, which in turn is based on IEEE Standard 754 :cite:`IEEE754`. The rounding modes are specified in Sections 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 of the IEEE Standard 754. Wrapper class for :cpp:enum:`cvc5::api::RoundingMode`. """ cdef c_RoundingMode crm cdef str name def __cinit__(self, int rm): # crm always assigned externally self.crm = rm = __rounding_modes[rm] def __eq__(self, RoundingMode other): return ( self.crm) == ( other.crm) def __ne__(self, RoundingMode other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return hash(( self.crm, def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return cdef class UnknownExplanation: """ Wrapper class for :cpp:enum:`cvc5::api::Result::UnknownExplanation`. """ cdef c_UnknownExplanation cue cdef str name def __cinit__(self, int ue): # crm always assigned externally self.cue = ue = __unknown_explanations[ue] def __eq__(self, UnknownExplanation other): return ( self.cue) == ( other.cue) def __ne__(self, UnknownExplanation other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return hash(( self.crm, def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return cdef class Solver: """Wrapper class for :cpp:class:`cvc5::api::Solver`.""" cdef c_Solver* csolver def __cinit__(self): self.csolver = new c_Solver() def __dealloc__(self): del self.csolver def getBooleanSort(self): """:return: sort Boolean """ cdef Sort sort = Sort(self) sort.csort = self.csolver.getBooleanSort() return sort def getIntegerSort(self): """:return: sort Integer """ cdef Sort sort = Sort(self) sort.csort = self.csolver.getIntegerSort() return sort def getNullSort(self): """:return: sort null """ cdef Sort sort = Sort(self) sort.csort = self.csolver.getNullSort() return sort def getRealSort(self): """:return: sort Real """ cdef Sort sort = Sort(self) sort.csort = self.csolver.getRealSort() return sort def getRegExpSort(self): """:return: sort of RegExp """ cdef Sort sort = Sort(self) sort.csort = self.csolver.getRegExpSort() return sort def getRoundingModeSort(self): """:return: sort RoundingMode """ cdef Sort sort = Sort(self) sort.csort = self.csolver.getRoundingModeSort() return sort def getStringSort(self): """:return: sort String """ cdef Sort sort = Sort(self) sort.csort = self.csolver.getStringSort() return sort def mkArraySort(self, Sort indexSort, Sort elemSort): """Create an array sort. :param indexSort: the array index sort :param elemSort: the array element sort :return: the array sort """ cdef Sort sort = Sort(self) sort.csort = self.csolver.mkArraySort(indexSort.csort, elemSort.csort) return sort def mkBitVectorSort(self, uint32_t size): """Create a bit-vector sort. :param size: the bit-width of the bit-vector sort :return: the bit-vector sort """ cdef Sort sort = Sort(self) sort.csort = self.csolver.mkBitVectorSort(size) return sort def mkFloatingPointSort(self, uint32_t exp, uint32_t sig): """Create a floating-point sort. :param exp: the bit-width of the exponent of the floating-point sort. :param sig: the bit-width of the significand of the floating-point sort. """ cdef Sort sort = Sort(self) sort.csort = self.csolver.mkFloatingPointSort(exp, sig) return sort def mkDatatypeSort(self, DatatypeDecl dtypedecl): """Create a datatype sort. :param dtypedecl: the datatype declaration from which the sort is created :return: the datatype sort """ cdef Sort sort = Sort(self) sort.csort = self.csolver.mkDatatypeSort(dtypedecl.cdd) return sort def mkDatatypeSorts(self, list dtypedecls, unresolvedSorts = None): """ Create a vector of datatype sorts using unresolved sorts. The names of the datatype declarations in dtypedecls must be distinct. This method is called when the DatatypeDecl objects dtypedecls have been built using "unresolved" sorts. We associate each sort in unresolvedSorts with exacly one datatype from dtypedecls. In particular, it must have the same name as exactly one datatype declaration in dtypedecls. When constructing datatypes, unresolved sorts are replaced by the datatype sort constructed for the datatype declaration it is associated with. :param dtypedecls: the datatype declarations from which the sort is created :param unresolvedSorts: the list of unresolved sorts :return: the datatype sorts """ if unresolvedSorts == None: unresolvedSorts = set([]) else: assert isinstance(unresolvedSorts, set) sorts = [] cdef vector[c_DatatypeDecl] decls for decl in dtypedecls: decls.push_back(( decl).cdd) cdef c_set[c_Sort] usorts for usort in unresolvedSorts: usorts.insert(( usort).csort) csorts = self.csolver.mkDatatypeSorts( decls, usorts) for csort in csorts: sort = Sort(self) sort.csort = csort sorts.append(sort) return sorts def mkFunctionSort(self, sorts, Sort codomain): """ Create function sort. :param sorts: the sort of the function arguments :param codomain: the sort of the function return value :return: the function sort """ cdef Sort sort = Sort(self) # populate a vector with dereferenced c_Sorts cdef vector[c_Sort] v if isinstance(sorts, Sort): sort.csort = self.csolver.mkFunctionSort(( sorts).csort, codomain.csort) elif isinstance(sorts, list): for s in sorts: v.push_back((s).csort) sort.csort = self.csolver.mkFunctionSort( v, codomain.csort) return sort def mkParamSort(self, symbolname): """ Create a sort parameter. :param symbol: the name of the sort :return: the sort parameter """ cdef Sort sort = Sort(self) sort.csort = self.csolver.mkParamSort(symbolname.encode()) return sort @expand_list_arg(num_req_args=0) def mkPredicateSort(self, *sorts): """Create a predicate sort. :param sorts: the list of sorts of the predicate, as a list or as distinct arguments. :return: the predicate sort """ cdef Sort sort = Sort(self) cdef vector[c_Sort] v for s in sorts: v.push_back(( s).csort) sort.csort = self.csolver.mkPredicateSort( v) return sort @expand_list_arg(num_req_args=0) def mkRecordSort(self, *fields): """Create a record sort :param fields: the list of fields of the record, as a list or as distinct arguments :return: the record sort """ cdef Sort sort = Sort(self) cdef vector[pair[string, c_Sort]] v cdef pair[string, c_Sort] p for f in fields: name, sortarg = f name = name.encode() p = pair[string, c_Sort]( name, ( sortarg).csort) v.push_back(p) sort.csort = self.csolver.mkRecordSort( v) return sort def mkSetSort(self, Sort elemSort): """Create a set sort. :param elemSort: the sort of the set elements :return: the set sort """ cdef Sort sort = Sort(self) sort.csort = self.csolver.mkSetSort(elemSort.csort) return sort def mkBagSort(self, Sort elemSort): """Create a bag sort. :param elemSort: the sort of the bag elements :return: the bag sort """ cdef Sort sort = Sort(self) sort.csort = self.csolver.mkBagSort(elemSort.csort) return sort def mkSequenceSort(self, Sort elemSort): """Create a sequence sort. :param elemSort: the sort of the sequence elements :return: the sequence sort """ cdef Sort sort = Sort(self) sort.csort = self.csolver.mkSequenceSort(elemSort.csort) return sort def mkUninterpretedSort(self, str name): """Create an uninterpreted sort. :param symbol: the name of the sort :return: the uninterpreted sort """ cdef Sort sort = Sort(self) sort.csort = self.csolver.mkUninterpretedSort(name.encode()) return sort def mkUnresolvedSort(self, str name, size_t arity = 0): """Create an unresolved sort. This is for creating yet unresolved sort placeholders for mutually recursive datatypes. :param symbol: the name of the sort :param arity: the number of sort parameters of the sort :return: the unresolved sort """ cdef Sort sort = Sort(self) sort.csort = self.csolver.mkUnresolvedSort(name.encode(), arity) return sort def mkSortConstructorSort(self, str symbol, size_t arity): """Create a sort constructor sort. :param symbol: the symbol of the sort :param arity: the arity of the sort :return: the sort constructor sort """ cdef Sort sort = Sort(self) sort.csort =self.csolver.mkSortConstructorSort(symbol.encode(), arity) return sort @expand_list_arg(num_req_args=0) def mkTupleSort(self, *sorts): """Create a tuple sort. :param sorts: of the elements of the tuple, as a list or as distinct arguments :return: the tuple sort """ cdef Sort sort = Sort(self) cdef vector[c_Sort] v for s in sorts: v.push_back(( s).csort) sort.csort = self.csolver.mkTupleSort(v) return sort @expand_list_arg(num_req_args=1) def mkTerm(self, kind_or_op, *args): """ Supports the following arguments: - ``Term mkTerm(Kind kind)`` - ``Term mkTerm(Kind kind, Op child1, List[Term] children)`` - ``Term mkTerm(Kind kind, List[Term] children)`` where ``List[Term]`` can also be comma-separated arguments """ cdef Term term = Term(self) cdef vector[c_Term] v op = kind_or_op if isinstance(kind_or_op, Kind): op = self.mkOp(kind_or_op) if len(args) == 0: term.cterm = self.csolver.mkTerm(( op).cop) else: for a in args: v.push_back(( a).cterm) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkTerm(( op).cop, v) return term def mkTuple(self, sorts, terms): """Create a tuple term. Terms are automatically converted if sorts are compatible. :param sorts: The sorts of the elements in the tuple :param terms: The elements in the tuple :return: the tuple Term """ cdef vector[c_Sort] csorts cdef vector[c_Term] cterms for s in sorts: csorts.push_back(( s).csort) for s in terms: cterms.push_back(( s).cterm) cdef Term result = Term(self) result.cterm = self.csolver.mkTuple(csorts, cterms) return result @expand_list_arg(num_req_args=0) def mkOp(self, k, *args): """ Supports the following uses: - ``Op mkOp(Kind kind)`` - ``Op mkOp(Kind kind, Kind k)`` - ``Op mkOp(Kind kind, const string& arg)`` - ``Op mkOp(Kind kind, uint32_t arg)`` - ``Op mkOp(Kind kind, uint32_t arg0, uint32_t arg1)`` - ``Op mkOp(Kind kind, [uint32_t arg0, ...])