/* Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of IIT Madras nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ package socgen; /*====== Package imports === */ import FIFO::*; import FIFOF::*; import SpecialFIFOs::*; import GetPut::*; import ClientServer::*; import Vector::*; import Connectable::*; import Clocks::*; /*=== Project imports === */ import ifc_sync:: *; import ConcatReg::*; import AXI4_Types::*; import AXI4_Fabric::*; import defined_types::*; import MemoryMap :: *; import slow_peripherals::*; import fast_memory_map::*; import slow_memory_map::*; `ifdef DEBUG `include "defines.bsv" `endif `include "instance_defines.bsv" `include "core_parameters.bsv" {8} `ifdef DMA import DMA :: *; `endif `ifdef BOOTROM import BootRom ::*; `endif `ifdef BRAM import Memory_AXI4 ::*; `endif `ifdef TCMemory import TCM::*; `endif `ifdef Debug import DebugModule::*; `else import core::*; `endif `ifdef VME import vme_top ::*; `endif `ifdef VME import vme_master::*; `endif {0} /*========================= */ interface Ifc_Soc; interface SP_dedicated_ios slow_ios; interface IOCellSide iocell_side; (*always_ready,always_enabled*) method Action boot_sequence(Bit#(1) bootseq); `ifdef SDRAM (*always_ready*) interface Ifc_sdram_out sdram_out; `endif `ifdef DDR (*prefix="M_AXI"*) interface AXI4_Master_IFC#(`PADDR, `DATA, `USERSPACE) master; `endif `ifdef HYPER (*always_ready,always_enabled*) interface Ifc_flash ifc_flash; `endif /*=============================================== */ `ifdef VME interface Vme_out proc_ifc; interface Data_bus_inf proc_dbus; `endif {1} endinterface //============ mkSoc module ================= (*synthesize*) module mkSoc #(Bit#(`VADDR) reset_vector, Clock slow_clock, Reset slow_reset, Clock uart_clock, Reset uart_reset, Clock clk0, Clock tck, Reset trst `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite ,Clock ext_pwm_clock `endif )(Ifc_Soc); Clock core_clock <-exposeCurrentClock; // slow peripheral clock Reset core_reset <-exposeCurrentReset; // slow peripheral reset {2} `ifdef Debug Ifc_DebugModule core<-mkDebugModule(reset_vector); `else Ifc_core_AXI4 core <-mkcore_AXI4(reset_vector); `endif `ifdef BOOTROM BootRom_IFC bootrom <-mkBootRom; `endif `ifdef BRAM Memory_IFC#(`SDRAMMemBase,`Addr_space)main_memory <- mkMemory("code.mem.MSB","code.mem.LSB","MainMEM"); `endif `ifdef TCMemory Ifc_TCM tcm <- mkTCM; `endif `ifdef DMA DmaC#(7,`NUM_DMACHANNELS) dma <- mkDMA(); `endif `ifdef VME Ifc_vme_top vme <-mkvme_top(); `endif Ifc_slow_peripherals slow_peripherals <-mkslow_peripherals( core_clock, core_reset, uart_clock, uart_reset, clocked_by slow_clock, reset_by slow_reset `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite , ext_pwm_clock `endif ); // clock sync mkConnections {12} // Fabric AXI4_Fabric_IFC #(Num_Masters, Num_Fast_Slaves, `PADDR, `DATA,`USERSPACE) fabric <- mkAXI4_Fabric(fn_addr_to_slave_num); // Connect traffic generators to fabric mkConnection (core.dmem_master,fabric.v_from_masters [fromInteger(valueOf(Dmem_master_num))]); mkConnection (core.imem_master, fabric.v_from_masters [fromInteger(valueOf(Imem_master_num))]); `ifdef Debug mkConnection (core.debug_master, fabric.v_from_masters [fromInteger(valueOf(Debug_master_num))]); `endif `ifdef DMA mkConnection (dma.mmu, fabric.v_from_masters [fromInteger(valueOf(DMA_master_num))]); `endif {13} // Connect fabric to memory slaves `ifdef Debug mkConnection (fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Debug_slave_num))], core.debug_slave); `endif `ifdef SDRAM mkConnection (fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Sdram_slave_num))], sdram.axi4_slave_sdram); // mkConnection (fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Sdram_cfg_slave_num))], sdram.axi4_slave_cntrl_reg); // `endif `ifdef BRAM mkConnection(fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Sdram_slave_num))], main_memory.axi_slave); `endif `ifdef BOOTROM mkConnection (fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(BootRom_slave_num))], bootrom.axi_slave); `endif `ifdef DMA mkConnection (fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Dma_slave_num))], dma.cfg); //DMA slave `endif `ifdef TCMemory mkConnection (fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(TCM_slave_num))], tcm.axi_slave); `endif mkConnection(fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(SlowPeripheral_slave_num))], slow_peripherals.axi_slave); `ifdef VME mkConnection (fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(VME_slave_num))], vme.slave_axi_vme); `endif // pin connections {9} // fabric connections {5} `ifdef DMA // rule to connect all interrupt lines to the DMA // All the interrupt lines to DMA are active // HIGH. For peripherals that are not connected, // or those which do not // generate an interrupt (like TCM), drive a constant 1 // on the corresponding interrupt line. {7} `endif /*==== Synchornization between the JTAG and the Debug Module ===== */ `ifdef Debug SyncFIFOIfc#(Bit#(40)) sync_request_to_dm <- mkSyncFIFOToCC(1,tck,trst); SyncFIFOIfc#(Bit#(34)) sync_response_from_dm <- mkSyncFIFOFromCC(1,tck); rule connect_tap_request_to_syncfifo; let x<-tap.request_to_dm; sync_request_to_dm.enq(x); endrule rule read_synced_request_to_dm; sync_request_to_dm.deq; core.request_from_dtm(sync_request_to_dm.first); endrule rule connect_debug_response_to_syncfifo; let x<-core.response_to_dtm; sync_response_from_dm.enq(x); endrule rule read_synced_response_from_dm; sync_response_from_dm.deq; tap.response_from_dm(sync_response_from_dm.first); endrule `endif /*============================================================ */ `ifdef FlexBus //rule drive_flexbus_inputs; //flexbus.flexbus_side.m_TAn(1'b1); //flexbus.flexbus_side.m_din(32'haaaaaaaa); //endrule `endif `ifdef CLINT SyncBitIfc#(Bit#(1)) clint_mtip_int <- mkSyncBitToCC(slow_clock,slow_reset); SyncBitIfc#(Bit#(1)) clint_msip_int <- mkSyncBitToCC(slow_clock,slow_reset); Reg#(Bit#(`DATA)) clint_mtime_value <- mkSyncRegToCC(0,slow_clock,slow_reset); rule synchronize_clint_data; clint_mtip_int.send(slow_peripherals.mtip_int); clint_msip_int.send(slow_peripherals.msip_int); clint_mtime_value<=slow_peripherals.mtime; endrule rule connect_msip_mtip_from_clint; core.clint_msip(clint_msip_int.read); core.clint_mtip(clint_mtip_int.read); core.clint_mtime(clint_mtime_value); endrule `endif `ifdef PLIC Reg#(Tuple2#(Bool,Bool)) plic_interrupt_note <- mkSyncRegToCC(tuple2(False,False), slow_clock,slow_reset); rule synchronize_interrupts; let note <- slow_peripherals.intrpt_note; plic_interrupt_note<=note; endrule rule rl_send_external_interrupt_to_csr; core.set_external_interrupt(plic_interrupt_note); endrule `endif `ifdef VME interface proc_ifc = vme.proc_ifc; interface proc_dbus = vme.proc_dbus; `endif method Action boot_sequence(Bit#(1) bootseq) = core.boot_sequence(bootseq); `ifdef SDRAM interface sdram_out=sdram.ifc_sdram_out; `endif `ifdef DDR interface master=fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Sdram_slave_num))]; `endif interface slow_ios = slow_peripherals.slow_ios; interface iocell_side = slow_peripherals.iocell_side; {6} endmodule endpackage