;----------------------------------------------------- ; def Module definition file for the DLL ;----------------------------------------------------- LIBRARY libGlut INITINSTANCE TERMINSTANCE PROTMODE DATA MULTIPLE NONSHARED READWRITE LOADONCALL CODE LOADONCALL EXPORTS ; Names of exported functions and data ;********************************* ;MesaGLUT glutCommandFunc @3001 glutCreateWindow @3002 glutCreateSubWindow @3003 glutDestroyWindow @3004 glutDisplayFunc @3005 glutEntryFunc @3006 glutExtensionSupported @3007 glutIdleFunc @3008 glutInit @3009 glutInitDisplayMode @3010 glutInitWindowPosition @3011 glutInitWindowSize @3012 glutMainLoop @3013 glutGet @3014 glutGetColor @3015 glutGetWindow @3016 glutKeyboardFunc @3017 glutMouseFunc @3018 glutSpecialFunc @3019 glutStrokeCharacter @3020 glutSetColor @3021 glutSetIconTitle @3022 glutSetWindow @3023 glutSetWindowTitle @3024 glutReshapeFunc @3025 glutReshapeWindow @3026 glutSwapBuffers @3027 glutPostRedisplay @3028 glutPositionWindow @3029 glutVisibilityFunc @3030 glutTimerFunc @3031 glutMotionFunc @3032 glutCreateMenu @3033 glutAttachMenu @3034 glutDestroyMenu @3035 glutAddMenuEntry @3036 glutPassiveMotionFunc @3037 glutSolidCone @3038 glutSolidCube @3039 glutSolidDodecahedron @3040 glutSolidOctahedron @3041 glutSolidIcosahedron @3042 glutSolidSphere @3043 glutSolidTeapot @3044 glutSolidTetrahedron @3045 glutSolidTorus @3046 glutWireCone @3047 glutWireCube @3048 glutWireDodecahedron @3049 glutWireIcosahedron @3050 glutWireOctahedron @3051 glutWireSphere @3052 glutWireTetrahedron @3053 glutWireTorus @3054 glutWireTeapot @3055 ;GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES glutBitmapCharacter @3101 glutBitmap9By15 @3102 glutBitmapHelvetica10 @3103 glutBitmapHelvetica12 @3104 glutBitmapHelvetica18 @3105 glutBitmapTimesRoman24 @3106 glutStrokeRoman @3107 glutBitmap8By13 @3108 ;Global constants ; hab @12001 ; /* PM anchor block handle */ ; hpsCurrent @12002 XHDC @12004 XHWND @12005