`` (used for the TupleProject kind) """ cdef Op op = Op(self) cdef vector[uint32_t] v if len(args) == 0: op.cop = self.csolver.mkOp( k.value) elif len(args) == 1: if isinstance(args[0], str): op.cop = self.csolver.mkOp( k.value, args[0].encode()) elif isinstance(args[0], int): op.cop = self.csolver.mkOp( k.value, args[0]) elif isinstance(args[0], list): for a in args[0]: if a < 0 or a >= 2 ** 31: raise ValueError("Argument {} must fit in a uint32_t".format(a)) v.push_back(( a)) op.cop = self.csolver.mkOp( k.value, v) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported signature" " mkOp: {}".format(" X ".join([str(k), str(args[0])]))) elif len(args) == 2: if isinstance(args[0], int) and isinstance(args[1], int): op.cop = self.csolver.mkOp( k.value, args[0], args[1]) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported signature" " mkOp: {}".format(" X ".join([k, args[0], args[1]]))) return op def mkTrue(self): """Create a Boolean true constant. :return: the true constant """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkTrue() return term def mkFalse(self): """Create a Boolean false constant. :return: the false constant """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkFalse() return term def mkBoolean(self, bint val): """Create a Boolean constant. :return: the Boolean constant :param val: the value of the constant """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkBoolean(val) return term def mkPi(self): """Create a constant representing the number Pi. :return: a constant representing Pi """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkPi() return term def mkInteger(self, val): """Create an integer constant. :param val: representation of the constant: either a string or integer :return: a constant of sort Integer """ cdef Term term = Term(self) if isinstance(val, str): term.cterm = self.csolver.mkInteger( str(val).encode()) else: assert(isinstance(val, int)) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkInteger(( val)) return term def mkReal(self, val, den=None): """Create a real constant. :param val: the value of the term. Can be an integer, float, or string. It will be formatted as a string before the term is built. :param den: if not None, the value is `val`/`den` :return: a real term with literal value Can be used in various forms: - Given a string ``"N/D"`` constructs the corresponding rational. - Given a string ``"W.D"`` constructs the reduction of ``(W * P + D)/P``, where ``P`` is the appropriate power of 10. - Given a float ``f``, constructs the rational matching ``f``'s string representation. This means that ``mkReal(0.3)`` gives ``3/10`` and not the IEEE-754 approximation of ``3/10``. - Given a string ``"W"`` or an integer, constructs that integer. - Given two strings and/or integers ``N`` and ``D``, constructs ``N/D``. """ cdef Term term = Term(self) if den is None: term.cterm = self.csolver.mkReal(str(val).encode()) else: if not isinstance(val, int) or not isinstance(den, int): raise ValueError("Expecting integers when" " constructing a rational" " but got: {}".format((val, den))) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkReal("{}/{}".format(val, den).encode()) return term def mkRegexpAll(self): """Create a regular expression all (re.all) term. :return: the all term """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkRegexpAll() return term def mkRegexpAllchar(self): """Create a regular expression allchar (re.allchar) term. :return: the allchar term """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkRegexpAllchar() return term def mkRegexpNone(self): """Create a regular expression none (re.none) term. :return: the none term """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkRegexpNone() return term def mkEmptySet(self, Sort s): """Create a constant representing an empty set of the given sort. :param sort: the sort of the set elements. :return: the empty set constant """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkEmptySet(s.csort) return term def mkEmptyBag(self, Sort s): """Create a constant representing an empty bag of the given sort. :param sort: the sort of the bag elements. :return: the empty bag constant """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkEmptyBag(s.csort) return term def mkSepEmp(self): """Create a separation logic empty term. :return: the separation logic empty term """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkSepEmp() return term def mkSepNil(self, Sort sort): """Create a separation logic nil term. :param sort: the sort of the nil term :return: the separation logic nil term """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkSepNil(sort.csort) return term def mkString(self, str s, useEscSequences = None): """ Create a String constant from a `str` which may contain SMT-LIB compatible escape sequences like ``\\u1234`` to encode unicode characters. :param s: the string this constant represents :param useEscSequences: determines whether escape sequences in `s` should be converted to the corresponding unicode character :return: the String constant """ cdef Term term = Term(self) cdef Py_ssize_t size cdef wchar_t* tmp = PyUnicode_AsWideCharString(s, &size) if isinstance(useEscSequences, bool): term.cterm = self.csolver.mkString( s.encode(), useEscSequences) else: term.cterm = self.csolver.mkString(c_wstring(tmp, size)) PyMem_Free(tmp) return term def mkEmptySequence(self, Sort sort): """Create an empty sequence of the given element sort. :param sort: The element sort of the sequence. :return: the empty sequence with given element sort. """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkEmptySequence(sort.csort) return term def mkUniverseSet(self, Sort sort): """Create a universe set of the given sort. :param sort: the sort of the set elements :return: the universe set constant """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkUniverseSet(sort.csort) return term @expand_list_arg(num_req_args=0) def mkBitVector(self, *args): """ Supports the following arguments: - ``Term mkBitVector(int size, int val=0)`` - ``Term mkBitVector(int size, string val, int base)`` :return: a bit-vector literal term :param size: an integer size. :param val: an integer representating the value, in the first form. In the second form, a string representing the value. :param base: the base of the string representation (second form only) """ cdef Term term = Term(self) if len(args) == 0: raise ValueError("Missing arguments to mkBitVector") size = args[0] if not isinstance(size, int): raise ValueError( "Invalid first argument to mkBitVector '{}', " "expected bit-vector size".format(size)) if len(args) == 1: term.cterm = self.csolver.mkBitVector( size) elif len(args) == 2: val = args[1] if not isinstance(val, int): raise ValueError( "Invalid second argument to mkBitVector '{}', " "expected integer value".format(size)) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkBitVector( size, val) elif len(args) == 3: val = args[1] base = args[2] if not isinstance(val, str): raise ValueError( "Invalid second argument to mkBitVector '{}', " "expected value string".format(size)) if not isinstance(base, int): raise ValueError( "Invalid third argument to mkBitVector '{}', " "expected base given as integer".format(size)) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkBitVector( size, str(val).encode(), base) else: raise ValueError("Unexpected inputs to mkBitVector") return term def mkConstArray(self, Sort sort, Term val): """ Create a constant array with the provided constant value stored at every index :param sort: the sort of the constant array (must be an array sort) :param val: the constant value to store (must match the sort's element sort) :return: the constant array term """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkConstArray(sort.csort, val.cterm) return term def mkFloatingPointPosInf(self, int exp, int sig): """Create a positive infinity floating-point constant. :param exp: Number of bits in the exponent :param sig: Number of bits in the significand :return: the floating-point constant """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkFloatingPointPosInf(exp, sig) return term def mkFloatingPointNegInf(self, int exp, int sig): """Create a negative infinity floating-point constant. :param exp: Number of bits in the exponent :param sig: Number of bits in the significand :return: the floating-point constant """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkFloatingPointNegInf(exp, sig) return term def mkFloatingPointNaN(self, int exp, int sig): """Create a not-a-number (NaN) floating-point constant. :param exp: Number of bits in the exponent :param sig: Number of bits in the significand :return: the floating-point constant """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkFloatingPointNaN(exp, sig) return term def mkFloatingPointPosZero(self, int exp, int sig): """Create a positive zero (+0.0) floating-point constant. :param exp: Number of bits in the exponent :param sig: Number of bits in the significand :return: the floating-point constant """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkFloatingPointPosZero(exp, sig) return term def mkFloatingPointNegZero(self, int exp, int sig): """Create a negative zero (+0.0) floating-point constant. :param exp: Number of bits in the exponent :param sig: Number of bits in the significand :return: the floating-point constant """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkFloatingPointNegZero(exp, sig) return term def mkRoundingMode(self, RoundingMode rm): """Create a roundingmode constant. :param rm: the floating point rounding mode this constant represents """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkRoundingMode( rm.crm) return term def mkFloatingPoint(self, int exp, int sig, Term val): """Create a floating-point constant. :param exp: Size of the exponent :param sig: Size of the significand :param val: Value of the floating-point constant as a bit-vector term """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkFloatingPoint(exp, sig, val.cterm) return term def mkCardinalityConstraint(self, Sort sort, int index): """Create cardinality constraint. :param sort: Sort of the constraint :param index: The upper bound for the cardinality of the sort """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkCardinalityConstraint(sort.csort, index) return