/* Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of IIT Madras nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code inpired by the pwm module at: https://github.com/freecores/pwm */ package pwm; `define PWMWIDTH 32 /*=== Project imports ==*/ import Clocks::*; /*======================*/ /*== Package imports ==*/ //import defined_types::*; `include "instance_defines.bsv" import ClockDiv::*; import ConcatReg::*; import Semi_FIFOF::*; import BUtils ::*; `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite import AXI4_Lite_Types::*; `endif `ifdef PWM_AXI4 import AXI4_Types::*; `endif /*======================*/ interface UserInterface; method ActionValue#(Bool) write(Bit#(`PADDR) addr, Bit#(`Reg_width) data); method Tuple2#(Bool, Bit#(`Reg_width)) read(Bit#(`PADDR) addr); endinterface interface PWMIO; method Bit#(1) pwm_o; endinterface interface PWM; interface UserInterface user; interface PWMIO io; endinterface //(*synthesize*) module mkPWM#(Clock ext_clock)(PWM); //let pwmnum = valueOf(pwmnum_); let bus_clock <- exposeCurrentClock; let bus_reset <- exposeCurrentReset; Reg#(Bit#(`PWMWIDTH)) period <- mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(`PWMWIDTH)) duty_cycle <- mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(`PWMWIDTH)) clock_divisor <- mkReg(0); // =========== Control registers ================== // Reg#(Bit#(1)) clock_selector <- mkReg(0); // bit-0 Reg#(Bit#(1)) pwm_enable <- mkReg(0); // bit-1 Reg#(Bit#(1)) pwm_start <- mkReg(0); // bit-2 Reg#(Bit#(1)) continous_once <- mkReg(0); // bit-3 Reg#(Bit#(1)) pwm_output_enable <- mkReg(0); // bit-4 Reg#(Bit#(1)) interrupt <- mkReg(0); // bit-5 Reg#(Bit#(1)) reset_counter <- mkReg(0); // bit-7 Reg#(Bit#(8)) control = concatReg8(reset_counter, readOnlyReg(0), readOnlyReg(interrupt), pwm_output_enable, continous_once, pwm_start, pwm_enable, clock_selector); // ================================================ // // Generate a reset signal is there is a reset from // the bus interface of if the reset_counter // bit in the control register is set. The new reset // is called overall_reset. Only the counter // and the output signals need to be reset by this. MakeResetIfc control_reset <- mkReset(1,False, bus_clock); rule generate_reset; if(reset_counter==1) control_reset.assertReset; endrule Reset overall_reset <- mkResetEither(bus_reset,control_reset.new_rst); // Select between bus clock or external clock MuxClkIfc clock_selection <- mkUngatedClockMux(ext_clock,bus_clock); Reset async_reset <- mkAsyncResetFromCR(0,clock_selection.clock_out); rule select_busclk_extclk; clock_selection.select(clock_selector==1); endrule // The following register is required to transfer // the divisor value from bus_clock to // external clock domain. This is necessary if the // clock divider needs to operate on the // external clock. In this case, the divisor value // should also come from the same clock domain. Reg#(Bit#(`PWMWIDTH)) clock_divisor_sync <- mkSyncRegFromCC(0, clock_selection.clock_out); rule transfer_data_from_clock_domains; clock_divisor_sync <= clock_divisor; endrule // The PWM can operate on a slowed-down clock. // The following module generates a slowed-down // clock based on the value given in register divisor. // Since the clock_divider works on a muxed // clock domain of the external clock or bus_clock, // the divisor (which operates on