term def mkConst(self, Sort sort, symbol=None): """ Create (first-order) constant (0-arity function symbol). SMT-LIB: .. code-block:: smtlib ( declare-const ) ( declare-fun ( ) ) :param sort: the sort of the constant :param symbol: the name of the constant. If None, a default symbol is used. :return: the first-order constant """ cdef Term term = Term(self) if symbol is None: term.cterm = self.csolver.mkConst(sort.csort) else: term.cterm = self.csolver.mkConst(sort.csort, ( symbol).encode()) return term def mkVar(self, Sort sort, symbol=None): """ Create a bound variable to be used in a binder (i.e. a quantifier, a lambda, or a witness binder). :param sort: the sort of the variable :param symbol: the name of the variable :return: the variable """ cdef Term term = Term(self) if symbol is None: term.cterm = self.csolver.mkVar(sort.csort) else: term.cterm = self.csolver.mkVar(sort.csort, ( symbol).encode()) return term def mkDatatypeConstructorDecl(self, str name): """ :return: a datatype constructor declaration :param name: the constructor's name """ cdef DatatypeConstructorDecl ddc = DatatypeConstructorDecl(self) ddc.cddc = self.csolver.mkDatatypeConstructorDecl(name.encode()) return ddc def mkDatatypeDecl(self, str name, sorts_or_bool=None, isCoDatatype=None): """Create a datatype declaration. :param name: the name of the datatype :param isCoDatatype: true if a codatatype is to be constructed :return: the DatatypeDecl """ cdef DatatypeDecl dd = DatatypeDecl(self) cdef vector[c_Sort] v # argument cases if sorts_or_bool is None and isCoDatatype is None: dd.cdd = self.csolver.mkDatatypeDecl(name.encode()) elif sorts_or_bool is not None and isCoDatatype is None: if isinstance(sorts_or_bool, bool): dd.cdd = self.csolver.mkDatatypeDecl( name.encode(), sorts_or_bool) elif isinstance(sorts_or_bool, Sort): dd.cdd = self.csolver.mkDatatypeDecl( name.encode(), ( sorts_or_bool).csort) elif isinstance(sorts_or_bool, list): for s in sorts_or_bool: v.push_back(( s).csort) dd.cdd = self.csolver.mkDatatypeDecl( name.encode(), v) else: raise ValueError("Unhandled second argument type {}" .format(type(sorts_or_bool))) elif sorts_or_bool is not None and isCoDatatype is not None: if isinstance(sorts_or_bool, Sort): dd.cdd = self.csolver.mkDatatypeDecl( name.encode(), ( sorts_or_bool).csort, isCoDatatype) elif isinstance(sorts_or_bool, list): for s in sorts_or_bool: v.push_back(( s).csort) dd.cdd = self.csolver.mkDatatypeDecl( name.encode(), v, isCoDatatype) else: raise ValueError("Unhandled second argument type {}" .format(type(sorts_or_bool))) else: raise ValueError("Can't create DatatypeDecl with {}".format([type(a) for a in [name, sorts_or_bool, isCoDatatype]])) return dd def simplify(self, Term t): """ Simplify a formula without doing "much" work. Does not involve the SAT Engine in the simplification, but uses the current definitions, assertions, and the current partial model, if one has been constructed. It also involves theory normalization. :param t: the formula to simplify :return: the simplified formula """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.simplify(t.cterm) return term def assertFormula(self, Term term): """ Assert a formula SMT-LIB: .. code-block:: smtlib ( assert ) :param term: the formula to assert """ self.csolver.assertFormula(term.cterm) def checkSat(self): """ Check satisfiability. SMT-LIB: .. code-block:: smtlib ( check-sat ) :return: the result of the satisfiability check. """ cdef Result r = Result() = self.csolver.checkSat() return r def mkSygusGrammar(self, boundVars, ntSymbols): """ Create a SyGuS grammar. The first non-terminal is treated as the starting non-terminal, so the order of non-terminals matters. :param boundVars: the parameters to corresponding synth-fun/synth-inv :param ntSymbols: the pre-declaration of the non-terminal symbols :return: the grammar """ cdef Grammar grammar = Grammar(self) cdef vector[c_Term] bvc cdef vector[c_Term] ntc for bv in boundVars: bvc.push_back(( bv).cterm) for nt in ntSymbols: ntc.push_back(( nt).cterm) grammar.cgrammar = self.csolver.mkSygusGrammar( bvc, ntc) return grammar def mkSygusVar(self, Sort sort, str symbol=""): """Append symbol to the current list of universal variables. SyGuS v2: .. code-block:: smtlib ( declare-var ) :param sort: the sort of the universal variable :param symbol: the name of the universal variable :return: the universal variable """ cdef Term term = Term(self) term.cterm = self.csolver.mkSygusVar(sort.csort, symbol.encode()) return term def addSygusConstraint(self, Term t): """ Add a formula to the set of SyGuS constraints. SyGuS v2: .. code-block:: smtlib ( constraint ) :param term: the formula to add as a constraint """ self.csolver.addSygusConstraint(t.cterm) def addSygusInvConstraint(self, Term inv_f, Term pre_f, Term trans_f, Term post_f): """ Add a set of SyGuS constraints to the current state that correspond to an invariant synthesis problem. SyGuS v2: .. code-block:: smtlib ( inv-constraint

        :param inv: the function-to-synthesize
        :param pre: the pre-condition
        :param trans: the transition relation
        :param post: the post-condition
        self.csolver.addSygusInvConstraint(inv_f.cterm, pre_f.cterm, trans_f.cterm, post_f.cterm)

    def synthFun(self, str symbol, bound_vars, Sort sort, Grammar grammar=None):
        Synthesize n-ary function following specified syntactic constraints.

        SyGuS v2:

        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( synth-fun  ( * )   )

        :param symbol: the name of the function
        :param boundVars: the parameters to this function
        :param sort: the sort of the return value of this function
        :param grammar: the syntactic constraints
        :return: the function
        cdef Term term = Term(self)
        cdef vector[c_Term] v
        for bv in bound_vars:
            v.push_back(( bv).cterm)
        if grammar is None:
          term.cterm = self.csolver.synthFun(symbol.encode(),  v, sort.csort)
          term.cterm = self.csolver.synthFun(symbol.encode(),  v, sort.csort, grammar.cgrammar)
        return term

    def checkSynth(self):
        Try to find a solution for the synthesis conjecture corresponding to the
        current list of functions-to-synthesize, universal variables and

        SyGuS v2:

        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( check-synth )

        :return: the result of the synthesis conjecture.
        cdef Result r = Result() = self.csolver.checkSynth()
        return r

    def checkSynthNext(self):
        Try to find a next solution for the synthesis conjecture corresponding
        to the current list of functions-to-synthesize, universal variables and
        constraints. Must be called immediately after a successful call to
        check-synth or check-synth-next. Requires incremental mode.

        SyGuS v2:

        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( check-synth )

        :return: the result of the check, which is unsat if the check succeeded,
                 in which case solutions are available via getSynthSolutions.
        cdef Result r = Result() = self.csolver.checkSynthNext()
        return r

    def getSynthSolution(self, Term term):
        Get the synthesis solution of the given term. This method should be
        called immediately after the solver answers unsat for sygus input.

        :param term: the term for which the synthesis solution is queried
        :return: the synthesis solution of the given term
        cdef Term t = Term(self)
        t.cterm = self.csolver.getSynthSolution(term.cterm)
        return t

    def getSynthSolutions(self, list terms):
        Get the synthesis solutions of the given terms. This method should be
        called immediately after the solver answers unsat for sygus input.

        :param terms: the terms for which the synthesis solutions is queried
        :return: the synthesis solutions of the given terms
        result = []
        cdef vector[c_Term] vec
        for t in terms:
            vec.push_back(( t).cterm)
        cresult = self.csolver.getSynthSolutions(vec)
        for s in cresult:
            term = Term(self)
            term.cterm = s
        return result

    def synthInv(self, symbol, bound_vars, Grammar grammar=None):
        Synthesize invariant.

        SyGuS v2:

        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( synth-inv  ( * )  )

        :param symbol: the name of the invariant
        :param boundVars: the parameters to this invariant
        :param grammar: the syntactic constraints
        :return: the invariant
        cdef Term term = Term(self)
        cdef vector[c_Term] v
        for bv in bound_vars:
            v.push_back(( bv).cterm)
        if grammar is None:
            term.cterm = self.csolver.synthInv(symbol.encode(),  v)
            term.cterm = self.csolver.synthInv(symbol.encode(),  v, grammar.cgrammar)
        return term

    def checkSatAssuming(self, *assumptions):
        """ Check satisfiability assuming the given formula.


        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( check-sat-assuming (  ) )

        :param assumptions: the formulas to assume, as a list or as distinct arguments
        :return: the result of the satisfiability check.
        cdef Result r = Result()
        # used if assumptions is a list of terms
        cdef vector[c_Term] v
        for a in assumptions:
            v.push_back(( a).cterm) = self.csolver.checkSatAssuming( v)
        return r

    def checkEntailed(self, *assumptions):
        """Check entailment of the given formula w.r.t. the current set of assertions.