the bus_clock // will have to be synchronized and sent to the divider Ifc_ClockDiv#(`PWMWIDTH) clock_divider <- mkClockDiv( clocked_by clock_selection.clock_out, reset_by async_reset); let downclock = clock_divider.slowclock; Reset downreset <- mkAsyncReset(0,overall_reset,downclock); rule generate_slow_clock; clock_divider.divisor(clock_divisor_sync); endrule // ======= Actual Counter and PWM signal generation ======== // Reg#(Bit#(1)) pwm_output <- mkReg(0,clocked_by downclock, reset_by downreset); Reg#(Bit#(`PWMWIDTH)) rg_counter <-mkReg(0,clocked_by downclock, reset_by downreset); // create synchronizers for clock domain crossing. Reg#(Bit#(1)) sync_pwm_output <- mkSyncRegToCC(0,downclock,downreset); ReadOnly#(Bit#(1)) pwm_signal <- mkNullCrossingWire(bus_clock, pwm_output); Reg#(Bit#(1)) sync_continous_once <- mkSyncRegFromCC(0,downclock); Reg#(Bit#(`PWMWIDTH)) sync_duty_cycle <- mkSyncRegFromCC(0,downclock); Reg#(Bit#(`PWMWIDTH)) sync_period <- mkSyncRegFromCC(0,downclock); Reg#(Bit#(1)) sync_pwm_enable <- mkSyncRegFromCC(0,downclock); Reg#(Bit#(1)) sync_pwm_start <- mkSyncRegFromCC(0,downclock); rule sync_pwm_output_to_default_clock; sync_pwm_output <= pwm_output; endrule // capture the synchronized values from the default // clock domain to the downclock domain for // actual timer and pwm functionality. rule sync_from_default_to_downclock; sync_continous_once <= continous_once; sync_duty_cycle <= duty_cycle; sync_period <= period; sync_pwm_enable <= pwm_enable; sync_pwm_start <= pwm_start; endrule let temp = sync_period==0?0:sync_period-1; // This rule generates the interrupt in the timer // mode and resets it if the user-write interface // writes a value of 1 to the reset_counter bit. rule generate_interrupt_in_timer_mode; if(pwm_enable==0) interrupt <= sync_pwm_output; else if(reset_counter==1) interrupt <= 0; else interrupt <= 0; endrule // This rule performs the actual pwm and the timer // functionality. if pwm_enable is 1 then the // PWM mode is selected. Every time the counter // value equals/crosses the period value it is // reset and the output pwm_output signal is toggled. // The timer mode is selected when pwm_enable is 0. // Here again 2 more modes are possible. if the // continous_once bit is 0 then the timer is in one time. // In this case once the counter reaches // the period value it raises an interrupt and // stops the counter. In the continuous mode // however, when the counter reaches the period value // the interrupt is raise, the counter is // reset to 0 and continues counting. // During continuous counting the interrupt can be cleared by // the user but will be set back when the counter reaches the period value. rule compare_and_generate_pwm(sync_pwm_start==1); let cntr = rg_counter+1; if(sync_pwm_enable==1)begin // PWM mode enabled if(rg_counter >= temp) rg_counter <= 0; else rg_counter <= cntr; if(rg_counter < sync_duty_cycle) pwm_output <= 1; else pwm_output <= 0; end else begin // Timer mode enabled. if(sync_continous_once==0) begin // One time mode. if(rg_counter >= temp)begin pwm_output <= 1; end else rg_counter <= cntr; end else begin // Continous mode. if(rg_counter >= temp)begin pwm_output <= 1; rg_counter <= 0; end else begin rg_counter <= cntr; end end end endrule // ========================================================= // interface user = interface UserInterface method