        :param terms: the formulas to check entailment for, as a list or as distinct arguments
        :return: the result of the entailment check.
        cdef Result r = Result()
        # used if assumptions is a list of terms
        cdef vector[c_Term] v
        for a in assumptions:
            v.push_back(( a).cterm) = self.csolver.checkEntailed( v)
        return r

    def declareDatatype(self, str symbol, *ctors):
        Create datatype sort.


        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( declare-datatype   )

        :param symbol: the name of the datatype sort
        :param ctors: the constructor declarations of the datatype sort, as a list or as distinct arguments
        :return: the datatype sort
        cdef Sort sort = Sort(self)
        cdef vector[c_DatatypeConstructorDecl] v

        for c in ctors:
            v.push_back(( c).cddc)
        sort.csort = self.csolver.declareDatatype(symbol.encode(), v)
        return sort

    def declareFun(self, str symbol, list sorts, Sort sort):
        """Declare n-ary function symbol.


        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( declare-fun  ( * )  )

        :param symbol: the name of the function
        :param sorts: the sorts of the parameters to this function
        :param sort: the sort of the return value of this function
        :return: the function
        cdef Term term = Term(self)
        cdef vector[c_Sort] v
        for s in sorts:
            v.push_back(( s).csort)
        term.cterm = self.csolver.declareFun(symbol.encode(),
        return term

    def declareSort(self, str symbol, int arity):
        """Declare uninterpreted sort.


        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( declare-sort   )

        :param symbol: the name of the sort
        :param arity: the arity of the sort
        :return: the sort
        cdef Sort sort = Sort(self)
        sort.csort = self.csolver.declareSort(symbol.encode(), arity)
        return sort

    def defineFun(self, str symbol, list bound_vars, Sort sort, Term term, glbl=False):
        """Define n-ary function.


        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( define-fun  )

        :param symbol: the name of the function
        :param bound_vars: the parameters to this function
        :param sort: the sort of the return value of this function
        :param term: the function body
        :param glbl: determines whether this definition is global (i.e. persists when popping the context)
        :return: the function
        cdef Term fun = Term(self)
        cdef vector[c_Term] v
        for bv in bound_vars:
            v.push_back(( bv).cterm)

        fun.cterm = self.csolver.defineFun(symbol.encode(),
        return fun

    def defineFunRec(self, sym_or_fun, bound_vars, sort_or_term, t=None, glbl=False):
        """Define recursive functions.

        Supports two uses:

        - ``Term defineFunRec(str symbol, List[Term] bound_vars, Sort sort, Term term, bool glbl)``
        - ``Term defineFunRec(Term fun, List[Term] bound_vars, Term term, bool glbl)``


        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( define-funs-rec ( ^n ) ( ^n ) )

        Create elements of parameter ``funs`` with mkConst().

        :param funs: the sorted functions
        :param bound_vars: the list of parameters to the functions
        :param terms: the list of function bodies of the functions
        :param global: determines whether this definition is global (i.e. persists when popping the context)
        :return: the function
        cdef Term term = Term(self)
        cdef vector[c_Term] v
        for bv in bound_vars:
            v.push_back(( bv).cterm)

        if t is not None:
            term.cterm = self.csolver.defineFunRec(( sym_or_fun).encode(),
                                                ( sort_or_term).csort,
                                                ( t).cterm,
            term.cterm = self.csolver.defineFunRec(( sym_or_fun).cterm,
                                                   ( sort_or_term).cterm,

        return term

    def defineFunsRec(self, funs, bound_vars, terms):
        """Define recursive functions.


        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( define-funs-rec ( ^n ) ( ^n ) )

        Create elements of parameter ``funs`` with mkConst().

        :param funs: the sorted functions
        :param bound_vars: the list of parameters to the functions
        :param terms: the list of function bodies of the functions
        :param global: determines whether this definition is global (i.e. persists when popping the context)
        :return: the function
        cdef vector[c_Term] vf
        cdef vector[vector[c_Term]] vbv
        cdef vector[c_Term] vt

        for f in funs:
            vf.push_back(( f).cterm)

        cdef vector[c_Term] temp
        for v in bound_vars:
            for t in v:
                temp.push_back(( t).cterm)

        for t in terms:
            vf.push_back(( t).cterm)

    def getProof(self):
        """Get the refutation proof


        .. code-block:: smtlib

        Requires to enable option
        :ref:`produce-proofs `.

        :return: a string representing the proof, according to the value of
        return self.csolver.getProof()

    def getLearnedLiterals(self):
        """Get a list of literals that are entailed by the current set of assertions


        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( get-learned-literals )

        :return: the list of literals
        lits = []
        for a in self.csolver.getLearnedLiterals():
            term = Term(self)
            term.cterm = a
        return lits

    def getAssertions(self):
        """Get the list of asserted formulas.


        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( get-assertions )

        :return: the list of asserted formulas
        assertions = []
        for a in self.csolver.getAssertions():
            term = Term(self)
            term.cterm = a
        return assertions

    def getInfo(self, str flag):
        """Get info from the solver.


        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( get-info  )

        :param flag: the info flag
        :return: the info
        return self.csolver.getInfo(flag.encode())

    def getOption(self, str option):
        """Get the value of a given option.


        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( get-option  )

        :param option: the option for which the value is queried
        :return: a string representation of the option value
        return self.csolver.getOption(option.encode())

    def getUnsatAssumptions(self):
        Get the set of unsat ("failed") assumptions.


        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( get-unsat-assumptions )

        Requires to enable option :ref:`produce-unsat-assumptions `.

        :return: the set of unsat assumptions.
        assumptions = []
        for a in self.csolver.getUnsatAssumptions():
            term = Term(self)
            term.cterm = a
        return assumptions

    def getUnsatCore(self):
        """Get the unsatisfiable core.


        .. code-block:: smtlib


        Requires to enable option :ref:`produce-unsat-cores `.

        .. note::
          In contrast to SMT-LIB, the API does not distinguish between named and
          unnamed assertions when producing an unsatisfiable core. Additionally,
          the API allows this option to be called after a check with assumptions.
          A subset of those assumptions may be included in the unsatisfiable core
          returned by this method.

        :return: a set of terms representing the unsatisfiable core
        core = []
        for a in self.csolver.getUnsatCore():
            term = Term(self)
            term.cterm = a
        return core

    def getValue(self, Term t):
        """Get the value of the given term in the current model.


        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( get-value (  ) )

        :param term: the term for which the value is queried
        :return: the value of the given term
        cdef Term term = Term(self)
        term.cterm = self.csolver.getValue(t.cterm)
        return term

    def getModelDomainElements(self, Sort s):
        Get the domain elements of uninterpreted sort s in the current model. The
        current model interprets s as the finite sort whose domain elements are
        given in the return value of this method.

        :param s: The uninterpreted sort in question
        :return: the domain elements of s in the current model
        result = []
        cresult = self.csolver.getModelDomainElements(s.csort)
        for e in cresult:
            term = Term(self)
            term.cterm = e
        return result

    def isModelCoreSymbol(self, Term v):
        This returns false if the model value of free constant v was not
        essential for showing the satisfiability of the last call to checkSat
        using the current model. This method will only return false (for any v)
        if the model-cores option has been set.

        :param v: The term in question
        :return: true if v is a model core symbol
        return self.csolver.isModelCoreSymbol(v.cterm)

    def getValueSepHeap(self):
        """When using separation logic, obtain the term for the heap.

        :return: The term for the heap
        cdef Term term = Term(self)
        term.cterm = self.csolver.getValueSepHeap()
        return term

    def getValueSepNil(self):
        """When using separation logic, obtain the term for nil.

        :return: The term for nil
        cdef Term term = Term(self)
        term.cterm = self.csolver.getValueSepNil()
        return term

    def declareSepHeap(self, Sort locType, Sort dataType):
        When using separation logic, this sets the location sort and the
        datatype sort to the given ones. This method should be invoked exactly
        once, before any separation logic constraints are provided.

        :param locSort: The location sort of the heap
        :param dataSort: The data sort of the heap
        self.csolver.declareSepHeap(locType.csort, dataType.csort)

    def declarePool(self, str symbol, Sort sort, initValue):
        """Declare a symbolic pool of terms with the given initial value.


        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( declare-pool   ( * ) )

        :param symbol: The name of the pool
        :param sort: The sort of the elements of the pool.
        :param initValue: The initial value of the pool
        cdef Term term = Term(self)
        cdef vector[c_Term] niv
        for v in initValue:
            niv.push_back(( v).cterm)
        term.cterm = self.csolver.declarePool(symbol.encode(), sort.csort, niv)
        return term

    def pop(self, nscopes=1):
        """Pop ``nscopes`` level(s) from the assertion stack.


        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( pop  )

        :param nscopes: the number of levels to pop

    def push(self, nscopes=1):
        """ Push ``nscopes`` level(s) to the assertion stack.


        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( push  )

        :param nscopes: the number of levels to push

    def resetAssertions(self):
        Remove all assertions.


        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( reset-assertions )


    def setInfo(self, str keyword, str value):
        """Set info.


        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( set-info  )

        :param keyword: the info flag
        :param value: the value of the info flag
        self.csolver.setInfo(keyword.encode(), value.encode())

    def setLogic(self, str logic):
        """Set logic.


        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( set-logic  )

        :param logic: the logic to set

    def setOption(self, str option, str value):
        """Set option.


        .. code-block:: smtlib

            ( set-option