ActionValue#(Bool) write(Bit#(`PADDR) addr, Bit#(`Reg_width) data); Bool err = False; case(addr[4:2]) 0: period <= truncate(data); 1: duty_cycle <= truncate(data); 2: begin control <= truncate(data);end 3: clock_divisor <= truncate(data); default: err = True; endcase return err; endmethod method Tuple2#(Bool, Bit#(`Reg_width)) read(Bit#(`PADDR) addr); Bool err = False; Bit#(`Reg_width) data; case(addr[4:2]) 0: data = zeroExtend(period); 1: data = zeroExtend(duty_cycle); 2: data = zeroExtend(control); 3: data = zeroExtend(clock_divisor); default: begin err = True; data = 0; end endcase return tuple2(err,data); endmethod endinterface; interface io = interface PWMIO method pwm_o=pwm_output_enable==1?pwm_signal:0; endinterface; endmodule `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite // the following interface and module will add the // AXI4Lite interface to the PWM module interface Ifc_PWM_bus; interface PWMIO pwm_io; interface AXI4_Lite_Slave_IFC#(`PADDR, `Reg_width, `USERSPACE) axi4_slave; endinterface //(*synthesize*) module mkPWM_bus#(Clock ext_clock)(Ifc_PWM_bus); PWM pwm <-mkPWM(ext_clock); AXI4_Lite_Slave_Xactor_IFC#(`PADDR,`Reg_width, `USERSPACE) s_xactor<-mkAXI4_Lite_Slave_Xactor(); rule read_request; let req <- pop_o (s_xactor.o_rd_addr); let {err,data} = pwm.user.read(req.araddr); let resp= AXI4_Lite_Rd_Data {rresp:err? AXI4_LITE_SLVERR:AXI4_LITE_OKAY, rdata:data, ruser: ?}; s_xactor.i_rd_data.enq(resp); endrule rule write_request; let addreq <- pop_o(s_xactor.o_wr_addr); let datareq <- pop_o(s_xactor.o_wr_data); let err <- pwm.user.write(addreq.awaddr, datareq.wdata); let resp = AXI4_Lite_Wr_Resp {bresp: err? AXI4_LITE_SLVERR:AXI4_LITE_OKAY, buser: ?}; s_xactor.i_wr_resp.enq(resp); endrule interface pwm_io = pwm.io; endmodule `endif `ifdef PWM_AXI4 // the following interface and module will add the // AXI4 interface to the PWM module interface Ifc_PWM_bus; interface PWMIO pwm_io; interface AXI4_Slave_IFC#(`PADDR, `Reg_width,`USERSPACE) axi4_slave; endinterface (*synthesize*) module mkPWM_bus#(Clock ext_clock)(Ifc_PWM_bus); PWM pwm <-mkPWM(ext_clock); AXI4_Slave_Xactor_IFC#(`PADDR,`Reg_width, `USERSPACE) s_xactor<-mkAXI4_Slave_Xactor(); rule read_request; let req <- pop_o (s_xactor.o_rd_addr); let {err,data} = pwm.user.read(req.araddr); if(!(req.arsize == 2 && req.arlen == 0)) err = True; let resp= AXI4_Rd_Data {rresp:err?AXI4_SLVERR:AXI4_OKAY, rdata:data, ruser: ?, rid:req.arid, rlast: True}; s_xactor.i_rd_data.enq(resp); endrule rule write_request; let addreq <- pop_o(s_xactor.o_wr_addr); let datareq <- pop_o(s_xactor.o_wr_data); let err <- pwm.user.write(addreq.awaddr, datareq.wdata); if(!(addreq.awsize == 2 && addreq.awlen == 0)) err = True; let resp = AXI4_Wr_Resp {bresp: err?AXI4_SLVERR:AXI4_OKAY, buser: ?, bid:datareq.wid}; s_xactor.i_wr_resp.enq(resp); endrule interface pwm_io = pwm.io; endmodule `endif `ifdef PWM_TEST (*synthesize*) module mkTb(Empty); let clk <- exposeCurrentClock; PWM pwm <- mkPWM(clk, 32); Reg#(Bit#(5)) rg_state <- mkReg(0); rule state1(rg_state==0); rg_state<=1; let x <- pwm.user.write(0,'d4); endrule rule state2(rg_state==1); rg_state<=2; let x <- pwm.user.write('d4,'d3); endrule rule state3(rg_state==2); rg_state<=3; let x <- pwm.user.write('hc,'d4); endrule rule state4(rg_state==3); rg_state<=4; let x <- pwm.user.write(8,'b0001_0110); endrule endmodule `endif endpackage